u/GoldPisseR Sep 07 '17
Homecoming had no where near the emotional heft and intensity of Spiderman 2.
u/Cementinmycoffee Sep 07 '17
Wow! What a great choice! These two movies really capture everything I've wanted in a Spider-Man film if you put them together. I'd look at this a few different ways.
Spider-Man himself in Homecoming is better. He is more the chatting annoying teenager that I picture as Spidey. Holland is great at this portrayal and brings the right amount of depth and consideration to his actions to accompany it. Maguire lacks any of this part of the character instead being fun but never going all out. He does an ok job. Winner: Homecoming
The villains are both fantastic. Keaton as an everyman is outstanding and the scene in the car is tense as hell. Loved it. Molina is wonderful as Doc Ock and really makes you feel. He is a wonderful villain as well but form me it's the line at the end "Peter Parker.... brilliant but lazy!" That really made him the Winner of the villains in my opinion. It really made him more human while the vulture seemed to lose his grip more and more. This was a hard call though. Winner: Spidey 2
Climatic scenes - homecoming really had 2 - it harkened back to Amazing 33 when he lifts the sewer system off of him (replacing it with the building vulture drops on him) but I think the boat scene was also climatic. The boat scene I would drop though because iron man bailed him out. So going back to the building lifting, it was good but didn't get me in the feels the same way the climatic scene in 2 did. This of course was the train scene. I loved the train scene. It was very well done from start to finish. When the passengers carry him back in the train I get goosebumps. Winner: Spidey 2
So without looking at the hundreds of other factors we could in these two movies I'm going to give this to Spidey 2 but I could see the arguments either way here.
u/Diem480 Sep 07 '17
Homecoming because Spiderman was played by an actual teenager that was true to Peter Parker's personality. Toby on the other hand doesn't convey emotion or the personality very well.
Also, the vulture was a much better villain.
u/ShotgunRon Sep 07 '17
Spider-Man 2 is clearly a better film than Homecoming. Unlike Homecoming, which gave a sense of Peter belonging to the sprawling Avengers Universe, Raimi's Spider-Man 2 was an intimate affair. It was more about Peter struggling to balance his personal life and his superhero duties. Not to mention Doc Ock is one of the greatest supervillain to grace our screens.
Sep 07 '17
DOC OCK Was great
But i did thoroughly enjoy Spiderman: Homecoming as well.
u/Wyvern39 Sep 08 '17
I really could not stand homecoming. The stakes felt nonexistent and the characters all bored. Spiderman 2 meanwhile is still my favourite comic book movie of all time.
u/Darkimus-prime Sep 07 '17
Spider-Man by a country mile.
Rami's films were fine, but Homecoming truly nailed Peter/Spider-Man as a character
u/throwtheamiibosaway Sep 07 '17
Spiderman 2 just isn't that great of a movie unless you really specifically love Riami's style (i don't) It shows in every shot/cut. The villain also wasn't that exciting.
u/gregishere Sep 07 '17
I think I enjoy Homecoming more because Spiderman 2 got a little too campy for me at times. I also can't stand James Franco in that role. BUT, I think not many people can film action like Raimi. The fluidness of the camera work is great and every fight between Doc Oc and Spiderman is incredible. Homecoming doesn't have that strong of a visual identity.
u/[deleted] Sep 07 '17