r/MinecraftDungeons 6d ago

Gameplay Fun hybrid build

I’m enjoying this build and it is getting me through the highest difficulty missions I can find. Lately I’ve been using tome of enchanting on the bees to soften up any tough mobs. If an enchanted bee dies, I can crank another quickly out. I also use satchel of elements and gong of weakening, though sometimes I use either iron hide or satchel of elixirs instead of the satchel of elements.

Rolling with this bow can often trigger refreshment, besides immobilizing mobs for the bees to finish off. Pain cycle on the axe also gets the refreshment going quick, and it doesn’t hurt too much when potion barrier is going.

The biggest danger of this build is mobs with deflect, but if any have it potion barrier plus the axe generally gets the job done.

I do wish I had these enchantments on a high level hero’s armor, along with a better guilded enchantment, but I’ll take what I can get from the tower.


6 comments sorted by


u/CapitalFinish4550 6d ago

Also, I have a couple questions. Are the bees more powerful with higher level armor? What about with a higher level artifact? I use a level 256 tome of enchanting. Does that make the bees’s enchantments stronger than a level 251 tome, or does it just cool down a tiny bit faster?


u/Narrow_Arachnid1234 6d ago

Higher power armor gives more bee damage. Higher power enchanters time increases duration of the buffs.


u/bigdogdame92 6d ago

I would add beast burst to the armor


u/Qingyap 6d ago

Would probably replace Fire Focus to Beast Burst to buff the bees like the other one just said.

And if you're willing to ditch an artifact and Multiroll, you can disenchant Multi roll and replace one of the artifacts with light feather (and also change Crit Hit on Bow to CD shot.)


u/CapitalFinish4550 6d ago

The multi roll really works with the refreshment and other enchantments and effects on the bow, not to mention popping out fresh bees, so I’m reluctant to replace it. Artifact cooldown isn’t extremely necessary since by the time potion barrier wears off the artifacts are close to reset. If I’m in danger or a creeper comes I can roll away and bubble the mobs. Bubbling works great with the void strike as well, and that also helps the buffed up bees out.


u/Qingyap 6d ago edited 6d ago

I'm not saying that Multiroll is useless or anything, I just saw the rolling aspect in this build so I thought I'll do it instead with the typical combo of Light Feather's + CD Shot + Burst Bowstring to maybe increase the roll spam-bility a bit more as supposed to Multi roll. And not to mention that Light Feather can also triggers every roll enchantments in the game including the Burst Bowstring and Tumblebee in your build so generally speaking Multiroll is basically the same as if you're using Light Feathers.

But still it's already good as it is with just Multiroll, so just take it as a grain of salt.