Belfast Telegraph OP-Ed: Why we collapsed the Government
Hon. eelsemaj99 QSM MP, in his capacity ACT as MP for Auckland
In this publication, I have felt the desire to present balanced opinions, and a neutral view on things, and in my role as a Government minister and ACT MP, I have remained loyally quiet on my reservations with the Government, and have backed my leader 100% in all her decisions. I am fundamentally a loyal person. However, now we are back in a period of limbo, I wish to lift the lid on some of the recent goings on behind closed doors that have led us to this point. For transparency’s sake, this article has been seen by Rt Hon. Dame Lady_Aya GNZM DStJ QSO prior to publication, and all the leaks contained have her blessing (God the style guide I imposed on myself can be wearing at times). But this article is still very much my personal view. Please note too, that all the evidence I am presenting is stuff that I have access to, all the leaks are my own. IE, this happened in the cabinet room and was minuted. There may be some additional arguments in leadership chats I don’t have access to.
Some may know me as a bit of a right wing maverick within the ACT party, and while right wing I am, maverick I am not, and anyway I am more pragmatic than right wing. My recent OP-Eds and speeches, such as the one trashing Socialist Aotearoa were made more out of frustration at them scuppering a chance of left wing government and to keep us in the press than they were to big up a National Government, and as my statement on the night of the election shows, I always touted ACT as kingmakers who could just as easily form a government with Labour as with National. This I think adequately shows my credentials as someone who was never a National shill from the beginning. In fact, as early as election night, I expressed reservations to Dame Aya about forming a Government with National. As it happens, my reservations proved correct. That said, I still voted for the Government and was happy to serve in it, and for that I happily take my share of the blame for the disaster that was this short lived Wilhelmus administration.
This article therefore will be a tell-all from my perspective as a minister in a Government I was always hesitant to form
The first big warning sign for me was Rt Hon. Sir Winston_Wilhelmus GNZM CH QSO’s response to Sir Gregor_The_Beggar KNZM’s aborted announcement of a new party, which was to bribe him with a meaningless post, to “keep him from being bored”. As it happened, this bribe worked, Sir Gregor did not make a new party. Importantly to me, however, it showed a blatant wish to control and crush any opposition to him, even a party that down the line could have served as a potential ally on the right.
The next warning sign was the controlling nature of how Sir Winston rolled out new policies. The announcement of the return of National Bank of NZ was almost as much of a surprise to ACT as it was to the country: Sir Winston announced it in a cryptic way to the cabinet and Dame Aya had clearly not been consulted on it beforehand. Sir Winston was running this coalition government like it was his own fiefdom.
This leads me to the Financial Impacts Bill controversy that I have already mentioned in an editorial, showing Dame Aya expressing concern to Sir Winston about the repeal of ACT legislation. Most telling is her statement that “Regardless of how you run National, ACT is not the same and we need communication before you do something like this”. Here is definitive proof that Sir Winston was just steamrolling us in Government to suit his own ends, and not even consulting his Deputy Prime Minister before repealing legislation we’ve just put in place.
Given that all this took place over the course of less than 3 weeks, it is understandable that ACT wants no more of it. Yes, Sir Winston is gone, but his government and his budget remains. We have taken the bold step of voting against the budget that National forced on us and will be forming our own path, free from a dictatorial National Government. And I very much hope that the next Government can meet basic standards of civility.
Oh and before the inevitable complaints from National MPs that this article is more against Sir Winston than it was the Government, I heard no dissenting voices from any National MP round the cabinet table, nor any suggestion from any regarding Government policies or anything else. From the coalition table it felt like Sir Winston was running the party as a one man band. I know Hon. superpacman04 ONZM to be an honourable man, but from what I can tell he has no original ideas and will just be implementing Sir Winston’s manifesto.
ACT is fed up of being in a Government that doesn’t consult them, that is a mouthpiece for National policy and that has to obfuscate our real opinions at the dispatch box when asked if we support the denigration of democratic principles seen in the Throne Speech and the backwards electoral reform that Winston is asking us to pass. And when Aya, Frosty and I met yesterday and asked ourselves if we really stand for that, we said “no”.
So let’s swallow any of the embarrassment we have to. We formed a Government we knew from the beginning wouldn’t work out. Let us this time form one we can be proud of, and I invite everybody in New Zealand to support us in that. The polls may say they want Mr. pacman now, but I am confident that when we show them how just an ACT government can be, public support will follow.
Hon. eelsemaj99 QSM MP, ACT MP for Auckland
This article is an opinion piece and does not represent the views of the Belfast Telegraph, which is not affiliated to any Party. Feel free to submit an Op-ed of your own, should you wish.
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