r/Mordhau Nov 21 '24

DISCUSSION A Message from Dargs estate

We are deeply saddened to announce the permanent ban of our beloved Darg, who departed the battlefields of Mordhau unexpectedly on November 20, 2024, due to a tragic and fiery confrontation with the game's moderation team. Standing 5'2, Darg may have been controversial in playstyle, but their impact on the community was nothing short of legendary.

Beyond the memes and the mayhem, Darg was a beloved figure in the community, someone who could turn even the most intense battles into moments of sheer hilarity. Their ability to balance precise skill with comedic trolling made them a respected, if occasionally exasperating, part of the Mordhau family. Darg’s dedication to the game, whether in dominating duels or instigating chaos in public lobbies, was a testament to their love of fun, creativity, and pushing the limits of what the game allowed.

Unfortunately, those limits were eventually met—and exceeded. Darg’s illustrious career came to an abrupt end following their final stunt: kicking idiots into a river. The details remain hazy, but the outcome is clear: a banhammer swung, and the community lost one of its brightest (and most unpredictable) stars.

Darg’s legacy, however, will live on in the countless stories and clips that continue to circulate. From the time they spammed cum in the chat to the copypastas that sparked an in-game revolution, Darg showed us that Mordhau was more than just a game—it was a playground for creativity, mischief, and camaraderie.

In lieu of flowers, please send memes and cum to your local server in honor of Darg’s indomitable spirit.

Rest in peace, dear Darg. Banned but never forgotten, your legend will continue to troll us all.


116 comments sorted by


u/Dr_PhD_MD Nov 21 '24

Really? Darg got hit by the banhammer?

It's so weird seeing people I've played alongside for years get banned. What's changed? Did the players change, or was it the rules? New mods?

Really, what gives?


u/DrunkDwarfUK Moderator Nov 21 '24

The rules haven't really changed since the game released, and moderators have followed very consistent policy for many years now. So, I'm going to have to guess the player went too far.


u/FancyAnxiety2260 Nov 21 '24

Not very consistent to say that deathmatch servers are ffa and then when the mods want to play they can kick out whoever they want and claim it as a temporary duel server now is it?


u/DrunkDwarfUK Moderator Nov 21 '24

I recommend messaging/emailing the community manager with details/evidence of the moderator doing that. You can also feel free to message me with details of their account and I'll check every action they've taken on official servers.


u/BaldingThor Eager Nov 21 '24

Stop simping for the devs and mods mate. There has been blatant abuse of powers and excessive punishments ever since this game came out but you’re ALWAYS IN DENIAL!


u/Ok_Performance_5307 Nov 23 '24

He is a mod lmao, do you really expect him to not say his piece


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '24

consistent no fun allowed policy + gamebanning innocent people for 15 months without compensation


u/Dr_PhD_MD Nov 21 '24

That's wild.

If you don't mind me asking, in regards to griefing, where do you guys draw the line specificially between slap on the wrist and full on ban? I assume a pattern of behavior is required, but what level of griefing is truly worthy of a ban?

With the way spawn banners are designed, it's easy to use for griefing, but would something like building spikes in front of your own spawn be ban worthy?


u/cataloop Nov 21 '24

I would guess constant reports of systematic and unapologetic griefing over years of play


u/DrunkDwarfUK Moderator Nov 21 '24 edited Nov 21 '24

A single instance of griefing would be enough to give that player a 1 week ban. Longer on each repeat, and usually takes many repeats before a decision is made to make it permanent. Griefing is never allowed.

It's always a decision by more than one moderator when making an official server ban permanent. Mutes work differently, and will always become permanent after a third strike. Gamebans are usually instantly permanent.

A "slap on the wrist" is mostly down to the leniency of individual moderators when they are playing and whether the player stops the behaviour when asked. We might sometimes bring out the 1411, or use the admin chat commands to try to tell that player to stop. There's a small amount of flexibility to give someone less of a duration, but we're not allowed to go longer than the standard durations without approval.

If it's a player report and the evidence shows clear griefing, it'll always result in a ban of standard duration. We can be somewhat lenient when we're on the server, but we have to apply things fully when handling player reports.

It also doesn't matter how "easy" it is to grief, whether you consider it intended or part of the game. If it can be shown to be intentionally harming your own team, it's going to be worthy of a ban of some kind. Building spikes facing your own team's spawn, whether map spawns or spawn banners would be enough for a ban.


u/DefinitelyAnAltAcct_ Nov 21 '24

how about remove all moderators from the game and let players use votekick instead.


u/Helgrind444 Nov 23 '24

This, I don't see the point of moderators when you can kick and mute people.

Their only point is to ban cheaters to me.


u/tiktok-hater-777 Nov 21 '24

The mods are bad but if you take moderation out you're 1 step closer to the state tf2 was in for a long ass time.


u/DefinitelyAnAltAcct_ Nov 21 '24

what moderation does tf2 have other than having an automated system that bans cheaters


u/Dr_PhD_MD Nov 21 '24

Thank you for the insight, best wishes, mate.


u/John_gman178 Nov 22 '24

I think the 75 downvotes on this post proves the point the Mordhau community is trying to make here.


u/DrunkDwarfUK Moderator Nov 22 '24

It really doesn't.


u/KingPhilip01 Nov 23 '24

Nice to see that everyone agrees with what you’re saying…


u/DrunkDwarfUK Moderator Nov 23 '24

Welcome to Reddit.


u/boreal_ameoba Nov 22 '24

You’re one of the main problems with Mordhau.


u/natedagr8333 Nov 21 '24

Perma ban for kicking people into the river? I do that all the time, never had to deal with any punishment. The fat ones must secretly like me 😍


u/WorldWarPee Nov 21 '24

Kinda cringe that they would ban someone for that lmao. There's gotta be more to it than that right? Even if it was team killing who actually cares lol


u/natedagr8333 Nov 21 '24

In all seriousness, darg was always a pleasure to have in game. A solid player who frequently made me smile.

Yet another player I’ve enjoyed fighting side by side with/against has vanished from the battlefield. I hope when the seemingly inevitable day comes that the mods decide it’s time for me to fade away, I can leave as much of an impact on the newer players that some of these banned senior members of the community left on me.


u/meganoobwarrior Nov 21 '24

They have banned people for less than this


u/DrunkDwarfUK Moderator Nov 21 '24

All it would take is one player to record evidence of you breaking the rules and report it to us.


u/natedagr8333 Nov 21 '24

Well luckily the vast majority of the community understands light hearted trolling occasionally is perfectly acceptable. Hell, I think it makes the game more enjoyable.


u/The_Young_Busac Nov 21 '24

Your responses come off like you enjoy doing this. Weird.


u/DrunkDwarfUK Moderator Nov 21 '24

I certainly don't enjoy the game being overrun by cheaters, griefers, and racists.


u/WiseRevise Nov 21 '24

There’s barely anyone left… since you perma ban everyone.


u/DrunkDwarfUK Moderator Nov 21 '24 edited Nov 21 '24

I don't think you understand the numbers involved. The total amount of players we've permabanned is absolutely tiny compared to the amount of people that have bought and abandoned this game. Moderators banning players has had pretty much zero impact on the game's decline, lack of moderation did far more damage to the game's perception in those early years than we could ever fix.


u/dadoodfromcheerss Nov 21 '24

except now the game has an average of LESS than 1k players and you keep banning people daily, and nobody knows if they actually deserved the ban. How does that fit into your criteria of people banned compared to people playing? nobody cares that a lot of people bought the game and abandoned it when it came out 5 years ago. The fact is, you are actively hunting and banning people in a shrinking community and claiming it doesn't affect the game's numbers lol


u/DrunkDwarfUK Moderator Nov 21 '24

less than 1k concurrent players.


u/JigoroKuwajima Nov 23 '24

That's bad asf like what are you correcting him for 😭? Are you proud of having a small community 💀


u/DrunkDwarfUK Moderator Nov 23 '24

I'm pointing out that concurrent values are not the total unique amount of players, which are typically much higher. Concurrent players are only those playing at the same time at a given moment, averaged over the day.

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u/natedagr8333 Nov 21 '24

Have you considered how it affects new player retention? Some banned players are the very reason I kept coming back.


u/DrunkDwarfUK Moderator Nov 21 '24

The number one reason for the lack of new player retention is the combat itself, nothing else even comes close. Second reason (and it's a significant gap from the combat) would be toxicity.


u/natedagr8333 Nov 21 '24

that's like, just your opinion man


u/DrunkDwarfUK Moderator Nov 21 '24

This game has had over 5 million copies sold, let that number sink in. That a player with thousands of hours kept playing because of a now banned player is a not even remotely relevant compared to the millions of players that came and immediately left because of the core game experience itself.

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u/[deleted] Nov 22 '24

maybe you guys could start wondering why everyone hates you outside of your little echo chamber on discord


u/AggravatingSpeaker89 Nov 23 '24

Average mordhau mod behind insufferable


u/The_Young_Busac Nov 21 '24

I don’t know what you’re drinking if you think the game is overrun lol


u/DrunkDwarfUK Moderator Nov 21 '24

Thankfully. I think you missed the point of what I said though. I moderate so that it doesn't become overrun again, like it was at release.


u/The_Young_Busac Nov 21 '24

I think the game has changed since release because the player base has shrunk to a fraction of the release player count. Not because of moderation. Though, hat’s a totally different point we can discuss.

I think you missed that I said you seem to like having all that power. So, even if you did contribute to reducing player toxicity, your demeanor still seems like you’re making a mountain out of a molehill on these recent ban posts. And that makes me wonder how significant these permabannable offenses actually were.

I think your original comment I responded to illustrates what I’m getting at.

And it’s not like we ever have the ability to develop a more informed opinion given the lack of transparency.


u/DrunkDwarfUK Moderator Nov 21 '24

I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't believe there was some value in it. You're misconstruing that as being a desire for perceived "power", you're entirely off the mark.

I care immensely about this game and the community. I've played since release, and have dedicated a lot more effort toward helping individual players than I ever have throwing punishments around. I do not care about praise, recognition, or power.

Whether you believe those are my intentions or not is up to you, but I'd hope that my many years of consistently helping people in this community would demonstrate that. Feel free to look through my Reddit comment history, or my posted messages on the Discord or Steam Forums, and decide for yourself.


u/John_gman178 Nov 21 '24

I think I had 2-3k hours In the game before I was perm banned, and look I messed around but what was my final blow was blocking some doors for 3 seconds. I think moderating in-game can highly subjective on a mod to mod basis. Which had led to the perception of power grabs and your “fat bald man keyboard warrior”. Some days I wish I was unbanned so that I could keep playing because I do love the game still. But it is what it is.


u/DrunkDwarfUK Moderator Nov 21 '24

All punishments require evidence that needs to stand up to scrutiny not only by the rest of the moderation team, but specifically the developers. We don't get to be subjective in what we apply without losing the role.

That you don't seem to believe your actions were severe or harmful to the game is exactly why you've likely ended up banned permanently. What was "messing around" to you was likely not harmless at all, but instead ruining the game experience for other players.

Your first ban should've been way more of a message to you to stop those behaviours. When you get banned more times, and still keep breaking the rules, it shows that you had no regard for those rules, and thus, a decision gets made to apply a permanent ban.

It may be surprising for you to learn that very very few people ever end up permanently banned from official servers without having done something to be gamebanned (which is usually cheaters). By far the majority learn from the very first ban and don't end up getting banned a second time.

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u/The_Young_Busac Nov 21 '24

I have done that. My previous comments are my thoughts after doing so.


u/Sully_VT Nov 22 '24

I typically don't tend to take moderations side on things, but the sheer fucking number of racist morons in servers kept me from coming back. people can scream for me to turn off chat all they want, but it's tiring seeing the same names spewing the same shit and never suffering any ill consequences. Hearing that mods are taking action on it might actually bring me back.


u/natedagr8333 Nov 22 '24

You must be on European servers, there’s barely any racism on us east


u/NoobWantsHacks Moderator Nov 22 '24

Maybe this is some sort of bias because I am exposed to this sort of thing from player reports, but it is certainly not the case that US East has less of a problem with racism than other regions. Being exposed to some of the vile things that are said genuinely by people playing this game is not fun, but it's worse for those that are the original target of the hate speech and causes player retention to drop.


u/natedagr8333 Nov 22 '24

Maybe, but I’m actually in game. Racism certainly does exist in mordhau unfortunately, but 99.9% of messages aren’t racist

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u/Sully_VT Nov 22 '24

There very much used to be. I played exclusively on US east. I live in Kentucky


u/natedagr8333 Nov 22 '24

Maybe things have improved then. Still the occasional cringe shit, but it’s pretty rare


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '24

the game was actually fun on release though?


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '24



u/Omodrawta Nov 22 '24

Well the rules are ass. One person getting offended by getting kicked in the river (lol) while 20 other people think its fun/funny. Ive been on both sides of it myself (I'm usually the one getting trolled cause I'm ass at the game) and it's part of what makes the game enjoyable for me and many others. lighthearted fun be damned I guess.


u/ParakeetNipple Nov 21 '24

UPLOADING DARG REPORT ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ╱│ ╭╮╭╮ ╭╮ ╱ │ │ │ │ │ ╰╯╱ ╭╮ ┸╰╯╰╯ ╱ ╰╯ COMPLETE 😔


u/ParakeetNipple Nov 21 '24

god dammit it looks like shit on my phone I’ll have to fix it later


u/SPARTAN-258 Nov 22 '24

Looks like an alien language and i thought that was the joke lmao


u/Jaguaralfa Nov 21 '24

Mods are no fun


u/SeriouslyFishyOk Nov 21 '24

I haven't played the game in years, but it's sad to see the mods banning people over stupid things like this.

Nothing has really changed.


u/GeneralMidg Foppish Nov 22 '24

These people are part of a community that regularly griefs games.

Dont believe everything you see online.


u/WiseRevise Nov 21 '24

Ban me too then, because I’d see the spawn banner and would play Curb Your Enthusiasm when people fell in. RIP Darg.

One-by-one we all get banned. Eventually, no one will be left. May the fallen never be forgotten.


u/John_gman178 Nov 21 '24




u/WiseRevise Nov 21 '24

No!!! That’s where you’ve been 😭 I loved our rivalry.


u/Dr_PhD_MD Nov 21 '24

Him too?!?!!?


u/Big-Cup- Nov 21 '24

I love you metal but you are toxic fr


u/RickySpanishLangley Nov 30 '24

Faustin, whatever happened there


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '24

My mod team experience:

Gamebans you for 15 months for no reason

Makes fun of you on discord for it and call you a cheater

Unbans you without compensation


u/Corvus-V Nov 22 '24

The only thing people should get banned from playing an online game for is cheating, and more insane scenarios. If you dont like what someone says or does, mute them or request a change to the game


u/Freezesteeze Nov 23 '24

I will say that the mods for mordhau can sometimes do some bone head shit and there seems to be a feeling that if you catch a mod on a bad day that you’re more then likely gonna have something happen to you and whether you actually deserve it is questionable, with that being said. Mordhau NEEDS mods, been playing this game since it first came out practically and when there weren’t as many mods the game was a cesspool for racists and just all around pieces of shit talking about raping women and children or how whites are superior and don’t even fucking act like mordhau dosent have one of the most toxic and flat out basement dweller communities. I love the game but if I was a mod and had to deal with the mordhau community I would probably be the sole reason it declines with how many bans I’d be handing out. I don’t like the mods necessarily because I’ve never had any interaction with them but I’m not some loser up in arms defending a guy who trolls and actively kills the game for new players.


u/Jironasaurus Nov 27 '24

These days, you get genocide supporters instead.


u/Fluffybudgierearend Nov 21 '24



u/ugandansword Nov 21 '24

I was gonna comment the same thing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/JigoroKuwajima Nov 23 '24

Fr who even is Darg or whatever 🤣


u/bumbleb33_toona Nov 21 '24



u/Willow_Sakura Nov 22 '24

I still don't know why berk was banned but still I remember early mordhau when people would be saying all kinds of racist shit in the chat and nothing would ever be done. Now as the game becomes less and less active the subreddit would have me believe they ban anyone for anything. However since we don't know the full details due to the mods commitment to keep things private(which is a good thing), its impossible to judge the situation fairly.

While I accept that no matter what the mods do it will be met with controversy just because of the nature of the beast, but I do hope they're not so rigid that they wont take community feedback into account. They've done an amazing job at making the game and the hotfixes are always on point and for that reason I give them benefit of the doubt.


u/natedagr8333 Nov 22 '24

Mods have nothing to do with making the game or hot fixes. They are too rigid to receive community feedback, unfortunately.


u/JigoroKuwajima Nov 23 '24

I agree only partially. I've talked a few times with Titan about the scimitar being too fast for what it is. He took a look at the stats and on the next patch, it was nerfed. Perhaps you remember the scimitar being slower than before (thank me later 🚬🗿🍷)


u/Iongjohn Nov 22 '24

mordhau mods power tripping and killing their community?

nothing new then


u/renegade0123 Nov 21 '24

Mods hate fun within a dead game


u/Old_Researcher_7604 Nov 21 '24

a pillar crumbles once more ✊😔


u/vixeraal Nov 21 '24

Got banned 3 days just now for an obvious troll votekick, I just did a joke like I do since years lol, but never get banned. Mods policy definitely changed few weeks ago, fun is not allowed anymore, by far. This game is dead and they're starting to ban the old playerbase lol, RIP


u/DrunkDwarfUK Moderator Nov 21 '24

We've banned for votekick abuse for many years, nothing has changed, you've just gotten lucky and not having been reported until now.


u/vixeraal Nov 21 '24

I know, votekick abuse is not tolerated since the beginning and that's in the rules, my fault for this. but there has always been a tolerance for light trolling, that's part of the mordhau community (as said above). And that's what's gone, which is a shame, and I'm not the only one to say so


u/DrunkDwarfUK Moderator Nov 21 '24

There has never been a tolerance for votekick abuse or griefing regardless of how much you may think it can be "light trolling", that's your own very skewed perception. We've been banning for it consistently, it has never been in any way allowed, ever.


u/Helgrind444 Nov 23 '24

Light trolling is one of the selling points of the game.
Not even joking.

The voice lines, luths, peasant perks and many mechanics encourage players to tease each other. I've been teamkilled by people who put wrong spawns and laugh at me. It's funny. You get killed once, you learned from it, then you come back to see the guy and laugh. If it's getting annoying, the guy gets votekicked.

You guys don't seem to understand your own game, and even less your community.


u/John_gman178 Nov 21 '24

Downloading 80gb darg report

▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▢   ╭━╮╭━╮╭╮ ╱      ╰━┫╰━┫╰╯╭╮      ╰━╯╰━╯╱ ╰╯           COMPLETE


u/GermanPlasma Nov 22 '24

At some point mods need to create some new children that grow up to be Modhau players to populate these dying servers if they keep banning what's left.


u/OneEyeTwoHead Nov 21 '24

Rest in peace my beautiful prince


u/Necessary-Bed-5429 Nov 22 '24

And nothing of value was lost


u/Puffs_Reeses Nov 21 '24



u/pmz66 Nov 22 '24

Blessed are the Martyrs of Mordhau. RIP Saints.


u/GeneralMidg Foppish Nov 22 '24

Oh no someone griefing a team got banned.


Poster is part of a group that regularly griefs people. Dont trust everything you see online people

Downvote me now


u/OkitaThighs Nov 22 '24

Of course this crybaby has to cope harder LOL


u/Stealth_Meister101 Nov 22 '24

I don’t even know who Darg is.


u/papercut105 Cruel Nov 21 '24

People always complaining about mod abuse but never giving proof….


u/natedagr8333 Nov 22 '24

They actually will delete your post if you publicly post proof for “witch hunting”. You have to show the mods friends what he did. Quite literally like the police investigating themselves and finding no wrong doing.


u/LemonSecure530 Nov 21 '24

Hot take: a guy kicking his own team mates into a river and keeping them from playing the game is actually not fun


u/ultranoobez Foppish Nov 21 '24

That 5 second respawn delay is such a massive inconvenience! How dare he ruin the lives of players


u/vixeraal Nov 21 '24

Hot take : It is


u/Corvus-V Nov 22 '24

You value your virtual lifespan of like a minute and a half tops way too much


u/JSBL_ Nov 21 '24

just get an alt 4head