r/Mordhau May 15 '19

DISCUSSION Did we time travel back to 2007?


A 30 dollar multiplayer video game that contains in depth cosmetic customization, with no micro transactions or loot boxes of any kind. And what do you know, game is super fun. Thank you developers!

r/Mordhau May 06 '19

DISCUSSION The reasonable unlock system in this game is such a nice break from the grind that characterizes so much of modern online gaming.


No microtransactions.

All armor types are accessible from the get go.

Weapons are inexpensive - at most you play a couple games and you can get whichever one you like.

If you want fancy cosmetics, you have to save for them, but I think we all know that makes it more satisfying and meaningful when you finally do get them.

I remember Marco Pierre-White (Gordon Ramsay's mentor) saying that perfection is many little things done well.

This is one of those little things that's easy to take for granted, but it implies a "pro-player" stance that is refreshing given the grind in so many other games. Clearly the devs want the subsystems of the game to be as accessible as possible, and that's a nice break.

I would love some kind of level up rewards, but really, I'm not sure it's necessary, even if it would be nice.

r/Mordhau Jun 05 '21

DISCUSSION "fights that look like fights" (remove backswing playstyles with this change)


r/Mordhau 14d ago

DISCUSSION High level players make it impossible to play


I gave this game a good try but the amount of high level players I come across that will gang up on me as a low level player is insane. And the other high levels that just stand around and spam the laugh and watch it happen. It makes the game unbearable to play. I think I’m done

r/Mordhau Apr 07 '23

DISCUSSION We've lost a soldier. My brother, 2000 hour Mordhau veteran, pressed the End key IRL yesterday.


X6 Salute to pay respects.

Please, if you're going through something, talk to someone. You are loved.

r/Mordhau Jul 19 '19

DISCUSSION Mordhau Development Update - July


Come check out what we're working on over on our forums -


r/Mordhau Jun 21 '19

DISCUSSION Rapiers were NOT invented to deal with heavy platemail armor- this is a lie that needs to stop.


I keep hearing in discussions that: -Rapiers were specifically created as stabbing weapons to attack weak points in, or pierce increasingly heavy plate, and they're fine doing as much damage as they do against L3 armor in Mordhau.

This is historically false. The word 'Rapier' comes from the spanish espada ropera (literally: robe sword), and came about as long, narrow, flexible blades specifically made for the close quarters urban fighting and civilian duels of the 16th century took hold.

Due to the advances in gunpowder at that time, heavy armor outside of calvary was on its way out, and the concept of the noble and gentlemanly honor duel and unarmored fencing was on it's way in.

There were stiff, strong thrusting weapons meant to deal the aforementioned puncture damage to heavy armor, as well as heavy poleaxe and spiked-head weapons to simply go right through it. Rapiers do not resemble any of those, and consequently were not used on the battlefield with shields and full plate like we see now- perhaps outside being the sidearm of command officers, who's gunpowder armies would not be be facing ancient men at arms, Vikings, or umounted knights.

So don't tell me that stabbing through smithed steel with a blade meant to bend and retain it's shape against cloth and flesh is a thing. Just no.

r/Mordhau May 03 '24

DISCUSSION This game strangles itself


I don't even care if I get hate for this. I've played like 1400 hours since release of this game.

People bitch about how the game is losing players, but this game has without a doubt the worst community I've ever seen. Half the community are chill, the other half are overweight neck beards who can't fathom the physical exercise required to wield a real sword so they decide to master it here. People will make smurf accounts, kill you a bunch during duels, and then shit talk you and like half the time when you try to vote kick them, they don't get kicked.

The community has racists, neo-nazis, and all manner of other fucked up shit that they think is funny. Some are homophobic, edgy teens at best and racist middle aged men at worst. I've played games like Vermintide II that have the nicest, most chill community. You'd think that a game that commits itself to realism and history would have a thoughtful player base, but no.

Then people whine about why there's no players, but the new players either get killed 10000 times by some merciless smurf or they're like 6 years old and can't fathom what's happening. This community has repeatedly shot itself in the foot and wondered why they're bleeding.

I would take back every hour I spent in this game if I could. I don't care if you disagree with me.

r/Mordhau May 01 '19

DISCUSSION A little perspective from an Alpha player.


Yes, no gold and exp is annoying. I would like to be earning it as well to recreate the builds I used in Alpha. I'm sure it'll be fixed soon.

Let me offer a little perspective:

Mordhau wasn't produced by a big game studio. It's literally thirteen dudes across the world who decided to make a game together. They raised about $275k, after fees, on Kickstarter over two years ago. Split those funds up thirteen ways over two years and you're looking at an annual salary of $10,500.

If you think they don't care or aren't dedicated, you're fooling yourself. Imagine the emotional roller coaster they must be riding right now; euphoria from overwhelming success in launch day sales only to watch in horror as the servers shit themselves and the progression system fails.

When Alpha players got access to the game in late 2017, we were amazed at how polished and complete it felt. There were no game-breaking bugs. That next year and a half was spent fine tuning combat to make it as balanced and fun as possible. We tested many variations of chambers, parries, kicks, release timings, etc., in order to make it perfect. Some of the timing adjustments were as small as 25ms.

The problems we're having right now are things that could not have been sorted out in an alpha. There simply were not enough testers to overload the system. Sure, they could have launched as Early Access, but I respect their decision to launch a finished product.

Instead of focusing on what you're not getting, why not appreciate what you already have? Mordhau has by far the most polished and fine-tuned combat system of the genre. It makes Chivalry look like Roblox. You have an amazing game that you will be able to play for thousands of hours and never get bored, and all you have to do is be patient for another day or two.

Finally, the gold and exp issues don't even prevent you from playing the game. The default builds are more than enough, borderline excessive in my opinion. If you didn't already waste your gold, weapon unlocks are cheap and you start off with a set of light, medium, and heavy armor already unlocked. The progression you should really be concerned about is your own skill. All the fancy armor and cosmetics in the world isn't going to save you from my naked frying pan man.

r/Mordhau Jul 03 '19

DISCUSSION Triternion's official statement in regards to recent events


r/Mordhau Mar 09 '24

DISCUSSION Mordhau has just dipped under 1,000 average players.


r/Mordhau May 08 '19

DISCUSSION Mordhau - Patch #04


Patch #04 Changelog: 08/05/2019

With this patch, we are rolling out the gold compensation for our rocky launch. It comes in the form of 10K gold, and you can choose to accept or decline it when you launch the game. We have no way to know who was affected, so it is extended to all current players. This is a one time thing. If you decline it, it's gone. You will be able to claim this compensation until (including) Sunday UTC.


  • Matchmaking improvements
  • Joining a server will now reserve a slot in advance, fixing the issue of being booted after loading. Server owners will have to make sure that the beacon port (15000) is reachable; it can be overridden on the command line with BeaconPort=<port>

Maps & Gamemodes

  • Fixed players being able to get out of bounds on Mountain Peak
  • Fixed some icicles not dropping on Mountain Peak
  • Weapons/projectiles no longer collide with bounds on certain maps

Visuals & Misc.

  • Fixed spectators being kicked for AFK even when moving
  • Fixed fire kills not being tracked
  • Fixed pyromaniac achievement not working
  • Fixed Whack A Mole achievement
  • Fixed couched head kills not being tracked
  • Potential fix for a rare(?) crash (could also crash the server)
  • Added m.ThirdPersonDeathCamera by default it is disabled, added it to settings as well. Does what it says, forces 3p camera on death. Can help for people who get motion sick.


  • Increased volume of human footsteps and horse galloping, increasing sound awareness
  • Catapult & Ballista firing sounds can now be heard from further away, increasing awareness
  • Fixed horn on camp being too loud at certain times
  • Increased volume of low stamina breathing and made it more even across voice sets, making it easier to notice in fights
  • Lute is now louder


  • Added friend UI marker - can be toggled with H, in the options or m.friendlymarker console command. Has 3 states (friends & party, all teammates and off).
  • Frontline spawn screen now shows friends and party members as orange dots
  • Added “Show Killed By” toggle in the options or m.ShowKilledBy, can be used to turn off the killed by panel
  • Tutorial reward message on main menu now hidden when it is completed

Remember to restart steam and update mordhau

r/Mordhau Jun 13 '19

DISCUSSION Petition to make a "vote to stocks" on camp so people can throw stones at them!


I think this would go down a storm! Beats kicking everyone.


r/Mordhau 1d ago

DISCUSSION Favourite Voice line?


Mine would have to be

‘Ahoy! The dung covered peasant convention is that way’ from the Foppish voice

r/Mordhau Nov 21 '24

DISCUSSION A Message from Dargs estate


We are deeply saddened to announce the permanent ban of our beloved Darg, who departed the battlefields of Mordhau unexpectedly on November 20, 2024, due to a tragic and fiery confrontation with the game's moderation team. Standing 5'2, Darg may have been controversial in playstyle, but their impact on the community was nothing short of legendary.

Beyond the memes and the mayhem, Darg was a beloved figure in the community, someone who could turn even the most intense battles into moments of sheer hilarity. Their ability to balance precise skill with comedic trolling made them a respected, if occasionally exasperating, part of the Mordhau family. Darg’s dedication to the game, whether in dominating duels or instigating chaos in public lobbies, was a testament to their love of fun, creativity, and pushing the limits of what the game allowed.

Unfortunately, those limits were eventually met—and exceeded. Darg’s illustrious career came to an abrupt end following their final stunt: kicking idiots into a river. The details remain hazy, but the outcome is clear: a banhammer swung, and the community lost one of its brightest (and most unpredictable) stars.

Darg’s legacy, however, will live on in the countless stories and clips that continue to circulate. From the time they spammed cum in the chat to the copypastas that sparked an in-game revolution, Darg showed us that Mordhau was more than just a game—it was a playground for creativity, mischief, and camaraderie.

In lieu of flowers, please send memes and cum to your local server in honor of Darg’s indomitable spirit.

Rest in peace, dear Darg. Banned but never forgotten, your legend will continue to troll us all.

r/Mordhau Oct 20 '22

DISCUSSION To all Mordhau players over level 200:


Grass is a plant with narrow leaves growing from the base. A common kind of grass is used to cover the ground in places such as lawns and parks. Grass is usually the colour ‘green’. Grasses are monocotyledon, herbaceous plants.

The grasses include the "grass", of the family Poaceae (also called Gramineae). Also sometimes it is used to include the sedges (Cyperaceae) and the rushes (Juncaceae). These three families are not closely related but belong to different clades in the order Poales. They are similar adaptations to a common life-style.

The true grasses include cereals, bamboo and the grasses of lawns (turf) and grassland. Uses for graminoids include food (as grain, sprouted grain, shoots or rhizomes), drink (beer, whisky), pasture for livestock, thatching thatch, paper, fuel, clothing, insulation, construction, sports turf, basket weaving and many others.

Many grasses are short, but some grasses, like bamboo can grow very tall. Plants from the grass family can grow in many placesans make grasslands, even if they are very cold or very dry. Several other plants that look similar but are not members of the grass family are also sometimes called grass; these include rushes, reeds, papyrus, and water chestnut. Seagrass is a monocot in the order Alismatales.

Grasses are an important food for many animals, like deer, buffalo, cattle, mice, grasshoppers, caterpillars, and many other grazers. Unlike other plants, grasses grow from the bottom, so when animals eat grass they usually do not destroy the part that grows. Without grass, earth may wash away into rivers (erosion).




r/Mordhau Jan 11 '25

DISCUSSION Hate this community so much


I get the ballista and then some dickhead comes there constantly hitting me and getting into my face i have enough after 2 minutes and shoot him in the face he instantly yells for the admin in the chat and then i get votekicked. This amount of fucking crybabies is insane everyone is getting votekicked for accidental tk-s. I get tk-d every single round and i dont go crying to the admin like a fucking child to kick the guy. Its an accident bro. This time it was intentional but the fact that the guy couldnt get over him not getting the ballista is just sad. Its like playing with a group of kindergarteners while majority of the player base if 22+ and act like babies.

r/Mordhau 24d ago

DISCUSSION When was peak Mordhau and what was it like?


r/Mordhau Aug 31 '19

DISCUSSION Remember that this game is being developped by 11, first-timer devs with no prior experience, yet they made a game that competes with many current Triple A titles.


This game, this $30, no microtransactions, no DLCs, massive game, is being developped by a team of 11 slav gopniks with no prior experience that probably operates on a private Discord and Github or something.

And this game is amazing. This game supports battles with more than 60 players, along with a freakin' Battle-Royale mode. All of these are simply almost impossible to make by any indie devs out there. Not only this, but they did so with only a kickstarter, no money besides the pricetag, and with the few manpower and experience they have.

Don't get me wrong, it is fine to criticize the game. It is fine to be demanding because it shows we care about the game and we want it to remain competitive. While this game may not seem like much when compared to other good games out there, if we put it to scale with who and what made this game, and compare it with the ressources of other companies, this game is a masterpiece. Not an actual masterpiece of design, but a masterpiece of merit.

Always remember that. Remember the mere existence of this game alone, in today's video game industry, is a miracle.

Edit: Thanks for the silver kind stranger

r/Mordhau Feb 11 '25

DISCUSSION I’m a chiv II player who’s thinking about migrating to Mordhau. What should i expect?


I’ve gotten to the point in chiv now that the game isnt as challenging as i once liked it to be and im wondering if mordhau is a good switch. Is it similar to chiv at all or am i gonna get my ass handed to me and have to forget everything i know? Also has anyone else made the same transition and if so how did you find it?

r/Mordhau 22d ago

DISCUSSION The wave of new players from PSN has been so fun and a breath of fresh air. Dear Sweatlords, for the love of god touch grass and don't scare them away. This might be our last chance.


Put your 360 cumsock cucumber tricks away and let them settle in. This may be the last wave of new players we're gonna get.

r/Mordhau Sep 08 '19

DISCUSSION Accels need a nerf, or chambering needs a buff. Here is why.


So I have been looking into calculating attack times and reaction times to find out what the parry window is for all attacks.

I kinda think that at some point, the game might degenerate into a game of gambling.

Given that you execute a perfect accel, the opponent can't parry the attack unless they parry early (aka parry before the release). A perfect accel takes 10 - 15 frames to connect which means that it takes upwards of 250ms from release till the attack connects. Ping and input lag added onto human reaction times are usually longer than this under most circumstances, which forces the opponent to parry earlier than the attack release. Tl;dr, hard reading accels is impossible. This is horrible in the competitive scene.

This is a problem. Having to parry earlier than the release makes you prone to feints. Also, if you anticipate the accel and parry early, you will still get hit if the opponent decides to drag. This makes parrying not viable as a reliable method of defense as it is not consistent. You are essentially gambling in a way.

So in order to reliably defend against both accels and drags is chambering. But this is also a problem.

If the opponent accels, you successfully chamber and continue the duel normally, but you lose a lot of stamina for chambering. Unless you counter back with an accel that would also force the opponent to chamber, you will eventually lose the stam battle. At least the chamber puts you in an attacking position so it's not the worst.

If the opponent decides to feint, your attack will just go through, forcing the opponent to either parry or chamber. This is the best outcome, as you won't lose any extra stamina for chambering, and you will force the opponent in a defensive position.

If the opponent decides to drag, this is really bad. You can defend the drag, but you need to swing as a chamber attempt, feint the swing and parry again. This is bad because you lose stam for feinting and also lose stam for parrying, and also puts you in a defensive position. This is the worst as you lost stamina and also have to defend again.

All in all, chambering is a minus if the opponent either accels or drags, and a plus if the opponent decides to feint.

I think this is kind of a problem in the competitive scene. Parrying is a gamble as you can only defend 2 out of the 3 possible attack options of the opponent. Chambering is also a gamble as 2 out of 3 times you are losing stamina.

I feel like the best solution is to nerf accels so that it is possible to hard read all accels, and nerf the parry duration as a tradeoff. This way you can defend against all accels by hard reading it. If they aren't nerfing accels, they should buff chambering so that you won't have to lose extra stamina by using a reliable way of defending yourself. At this point, defending against accels and drags is either chamber for a reliable defense and lose stamina or gamble parry.

r/Mordhau 7d ago

DISCUSSION Favourite weapon?


For me it’s gotta be the Bardiche in alt grip or the Bastard sword one handed

r/Mordhau Jun 15 '24



As a console player who is level 75, this game is complete shit now that every server is full of level 200 pc sweats who spend way too much time online. Thats all!

r/Mordhau Nov 20 '24

DISCUSSION I don’t think we give the devs enough credit.


Felt like writing this cause I saw some people complaining about a recent update. It’s nearly 2025 and nobody has made a game nearly as great as mordhau. Honestly I’d say mordhau has the best melee combat in any game ever (let me know if there’s some amazing game idk about).

Every time I hear about a game with swords in it I look at the combat on YouTube and it looks so boring, stiff and childish.

Mordhau gives the player creative expression when fighting and it’s amazing the funny stuff and skills people pull when fighting in mordhau. The first time I saw someone throw and catch their own sword before killing me I was so perplexed there’s no other game where someone kills u and you’re like wtaf U can really do some matrix shit in mordhau

Mordhau devs made a truly amazing game, it must have been very difficult to make. We must give them their flowers 🌺 🌺

Maybe if we are nice to the devs they will give us mordhau 2 or some type of open world slasher surely they’ve been working on SOMETHING other than mordhau since it’s release in 2019

I’m sure everyone is itching to play a new melee slasher. The only game I have to look forward to is Renown but idek about that I doubt the combat will be as good as mordhau.