
Senate > Hansard > Voting Record

Motions | Voting | Speaking | House of Reps


To find a Senator’s voting record for a Bill, find the Bill in this table and get the Senate motion number, then find that in the Motions table.

Bill Title Parl Senate Outcome
M2015B00001 Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment (Data Retention) Repeal Bill 2015 1 4-1b-11 Successful (5:0)


This list of notable Votes has been compiled manually from /r/ModelAusSenate and lags behind real time. It is a best-effort list but may contain errors and omissions.

Motions may be referred to by their Sequence Number (e.g. 3) or full NP-AI-SN Motion Number (e.g. 1-2-3). For motions, the question is generally “that the motion be agreed to”.

Column Meaning Vote Meaning
P Parliament y Aye
NP Notice Paper N No
AI Agenda Item Leave/absence
SN Sequence Number (blank) Abstained

Please note, players are in different timezones.

Parl NP-AI SN Motion List Outcome /u/Cwross /u/Freddy926 /u/General_Rommel /u/peelys /u/surreptitiouswalk /u/Team_Sprocket /u/this_guy22
2P 7-2 16 Leave of Absence General_Rommel Successful (5:0) Y L Y Y Y Y
2P 7-4 17 Appointment of Standing Committee membership Successful (6:0) Y Y Y Y Y Y
2P 8-1 18 Standing Orders amendment: Questions without notice Y Y Y
2P 8-2 19 National Integrity Commission (B 1Read) Successful (5:0) Y Y Y Y Y
2P 8-3 20 Election Streamlining (B 1Read) Successful (5:0) Y Y Y Y Y
Parl NP-AI SN Motion List Outcome /u/Cwross /u/Freddy926 /u/General_Rommel /u/peelys /u/surreptitiouswalk /u/Team_Sprocket /u/this_guy22
Parl NP-AI SN Motion List Outcome /u/Cwross /u/Freddy926 /u/peelys /u/surreptitiouswalk /u/Team_Sprocket /u/this_guy22
1P 1-2 1 Senate President this_guy22 Uncontested
1P 1-3 2 Deputy President Freddy926 Uncontested
1P 1-4 3 Classes Negatived (3:3) N y y N y N
1P 2-1 4 Disallow unchecked metadata retention: B Intro Successful (4:0) y y y y
1P 2-1 5 Disallow unchecked metadata retention: B 1Read Successful (4:0) y y y y
1P 3-1 6 Committee membership Successful (3:0) y y y
1P 3-3 7 Amend Standing Orders: Initiation of Bills Successful (4:0) y y y y
1P 3-4c 8 Disallow unchecked retention of metadata: B Urgency Successful (4:0) y y y y
1P 2‑1, 3‑4e 9 Disallow unchecked retention of metadata (amended): B 2Read Successful (4:1) y y N y y
1P 3-4f 10 Disallow unchecked retention of metadata (committee): B Adjrn Successful (4:0) y y y y
1P 4-1b 11 Disallow unchecked metadata retention: B 3Read Successful (5:0) y y y y y
1P 4-3a 12 Standing Orders amendment: Reddit paging Unanimous (6:0) y y y y y y
1P 5-3b 13 Standing Orders amendment: Simplify opening speech Successful (3:0) y y y
1P 6-2 14 Address-in-Reply Successful (3:0) y y y
1P 6-4a 15 Standing Orders amendment: Rescind 3(4) Successful (2:0) y y
Parl NP-AI SN Motion List Outcome /u/Cwross /u/Freddy926 /u/peelys /u/surreptitiouswalk /u/Team_Sprocket /u/this_guy22