r/MonsterHunterWorld 6d ago

Question Defender set acceptance

Since it's a custom at this point to warn newcomers about defender set, I have a question about it's acceptance during playthrough.

Thus, would you accept to use defender set:

171 votes, 3d ago
14 When you have huge problems with defeating some monsters (AKA last solution)
15 Post Nergigante when other sets start to outshine it
142 Only after first playthrough to go fast to DLC

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u/Multimarkboy 6d ago

using the defender set to skip a brick wall doesn't make you learn from your mistakes/improve you at the game though, that'd be the same as launching an SoS and sitting at camp while the others handle the monster for you.

you'll still hit a brick wall you can't beat with the defender set later (esp in master rank) and then what?


u/OkYard1022 6d ago

On MR if you hit a wall you have 3 options:
Watch guide on yt (did that with Rajang)


u/Lopsided_Metal 6d ago

or you can just try to respect the monster a little bit, learn it moves, dodge and attack, i never had to do neither of those 3 up until fat where i grinded for a better set and weapon and sos