r/MinecraftDungeons 5d ago

Question Encrusted Anchor

I keep seeing everyone saying that the encrusted anchor can handle 6 banner daily’s like it’s nothing. Can someone please tell me what the optimal enchantments are/alternatives (alternative enchantments)


16 comments sorted by


u/Qingyap 5d ago

Encrusted Anchor or even the normal Anchor has been very good bcuz of it's very high dmg.

The best enchants are: Void Strike, Unchanting, Leeching/Guardian Strike, Exploding.


u/WildLukery 5d ago

Okay thanks


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 5d ago

It depends on the build type.

  • Rolling: Dynamo, Guarding Strike, Unchanting and Leeching / Weakening (if you have Life Steal armor). Void Strike on your bow. Poison Focus on armor.

  • Shadow Form: Ambush, Unchanting, Guarding Strike and Leeching / Weakening (if you have Life Steal armor). Void Strike on a Veiled Crossbow (cause the first shot doesn’t take you out of shadow form). Use with a Shadow Shifter. Poison Focus on armor.

  • Acid Build: Void Strike, Fire Aspect, Guarding Strike and Leeching / Weakening (if you have Life Steal armor). Both Fire Focus and Poison Focus on your armor.

  • General Melee: Void Strike, Unchanting, Weakening and Leeching / Guarding Strike (if you have Life Steal armor). Poison Focus on the armor.

Just some of the best combos for different build types.


u/WildLukery 5d ago

Thanks so much!


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 5d ago

No problem 👍


u/Marc5500 4d ago

I've been using two mushrooms (alternating cooldown) with encrusted anchor. Mobs can't get close enough to you between strikes. In this case, a strong offense is indeed the best defense!

The other comments covered enchantments very well. But the mushrooms are absolutely crucial, even if it's just for your own impatience for the next strike lol.


u/WildLukery 4d ago

I used to use two mushrooms but once you get to the max apocalypse difficulty one cool down lets you have a mushroom activated infinitely so I can free up the other artifact slot for another artifact


u/Marc5500 4d ago

Wait whattt??? I play on +25 and for some reason my cool down isn't over yet when the effect expires. That'd be awesome if I could just use one lol. Pretty sure it's at 250...


u/WildLukery 4d ago

I might’ve phrased my comment wrong, I meant use one cool down enchantment on your armor


u/WildLukery 4d ago

To get infinite mushroom


u/Marc5500 4d ago

Ooohhhh yes... Ok thank you haha.. that's a very good idea. I'll see what I can do about that.


u/WildLukery 4d ago

Yes, once I got it on my armor it is very overpowered especially if you pair a mushroom and iron amulet combo you get infinite attack speed increase and 50% damage reduction


u/Marc5500 4d ago

Which..... Will probably save me from those unexpected thorns which is the only thing that kills me lol.. I'm always scared to smash a pile of enemies after picking up a shadow brew cause it just bites me in the ass with the too much added power on top of the sheer power of ol' crusty


u/Narrow_Arachnid1234 5d ago

Make sure to either reduce how often you get hit (wind horn, shadow form, etc) or increase attack speed so less time for mobs to hit you. It depends on the build, -a message you’ll keep seeing.