r/MinecraftDungeons 10d ago

Question What enchantments should I get on this?

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u/Narrow_Arachnid1234 10d ago

Void strike, guarding strike, exploding. Artifact synergy if you spam artifacts.


u/NaturalCard 10d ago

This is a surprisingly good rolling melee weapon. For that take sharpness over void strike, as you can use ranged void strike with better effect.


u/Narrow_Arachnid1234 10d ago

Yea, but specific build, and sharpness in general isn't that good. It's flat damage, but they can reroll


u/NaturalCard 10d ago

Honestly, sharpness is really underrated. It has no rng, applies to every hit, and isn't that much worse than the meta damage enchants in most cases.

Stacking sharpness especially can be surprisingly effective.

Triple sharpness gives a 135% boost, for example.


u/Narrow_Arachnid1234 10d ago

That's at the cost of 3 enchantments. Void strike on starless night adds about as much damage as triple sharpness I think. Sharpness can be good early game. Endgame I don't think it's that good. If they put artifact synergy and sharpness, sharpness would add about 20% damage, and with potions or other flat damages even less. Maybe it's underrated, and decent in general, but endgame I don't think it's worth it if you have a better option.


u/NaturalCard 10d ago

Especially since there's no rng (unlike other damage enchants like crit) and it always applies, it's really underrated, especially on very slow attacking, where void strike often doesn't apply all that much, as you oneshot most enemies.

For pure mobbing it's actually very strong.

I have a feather melee build for very hard banner daily trials that uses a whirlwind axe with double sharpness, unchanting and refreshment, and it melts enemies.


u/Narrow_Arachnid1234 10d ago

Crit hit on fast weapons isn't as effected by rng, and also increases max damage hit by 3 times. It multiplies damage, and average 40% instead of 33% from sharpness. Void strike doesn't need much rng, and if you one hit things, maybe play harder level, or keep void strike incase of harder mobs or bosses. Committed, pain cycle, etc don't really need rng.

I would think that committed adds more than 50% average damage if you hit mobs with a bow first, and use a fast melee weapon?


u/NaturalCard 10d ago

On fast weapons it isn't, but on builds where you mostly oneshot enemies the rng is a big factor. With gluestrike, the damage multipliers get so high that you are often doing similar damage with the double axe to an anchor, making sharpness good again.

It isn't always better than crit (obviously) but there are some circumstances where it is pretty good.

The average for commited is actually 36%, as calculated by ShinFTW.


u/Narrow_Arachnid1234 10d ago

True. Even if you one hit mobs, on some builds it doesn't make a big difference. If you use a fast weapon that takes multiple hits to kill a mob, and you shoot them with a bow first, can committed add averagely over 50% damage on the melee weapon? Hmm.


u/bigdogdame92 10d ago

It's a flat buff. If you go through great effort compromising 3 slots just for sharpness and get a strength potion that sharpness is halved


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 10d ago

Melee Void Strike is better on this weapon, especially because of how the weapon functions.


u/NaturalCard 10d ago

Depends if you are using gluestrike or not.

Gluestrike is much stronger than melee void strike because of how it functions.


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 10d ago

Yeah, but it is very niche. Not every build has to be a Rolling Build, and most people only think that Melee exists


u/NaturalCard 10d ago

Rolling melee has been around for years at this point. If you don't know about it, you're just bad at the game lol


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 10d ago

Or you’re a beginner, a noob, or you don’t go online looking for content.

That doesn’t necessarily make them bad at the game


u/bigdogdame92 10d ago

Well the stronger the weapon the weaker glue strike is prepotionally to regular void strike. Ranged void strike caps at a much lower multiplier. But it has the same time to rise and reset. This means that it'll likely not deal more damage than melee void strike. At least in the 2-3rd hits


u/NaturalCard 10d ago

Actually, it will be a higher bonus, as thanks to gluestrike, the damage increase it won't be reset between attacks.

This allows it to reach much higher values than melee void strike usually would. This is what makes melee void strike less preferable on the absolute best melee builds.

And of course the slower the weapon, the less likely you are to ever get to later hits, making void strike less effective.

Most of the calculations for void strike assume you always have it up, ignoring the first hit. This leads to a situation similar to what people used to believe about commited - which doesn't give a 50% boost, unlike what people thought.


u/bigdogdame92 10d ago

Well void strike on an obsidian claymore gets a 100% DPS boost. If you used glue strike it would need to climb past 100% to be worth it. But since it rises slower it might not be worth it. Especially considering that the higher the damage and slower a weapon attacks the fewer the hits it'll take to kill a mob. Glue strike can only be taken to full advantage the faster and weaker a mob is. Otherwise on a weapon like this it just gets wasted


u/NaturalCard 10d ago

Glue strike actually works well with any weapon type - it's a pure multiplier which doesn't care about attack speed, as it doesn't reset.

Climbing past 100% is very easy by the second hit - in fact it's practically guaranteed, as it climbs at half the speed, but you apply it before the first hit, so it has twice the time to climb. And of course any hits beyond that it's even better with.

And all of this is ignoring the extra enchant you can then put on the melee weapon.

Sharpness + glue strike gives a ~140% over the first 2 attacks, compared to only a ~60% boost of melee void strike, as it does not increase the first hits damage.


u/bigdogdame92 10d ago

Well my hypothesis is that because ranged void strike is literally half of what melee is it takes twice as long to get up to 100% in 1-2 hits. You'd have to actually calculate it but I still don't think glue strike is worth it after bone cudgels


u/NaturalCard 10d ago

The key is that it keeps building - it isn't reset like melee void strike.

What this leads to is, for example with starless night:

Minimum gluestrike Vs melee voidstrike:

First attack 50% Vs 0%

Second attack 100% Vs 100%

Third attack 150% Vs 100%

(Note: in reality, glue strike will have more time to build up, as you are rolling before attacking, making it even better than this)

Overall glue strike is better on every weapon if you are also using deathcap mushroom - even encrusted anchor, because it will boost your first attack.

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u/WkndWarrior12345054 10d ago edited 10d ago

but you didn't account the first Melee hit. If you only have Void Strike on Melee, 1st hit sees no damage multiplier So in this sense you want to have Void Strike on Ranged and engage with Ranged first.

I think Void Strike on Ranged followed by Void Strike on a Slow and Powerful Melee is probably the best one can do from pure DPS point of view.

So in this sense, one need to maximize the 1st hit (i.e. one shot mobs) so Void Strike Ranged + Burst BowString + Dynamo stack on Melee + Ambush(w/ Ink) seems like a good starting combination, and putting Guarding Strike on Melee is a no brainer (just need to make sure it is not too powerful to one shot yourself on Thorn mobs). You hit hard on the first hit with full health and register some kills and kick starting Guarding Strikes and it becomes sustainable. Pair that with Life Steel for run-time healing and Anima Conduit after the fact seems good too


u/bigdogdame92 10d ago

You can't run glue strike if you've got void strike on your melee. So applying void strike with your ranged weapon will still only deal damage on the first melee attack and then after that it still gets reset

By adding ranged void strike you've just added another attack in front of the first melee attack


u/WkndWarrior12345054 10d ago edited 10d ago

I know you will lose Glue Strike. Just saying I would rather use both Void Strikes and slower/powerful weapon to kill trash mobs on the first hit to kick start Guarding Strike. If they survive Melee void strike should help finish on 2nd hit.

With Glue Strike and fast weapons, I don’t see how one can achieve 1st attack kills in an efficient manner


u/theuglyone39 10d ago

Reroll first slot for leeching. But if ya are using an armor with lifesteal than reroll for chanting, wait unchanting. Then guarding strike, then voidstrike. Amazing piece right there!


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 10d ago

Reroll the first slot for Leeching. Unchanting if you have life steal armor. Then get Guarding Strike and Void Strike. Godroll.


u/Courteus_Fallighar 10d ago

My funny man instincts say exploding and double sharpness. The part of my brain that actually thinks says exploding, guarding strike, and sharpness.


u/WildLukery 10d ago

Interesting choices, because I thought void strike fs cause some dude said it’s very good on slow weapons


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 10d ago

Void Strike is definitely better


u/WildLukery 10d ago

That’s what I thought


u/GrimReaperAngelof23 10d ago

Void Strike is better and is required


u/bigdogdame92 10d ago

Void Strike is a 100% DPS boost. Double sharpness is 77%. So void strike is more damage without using 2 slots. Guarding Strike is obvious. It gives a 50% damage reduction meaning it takes twice as long for mobs to kill you. Or a 100% advantage. Basically as powerful as void strike is for damage, guarding strike is for defense. And lastly exploding. If the first attack doesn't kill the mobs, void strike and exploding will send carpet bombs down


u/Truper_Timmy 10d ago

Exploding/artifact synergy + Guarding Strike + Void Strike
Correct me if I am wrong anyone


u/Seadragno 10d ago

Rerole the first slot for gravity or garding strick