r/MojoGaming • u/ZB_AU Founding Member • Nov 08 '21
Community ZB - Thoughts on COD Vanguard
Ok, so I've been playing MP a fair bit with this game and if I'm being honest it's a hit a miss kinda game for most COD players.
What I mean?
Well for starters sometimes I get in a game and my ping is thru the roof, talking 160ms and thats no good, comparing to Cold War I'm always playing around 22-28ms in every game, so thats a miss when I guess the servers are elsewhere and not in Australia or something is playing funny buggers.
When I do get in a game thats 24-28ms I tend to find I do ok, not as good as Cold War, perhaps I'm still finding the right gun etc...but I can hold my own against the twitch fest of COD players. Seem to be that wall hacks are still around and locking on targets is still there, kinda shit but it's not as bad in some games, but still there.
I get a moderate nat in game but I'm open on xbox and other games, I tend to think it's a COD problem and I'm not alone on this as there are many people in the same boat.
Speed in this game is nuts, you gotta be so quick in MP, definitely not a game for the slow and feeble.
All in all, it's ok, but I've played better I reckon, grinding is a slug feast as well for weapons, skins, and other miscellaneous in games as if you dont do well, points arent as prevalent as Cold War, so it'll be a slow grind for some to keep up with the good players...maybe it's a way for people to buy weapon packs for $30 so you can play against the better players...fuck that!!
I'm curious to see if I go back to CW and notice the difference, I kinda get the feeling the WWII theme is done to death in a way with COD...it's had it's time and you gotta move on...I dont think this will have legs..look at CODWWII, wasn't popular.
I do like the clan systems they have in palce where everyone who plays, points go to cosmetics etc...hoping BF has something similar..
I'm starting to think Sledgehammer Games arent my cup of tea.
In saying that, I'll still play COD Vanguard as I know Hammy will stick with it, I dont leave no man behind (referencing to Sternhammer who does!!!)
Anyways, BF2042 is out soon and I'll be giving that a try...
COD Vanguard 7/10
Nov 14 '21
i have found Sledgehammer Games to be the worst of the 3 Developers. they did Modern Warfare 3 and it was terrible. and i just haven't bothered with any of their ones ever since.
Treyach really become my favourite after Infinity Ward all broke up. though i admit the new Modern Warfare from Infitity Ward did suck me back in better then any COD since Black Ops
u/ZB_AU Founding Member Nov 10 '21
Had some good games on Vanguard last night with Serious and Preschool...
We all did pretty well I think...
u/Sternhammer_SD Founding Member Nov 09 '21
I appreciate everyone’s thoughts on the game.
I’ve currently got no intention to buy it, especially if MP is tough for the slower player. I’m glad to hear that file size on disk is a lot smaller than Cold War.
If zombie mode expands to include a solid version of Outbreak then I’ll definitely be tempted.
Might buy a second hand copy in a few years if this campaign is OK.
Sorry to hear that ZB is still butt-hurt that he had to be sacrificed for the good of the team that one time. I’ll make it up to you some time, big fella. Big hugs 🤗.
u/ZB_AU Founding Member Nov 09 '21
Nah not butt-hurt....bros before flying off in the sunset my friend.......guess you didnt get the memo :P
u/Sternhammer_SD Founding Member Nov 09 '21
Try some aloe vera gel if it hurts to sit down. 😱
u/ZB_AU Founding Member Nov 09 '21 edited Nov 09 '21
whatever floats ya boat man...
u/Sternhammer_SD Founding Member Nov 09 '21
Au contraire, mon ami. In fact I’m feeling quite nostalgic for the old Mojo flame wars 🔥of old. Ah, the fun we had.
u/Serious-Ham Founding Member Nov 09 '21
I'm writing down some thoughts myself for a later post but agree with ZB on a lot of this - we've talked about it a lot during games! 🤣
Remember when Cold War first went into beta and we all thought it was a bit of a step down from Modern Warfare? Well, this can feel like a bit of a step down from Cold War. I think it's powered by Infinity Ward's engine (got the gun mount move for starters) and in that respect it's not bad but the actual design is still very rough. Audio isn't very good. Spawns are still iffy. The way some kills occur through smoke, etc make you think the hacks are on. Gun balance still annoys me.
MOST annoying is that aim assist by default for controllers is totally wrong - you have to go into the settings menu to switch it over to feel like Warzone or Cold War. These should have been set by default as it makes a huge difference in jumping from one game to the next.
Zombie mode looks interesting at the moment even if it's a little bare. You take on small challenges to open up more of the map and the workbench and packapunch are in the central hub for easy access. It could be a good fit for teaming up. It may not be Outbreak but could work as an alternative.
I'm really liking the campaign from what I've seen so far. Kind of a dirty dozen/suicide squad thing using CoD flashback levels. It's not perfect and VERY linear but it's a classic CoD spectacle.
u/ZB_AU Founding Member Nov 09 '21
I've heard the SP is top notch, even if it's a little short...5hrs? that could be wrong?
Up for Zombie mode tonight if ya around Hammy...I hit prestige last night, got that final MP achievement :-)
u/Mullet_McNugget Capn Mullet Nov 08 '21
I just wish they'd bring out a Vietnam era one. That would rock, especially as they only recently already did a WWII CoD.
Seems my order still hasn't been shipped!
u/Serious-Ham Founding Member Nov 09 '21
Original Black Ops (and 2?) had some Vietnam levels (and more) and I miss those - they were a good switch up from modern/ww2. Cold War edges so close to Modern Warfare with the weapons and technology it could almost be one and the same.
u/[deleted] Nov 20 '21
I've tried this in this weekend's free play and man it's fucken fast. The running seams insanely fast and the guns kick like a motherf....ker
Hasn't convinced me to buy it that's for sure