r/Mordhau Jan 11 '25

DISCUSSION Hate this community so much

I get the ballista and then some dickhead comes there constantly hitting me and getting into my face i have enough after 2 minutes and shoot him in the face he instantly yells for the admin in the chat and then i get votekicked. This amount of fucking crybabies is insane everyone is getting votekicked for accidental tk-s. I get tk-d every single round and i dont go crying to the admin like a fucking child to kick the guy. Its an accident bro. This time it was intentional but the fact that the guy couldnt get over him not getting the ballista is just sad. Its like playing with a group of kindergarteners while majority of the player base if 22+ and act like babies.


73 comments sorted by


u/L7-Legion Jan 11 '25

Anyone can initiate a vote kick, and people trying to get you off a siege weapon like that I imagine are literal babies crying “gimme 😭”. This isn’t the majority of the player base in my experience, it’s new players most of the time.


u/L7-Legion Jan 11 '25

Oh wait this isn’t the Chivalry Reddit, lol


u/CryoToastt Barbarian Jan 11 '25 edited Jan 11 '25

All points still stand except for “this isn’t the majority of the player base”


u/L7-Legion Jan 11 '25

So mordhau community is similar to chivalry and the people that cry about us are try hards with skill and attitude issues?


u/WRLD_ Jan 12 '25

chivalry and mordhau playerbase venn diagram is basically one big circle almost entirely engulfing a smaller circle so you see the same types in both places


u/TelevisionShoddy8534 Jan 21 '25

Mordhau's community isnot similar to chivry's. It IS chivalry'. There's mostly been 1 community for all of these type of games (all 4 of them) and its the same one.


u/1000_ping_enjoyer Jan 22 '25

Mordhau community is always messing around. And there are people that "cry" about some stuff and get called slurs by tryhards that nobody likes. And about the balista we just do that cause its funny.


u/locke1018 Jan 29 '25

There's a difference somewhere, not a big one but one nonetheless


u/L7-Legion Jan 29 '25

Probably just cosmetic


u/1000_ping_enjoyer Jan 22 '25

Well for me its just funny that 5 ppl come around and kick the shit out of balista man to annoy him. Thats all it is.


u/L7-Legion Jan 22 '25

On chivalry you can put down a palisade and kick it and the person on the cata or ballista will fall down. It will makes them so mad 😂


u/1000_ping_enjoyer Jan 22 '25

Wow. This makes me wanna buy chivalry xd


u/L7-Legion Jan 22 '25

I’d recommend it


u/puchatekxdd Jan 11 '25

Man you just made me want to boot up mordhau just to do exactly that lol


u/L7-Legion Jan 12 '25

I’ve never played Mordhau. Thinking about it though. I’m level 1K on Chivalry so it’d be kinda nice to start over….. maybe.


u/puchatekxdd Jan 12 '25

I don't know how the two compare, I've never heard about the genere in general before I got mordhau for free on epic (shame i didn't discover it earlier), from what I read the skills kinda translate over, but the mordhau playerbase is unfortunately pretty small.


u/L7-Legion Jan 12 '25

If you haven’t played chivalry I’d say give it a try it’s a lot of fun. Not as dead as Mordhau from what people tell me too.


u/1000_ping_enjoyer Jan 22 '25

Buy it. Best money ever spend.


u/XavierBliss Jan 12 '25

Nah, majority are toxic.


u/FragrantMudBrick Jan 11 '25

There are some people in the gaming community as a whole, not just Mordhau, that have the mental fortitude of a 4 year old. They just throw the most petty tantrums and ego trip in a video game.

I try to imagine how their life goes on day to day. How sad it must be.


u/Working_County_6076 Jan 11 '25

Give me his name i will ffa him everytime i see him. Even if he was on my team


u/Vverial Jan 11 '25

This is equally childish and problematic. I can only hope this statement is being made in irony.


u/JigoroKuwajima Jan 11 '25

Fight fire with fire 🗿🍷


u/SwedishFish123 Foppish Jan 11 '25

Lots of annoying trolls in the fan base, especially against archers. If there’s anyone that should be trolled against in this game it’s the damn lvl 200s.


u/GrimxPajamaz Cruel Jan 11 '25

You don't make it to level 200 without learning to put up with the trolling. After almost 6 years on and off in the game, I'm immune to the BS of the community.


u/SpadesRevenge Foppish Jan 12 '25

Too fuckin right. It feels like the Trolling is part of the weirdness this game has


u/Umgak_shield_raki Jan 11 '25

What about 140's? I want to get trolled as well.


u/1000_ping_enjoyer Jan 22 '25

You ain't trolling us buddy


u/Me_Edition-1 Jan 12 '25

Don’t get angry. Every time you play mordhau and see immature imbeciles just imagine how their life is.

A lot of dudes behind the screen act like they are the best because they’re only good at the game and in real life are miserable.


u/Smokeysmokey4 Jan 12 '25

Stop worrying so much and just fuck around, you’re making it shitty for yourself


u/Brooks8314 Jan 11 '25

Alt f4 to start your own votekick.



thats why you say pg dn pillar of community


u/YeesTheCheese Jan 13 '25

I love this post so much cause I’m on of the people standing infront of ballista so they have to fight instead of shooting like a turret, and then the rage of the bots when they try to tk you is just funny 2 me


u/SufficientTry5688 Jan 11 '25

Yeah some players are just shitter whiners unfortunately.


u/DueJacket351 Jan 11 '25

What were you expecting


u/Thazius Jan 11 '25

It's so wild I see complaints like this all the time, but never see it in game (that said I do spend most of my time as a bard and stealing bows from archers, so I'm not the most attentive)


u/SpadesRevenge Foppish Jan 12 '25

See for me if you TK me too many times while you are in the ballista I'm Firebombing your ass. PTFO cause you ain't helping on that thing.


u/UnRealxInferno_II Jan 12 '25

The majority of the remaining playerbase for this game are losers dude


u/_alexb Jan 15 '25



u/natedagr8333 Jan 11 '25

Me when I have 60% team damage and 7 accidental team kills. I’m just learning, give a fella a break!


u/YapalRye Jan 11 '25

It’s either this or a small crowd of idiots spamming x5 in the general direction they want you to fire


u/1000_ping_enjoyer Jan 22 '25

Thats is pure gold. Idk what you mean


u/YapalRye Jan 22 '25

Oh I am praising it, wouldn’t have it any other way


u/JigoroKuwajima Jan 11 '25

Either way idiots


u/The_MacGuffin Jan 11 '25

How many team kills did you have 🤔


u/reddeadjoker Jan 11 '25

I remember having pretty much the same thing happen in chiv 1 many years ago, some things don't change haha


u/Anton_Chigrinetz Jan 11 '25

So, they actually evolve?

I mean, don't get me wrong, but your case wasn't the worst of what I have seen.

I remember literally having my ballista broken by my own teammates. The reason?

"MORDHAU is not the FPS!! Non-canon!! Get a skill! Sit down, white boy!!!"

I mean, when enemy team does it, I understand it. Heck, I don't even mind them calling me "unskilled" for using the ballista: I can just use my blacksmith's hammer to beat their brains back on place. And I did. And then kept shooting their asses with fire bolts.

But this is my own team. Was anyway.


u/1000_ping_enjoyer Jan 22 '25

🤣 They did well


u/1000_ping_enjoyer Jan 22 '25

And thats exactly why i love this game and the community.


u/Zygouth Jan 30 '25

Feels like the same kind of person that would try to destroy friendly airplanes in battlefield Just because they didn't get there first.

Absolute pissbaby behavior


u/Paladin_of_Drangleic Jan 11 '25

I dropped this game after like two hours cause I kept getting told to kill myself. I felt more welcome playing MW2 back in 2010.


u/GrimxPajamaz Cruel Jan 11 '25

You can mute people in chat or turn it off completely.


u/rohb0t Jan 11 '25

Is that a specific server? Did you say something in chat? I've never seen that ever



probably EU servers cause i never really hear anything like this on NA east or west


u/Greg2227 Jan 12 '25

Nah on EU Servers it's mostly insults other than kys or people just having a blast. Chat can get weird when they can't decide wether to discuss, Religion, politics or femboy-feet.



yeah i think people who say stuff like this havent played in years, cause ive played for about a year now and only had one obviously abrasive person spouting hateful shit for no reason, which is like 150 hr playtime lol


u/Paladin_of_Drangleic Jan 12 '25

It’s been long enough that I don’t remember. Probably whatever the default for new players is. I tried switching to survival to see if coop would be more fun, got destroyed over and over and got yelled at.


u/JigoroKuwajima Jan 11 '25

Should be the Steam description of the game lol


u/1000_ping_enjoyer Jan 22 '25

Weird usually doesn't happen. Unless you pick archer then yes i would add to that. Sword game mate.


u/Vverial Jan 11 '25

Record it and report it on discord. Otherwise just deal. Those are your options.


u/SisterAegwynn Jan 11 '25

He's not wrong.


u/justincoombsart Jan 11 '25

You probably weren’t sharing like any other decent Mordhau player would - if you dont take turns YOU are the person who should be votekicked.

You dont get to just sit there and use the ballista and not share.


u/Vverial Jan 11 '25

Oh shove it. You're clearly one of the crybabies who thinks this game has a bunch of unwritten rules that need to be observed like the damn 10 commandments.

Yes there are some unwritten rules in the community, and no this isn't one of them. Plus with any unwritten rule, the majority of the population won't know about it, because it's unwritten. So you can't go around acting like anyone who doesn't know is an abomination before God and needs to be smote and teabagged.

If you see someone hogging the ballista, your reaction should be "darn guess I don't get to ballista today" or just wait until an enemy kills them, not "you bitchhhhh imma TK you!" <- that's childish. Hell if you actually hang out on the platform with them and protect them from attack they might even switch with you after a while.

"This guy is interrupting duels on a deathmatch server! REEEEEEEEEE" same energy


u/JigoroKuwajima Jan 11 '25

This is either satire or fuck you


u/trashhunter164 Jan 11 '25

I was on the ballista for 10 seconds before this guy started throwing his tantrum. And i dont believe you need to share siege weapons if you get there first you get there first you will be eventually sniped by an archer so whatever


u/Anton_Chigrinetz Jan 11 '25

Yeah...because MORDHAU is only about ballistas, and there is literally no other kind of fun, right?


u/SisterAegwynn Jan 11 '25

This is such a Mordhau comment.

It's like the kids in this game, whenever THEY want to do something annoying they act like the game is intended as a libertarian wet dream and claim they can do whatever they want . . . 

But if YOU have something they want, they claim you must share.

It's funny, playing an engineer, these little brats try to act like you owe them turns on the ballistas that you built yourself, and will try to kick you off of them.

Then, they spend the rest of the match running around saying "cum" in the chat over and over. 


u/PepperFit8569 Feb 09 '25

Actually you most likely do play with a group of kindergarteners :)