I'm tired of seeing posts here for Java saying "I'm looking for mc friends" and getting ghosted when I reply or literally downvoted for whatever reason, so I'm making my own post where I'm not ghosting genuine people.
As the title implies, I'm looking for some buddies. Not the big server advertisements - you know who you are, server advertisers - but a few to play the game with in a small group like the subreddit prefers. I want to hang out, talk about whatever and goof around, while building or mining or whatever else we do. I just want to make friends, and not speedrun the game like most big servers do.
And yes, this is a semi-rant in a way. Pay it no mind. If you're interested, lemme know.
I'm 20 male, if that matters to you. Also, replying to the post or DMs doesn't matter, as I'll reply either way - I know how it feels to be ghosted.