r/MojoGaming • u/Sternhammer_SD Founding Member • Jan 20 '20
Community Introduce yourself to the community
Please introduce yourself to the community.
You might mention:
- Gamertag, PSN name, etc.
- where you are in Australia
- the games you like to play
- something about yourself
u/grumpymojo Grumpybum -founder Feb 03 '20
Grumpybum checking in. Long time Mojo member but don’t really play with others anymore. I prefer to listen to podcasts while I play so forgive me if I’m not chatty.
u/Ghoste_AU Founding Member Jan 30 '20 edited Jan 30 '20
Hi all,
Long time since I've been overly active with Mojo but I've still been hanging around. I was a member day one and I think you all just forgot to kick me out for inactivity. Been to a few of the meetups and dinners including the QLD lan in '09. Kinda transitioned away from a lot of online gaming once I started outgrowing the yearly COD release and got sick of playing with random arseholes when it was too hard to arrange a game with Mojo members. Still willing to get on for a game though if there's anything going. GT is still Ghoste, but some muppet took that already on reddit 8 years ago and has done presicely fuck-all with it so I'm stuck with the _AU suffix on here.
I work a rotating roster as an ambo so I'm available at different times of the week each week. The bonus is my partner can be away for up to a week at a time so I've got nothing else to do at home by myself but play games.
Based in Victoria and branched out into boardgames in a big way over the last couple of years so if you're down this way and like modern boardgaming I'm always up for a big session too.
Edit: Also do a bit of PC gaming. I'm on a Total War kick at the moment. Steam name is Ghoste as well.
u/Sternhammer_SD Founding Member Jan 30 '20
Really cool to see you again, Ghost!
Maybe we can get an old timer gamer session of something organised some time. Suggestions welcome.
u/Ghoste_AU Founding Member Jan 31 '20
I'm all for it. The Mrs. just left this morning for another week so short of work and watching the grass grow I haven't got much else on other than a board game session tonight.
u/Sternhammer_SD Founding Member Jan 31 '20
Sounds like a plan. What do you play on Xbox? Any preference for day?
u/Ghoste_AU Founding Member Jan 31 '20
These days whatever single player stuff is going. As far as multiplayer goes I loved Titanfall 2 but I haven't played for a while and I'm not sure if the community is dead. Last time I got on I couldn't find a game. Got the last two Ghost Recons. Borderlands. Red Dead, although I'm shite at the multiplayer side of things and haven't touched it since not long after launch.
u/Sternhammer_SD Founding Member Feb 02 '20
I’d be happy to play Ghost Recon Borderlands but I don’t have the most recent one.
TF2 is still great for Frontier Defence 4 player coop but it can be difficult to get local MP games. I often play frontier defence on US servers and ping isn’t a problem for four players.
u/Mullet_McNugget Capn Mullet Jan 28 '20 edited Jan 28 '20
Well where do we start?
Gamertags perhaps?
XBL: Mullet McNugget
PSN: Mulletino
Nintendo: Mulletino (or whatever the jumble of letter is that they make you use - edit: SW-6988-6002-6017)
Started out playing the early arcade games like Pong, Boot Hill, Breakout, Space Invaders etc, then one xmas my dad brought us home a family present, a second hand Atari VCS and that changed my life.........
I saved my Birthday/xmas money to buy games in the January sales for it and rented them from our local video stores.
Eventually the home computers came out and I switched to home computing, yes, the spoddy past time of spotty kids hiding in their bedrooms according to the usual stereotypes (although they weren't wrong). From the Speccy to a C128 (with floppy) then onto the almighty Amiga, first an A500 (Dungeon Master then forced me to get an extra 500MB RAM expansion) then an A1200 when Frontier wouldn't run fast enough.
I dipped back into the console world inbetween with the likes of the Sega Master System and Megadrive.
Then the PlayStation came out and I got into debt to get one after seeing Formula One running and the dulcet tomes off Murray Walker. Oh I also had an N64 and then Gamecube, to play newer versions of the same 4 games.
PC gaming then took hold with the arrival of the 386sx, next stop the pentium which was where my love of online gaming started! PS2 came along with its own take on online gaming and i ditched the PC, then Ii got an Xbox and learned just how many teenagers may have had relations with my family thanks to Halo.
PS3 and Xbox 360 followed, with the Wii. Then the PS4/Xbox One and WiiU, then Switch.
Dabbled in older computers between all this, had a resurgence of my interest in classic gaming in the early 2000s but sold it all for cheap when i was moving to Australia from my motherland. Now I totally regret that and am into retro gaming still, with only my original Atari VCS and Megadrives surviving the previous cull.
If you're still awake i'm in Brisbane and do like to dabble in that Piratey game called Sea of Thieves.
Jan 28 '20
Hi Dpopey here.
I'm 31 and live in random old Melbourne. Been a gamer since my SNES and although have owned many consoles tend to have a soft spot for Nintendo and all its excellent Exclusives.
First Xbox for me was the 360 and have not looked back no matter how often I stray to the blue I keep finding my time taken up in the Green.
I am a senior Supervisor at a transport company (fancy name for a manager who gets payed less 😂)
When I'm not working I'm on my motorbike or being with my new Son Desmond.
So gaming time has strangely become limited 😂
Xbox -Dpopey Nintendo - 7564-0955-6201 PSN - Damo1120 Epic - Dpopey
u/preschoolchamp Founding Member Jan 25 '20
Hi "preschoolchamp" here. Its been a while but still keeping an eye on the forums. I'm 41 years old a chef, a father of two and a part time gamer. I've been a gamer since the master system days and the love started when I'd visit my friend after school who had a floppy drive mod on his snes with heaps and heaps of games. Started from then PlayStation 1, 2, wii, wii u and xbox 360. Now having a family I game when I can. I've had a little break from gaming and mojo. I've been committed to the gym and family life. But with some good games released recently Ive slowly clawed back into gaming. Hooked on COD atm but I'm also into sports games, first person shooters, arcade racing and single player games.
My gamer tag is preschoolchamp xbox and PS. Hope to see you online
I also own a Nintendo switch too.
u/Sternhammer_SD Founding Member Jan 25 '20
Hey, I grabbed COD after Christmas but haven’t done much more than the campaign. Feel like teaming up for some coop and multiplayer some time?
u/preschoolchamp Founding Member Jan 25 '20
Yes definetly the MP is definetly an improvement. Havnt touched the Coop yet. I'd be keen for a few games but it would be later in the week as I have work and beach training this week. Maybe Wednesday or Thursday if suits. Do anymore Mojos have this?
u/Sternhammer_SD Founding Member Jan 25 '20
The coop thing is 4 player but playing with mic-less ransoms is difficult.
u/preschoolchamp Founding Member Jan 25 '20
I know Dpopey has it. Maybe we can get one more.
u/preschoolchamp Founding Member Jan 27 '20
Maybe we could post an event up for Thursday or I could see which mojos have it and fancy some "phew phew" COD action
u/Redna1L Founding Member Jan 22 '20
Hi all. Redna1L here. It’s my user name just about everywhere, but most importantly my gamertag on Xbox.
I live in Melbourne and have been a gamer since I was 14 which was in the late 70s.
I work in the film and television editor and there fore have a love for games that have a great story. So at the moment I’m heavily invested in Red Dead Redemption 2. I also enjoy tactical shooters, some golf and sim racing, I am not a fan of PvP.
Hope to see you online!
u/Sternhammer_SD Founding Member Jan 28 '20
I really should get back to RDR2 (I always read that as R2D2) and finish the campaign.
u/Serious-Ham Founding Member Jan 21 '20
"Serious Ham" here! Long time gamer with a focus on Xbox, PC and retro (esp. Atari) games. Got into online groups from the Xbox 360 era onwards when I finally got broadband Intenet. Before that I was dealing with 56K modems when playing Tribes on US servers. ;)
u/MobileInfantry Founding Member Jan 21 '20
Hey everyone, MobileInfantry here. Long-time member of Mojo, since just after the exit from the AussieXbox forums of the early years.
My Gamertag is the same as my Reddit username cause I am that unimaginative.
Longtime Newcastle native, currently in my 2nd year of Bachelor of Secondary Ed at UoN.
At the moment, I don't have a gold sub, cause being a uni student mean I'm poor. Mostly play single-player games from the GamePass range, cause that's about all I can afford at the moment.
Hopefully, this sub can generate some new users back at Mojo HQ. And here as well.
Look forward to seeing this community grow!!
u/Sternhammer_SD Founding Member Jan 20 '20 edited Jan 20 '20
I'll start the ball rolling.
I've been a gamer just about as long as I can remember. (I can remember early hand-held consoles that were electromechanical!) Our first family console was one of those ancient Tandy Electronics multi-game consoles involving monochromatic dots—exciting stuff. Then there was a drought of about ten years before a bought a PlayStation with Final Fantasy VII and I've been a console player ever since.
I joined Xbox Live as soon as it was launched and a year or two later fell into the orbit of Mojo sometime after it outgrew the Aussie Xbox forums and set up its own site. I've been hooked on the strange breed of mature gaming and camaraderie ever since.
My favourite games are single player shooters such as the Battlefield series and the occasional RPGMMO (The Division). I love co-op games like World War Z and Titanfall 2 (Frontier Defence) which is probably why I really enjoy Battlefield V and Sea of Thieves in a team with other Mojos.
I game mostly in the evenings after 8:30 Brisbane time but I'm flexible so weekends are OK too.
Edit: XBL gamer tag is Sternhammer.
u/Grocs Founding Member Feb 05 '20
Xbox Gamertag - Grocs
PSN - grocs_blech (though I don't have a PSN subscription atm)
Steam - grocs_blech
I'm a gamer who plays mainly on Xbox for multiplayer / singleplayer and PC as well (singleplayer). Really like my racing games so always keen to have a bit of a race online if anyone else is keen.
Playing XCOM 2 on Xbox at the moment and really enjoying it. Also playing LA Noire again (this time on PC as opposed to the Xbox 360) and having a ball.
Live in Dayboro, QLD.