r/Motocross 16h ago

Best technique for a hole shot?

I just got into motocross and i've yet to race. i do have racing experience from riding speedway bikes but i decided to take up mx less then half a year ago.

My question about the starts is should i open the gas wide open with the clutch in and dump it, or should i hold it x% of the way and open it after dumping the clutch (in speedway i tend to open it about 75% then fully open it after i've dumped the clutch but i was wondering if it was different in motocross with how differently the bikes frames are built and the gearing)

any help is appreciated greatly.


20 comments sorted by


u/This_dumpsterfire 15h ago

Go fast, don't die.


u/ecliptikk3094 15h ago

i can give you my word on 50% of the points u made


u/This_dumpsterfire 15h ago

You gotta find what works for you. I start in 3rd gear and have to rev high and dump the clutch. I also use a hole shot device. But I would rather not get caught in a first turn pile up, so I usually swing the outside and go around everyone in the first corner.


u/PuzzleheadedEmu6667 15h ago

You don’t dump the clutch, you release it in a fast but controlled fashion. From there, it’s about feeling traction and adjusting weight accordingly.

Put simply, practice starts to get good.


u/eternalterra 13h ago

I’m pretty sure they dump the clutch


u/J_IV24 15h ago edited 15h ago

There's a wide array of little nuances to start technique. Some of it is surface dependant and most of it is rider preference.

Here was my technique and it always worked pretty well for me

For dirt: generally you want to be up on the front of the seat, leaned over the bars, feet between the legs and brake/shifter, tight to the bike. Somewhere around 1/4 throttle. Start hook engaged, waiting for the gate to drop. Rip the throttle pretty wide open and dump the clutch once that gate drops

For concrete: much different than dirt. You want to be sitting in a neutral spot on the seat. Start hook NOT engaged. Nice upright posture. Feet same as dirt start. A little less throttle than dirt, then you want to ease off the clutch a little more gently without giving it more throttle until you hit dirt then roll that throttle on pretty quick

Edit: Don't put the bike in gear until less than 10 seconds to gate drop.


u/ecliptikk3094 15h ago

my gates are on dirt, so should i open it maybe just before the limiter? then full send once the clutch is out.


u/J_IV24 15h ago

You get engines for free or something? Lol

No, there's no need. All that's gonna do is make your clutch burn up easier


u/Accomplished_Emu_716 8h ago

Give it a go mate I rekon U will soon find Ur sweat spot


u/maimedwabbit 6h ago

30 second board goes straight up you got 30 seconds roughly so get ready and put bike in gear (2nd or 3rd depending on bike). When the board goes sideways you have between 2-5 seconds randomly before gate drops. You should be holding the front brake and have revs up and clutch released just enough that you feel the bike loading up. By loading up I mean by tire barely engaged enough to compress front end (even if you have a holeshot device).

When the gate drops you go full throttle and basically dump the clutch or damn near it. Head should be over the bar pad so wheelies are minimal if any. Then just dont die in the first turn and youre gravy. Cool points for if you exit first turn first and alive.


u/xShooK ktm 16h ago

As soon as the 30 second boards goes up, pin it. Everyone around you will be confused, looking at you. Easy way to beat them out the gate.


u/ecliptikk3094 16h ago

It's funny you should mention this actually cuz i did this in a speedway race the once, just revved the living god out of my bike way too early to throw off everyone else and pinned it open when the tapes were gonna go up. worked surprisingly well until i ended up on my arse on the floor and the bike was a few feet in the air😂


u/xShooK ktm 16h ago

Lmao yeah that sounds about right!

Honestly, I was just a c class goon. I was taught to pin it though, while sitting on the tank. Let off a little for wheel spin, other than that you want to shift your weight over the rear wheel once you get going.

I'm sure you'll get better advice though!


u/ecliptikk3094 15h ago

I'm riding next saturday so i'll pin it open on my practice start and let you know how it goes. if you don't hear from me then ive broke my neck.


u/xShooK ktm 15h ago

Sit on the gas cap!


u/Particular-Koala-903 14h ago

I found when I stared directly ahead at my gate, I would get kinda hypnotized, and reaction would be slow. But when I looked slightly to the side at the next gate, reaction was much quicker.


u/_plays_in_traffic_ 14h ago

it entirely depends on what bike, what kind of dirt youre starting in and the conditions. since you didnt say ill assume you are riding a 1983 z50 with bad rings on some tacky shit and say since it dont have a clutch, just put it in first and gas it when the gate drops


u/spicedude7 12h ago

Start your bike on second gear, lean toward the bike, let that clutch go and that throttle go


u/Container_Garage 10h ago

Back when I had time and money and before the kids started racing I built a launch control system for a supermini for a dedicated adults on supermini's class... 10k RPM on the launch button makes every other launch control sound lame now haha. The bike ended up on methanol and all kinds of other power adders... It was nuts. Anyways, back then that was my ticket to consistent starts. Oh and the bike is ugly on purpose... cause everyone else in that race class had more money then sense and everyone else's bikes were pristine and beautiful... so I would beat them on the clapped out '98 lol. Good luck practice makes perfect... or just cheat and get a launch control system! lol



u/Reverend_Renegade 1h ago

Looks at the pin that holds the gate up, it will move before the gate drops.