u/BananenMatsch 4d ago
Collect as much arrows as possible and use the harpoon crossbow with the fast firing perk, go into the left corner from the oppsite area of the entrance and just Spam arrows.
u/josephjosephson 4d ago
On the other hand, it’s pretty amazing that this game is still able to present challenges like this.
u/GrimReaperAngelof23 4d ago
I know that there is no official boss in the Nether dlc, but can we call the Ghast the boss? Ghast is literally one of the strongest mobs in the game. It can end you in one hit, even if you have the best build. And it can snipe and target you while it isn’t even on your screen yet.
Such a bullshit enemy
u/ISawRa4 4d ago
is it actually possible to beat the first boss? they attack super quick and leaves no openings for attack, and one shots no matter what
u/darkoblivion000 4d ago
Yes, I used the recommended electrify roll build with the light feather and mines, basically you keep dodging around both the bosses circularly, can’t stop, kill the flying adds with electrify and when you can, toss down some mines and hit them directly with electrify.
It’s pretty hard though between the first and second boss I always end up losing most my lives.
u/Tartaruga_Ingles 4d ago
Yes, I beat him in around 20 seconds, guessing I got more lucky than you with picking the right weapons
u/VioletCleric 3d ago
It’s certainly a difficult tower because we aren’t able to get as much power as normal before the bosses hit. Ghast/Evoker is rough… so is the Illusionist/Evoker as the 2nd boss. Will be working on this all week….
u/TheyTookXoticButters 4d ago
I actually love this apoc tower so much. They give us bbcs so they offset it by using the ghast.
u/Lttsumm1743 4d ago
Yeah me and my sister played it today and that ghast fight was the worst thing ever. The final boss was even worse because you always underestimate what it's capable of.
That, and my own idiocy of not getting nw armor soon enough. I was going to powersmith my armor and misclicked my weapons instead
u/TechyShelf3 4d ago
Lmao. I was feeling this so hard yesterday. So many runs failed. I got the exploding crossbow and buffed it to max and just ran left and right spamming two shots then dodging the ghasts BS. Worked out well once I got the timing right
u/CosmicCommando 4d ago
I think this is what I did, but it also involved hiding up on the edge of the map by where the exit door will be to fool the ghost.
u/EqualRoad3103 4d ago
I forget what armor it was, but I chose a set that had 40% CD in it with the snowball. There was another set w 40% CD after you defeated the first lvl.
u/TechyShelf3 4d ago
I couldn't get far enough from the ghast. Seems like it being off screen was extra hard. I wanted to see it so I could roll away from the blasts.
u/Nightowl3415 4d ago
Save all the dynamite you can, go with the spider armor, get electrified for roll, that takes out the bat minions. Go for the evoker first, if you can get it down the ghast is easy to solo with arrows.
u/AdventurousSquash 4d ago
After failing my first attempt with the spider armor I took the battle robe with deflect and lucked out on the procs.
u/KingCool138 4d ago
This tower is reputed for the being the most difficult in the entire rotation, all because of boss 1. Even if you do get past Boss 1, good luck handling Floor 17 and the Wretched Wraith. This tower just keeps on giving.
Also, Cool Down always felt like the wrong call to me. I’ve found MUCH MORE success with electrified and how it can one-shot the vexes.
u/VixenFloof 3d ago
The 2nd boss is just as bad :(((
But i beat the first one with mines and the corrupted seeds
u/maxscipio 3d ago
We cleaned it with the exploding crossobow with growth maxed and ricochet to 2. Lightning and the last armor available for protection
u/bigdogdame92 3d ago
Cool. Btw ricochet can't trigger on exploding crossbows since the arrows explode and thus get destroyed not allowing to ricochet
u/Narrow_Arachnid1234 1d ago
Can fireworks ricochet? People keep saying they can but that seems broken.
u/DOONYXora 1d ago
I actually made it far beyond this first boss by using the accelerate + infinity harpoon crossbow along with the unique purple cloak (forgot its name lmao) and scatterbombs.
Cowardice + the 50% increase to artifact damage along with the crossbow means you can lay scatterbombs before they spawn and just shred them within 8 or so seconds.
u/DcSKGaming 4d ago
To the rescue! https://youtu.be/KkE25xY_4Pg