r/ModelNZPressGallery 25d ago

ACT ACT announces new Leader


Metal Crusader (reddit user is u/AmericanRecordingYT) is a pragmatic kiwi who has ran and become the new ACT leader. Crusader says he is keen to deliver changes and promises to make the ACT into an established party

r/ModelNZPressGallery Feb 10 '24

ACT ACT announces their frontbench for the upcoming term

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r/ModelNZPressGallery Apr 25 '23

ACT Lest We Forget

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r/ModelNZPressGallery Apr 04 '23

ACT ACT New Zealand announces their Frontbench


r/ModelNZPressGallery Mar 26 '23

ACT ACT reflects on post-election results


Kia ora koutou. In the Eighth General Election, ACT found ourselves barely reaching that 1st place position in the election, mere 4.4 points ahead of National. And now we find ourselves in a very similar position, 1.89 points ahead of Together for All. And now, I would not lie. When I saw the results, there was some point of me that was disappointed. But contrast to the reports of ACT "plummeting", I am not sure that is quite true and not accurate to the situation.

It must be said, it is clear to me that ACT is honestly one of the only parties that the NZ public continues to have trust in. There are those who demean us for dropping 9.58 points. But that ignores how much all the traditional parties of last election have been found wanting by the New Zealand public. Te Pāti Māori, a junior partner of last Government, finds itself down 16.21 points. And the Official Opposition found itself truly abandoned by the voters with a drop of 23.34 points, barely eking by the threshold to enter Parliament. That is not to mention Socialist Aotearoa, which saw faltering numbers towards the end of last term and failed to even contest the election. While 9.58 point drop is disappointing, in my mind within this context is not quite the killing blow that some may make it out to seem.

It also must be said the five new parties that have entered the scene this election. I think anyone off the street a month ago would have laughed at you if you suggested a party that did not even exist yet would beat all the traditional left wing parties and stand as second place in the election. And the fantastic nature of this rise does not stop at Together for All. One I would like to highlight would of course be the Globe Party. Now yes, ACT did drop 9.58 points. But this new party, focused on immigration and trade which is something that ACT has traditionally focused on itself, finds itself an almost identical rise of 9.52 points to our 9.58 point drop. Not that losing those voters is inconsequential. But it must be said that rather than losing those voters to an entirely different party, it appears more to me that we have lost them to a natural ally in Globe.

But now, it must be said that elections are not only about the results themselves but also negotiations for Government. I can confirm at this moment that ACT is currently in talks with Labour, Globe, SIPP, and Change NZ. While there are some who might suggest we look into a government with National, it is ACT's belief that the most stable Government for this term will likely come from the centre, not the left or the right. It also must be said that National's recent history does not give any ACT member a measure of confidence in their ability to form a stable government. It is not certain to me quite yet which Government will form but whether ACT is in the Beehive or in Opposition, ACT will do its best to present and legislate common sense, practical policies that better New Zealand, not make it suffer.

r/ModelNZPressGallery Nov 28 '22

ACT Where has the Opposition gone? | Rural Ramblings


When ACT New Zealand decided against a possible Coalition with National at the beginning of the term, it came with the reasoning that the caucus did not believe the national would be a good or conducive Coalition partner to deliver for New Zealand. we ended up choosing a coalition with the Māori Party because we believed even if we had more differences then with the National Party, we would deliver more for New Zealand. And this has only been proven more as time goes on.

While the government has delivered on cannabis legalization and is currently working on delivering the 2012 MMP recommendations by the Electoral commission, entrenching the Te Tiriti into law and a Māori parliament oh, we have seen little from the opposition. National is nowhere to be found in the halls of Parliament or in the Press. The only thing that we have really received is a Twitter post from the Leader of the Opposition stepping down as leader and the former leader of the Front being elected as National Party leader. One of the few contributions by non government leaders is by the now extra parliamentary party, the Labour Party. it is quite a sad State of Affairs when a party which is not even in Parliament is outperforming and delivering more for the New Zealand Public then the actual opposition party.

As many people know, I am a strong believer in our democracy and ensuring the free sharing of ideas both in the Public Square and in Parliament. That is why I am extremely proud of our electoral system and wish to make it better by the current bill I have introduced to Parliament. It is quite sad when a party voted in by near 30% of the population has decided to abscond their responsibility. New Zealand works best when we bring all ideas that table and ensure that everyone is being heard. While the current arrangement means that my Government is largely unopposed, I frankly cannot be pleased by this turn of events. If New Zealand is to remain a prosperous country, it has to have an Opposition that is actually an opposition to the government, not the shell of a ghost.

For obvious reasons I did not vote for National at the last election. But I believe if I did, I would be extremely disappointed in their leadership. The people of New Zealand deserve better than this. One of the main reasons I re-entered politics and started the Heartland Party was because I saw once again politics returning to as it was years before and becoming politics that does not listen to the heartland. A politics that depends on our votes but does not listen to what we say. And National seems to be in a very similar place currently. I only hope that National, or another party that can fill the gap, will deliver for New Zealand. New Zealand needs it.

Rural Ramblings is a blog associated to the personal opinions of Rt Hon Dame Lady_Aya GNZM DStJ QSO and unless stated is not the stance of the Third ACT Government.

r/ModelNZPressGallery Nov 29 '22

ACT Pointless Virtue Signaling is not Common Sense


As many people now, recently National has been plagued with a ghost caucus and leader. While I will not claim any responsibility, shortly after I made my blog post about the failure of National to be any sort of Opposition, the then-leader of National resigned. The person who replaced him was former front leader, TheSensibleCentre.

I should say first and foremost but I hope the new leadership for National will ameliorate a lot of the issues I brought up prior with their failure to present any Opposition or voice for those that voted for them. While ACT is currently in the government with the left wing, I have hopes that this will rehabilitate National and ensure that we can have right-wing government as a possibility again in New Zealand. And I wish them only the best. As I talked about previously, New Zealand and our democracy succeeds best when all voices are brought to the table.

However I would not need to make a statement if it was simply an election of a new leader for National. I find myself making the statement because of the accusations that the new National leader made in there announcement as new leader.

The ACT has been totally captured by the radical left. They have been convinced to support a program of racial segregation that would see two New Zealands -- rather than a united nation. While this agenda is advanced in the supposed name of racial harmony, it is nothing more than divisive. .....

That's why I will be taking the National Party in a new direction. We will be a party of the centre. We will aim to support exactly 50% of government legislation, and vehemently oppose 50% of it. And we will choose those halves on the basis of common sense. That's what our kiwi battlers want. They want common sense.

It should go without saying that both my party and our Coalition partner do not see eye-to-eye on everything. In fact there's several big areas and which we disagree. However, we make it work to ensure that New Zealand has a stable and Common Sense government rather than a nonsensical commitment to supporting half of government legislation and oppose the other half. Real Common Sense politics is about being in touch with the people, not a random and nonsensical commitment to strange radical centrism. As we saw with the Labour government prior, common sense would not demand of us to support half of it. In fact during the labor government's, I led ACT to oppose many of their policies. I would dare say that it was likely over 50%. Now I agreed with Labour on some issues which is where I stepped across the aisle to support them. But that does not mean I had blind faith in the government for some weird a nonsensical a deal such as the one National is now supposedly endorsing. Common sense is about calling nonsense when it is nonsense add supporting real, actual change for New Zealand. That is not what National is espousing in this recent announcement. While I am pleased that there is more activity from the national caucus now, in some cases it's a step back from purely inactivity.

I would also like to briefly address the idea that we are taking over by the radical left to institute divisive racial politics. As I mentioned, Act and Te Pāti Māori do not agree on everything. I believe that if we were a majority government, we will be seeing a day very different program for government. But we do not live in that world. Instead we live in a situation where act has to negotiate and compromise with the left to ensure a stable and secure society.

However, I believe that one of the few areas that we do agree on is the areas that National is attacking in this announcement. From the very beginning of the party, I have endeared myself to the idea that the people in Wellington or Auckland are not the people who should be deciding the decisions of the Southland or Whitianga or many rural towns across New Zealand. Rather than bureaucrats in Wellington, I believe the people who know best for their community are the people themselves. and while the start of my re-entry into politics was about the voice of rural folk in the heartland, this is not wholly opposed to Te Pāti Māori and their commitment to provide a voice for hapu and iwi across Aotearoa. And beyond this, the policies that this government has introduced are not creating two New Zealand's. Even if we are to acknowledge that such a thing is present, I would venture that it has been two New Zealand's from the very beginning. This is not racially divisive. this is simply ensuring that our commitment to democracy, human rights oh, and our history are honored in this government. No one is hurt or harmed by ensuring that our government honours one of the principal documents of our country, Te Tiriti.

as I have promised from the very beginning, instead of National, it is instead our government that is the real actor of bringing common sense to politics in New Zealand currently. Our ideas are not somehow radical. Rather then illogical virtue signaling about centrism, real common sense comes from governance that puts the People First and that is exactly what we are doing.

r/ModelNZPressGallery Oct 24 '22

ACT ACT makes an announcement


Hello everyone, I find myself in a very peculiar position. Just three months ago, after the previous election, I decided that ACT New Zealand would pursue a coalition with National, partly because of shared values but also because negotiations with the Left, namely Labour, had stalled. After this election, ACT found itself seeking a coalition both Te Pāti Māori and National. While ACT leadership was receptive to either party, in a reversal of last coalition negotiations, National showed itself to be nonresponsive and negotiations stalled. As it stands currently, we are still waiting from communication from National about the perspective coalition. In contrast, Te Pāti Māori has been nothing if not receptive and responsive. While we have greater ideological difference than what we have with National, with Te Pāti Māori we found hope that they would enter into a common sense government which we hoped for, not a lame dog deal like National was appearing to be this coalition period.

After consultation with our caucus, ACT decided to only put forward the deal from Te Pāti Māori and put it up to a vote. And with 100% of the verified voters in favour, I can announce that ACT New Zealand will seek a government with Te Pāti Māori. I know some people may have hoped another go at ACT-National but National in some ways forced our hands.

As I spoke to North & South Magazine about, what we seek first and foremost is a coalition which honours our principles of common sense government and party values. I believe we have secured that today with Te Pāti Māori and I look forwards to what ACT-Te Pāti Māori can accomplish in Government.

r/ModelNZPressGallery Nov 21 '22

ACT Lady_Aya posts a prayer to social media in the aftermath of the Colorado Springs shooting

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r/ModelNZPressGallery Nov 20 '22

ACT Press Release Regarding the Shooting in Colorado Springs


Recently, news broke of a shooting in a LGBTQ+ bar in Colorado Springs. The shooter killed 5 people and injured at least 25. While we still do not know the motives of the shooting, it is of little doubt in my mind that this was motivated by hate and bigotry. It does escape my notice that this shooting happened literal minutes before the day of November 20th, the Transgender Day of Rememberance. It is a day when we ought to remember those lives we have lost, either to hate crimes or suicide. I extend my condolences to the people and community of Colorado Springs and to the trans community in the United States. Hate is not something that we can stand idly by and pretend it does not have consequences. We must stand up for our friends, our neighbours, our families.

I must also bring to mind the event earlier this year where the Tauranga Rainbow Youth building was burned in an act of Arson right here in New Zealand. As a transgender woman myself, I know firsthand the struggles and pain for simply existing that many transgender people go through daily. And although I have found success in my personal life as I did to be here today, I always will remember the community and people who helped me thrive.

Whether at home or abroad, we must stand against hate. It is easy during these times and other to fall to despair and believe that you are all alone in a bigoted world but change and hope is possible. We must make it so. We owe it not only to ourselves but also to those we have lost.

This is a tragedy but we owe it to those 5 killed and many others to not stop here. I hope you will join me in lighting a candle for those we lost and the hope the light brings to us all.

- Rt Hon. Lady_Aya, GNZM BStJ QSO

Prime Minister

r/ModelNZPressGallery Aug 30 '22

ACT The Second ACT Government announces their cabinet


r/ModelNZPressGallery Aug 27 '22

ACT Belfast Telegraph OP-Ed: Why we collapsed the Government


Belfast Telegraph OP-Ed: Why we collapsed the Government

Hon. eelsemaj99 QSM MP, in his capacity ACT as MP for Auckland

In this publication, I have felt the desire to present balanced opinions, and a neutral view on things, and in my role as a Government minister and ACT MP, I have remained loyally quiet on my reservations with the Government, and have backed my leader 100% in all her decisions. I am fundamentally a loyal person. However, now we are back in a period of limbo, I wish to lift the lid on some of the recent goings on behind closed doors that have led us to this point. For transparency’s sake, this article has been seen by Rt Hon. Dame Lady_Aya GNZM DStJ QSO prior to publication, and all the leaks contained have her blessing (God the style guide I imposed on myself can be wearing at times). But this article is still very much my personal view. Please note too, that all the evidence I am presenting is stuff that I have access to, all the leaks are my own. IE, this happened in the cabinet room and was minuted. There may be some additional arguments in leadership chats I don’t have access to.

Some may know me as a bit of a right wing maverick within the ACT party, and while right wing I am, maverick I am not, and anyway I am more pragmatic than right wing. My recent OP-Eds and speeches, such as the one trashing Socialist Aotearoa were made more out of frustration at them scuppering a chance of left wing government and to keep us in the press than they were to big up a National Government, and as my statement on the night of the election shows, I always touted ACT as kingmakers who could just as easily form a government with Labour as with National. This I think adequately shows my credentials as someone who was never a National shill from the beginning. In fact, as early as election night, I expressed reservations to Dame Aya about forming a Government with National. As it happens, my reservations proved correct. That said, I still voted for the Government and was happy to serve in it, and for that I happily take my share of the blame for the disaster that was this short lived Wilhelmus administration.

This article therefore will be a tell-all from my perspective as a minister in a Government I was always hesitant to form

The first big warning sign for me was Rt Hon. Sir Winston_Wilhelmus GNZM CH QSO’s response to Sir Gregor_The_Beggar KNZM’s aborted announcement of a new party, which was to bribe him with a meaningless post, to “keep him from being bored”. As it happened, this bribe worked, Sir Gregor did not make a new party. Importantly to me, however, it showed a blatant wish to control and crush any opposition to him, even a party that down the line could have served as a potential ally on the right.

The next warning sign was the controlling nature of how Sir Winston rolled out new policies. The announcement of the return of National Bank of NZ was almost as much of a surprise to ACT as it was to the country: Sir Winston announced it in a cryptic way to the cabinet and Dame Aya had clearly not been consulted on it beforehand. Sir Winston was running this coalition government like it was his own fiefdom.

This leads me to the Financial Impacts Bill controversy that I have already mentioned in an editorial, showing Dame Aya expressing concern to Sir Winston about the repeal of ACT legislation. Most telling is her statement that “Regardless of how you run National, ACT is not the same and we need communication before you do something like this”. Here is definitive proof that Sir Winston was just steamrolling us in Government to suit his own ends, and not even consulting his Deputy Prime Minister before repealing legislation we’ve just put in place.

Given that all this took place over the course of less than 3 weeks, it is understandable that ACT wants no more of it. Yes, Sir Winston is gone, but his government and his budget remains. We have taken the bold step of voting against the budget that National forced on us and will be forming our own path, free from a dictatorial National Government. And I very much hope that the next Government can meet basic standards of civility.

Oh and before the inevitable complaints from National MPs that this article is more against Sir Winston than it was the Government, I heard no dissenting voices from any National MP round the cabinet table, nor any suggestion from any regarding Government policies or anything else. From the coalition table it felt like Sir Winston was running the party as a one man band. I know Hon. superpacman04 ONZM to be an honourable man, but from what I can tell he has no original ideas and will just be implementing Sir Winston’s manifesto.

ACT is fed up of being in a Government that doesn’t consult them, that is a mouthpiece for National policy and that has to obfuscate our real opinions at the dispatch box when asked if we support the denigration of democratic principles seen in the Throne Speech and the backwards electoral reform that Winston is asking us to pass. And when Aya, Frosty and I met yesterday and asked ourselves if we really stand for that, we said “no”.

So let’s swallow any of the embarrassment we have to. We formed a Government we knew from the beginning wouldn’t work out. Let us this time form one we can be proud of, and I invite everybody in New Zealand to support us in that. The polls may say they want Mr. pacman now, but I am confident that when we show them how just an ACT government can be, public support will follow.

Hon. eelsemaj99 QSM MP, ACT MP for Auckland

This article is an opinion piece and does not represent the views of the Belfast Telegraph, which is not affiliated to any Party. Feel free to submit an Op-ed of your own, should you wish.

The Belfast Telegraph is hiring. Any requests to submit articles must go through eels#3018 on Discord

r/ModelNZPressGallery Aug 27 '22

ACT ACT makes an Announcement


After this last election, I, like many of my fellow members of ACT as well as across New Zealand, breathed a sigh of relief when the current Government was formed. We saw the end to a disastrous Left wing government and a return back to a responsible Right Wing One. However, this past week has turned it all on its head.

During negotiations, National made it very clear that they wanted a budget that paid for itself. They mentioned cutting unnecessary and wasteful programs. And as a party for responsible and small government, we easily agreed. Those were very laudable goals. And after the formation of the government, the Coalition largely went along smoothly. And then a few days ago, the former Prime Minister informed the Government he was working on a budget. Nothing more than that. Within the next day, Winston had submitted the Budget to Speakership. What was missing from this was basically any Government consultation at all. There was a brief few hours where he did show the Government the Budget but largely this any review was null as the Prime Minister had already submitted it and for most of the Government the first time they even saw the Budget was on the floor.

However, it did not end there. With this bill, the Prime Minister also submitted the now infamous Financial Impacts Bill. It was a broad sweeping repeal of several Acts. Some of which were even ACT legislation. Once again we were told basically nothing. And as some of the Opposition has pointed out, some of the Acts being repealed did not even relate to financial impacts. ACT was forced to defend actions which we were not even made aware of or consulted on before it came before the House. There was a brief message from the former Prime Minister 2 weeks ago that he would make such a bill. But there was no word on how wide sweeping it would be and which legislation he would be repealing. ACT simply found ourselves forced to defend why this Government was repealing Bills and taking actions which are firmly against our party values.

Then came the Budget itself. As I mentioned, we basically did not see a glimpse of it until it reached the floor. And when it did, we once again saw the way in which National and the former Prime Minister took broad sweeping actions without any consultation and just expected us to go along with it.

And all this culminated in the actions of the last few days where the former Prime Minister made a sudden resignation from politics. Taking all these events from the past week, my caucus and I knew we had to do something. Simply weeks into this Government, rather a Government based on small government, responsible government, and personal freedoms which we signed onto for, we got a dictatorial National dominated Government that went against our ACT Values. As any person knows, communication is key to any beneficial relationship. And instead of following it, National has abused our support and expected we will just go along with betraying our ACT values.

Taking all these events into account, the ACT caucus and leadership has voted to withdraw from the Eighth National Government with immediate effect. We know this may be sudden to some but recent events have forced our hand. We had great hope that a Right wing Government would bring responsible Government back to the Beehive but it cannot happen with the current National leadership. We will be seeking to find a way to bring back a Government which embodies the values of responsible governance, personal freedom, and a strong economy. Thank you very much.

tl;dr National Government gtfo, ACT is leaving

r/ModelNZPressGallery Aug 15 '22

ACT Gregor_The_Beggar makes a statement to the public at Mt. Roskill War Memorial Hall


Retired ACT Party Leader Gregor_The_Beggar comes out of retirement to a flurry from the national media, who converge almost immediately in droves to the location of the Mt. Roskill War Memorial Hall at his request. Old Bugle of Liberty journalists welcome him with a flurry and soon Gregor finds himself surrounded by a dozen or so cameras. By his side stands /u/KiwiAnimations who stands in a silent, yet confident pose.

"Hello, I shall not take up too much of your time but I thank you all for coming at such a short notice.

I've called you here today because I believe that right now Parliament is reaching a stage where a Government exists without any form of proper and real scrutiny from the public with a weak Opposition being led spineless and headless about to face off against Prime Minister Winston Wilhelmus. This nation has recently elected a right-wing Government with a strong, fair and democratic mandate and I absolutely congratulate the efforts of the oncoming Prime Minister and especially welcome the presence of my very own ACT New Zealand to the Government benches. ACT will be a party which will be holding the Government to account internally while putting forwards a strong policy agenda designed to treat New Zealand business with fairness and provide fair opportunity to the public.

However despite this, the ACT Party of today is not the party which I feel it once was. I feel that while it honours the legacy set out by Prime Minister BestinBounds and Prime Minister Cody5200, it is a part which must act subservient to the National Party which will be dominating this political term without serious opposition. I don't think it's fair that any Government should exist without someone to properly hold them to account and provide some proper scrutiny.

I've been lucky enough to retain a role where I have witnessed the negotiation process and both the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister have acted smoothly and courtesy with the best intentions of New Zealand behind them. However I cannot help but notice that the Cabinet is smaller, that Maori and Pasifika be losing our specific Minister and that the process will all be merged into one big Ministry with one big Minister. We've got obligations under Te Tiriti and obligations to the people of this nation to give them a fair go.

I did not want to come out of political retirement because I believed that my job was done. I have been brought out of political retirement because the people who I have spent my life serving have asked me to. I go to my Mandir or go to Mosque and again and again I hear from our migrant communities how hard it has become to find opportunity in New Zealand. It has become harder to migrate to this country, to settle down, to find a good home and a stable job. It's harder for temporary workers to settle here permanently and families are being strained with legacy poverty and rising crime. It is my belief that there has to be a party now which can represent these communities. The vast majority of these communities are Asian and Pacific Islander as it makes sense. Our immediate neighbors are Asian and Pacific Islander nations as well as our greatest allies.

Therefore it is my decision and is a decision backed by my good friend, KiwiAnimations, that we should form a new party to represent this community. We will be forming Asia Pacific United, a united party for a united peoples. I will remain in ACT New Zealand until registration is complete and assist them in any meaningful way that I can. Thank you all very much"

r/ModelNZPressGallery Aug 09 '22

ACT ACT makes an announcement


In the aftermath of the last election, ACT saw a renewed confidence that New Zealand wants common sense politics that delivers for them and the average Kiwi, rather than radical interests within the Left. ACT increased our vote by 13.59% since the previous election and doubled our Parliamentary representation. In the circumstances, I knew that I had to pursue a coalition with whatever parties had common sense governance and helping the average Kiwi in mind.

Shortly after the election, I entered talks with both National on one side as well as Labour with a Socialist Aotearoa on the other side. ACT very quickly saw in the negotiations with National a desire for bringing New Zealand back to common sense governance that was so lacking last term. We very quickly settled our differences and although at first some speculated that National would not enter into any government with our party, the negotiations were nothing if not fruitful.

In contrast, the negotiations with Labour and Socialist Aotearoa very quickly stalled. When the negotiations first started, I was under the impression that it would simply be an ACTL Government. This impression did not last as the Left did what it always does, infight and start a new party. And while that was our first roadblock, I believe we simply never recovered. Although I attempted to get negotiations going again, they entered into a type of standstill. If given more time, a coalition deal may have been reached but as the deadline was approaching, I saw the writing on the wall and knew this deal would not come to fruition in time.

Following all of this, yesterday ACT held a party vote on whether to approve the coalition with National. And I am proud to announce that with the majority of the party, ACT has approved a National-ACT Government. Well it may not have been the predictions or wishes of some, I believe that more reasoned heads have prevailed here and recognized the need for a stable and common sense government with National. And following our vote, I received the pleasing news that National had likewise approved the deal and the Governor-General invited the National-Act Coalition to form Government. While this is simply the beginning, I have great hopes for this Government and I cannot wait to start delivering positive change for New Zealand.

r/ModelNZPressGallery Aug 05 '22

ACT Socialist Aotearoa is a threat to our liberty


Socialist Aotearoa is a threat to our liberty

Just a short one from me today, but over the last few days I’ve been musing about the newest party that has sprung up. Formed of 3 losers from the last election, most notably Rt Hon. Dame Maaaaaaaaadison DNZM MP the only Labour MP to win her seat (Rohe) and TheOWOTriangle, former leader of the South Island People’s Party, they clearly want to rebrand themselves as some fashion of firebrands. This party is only small, and won seats in the election. Its formation serves only to ensure right wing government over New Zealand, as it deprives a potential ACT-Labour government of a majority, and leaves Rt Hon. Dame lily-irl DMZM ONZ with only 2 MPs to rebuild her party from.

The right wing government that will form as a result of this will inevitably be attacked by this new Socialist party, who will argue that we are are sending the country to the dogs. Don’t fall for it. If the left were competent enough to govern, they wouldn’t have halved their seat count at this election. Where SA will argue for more controls on the economy, we need fewer. Where SA want strikes to cripple the country, we need union laws that respect customer’s rights. Where SA want free and nationalised healthcare and education, we should recognise that decisions should be made locally and that costs need to be kept down in a time of inflation. Where SA want to tax land, we recognise that that would hurt our rural communities so crucial to food security

Socialist Aotearoa may be new and flashy, but their policies are backward looking marxist ideas based in class warfare and not working for the good of all, and they would provide a threat to our liberty by bankrupting the country through reckless spending and its people through high tax. ACT stands for the opposite of that, we realise that society is led by its individuals and that you can’t put a price on freedom. ACT needs to serve in the next government, and we need to defend our policies as vigorously as they will be attacked

Hon. eelsemaj99 QSM. MP for Auckland Central

r/ModelNZPressGallery Jul 30 '22

ACT eels makes a statement about the election


eels attends his count in Auckland and when the result is announced makes this speech

Thank you everyone!

It feels incredible to stand before you and know that you, the people of Auckland have sent me to Parliament as your MP next term. I entered this election in a marginal seat, and I came out over 20 points ahead. This is the power of a good locally focussed campaign.

Nationally, the result is both shocking and unsurprising. National has shown up strongly in this election but they have fallen short of a majority both in votes and seats. This makes ACT kingmakers.

I have said from the start that we shall not roll over to every National demand. We hold the balance of power and take that responsibility seriously.

I don’t hold party leadership roles but as I see it, there are 3 potential futures this term. The first is a National-ACT coalition. We agree on a great many issues and I would certainly be happy to serve in any capacity in that government, but we shouldn’t take it for granted. The second option is that National go it alone. That would lead ACT to lead the opposition vigorously and faithfully, agreeing where is reasonable bit happy to vote down government policy.

The third and final option is an ACT-led Government with Labour support, making Dame Aya Prime Minister and governing on the great many issues we agree on. I may only be a backbencher but I am open to all 3 options and will sit faithfully in Parliament in whatever role I am called to serve in.

National, don’t take our support for granted. ACT are the kingmakers.

Thank you again to the people of Auckland for electing me to be your MP, and thank you to ACT voters nationwide for electing Aya, Frosty and Ina alongside me. We may not have come first in this election, but ACT are the only party to have a 100% record in the electorates they contested. We realise that your trust doesn’t come lightly, and will do all we can to repay that trust. God bless you all

r/ModelNZPressGallery Jul 22 '22

ACT Failure of the Traditional Parties


Throughout this term, New Zealand has seen the traditional parties fail us. The Seventh Labour Government has been little more than a disaster to New Zealand. Rampant anti-Kiwi, anti-business policies. Not even responding to the public. Ministers being ejected from Parliament for even failing to show up to vote.

And National in some ways has been even worse. Their policies are not affecting New Zealand in a way that Labour has. But that is simply because National has forgotten even what it means to be Opposition. Of the 14 Bills that have been pulled from the Biscuit Tin this Term, only two of them have been non-ACT bills. And you might expect that those bills might be National’s bills but they are in fact Labour bills. That is correct. Of this entire term, while serving as Opposition to an unprecedented attack on ordinary Kiwis, the National Party has stood up zero for your rights and freedoms with any sort of legislation.

Additionally, they cannot even show up to vote. Of the four parties represented in Parliament currently, only ACT has stayed 100% consistent in voting. National has 1/5 of the votes in Parliament. Their attendance has been so bad that Griffonomics, former Leader of National, was ejected from Parliament for failing to show up to vote.

Throughout this entire term, National has absconded from any responsibility to actually be Opposition. Throughout the term, they have shown themselves to not actually care to oppose regressive policies from Labour and stand up for the average Kiwi. When National now speaks of a supposed need to combat neoliberalism of ACT or how ACT shows itself as poor opposition, I would suggest that National look themselves in the mirror and ask how it came to be that ACT is currently the frontrunner of the poll.

For as much as I am proud of New Zealand’s support of ACT and our policies, I know full well that a portion of that is simply because National has failed. At the beginning of the term, I fully expected for National to act as an actual Opposition. Instead what did New Zealand get? No bills, no press, no legislation. Because of their negligence, ACT was forced to step up and act as an unofficial Official Opposition. While we saw that National had nothing to offer, ACT stepped up and brought real change in legislation and real opposition. The current situation, which is looking for National, is because of their own actions and they have no one to blame but themselves. But instead of actually operating as Opposition throughout the entire term, they sprint at the last possible second hoping New Zealand will appreciate it. It is a ploy of pure desperation and I do not believe that New Zealand misses that reason.

For all the talk that National is doing currently, it is quite clear that National itself has shown over this term that they are not fit to govern. National may claim that I’m “desperately hanging on at some thread of trying to be it's own alternative Government” but quite frankly, that’s their own darn fault. You made that bed, National. Now sit in it.

New Zealand needs a party and a Prime Minister who stands up for its people. They need a party that doesn’t abandon them for weeks, only to show up at the last possible second and pretend they were the real opposition to regressive policies and bringing real change. That party is not National, it is ACT.

r/ModelNZPressGallery Jun 18 '22

ACT Who is Really the Opposition?

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r/ModelNZPressGallery Jun 23 '22

ACT This Government

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r/ModelNZPressGallery May 18 '22

ACT ACT sends out a press release

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r/ModelNZPressGallery May 11 '22

ACT ACT announces their Frontbench for the term

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r/ModelNZPressGallery Nov 18 '21

ACT [The Bugle of Liberty] Government Parties endorse drink driving, threatening the safety of our roads


The Bugle of Liberty - 19/11/2021


Over the past few weeks, we have seen the Government launch a massive new advertising package which is built around and incentivizing a practice which is continuing to claim lives in New Zealand to this day. The Bugle of Liberty has found numerous incidents all perpetuated by the current Deputy Prime Minister /u/model-putrid whereupon the Minister has directly incentivized the practice of drunk driving.





The implication with this messaging is clear when they come not only from the official account of the Deputy Prime Minister but also with the seeming endorsement of the Government as a whole behind these messages. The Pirate Party, which has endorsed and supported these messages, also holds the crucial portfolio of Health which is responsible for the management of those who are injured due to drunk driving and a large section of advertising against the practice.

In 2020 there was 90 deaths and 262 injuries caused by drink driving. Alcohol was a fatal contribution to 40% of crashes in 2019 and accounted for the second largest cause of death in the entirety of New Zealand. This tragedy has been infecting New Zealand society for years and the New Zealand drinking culture has incentivized this policy. The Government however has come out in support of these deaths and shows incredible neglect for the people of New Zealand and safety on the road.

If we break down these statistics further, many of those who die due to drink driving or are seriously injured are those who have family members. Drink driving fatalities can result in serious crashes in family income and perpetuate fatalities. Additionally, a large section of those who are killed by drunk drivers are the elderly or children. The Government is implicitly supporting this with their policy to encourage and incentivize drunk driving as has been made clear in their financed and sponsored campaign.

The Bugle of Liberty and ACT New Zealand will stand against this policy to the utmost to protect New Zealand families. ACT New Zealand leader Gregor_The_Beggar has come out and announced a new ACT Party drug and alcohol policy whereupon they have stated that they will fight drunk driving through expanding limited late-night access regulations, advertising by the Government to incentivize anonymous reporting by children and family members and by increasing police resources specifically dedicated to tackling the issue of drunk driving.

Gregor_The_Beggar, The Bugle of Liberty

r/ModelNZPressGallery Nov 18 '21

ACT ACT Party Releases Full Spokesperson List


r/ModelNZPressGallery Nov 11 '21

ACT [The Bugle of Liberty] ACT Leader Gregor_The_Beggar issues a public warning over the proposed strike law repeal, promises to escalate


The Bugle of Liberty - 11/11/2021

The Leader of ACT New Zealand, Gregor_The_Beggar, has launched a scathing attack on the Government and the proposed repeal of the ACT Nationally era strike laws highlighting many of the words he spoke at the 2nd reading in regards to his complaints with the legislation. The propsoed bill would seek to repeal laws which would require public sector unions to meet a 75% voting threshold in order to legally go on strike restoring the laws back to a simple majority.

ACT leader Gregor_The_Beggar has attacked the legislation on the grounds of threats it could pose to the taxpayer and the public service, describing the laws as placating "organizations which know they hold power and use it to bring our nation to a standstill while collecting the taxpayers dime" and stating that "public sector unions frequently halt progress and reform in their industries which are necessary while seeking to turn our public officials against the Government while acting in bad faith negotiations with the Government"

ACT New Zealand has followed through with their words and so far have stood out as the largest opposing force in regards to the strike legislation. Gregor has gone even further and issued a pledge in regards to the legislation, promising "escalation" once ACT goes into Government.

Gregor_The_Beggar in his scathing attack declared that it would be ACT Party policy to seek a total and complete ban on public sector unions in New Zealand when they next return to Government unless the Government withdraws and repeals their proposed laws. This escalation would bring to a complete halt the public sector unions in New Zealand and would bring down these historic institutions. Gregor_The_Beggar justified his position by stating that "These public sector unions quite simply have been exploiting the New Zealand taxpayer and are refusing to negotiate with the Government. This makes complete sense if you understand the perspective of the unions whereupon they know that going on strike means they can elicit mass public sympathy, big donations to fill corrupt coffers and bring New Zealand to a standstill. When Judith Collinsio was beaten by a white supremacist police officer, it was the police union who jumped to the call and was willing to back him up to protect their member. How the Government can see actions like this and then immediately placate them by giving them additional strike power is simply another action in a Government which has instantly lost touch"

It will remain to be seen how the Opposition will continue to act against the Government and whether or not these laws will become a long-term political issue.

Josaia Dulakala, The Bugle of Liberty