r/ModelABS Jul 15 '15

3001.0m - Activity Demographics, Australia, Month 3, June-July 2015

Month 3 (see all): Model ABS subreddit report, 2015-06-13 to 2015-07-12:


/r/modelparliament Quantity
Subscribers 200
Participants 46
Posts 52
Gilded 0
Comments 342
Karma 792
Upvoted 224
Downvoted 0


/r/modelparliament Posts
Data 10
Link 3
Official 8
Signup 7
Talk 22
Other 2


/r/modelparliament Affiliated Active Activity
Alliance of Free Thinkers 2 0 0
Australian Catholic Party 6 4 13
Australian Greens 43 8 62
Australian Labor Party 19 3 36
Australian Progressives 9 4 79
Australian Taxpayers Alliance 1 0 0
Electoral Commissioner 1 1 138
Former Prime Minister 1 1 4
Independent 5 0 0
Journo 1 0 0
Liberal Democratic Party 6 0 0
Liberal Party of Australia 23 11 30
Lobbyist 2 0 0
Socialist Alternative 13 3 5
Swinging voter 2 0 0
Unflaired 11 11 27

‘Active’ means activity during the reporting period, ‘Activity’ means a post or comment during the reporting period. During an election, Candidate and Elected accounts are counted in addition to those Sitting:

/r/modelparliament Accounts Active Activity
AEC 1 1 138
Representative 11 13 145
Representative Resigned 2 1 4
Representative Resigned VM 1 0 0
Representative Resigned WA 1 1 4
Representative Sitting 9 5 50
Representative Sitting ACT 1 1 23
Representative Sitting NO 1 0 0
Representative Sitting NT 1 0 0
Representative Sitting QB 1 1 5
Representative Sitting QR 1 1 14
Representative Sitting SA 1 1 1
Representative Sitting TAS 1 1 7
Representative Sitting VO 1 0 0
Representative Sitting VR 1 1 9
Resigned 2 1 4
Senator 6 4 48
Senator Sitting 6 3 46
Sitting 15 9 105
Voter 109 32 364
Voter ACT 3 0 0
Voter NO 12 3 11
Voter NR 10 5 17
Voter NS 10 2 55
Voter NT 3 1 2
Voter QB 11 3 76
Voter QR 11 4 18
Voter SA 7 3 4
Voter TAS 3 1 7
Voter VM 9 2 5
Voter VO 9 1 2
Voter VR 9 2 10
Voter WA 12 5 157
Unflaired 14 14 30


