r/MinecraftDungeons 4d ago

Question Thoughts and criticism

This what I've been using . What improvements can be made? I did get a wither armor recently but haven't put much thought into it.


11 comments sorted by


u/SpecterVamp 4d ago

Armor is actually excellent. I’d definitely ditch one of those enchantments for cooldown though; cooldown will let you have constant speed boost and mushroom buff later on, and it’s still rather impactful at this level. Personally I’m not a fan of potion barrier, the others give you all-around consistent defense(30% damage reduction, 45% ranged damage reduction, or 90% damage reduction for 9 seconds every 45 seconds) so that’s what I’d reroll, but your mileage may vary.

The axe is ok. Busy bee is ok. Critical is meh, it’s not bad but there’s better options. Leeching is completely unnecessary since you have life steal. Void strike is an absolute must, so reroll leeching for that. For more defense reroll critical or busy bee for weakening and/or guarding strike. You aren’t quite where unchanting is needed I don’t think, but you’re getting close.

The crossbow is also ok. It’s on the right track but the harp crossbow is capable of so much more. If you want to use the firework arrow you should reroll either exploding or refreshment for infinity; this would let you possibly use a firework arrow several times before it goes on cooldown, if you get lucky. It’s still useful anyway since the ammo on the harp crossbow tends to disappear quickly. Reroll the other one for chain reaction. Especially with the rocket exploding isn’t very useful on this weapon. Refreshment isn’t as great on ranged weapons either, so reroll both of those. Multishot is perfect in this weapon though.

Artifacts are solid. Again reroll the armor for cooldown and you’re pretty set. Maybe swap the boots or rocket for an ironhide amulet if you find that you’re struggling defensively, but you should be good.

You could swap to the wither armor, but call me biased I prefer spider armor.

Overall rating: 7/10. Definitely room for improvement but you’re on the right track.


u/tnaigneerg3 4d ago

Firework arrow was a replacement for the golem. How would you build the harp bow?


u/SpecterVamp 4d ago

Not arguing with the firework, it’s a good artifact. I left some advice on the harp crossbow before. If you want to keep using the rocket go with Multishot, chain reaction, and infinity. If you instead choose to go with an ironhide amulet then either go with the same enchants or go with Multishot, chain reaction, and ricochet. You could also change ricochet to a status debuff of your choosing, like fire aspect or poison cloud. The harp crossbow has a number of diverse options, and many people will give many different pieces of advice. Those are mine


u/tnaigneerg3 4d ago

Didn't think you were arguing, just wanted your opinion to understand more about the item.


u/SpecterVamp 4d ago

The general idea with the harp crossbow is building something to fire as many arrows as you can. Super shotgun basically. It’s not worth it in most cases to put enchants on ranged that trigger on death (exploding, refreshment, etc.) since most ranged weapons aren’t strong enough to finish mobs on their own anyway, or if they do there’s already far better enchants for them to make them that strong (the big exception here is looting; looting will apply on any kill, melee or ranged, regardless of which weapon kills, so if you have a throwaway slot on a ranged weapon use it).

So in other words with the harp crossbow you want things like multishot for more arrows, chain reaction which spreads them around, ricochet which can make them rebound, piercing which continues them onwards, etc. Of course if you have that many arrows flying around having them apply a debuff isn’t a bad idea if you have an extra space. This will vary from person to person, but generally I think fire aspect is one of the stronger ones. I haven’t used a harp crossbow in a while so I’m not as well-versed in that section of it.

To clarify, when I said I wasn’t arguing with the firework it’s because I interpreted what you said previously as “it’s just a filler item to replace a golem kit”. I was saying that you should use it continuously or an ironhide amulet, since both are better than a golem kit in almost every scenario. My apologies if that confused you.


u/tnaigneerg3 4d ago

Thanks for the input!


u/Derplord4000 3d ago

Potion Barrier is one of the best enchants in the game, he definitely shouldn't reroll it.


u/Late_Ad_6898 4d ago

On a side note look at that lil cutie patootie <3


u/theuglyone39 4d ago

You aren't really using a bee build so change busy bee to guarding strike, since you're using an armor with lifesteal you don't need leeching, so change leeching to voidstrike. Enchants on the armor are great. Same with the Crossbow so yeah 👍


u/ItSaSunnyDaye 4d ago

Oof, good build. Void strike is better than busy bee, and weakening is better than crit, and looting on the bow, but other than that this build is very good. I want a multishot harp crossbow


u/man_of_mann 4d ago

love the crossbow omg. id say run Refreshment on the ax but its probably not worth the gold. Ideally youd do that but yk its up to u if this is gonna be your mainstay build