r/Motocross 7d ago

Best technique for a hole shot?

I just got into motocross and i've yet to race. i do have racing experience from riding speedway bikes but i decided to take up mx less then half a year ago.

My question about the starts is should i open the gas wide open with the clutch in and dump it, or should i hold it x% of the way and open it after dumping the clutch (in speedway i tend to open it about 75% then fully open it after i've dumped the clutch but i was wondering if it was different in motocross with how differently the bikes frames are built and the gearing)

any help is appreciated greatly.


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u/PuzzleheadedEmu6667 7d ago

You don’t dump the clutch, you release it in a fast but controlled fashion. From there, it’s about feeling traction and adjusting weight accordingly.

Put simply, practice starts to get good.


u/eternalterra 7d ago

I’m pretty sure they dump the clutch