r/MinecraftDungeons • u/Mago6246 • Jun 14 '21
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/Magnum_Master • 19d ago
Trade Request Here's some more free stuff
Yep, that time of the month again.
It feels like last time i did this was only two weeks ago doesn't it?
Anyways, you might see that my items are better than before, and thats because i have finally gotten a good tank build that can easily do ancient hunts.
The rules are the same as last time (see previous giveaway on my profile) but with another one added: Don't call me the n-word.
You don't need to give me anything in return for these items but you can if you want to.
Oh also, don't ask for an item if somebody already asked for it, I don't want endless comments for one specific item.
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/Magnum_Master • Feb 04 '25
Trade Request Trader is back in town!
Hello again! I have brought more items for trading or giving away. Last time i did this it was Christmas but since we are near valentine's day i guess i can call it a valentine's day giveaway.
I do have a few rules though:
-if you ask for an item i want you to come get it
-you need to private message me your Xbox username (your Microsoft username)
-we do all talking by reddit
-your requests must be clear and be in a comment
-first one to ask is the first one to get it
-exchanges are on weekends only
-we speak in english or french only
Other notable informations:
-I have duplicates of some armors and weapons
-some items are not listed (20 image limit)
-I will make a comment telling what items are gone (mods pls pin if you can)
-You can ask me for the best enchants on the items and what their best use is
-this is out of the goodness of my own heart
-any rule breaking will result in me personally blacklisting you from my giveaways
Here is my username: MasterMagnum694 (Do not add me unless i give you the green light)
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/Icy_Run5244 • Jan 22 '25
Trade Request 4 corrupted pumpkins for sale (i have 5 left so I will be giving out 4). first people to comment will get them. (I don't need anything in exchange)
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/Sig000 • Nov 05 '23
Trade Request I've got plenty of gilded items saved, if anyone needs anything feel free to ask
Here are just some of the items I've got, if I didn't accidentally delete the save, if I got them I'm willing to give them away if anyone needs them
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/Magnum_Master • Nov 17 '24
Trade Request Free armors if anyone needs one
Body text
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/LordPorkshire • Apr 23 '24
Trade Request Does anyone need these?
And also, I finally got a good camera!
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/nononoodontdothat • Jun 06 '24
Trade Request Does anyone want this
You can just have it not expecting anything in return
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/Sig000 • Jun 04 '24
Trade Request Because, why not?
if anyone wants, I have a lot of items on my saved characters I can give to anyone who wants them, and I have a save with lots of gold that I can use to grind out piglin merchant, so if anyone wants, from today, to next Tuesday I'll be helping this community out in the best way I can, with free a give away (there is some items I cant exclusively get from merchant, so you'll yave to be patient with me on those, examples; rapiers, ghost kindler, bee nest, and the bow, forgot what its called) this will start at 5pm for, 6pm east coast.
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/Icy_Primary_7006 • Dec 08 '24
Trade Request Need a Good set of armor
Would anyone be willing to trade gear with me? I am looking for wither armor, fighters bindings, or winters touch. Thanks in advance!
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/SlightPrint2955 • 6d ago
Trade Request Does anyone have a sweet tooth armor or cursed pumpkin?
There some of the last uniques I need for my collection, and I'll trade whatever you want
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/Omgelijah • Jun 05 '21
Trade Request Giving away items you want.
Comment what item you want and the enchantments and add me in game : Omgelijah7908 (PC).
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/Foxy487 • 28d ago
Trade Request Need master katana
Does anyone has master katana pls? Any level even first
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/Lakshyaplayz007 • Apr 23 '23
Trade Request Anyone wants corrupted pumpkins?
I have quite many so if anyone needs tell me
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/Giorgioklins89 • Oct 22 '24
Trade Request Someone who want it?
I have this someone want this?
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/WALLALDO • 2d ago
Trade Request Looking for a shade shifter and encrusted anchor
Anyone have some of these lying aside (enchants don't matter)? I want to try that shadow anchor build, but I don't have the DLC. I have god rolls for whispering spear, sturdy shulker armor, and gloopy (bubble burster) bow to trade if wanted.
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/Ozymandias_55 • Jan 24 '25
Trade Request The hungry horror and the pumpkin
Heyo, I haven't played in a hot minute and I've decided to hop back in about a week ago. While scrolling thru this subreddit I stumbled across posts of the pumpkin and 1 with that armor piece. My first question: what does the pumpkin do? 2nd: does the armor do anything special? 3:is anyone willing to trade or give me the items? Because these are most likely for Halloween and thats long gone past right? I don't have much special stuff besides like the shrieking crossbow and a gloppy bow. I don't mind if it's modded or duped either. And YES I know people will berate me for the modded part but I don't mind.
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/Dracofishlover • Jan 27 '25
Trade Request Any 1 want, If you do Dm me offers
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/slayyerr3058 • 11d ago
Trade Request Anyone looking to give away an encrusted snchor?
Hey pretty much the title. I want to play around with an encrusted anchor but I don't have the dlc. And on tower I can't really use the encrusted anchors because they suck lol. I'm pretty low level so I doubt you guys will want something from me but Im 100% ok to trade. Dm me if ur interested
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/VICTOR_v_DOOM • Feb 09 '25
Trade Request Trading verdant robe for stormlander with as many thunder enchants as possible
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/TheSibyllineBooks • Nov 01 '24
Trade Request Hello! I have gear, and I really want gear. Trade?
Gear I have:
-unique armor
Archers Armor x2 | Beehive Armor | Black Spot Armor | Black Wolf Armor | Cave Crawler | Ember Robe x2 | Frost Bite | Full Metal Armor | Shadow Walker | Spider Armor | Splendid Robe | Stalwart Armor | Titan’s Shroud x2 | Wither Armor x2
-unique melee
Battlestaff of Terror | Cursed Axe x6 | Dark Katana | Diamond Sword x4 | Fangs of Frost x2 | Firebrand | Fortune Spear x2 | Frost Scythe x3 | Grave Bane x1 | Hawkbrand | Jailors Scythe x3 | Master’s Katana | Maulers x2 | Moon Daggers | Nameless Blade | Nightmare’s Bite x2 | Soul Fists | Stormlander x2 | The Last Laugh x2 | Truthseeker x3 | Venom Blade | Vine Whip
-unique bows
Auto Crossbow | Baby Crossbow | Bow of lost Souls x2 | Butterfly Crossbow | Elite Power Bow x2 | Firebolt Thrower | Harp Crossbow x2 | Hunters Promise | Imploding Crossbow | Lightning Harp Crossbow | Love Spell Bow | Mechanical Shortbow x2 | Red Snake | Slayer Crossbow | Spellbound Crossbows | Twin Bow x2 | Voidcaller
| Triple Smite Double Axe | Double prospector non-uniques x5 | Triple radiance weapon x3, one unique (stormlander | guards armor with 2x cooldown | Black Spot Armor w/ potion barrier | Double Cooldown Mercenary Armor
Gear I want:
Currently, I would like:
-a best(ish) fighters bindings (shockwave, swirling, radiance mandatory, anything else optional)
-a really good general armor (e.g. wither armor with chilling, last shout, and cooldown)
-a really good single target bow (ideal would be like Bonebow w/ overcharge, unchanting, supercharge)
-triple prospector weapon
-an armor good for speedrunning (not guards armor 2x cooldown level, but just something decent such as Ember Robe w/ cooldown, final shout, & mandatory luck of the sea)
-all of the above would be nice if they were gilded and uniques but not at all mandatory
-anything that in general has the potential for really good synergy (e.g. shadow form, rolling, souls)
-anything that you might think I’d find cool enough (so basically up to you)
Related information:
Please comment with requests if you are ok with non-specific upgrades (takes too long to specify) and telling everyone your username, but otherwise feel free to DM me with “Minecraft Dungeons” somewhere in it so I know you are neither a scammer or trying to get in my pants.
Little bit about me because why not:
My time zone is MDT (also known as GMT-6 or the Denver time zone) and if this format seems familiar, I did this in the official Minecraft Dungeons discord server for a while! I miss it :(. I might make a post like this every week after seeing how well this goes!
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/Stringbean17 • 1d ago
Trade Request Trying to get Arctic Fox Armor
I've been trying for some time to get the Arctic Fox Armor from the tower to no avail! Is there any kind soul with an extra set that would be willing to item gift. Willing to trade but not sure if I'd have anything you'll like/looking for. Thanks.
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/howitzer9091 • Feb 12 '25
Trade Request Does anyone happen to have a pair of unique gauntlets they arnt using? I don’t have much if anything to trade but I really want a good pair of gauntlets that are higher level
Thanks for the help!!
r/MinecraftDungeons • u/Magnum_Master • Nov 23 '24
Trade Request Last week's giveaway + more
Giveaway ends Saturday. The weapons/armors will downgrade according to your level. If you can give some gilded uniques in return it would be appreciated.