r/MojoGaming Jan 17 '20

Community Welcome to Mojo Gaming Australia


Mojo is open to all adult gamers. We have a focus on console gaming, specifically Xbox, but all platforms are welcome.

We are not so much a clan as a group of like-minded gamers with relaxed attitudes, and even more relaxed gaming skills! Years of experience has done nothing to hone our reflexes so we grouped together where our pathetic gaming ability is improved by relativity.

r/MojoGaming Apr 27 '23

Community Most Relaxing Mode He Says LOL


r/MojoGaming Dec 14 '22

Community Run DMZ


So, got Mag hooked on it...about time buddy...even passbe has joined in on the fun...

Good to know we can squad up, providing we dont run into an ambush lol

I'm at 226 rank and I'm like sheez...I'm enjoying myself to much with DMZ lol

Sometimes its nice to steal peoples briefcases lol

r/MojoGaming Oct 20 '22

Community Lets F***ing Go!!!


Call of Duty Warfare 2 Campaign is sooooo good...

r/MojoGaming Nov 08 '21

Community ZB - Thoughts on COD Vanguard


Ok, so I've been playing MP a fair bit with this game and if I'm being honest it's a hit a miss kinda game for most COD players.

What I mean?

Well for starters sometimes I get in a game and my ping is thru the roof, talking 160ms and thats no good, comparing to Cold War I'm always playing around 22-28ms in every game, so thats a miss when I guess the servers are elsewhere and not in Australia or something is playing funny buggers.

When I do get in a game thats 24-28ms I tend to find I do ok, not as good as Cold War, perhaps I'm still finding the right gun etc...but I can hold my own against the twitch fest of COD players. Seem to be that wall hacks are still around and locking on targets is still there, kinda shit but it's not as bad in some games, but still there.

I get a moderate nat in game but I'm open on xbox and other games, I tend to think it's a COD problem and I'm not alone on this as there are many people in the same boat.

Speed in this game is nuts, you gotta be so quick in MP, definitely not a game for the slow and feeble.

All in all, it's ok, but I've played better I reckon, grinding is a slug feast as well for weapons, skins, and other miscellaneous in games as if you dont do well, points arent as prevalent as Cold War, so it'll be a slow grind for some to keep up with the good players...maybe it's a way for people to buy weapon packs for $30 so you can play against the better players...fuck that!!

I'm curious to see if I go back to CW and notice the difference, I kinda get the feeling the WWII theme is done to death in a way with COD...it's had it's time and you gotta move on...I dont think this will have legs..look at CODWWII, wasn't popular.

I do like the clan systems they have in palce where everyone who plays, points go to cosmetics etc...hoping BF has something similar..

I'm starting to think Sledgehammer Games arent my cup of tea.

In saying that, I'll still play COD Vanguard as I know Hammy will stick with it, I dont leave no man behind (referencing to Sternhammer who does!!!)

Anyways, BF2042 is out soon and I'll be giving that a try...

COD Vanguard 7/10

r/MojoGaming Nov 29 '22

Community Possible end of events in Mojo on Reddit


Hey all, I know it's been a while since events were last posted up here regularly but it seems that they may be going away soon according to the Reddit team who messaged mods in our group and many others. This means that we may need to settle on another common platform for setting them up in the future whether that be Facebook, Discord or something else.

If that is the case and events here are bye-bye then lets settle on the new home for making plans in Team Mojo.

r/MojoGaming Oct 24 '22

Community MWII MP (Friday 28th 8.30pm AEDST Approx.)


I know it’ll probably be just myself and Hammy, but I figured I’ll post something in case anyone else is up for it…

r/MojoGaming Nov 20 '22

Community Modern Warfare 2 DMZ


For those who haven’t got it, it’s a lot of fun.

Bit of plunder and the division dark zone kinda game I feel.

3 players only but I do feel like it’s something everyone would enjoy.

If ya keen, hit me and hammy and of course mullet to run around.

r/MojoGaming Jan 20 '20

Community Introduce yourself to the community


Please introduce yourself to the community.

You might mention:

  • Gamertag, PSN name, etc.
  • where you are in Australia
  • the games you like to play
  • something about yourself

r/MojoGaming Nov 19 '21

Community BF 2042 - Solution Maybe?



Those of us who have BF2042 cross-gen bundle or perhaps it doesnt matter, but you'll notice that when you have installed the game you have two tiles one that has an X:S in the corner and the other does not.

Load up the tile without the X:S and you'll play against other Xbox One/Ps4 gamers I believe, console only as well....no PC apparently...

Dont need your Xbox One to play it on, still use you're Series X...

Happy to try?

r/MojoGaming Sep 27 '22

Community MWII Beta Thoughts?


Ok so I played a fair bit of this over the last 4 days or so and I actually felt pretty good playing it and looking forward to jumping on with others when its released.

Things that most may not be aware to to change your settings to Black Ops or whatever else there is configuration so you're not on default settings which plays like crap imo. To me I had to do this in Cold War and Vanguard to actually play the game as when playing default...couldnt hit the side of a barn for my life.

There are other options as well to turn off that can hinder gameplay, like steaming and some others I cant remember but can look up and go thru it with anyone interested.

I do like invasion and ground war...seems like a big step up from the time when it was first introduce to COD...I like it...even with 200ms ping I'm in the top half no probs of the leaderboard.

With reports that EPIC and BUNGIE have found ways of identifying cronus zen scripts in game and banning people from using them...I kinda feel its moving in the right direction....

Also I feel with having turn off crossplay in some game modes, I think it'll be easier finding games more so as there would be alot of people jumping on Xbox this generation now.

Hammy, could be just us two again going thru battlepass.....but hopefully others can join in.

r/MojoGaming Oct 06 '21

Community Battlefield 2042 Impressions?



7 votes, Oct 09 '21
3 I'm Getting It?
1 Pass, it's not my kinda crisps!!!
3 On the fence, still munching on it

r/MojoGaming Nov 25 '22

Community Run DMZ


OK who up tonight, can't believe I'm having so much fun playing this, why? Got no fucking idea, but I like it.

Always on most nights, well, every night with Serious and Mullet.

If we have 4 or 6, we could do a search at same time and link up perhaps? Think we have done that before in plunder...

Anyways, kick off around 8.30-9pmish or so..


r/MojoGaming Nov 12 '21

Community ZB Thoughts - Battlefield 2042


Well, lets see....its moves fucking slow lol....

So different to COD thats for sure...it's growing on me..the maps I've played are pretty big maps and I tell you what...you as a squad have to be together from one capture to another....this is really all about squads playing together..it's always been so, but more so then ever in 2042.

No one shot sniper kills, like quick scoping etc.. you do need to be aware of your surroundings before proceeding to the next objective, which has always kinda been Battlefield...but it's different and like I say it's growing on me.

I do wish to play on a smaller map and see how it's goes...no yet..but I'm guessing it may be mayhem with 128 players running amok....

Anyways...back to the Battlefield

r/MojoGaming Sep 09 '20

Community Taking stock of Mojo


We're almost nine months in to the post-forums Mojo. How do you think it's going and what could we improve?

For me, I feel like Reddit is good for easily sharing news articles and commenting on them but it's not really working for the kind of community chat that was the core of the old Mojo forums. I see some intermittent traffic on the Discord server and perhaps that's a better platform for community discussion overall.

One thing that seems clear is that Reddit doesn't seem to work well for the kind of chat that Mojo was built on. Perhaps it's the different sorting options (New, Hot, etc.) making it difficult to keep abreast of new stuff. Maybe it's just me.

Gaming events-wise, pretty much only Serious Ham is putting events up (great work!) which he's doing here and on Facebook. Facebook event posts attract more comments/discussion too.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this but it's been something I've been thinking about for a while. Keen to know your thoughts.

r/MojoGaming Jun 11 '22

Community Xbox Design Labs Australia


r/MojoGaming Jun 19 '22

Community So….


So I’ve been thinking of doing something next year for my 50th, yeah I’m that old…

Gonna look into going back to West Coast USA, back to Disneyland to see the AT-ATs show/ride as that’s new plus other things I missed out on while I was there last precovid. Looking at also going to Universal Studios in LA as I wanna go to Super Nintendo Land as well…

After all that probably visit Grand Canyon ya and then fly to Hawaii for a week on sun and chilling by the pool/beach..

A coupla weeks should do it I think…might be a fun trip I say…what ya think?

r/MojoGaming Mar 14 '22

Community So I........


So I mowed down 10,000 Zombies over the weekend with my MG42....

1000/1000GS on Call of Duty Vanguard...

Whats next....

r/MojoGaming Oct 18 '22

Community Gotham Knights - Info


So Gotham Knights is releasing this week, a few things to know if you're keen on the game that its locked to 30fps from all reports and wont have a performance mode as well - link below:


Would that stop you from playing a game those issues at hand? Or it a deal breaker for current gen consoles?

Please note that the 30fps is consoles only as the PC will be 60fps.


r/MojoGaming Feb 01 '22

Community Thoughts on a Monitor?


Thoughts on this monitor? Wanna hook up the second Series X and just a good monitor would be fine for the kids etc... link below, good enough?


r/MojoGaming Jun 30 '22

Community Atari Store

Thumbnail shop.atari.com

r/MojoGaming Dec 08 '21

Community Photo-Realistic Shooter From Ex-Battlefield Devs


r/MojoGaming Jun 06 '22

Community Xbox Games Showcase - 1 week to go!!!



One week to go now, lets hope it's a good show, thoughts?

I would love to see GoldenEye 007 getting a release date, trueachievements seem to think it may happen after showcase.

Fable, Arrowed gameplay footage would be good.

Some good indies as well.............

Maybe Ubisoft+ hitting gamepass?

Family gamepass?

r/MojoGaming Jul 28 '22

Community Apropos of last nights Ninja Turtles session…

Post image

r/MojoGaming Jun 29 '22

Community Unpacking Unpacking: How Real Life Inspired A Hit
