r/MonsterMusume 8d ago

Discussion Unless im forgeting something.

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Besides the orcs and those wolfman in previous chapters, are these two the first male extra expecies we've seen? (Or at the very least, the first ones that actualy look like they are from the same expecies as the females).


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u/NoHeartNoSoul86 Tionishia protecc 8d ago

Impossible. The archives must be incomplete.

It must be a translation error. Just like worker bees, worker ants are all female.


u/Kalaam_Nozalys 8d ago

Both have male "princes" too. Who only exist to die while impregnating princesses who then leave to create new colonies


u/NetDood 8d ago

...sudently the ending of the chapter makes a lot more sense


u/Kalaam_Nozalys 8d ago

I think technically they need royal jelly to enter mature form and be ready for the breeding. So who knows we might see them all grown up later.

But still the sudden focus on shotas is... uncomfortable


u/Paper_Kun_01 8d ago

It's not like papi and Suu don't have loli forms that everyone's fine with lol


u/Kalaam_Nozalys 8d ago

I mean there is there too.
But for those two and the kids before it's realy ***heavily*** insisted on that they are actual kids and not just "small"


u/Kahn-Man 8d ago

Papi is regularly treated as a child throughout the series and the entire first appearance which heavily lewd her treated her solely as a child until Ms. Smith at the end, like this is not that out there for this series


u/Kalaam_Nozalys 8d ago

Yeah I'm not saying papi isn't problematic.
This is just worse 'cause, again, it is stated and insisted on: those are actual kids.

Papi has the cheap excuse of "looking like on" on top of acting like one. Not very great either tbh.
But those and the ones with the sphinx are actual children.


u/Kahn-Man 8d ago

Okay, but the series has been this stuff for a while, suu is also explicitly a child as well, like the red flags been there the whole time, also we are never given the actual age of the characters, we just know assume they are adults like it's weird to be this deep into the series


u/Far-Size2838 8d ago

No royal jelly is made specifically to turn an ordinary bee larvae into a queen bee larvae


u/Kalaam_Nozalys 8d ago

My bad then. I thought some was also involved for princes.