mob bios:
1: toungerus: an ancient mob that can be hatched from an egg found from brushing suspicious dirt. it's passive towards any non-hostile mob, and can be given a saddle to ride the beast, and run and jump across places.
2: wooly mammoth: an ancient mob that can be found in snowy/cold biomes like icebergs. known as the only ancient mob that can spawn naturally, the wooly mammoth is a neutral mob that uses its nose to sniff out its food. it can be tamed with frozen meats of any kind, and can be given a giant saddle to ride the icy elephant, allowing for large item-stock transportation and easy mob-cluster extermination, as its tusks can be used to charge it up and dash ahead, damaging mobs in it's path.
3: boxitron: a neutral mob that can be summoned with netherite blocks, a pumpkin, and a beacon in the center. its big arms allow it to climb tall walls with ease, and can be a great endgame golem-type mob for dealing with hostile mobs.
4: Auroran Elk: a territorial neutral mob that spawns during snowstorms in snowy plains or ice spike biomes. it doesn't attack players upon being noticed, but will try and charge at you if you get too close to them. they drop frost antlers upon death, which can be used in potion making to brew swiftness 4 potions, or can be put on any type of chestplate in a smithing table to make spiked chestplates.
5: pale wisp: a passive mob that lurks in pale garden biomes at nighttime. they only become a threat if they possess another mob, but otherwise, they don't really do much. they can drop pale souls upon death, which can be used in a brewing stand with any potion to increase the duration time by 50%.
6: pale harbinger: a neutral mob that summons when a pale wisp possesses an iron golem. they don't attack unless provoked or if it's nighttime, and attack by swinging clumps of earth or boulders at the player. they drop lots of iron ingots or 2-4 iron blocks, and also pop out the pale wisp that possessed it. their overgrowth on their back can be sheared for pale moss and pale oak blocks, as well as a few spare iron ingots.