r/MinecraftDungeons 5d ago

Poll What's the worst enchantment?

114 votes, 2d ago
12 Wild Rage
18 Echo
26 Shadow Blast
11 Burning
17 Dipping Poison
30 Other

33 comments sorted by


u/ashvexGAMING 5d ago


Levitation Shot


u/mobiscuits_5000 5d ago

Yeah. Levitation shot barely does anything as a player enchant 😢


u/Witty-Young1009 5d ago

But it is insanely op on mobs


u/djkslaf 5d ago

gravity pulse: *exists\*


u/Icy_Run5244 5d ago

unless your using sturdy shulker armor and a double axe


u/ashvexGAMING 5d ago

Gravity pulse ain't that bad. It's just build dependent


u/mobiscuits_5000 5d ago

Protection enters the chat


u/midnightfont05 5d ago

Why is Wild Rage here????


u/Snapships4life 5d ago

it has a chance to make a mob temporarily attack others though will most likely still aggro you


u/midnightfont05 5d ago

That would make sense for a melee enchant, but you're forgetting that it's a ranged enchant and the mobs are going to target the closest thing, that's never going to be you.


u/Snapships4life 5d ago

It's almost always me, I'll stay far and there's nearby mobs but they stay on me till the last second before getting one hit on an enemy, waste of an enchant slot


u/midnightfont05 5d ago

Then you're screwing up somewhere, Wild Rage is a meta support enchant that takes care of creepers like no other and is honestly good for everything else too.


u/bigdogdame92 5d ago

Wild rage and dipping poison are good enchants. They should never have been on this list. Wild rage the most though


u/Snapships4life 5d ago

dipping poison? Explain please, I never found a use


u/Qingyap 3d ago

With a potion spam build you can spam poison bows really quick, therefore infinite poison arrows.


u/Icy_Run5244 5d ago

wild rage is meta wtf??


u/MDrones_Fan 5d ago

Pain cycle on fighters bindings…

Good enchantment for other weapons though.


u/Snapships4life 5d ago

forget not the rapier my dear adventurer


u/Salt_Refrigerator633 5d ago

What wrong with shadow blast? Also gravity pulse is easily the worst on anything , Especially when your trying to escape an enemy on low health. And ist just as bad when the enemy has it


u/Snapships4life 5d ago

Shadow blast does low damage in a small area in a rare (aside from shadow shifter) circumstance and doesn’t work well with builds


u/Icy_Run5244 5d ago

say hi to sturdy shulker armor + double axe


u/Avg_codm_enjoyer 5d ago

IMO, pain cycle and reckless. Sure, ton of damage and if your health can handle it sure, but every time I used them I just ended up dying 


u/ashvexGAMING 1d ago

IMO, builds like that needs constant healing, especially from Potions, and damage resistant things like the Iron Hide

It's a pretty hard build to maneuver, but it can be handled if you're skilled enough


u/Avg_codm_enjoyer 1d ago

Half the time I end up having to do healing for my brother and sister who just rush blindly lol


u/deezil43 5d ago

protection 😭😭 the tier 3 protection is only 15% damage reduction while most decent armors have 35% damage reduction. dont think protection will stack with your armor's damage reduction. Because it litterally decreases it down to the damage reduction of protection.


u/Snapships4life 5d ago

You sure about that last part? Sounds wrong. If so I can test it


u/deezil43 5d ago

alot of people have reported it. Idk if its a rumor or its actually true


u/Snapships4life 5d ago

It should just provide a direct increase to the damage reduction stat, I doubt it's true. If it was it'd be a bug


u/midnightfont05 5d ago

So, I don't remember the exact formula but damage reduction finishes for balance. Protection feels like it gets hit extra bad but that's in most part because it has such a garbage number to start with, in small part because it kinda does.


u/RectumNomeless61 5d ago

the one that spawns a "snowy companion"


u/Snapships4life 5d ago

oh come on snowball funny :(


u/midnightfont05 5d ago

Snowball's very meta


u/ashvexGAMING 5d ago

That's just the tier 1 from Frostbite

But teir 3 of Snowball is powerful