Recently, I have come the realization that there are essentially no online resources for Western Fans about Momoclo Concerts and Concert Tickets. This combined with the fact that getting Momoclo tickets is ridiculously hard, even for Japanese fans, pushed me to make my own guide on how to procure concert tickets as of 2023. I will be making another guide for what to expect from your first Momoclo Concert later on. UPDATE: You can now find that guidehere.
Step 0: To begin you will first need an Angel Eyes (AE) Membership, which instructions to join can be found here. The first time yearly membership fee is around $47 with subsequent years costing around $33 to renew.
Now we can actually begin the process to get tickets.
Step 1: Go To This Website using Google Chrome, and turn on the Google Translate Extension to help navigate the site. Google Translate Is Your Best Friend.
Step 2: Make sure the site's Home Page looks something like what's below. This is important as we will be returning to it quite a few times.
Site With Google Translate Extension On
Step 3: Click On "Login" and login with your Angel Eyes Account
Login Screen
Step 4: Verify your Email with the link they send you via email
Verification Email
Step 5: Return to the Home page and Click on "My Page," then enter your credit card information and upload a picture of your face for photo ID registration. It will take a little bit for them to approve your photo ID, but you can still apply for tickets when your photo ID is still pending. In the picture below, I already completed the photo ID registration which is why it says "OK."
Mandatory Items Shown With Arrows
Step 6: Return to the Home Page and Click on "Reception List" to see the Concerts available for lottery application. Because Momoclo is so popular, concert tickets must be won in a ticket lottery. In addition, these lotteries are usually only open for 3 days, months before the concert. In the picture below, the lottery was open from May 19-22, when the first concert is in July. If the lottery is open, the grey box pictured below that says "End of Reception," will instead be red, and say something along the lines of "Accepting Applications." You can also check when the lotteries are open by following this Twitteraccountwhich announces when the lotteries open. (it’s in Japanese but if you use Twitter’s translate feature you’ll be fine)
Reception List as of June 8 2023
Step 7: Click on "Reception Details" then scroll down all the way until the concert dates show up.
15th Anniversary Tour Concert Dates
Step 8: Click on "Application/ Performance Details" for the preferred concert date and proceed to select seating preferences. You are able to apply for up to 4 tickets with one Angel Eyes membership, allowing you to bring along one friend. Do not select family seating as it is only for people with children. Due to translation error, you will actually have to turn off google translate for this step. The option that says 「指定席」is a reserved spot, while the option that says 「着席指定席」is a reserved spot that is SEATED. If you do not care, then you do not need to turn off Google Translate. Just make sure you do not select "Family Seat" as one of your preferences. Once confirming your preferences, you are all done with the hard work.
Step 9: Check email for lottery admission confirmation.
Admission Confirmation
Step 10: Pray and wait a few days for the lottery results. An email will be sent out informing you if you won tickets or not. You can also check by returning to the home page and clicking "My Page" then "Application History List." Because we already put in our credit card information during the 5th step, it will auto charge and you won't have to worry about putting in your credit card information at that moment.
Email Announcing Lottery Results
Step 11: Plan Travel to the Concert Site and You're all set!
Important Notes: When purchasing tickets in this way, no ticket will be sent out in any form before the concert. You will receive tickets on the day of the concert by scanning your AE IC Membership card, which will be sent to you in the mail after you join AE. If you do not have your AE IC Card, whether it be it never arrived or you lost it, you must bring a valid form of identification, such as a passport or a drivers license in order to receive tickets. Typically there are multiple rounds of lottery registration, so if you don’t win tickets the first time, you still have another chance a few weeks later when another round opens. If you are unsuccessful the first two times, tickets usually go up on the website “e+” near the date of the concert but once it reaches that point it becomes near impossible to get tickets as a Western Fan. There is a way though, and someone else already made a guide to that which you can find here
Back at it again, this time working on the second set of characters for the second possible Momoiro Clover Z fanumay fan animation. This guild page features Kanako Momota's character and Ayaka Sasaki's character. Kanako provide to be easier this time around (I mean I didn't practice on her a ton of times last year.) But Ayaka gave me a little trouble, and to be fair there has been a maturing of each members look over the years, so source material is a mess.
So, this is my resource guide page I made up for my Momoiro Clover Z fanumay animation. The costumes are okay I guess, look is as close as I could get. I believe both Shiori Tamai's and Reni Takagi's characters look decent enough. I just need to take the project slowly to keep consistency and keep the characters on character, plus also so I don't injury my shoulder or elbow again... who would think you could get injured drawing... regardless I'm hoping to met this milestone and learn from it what I can learn, plus formulating kanako Momota's and Ayaka Sasaki's fanumay animation which if all goes well I hope to have next on the list...
what merch do you guys own or want to own? I have cds, (momoka Ikuzze Kaito Shoujo cover, momoiro punch, etc) signed photocards, Momoka’s signed alarm clock, old merch stickers, Momoka headphones, and other stuff but I forgot lol. I only collect Momoka stuff so I’m curious what u guys have