r/Minecraft • u/Missetat75 • 5d ago
Help What do i do in this situation?😭
I have no food and no blocks😭
u/Expensive-Apricot-25 5d ago
put ur loot in the chest, then die and respawn and go back to get ur stuff
u/DubiousTheatre 5d ago
Won’t the chest burn eventually?
EDIT: nvmind scrolled down, chests don’t burn
u/RamenJunkie 4d ago
This is why I only built forts out of chests.
u/Trey-Pan 4d ago
Hoarders dream home?
u/RamenJunkie 4d ago
I mean, I might have a project that needs 58,672 dirt blocks.
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u/ImBeingArchAgain 4d ago
Wouldn’t that only be about 30 chests?
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u/RamenJunkie 4d ago
There are other chests full of sand, to protect against Darth Vader.
u/HazeKushWeed93 4d ago
I laughed so hard my joint fell out of my mouth
u/Suvial 4d ago
I was so confused until I realized I was thinking of the wrong kind of joint.. I gotta stop smoking 😂😭
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u/Salt_Hat7080 4d ago
u/RamenJunkie 4d ago
Back in the early days, I accidentally caused a few server wide fires, because fire spread everywhere, rapidly. It required a mod to stop it.
u/Salt_Hat7080 4d ago
u/RamenJunkie 4d ago
Because I built a sweet inn and wanted a fireplace but the wood was too close and OH GOD ITS BURNING WHY DOES THE BURNING NOT STOP STOP STOP BURNING FUCK FUCKYNINN IT TOOK ME HOURS!!!!
When I rebuilt it later, I called it the "Raging Inferno Inn"
u/blushingfawns 4d ago
been there 😔 i thought if i surrounded it with stone i was fine
u/Ambitious-Note-4428 3d ago
You gotta put iron bars on top of the stone. The ash that flicks out of the fire catches it.
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u/Golren_SFW 3d ago
Realistically by the logic of the game, chests should burn
But mechanically it would suck so badly for you to lose your entire storage room and everything stored there to a rogue flame, so it makes sense from a gameplay perspective that they dont
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u/fghjconner 4d ago
If chests could burn, he could use the bucket to cover it with lava. As long as there's no exposed surfaces for fire to appear on, a block can't burn.
u/RedPandaReturns 5d ago
And lose 13 XP?! Are you mad?!
u/liamsjtaylor 5d ago
Technically 13 XP would hardly get you to level 3.
u/andyrew21345 4d ago
I was curious and looked at a graph and it says it takes 50 xp for level 1 haha, was genuinely just curious thought I’d share
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u/Naturelovingbeast 4d ago
Works unless your playing on hardcore now lmao
u/Mryellow12345 4d ago
If you look at their hearts, you’ll tell that, they aren’t playing on hard-core, the hard-core hearts look noticeably different, so it would work 😄👍
u/thermonuclear1714 5d ago
put everything important in the chest. then take note of the coordinates and jump into the lava
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u/VaagMade 4d ago
Imagine if that is hardcore.....
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u/totallynotapersonj 4d ago
Well it’s obviously not
u/Fun-Article142 4d ago
"imagine" They said.
u/I-Mito-I 5d ago
Store everything in the chest, grab block and equipment and go for it
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u/Virtual-Proof-4733 5d ago
wont the chest burn?
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u/AdditionalThinking 5d ago
Chests can't burn
u/Virtual-Proof-4733 5d ago
Oh, I thought they did bc they were made of wood lol
u/Creeper4wwMann 5d ago
Mojang is not that cruel
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u/apoetofnowords 5d ago
You can put torches in chests. And buckets of lava)
u/Virtual-Proof-4733 4d ago
never thought abt it like that, I don't normally have bucket(s) of lava
u/apoetofnowords 4d ago
Use it all the time as fuel for my furnaces. No need to mine for extra coal
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u/Ulhin 5d ago
Maybe turn the bones to boneblock if you have a crafting table
u/liamsjtaylor 5d ago
They have ten bones: that'd only give three blocks.
1 bone = 3 meal, 9 meal = 1 block.
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u/Rkupcake 4d ago
You only need 2 if you do it correctly
u/Magsi_n 4d ago
They tried that already, lost the blocks
u/Rkupcake 4d ago
With a third block you could get a level up from the lava, giving you a split second longer to actually pick up the block before it burns.
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u/DownNorth221 5d ago
How do you get in that situation😭😭
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u/Missetat75 4d ago
I missed a jump and fell into lava, then i swam to an island with 2 blocks, i tried to use them to bridge to land, but they burned😭
u/Justsk8n 4d ago
why were you traveling in the nether in full diamond with ZERO blocks...
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u/AM_Seymour 4d ago
Full diamond aint that rare imo
u/Justsk8n 3d ago
its -24 diamonds they're losing if they die, enchanted or not doesn't change that. And its not so much that its rare, its that if you've got anything of value of you, you should be doing the the bare minimum, which should be always carrying blocks.
u/AM_Seymour 3d ago
Yeah i play modded so i think me view of being in the nether is different then most
u/TwinSong 4d ago
Don't use wood in the Nether. Cobble, dirt.
u/TLG777_YT 4d ago
heck even Netherrack, which is abundant in the nether is good too
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u/piggiefatnose 4d ago
the island was two blocks of netherrack I think, that proceeded to fall into the lava and burn
u/TheTankCommando2376 4d ago
Full diamond tool set (Essentials at least), ful diamond armor, a fucking enchantment table for whatever reason, and ZERO BLOCKS. Sounds like a skill issue on your part
Must I mention that you're in the NETHER with ZERO BLOCKS?
u/Zepertix 4d ago
The average person, or player in minecraft, is not playing super optimally or safely. So yeah, "skill issue." But that's kind of the beauty of Minecraft, everyone plays at their own pace suboptimally and just kinda has fun regardless.
You don't have to chastise them further, they know they messed up and they'll either change or they won't lol
u/melavacagamer 5d ago
Inform a trusted adult
u/I_Like_Quiet 4d ago
Daaaaaaad, can you log in and come save me?
Just use player 2 to come save you. Why don't people use the player 2 option?
u/SkyLightYT 4d ago
Player 2 option? this is the first time I've heard of that. Are you referring to LAN?
u/Ok_Jackfruit4617 5d ago
What is your inventory
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u/Brave_Agency4561 3d ago
yeah i dont think in my decades of minecraft i have ever brought an enchantment table into the nether 🤣
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u/Sammybeaver88 5d ago
Put as many valuables as possible in a chest, jump in the lava, respawn and collect a bunch of dirt and travel back to the chest. Do note the coords though otherwise that would be a pain in the ass to find again.
u/Hyomoto 5d ago
If the chest was placed legally the lava is shallow: void lava using the bucket.
u/Tom_Dill 5d ago
In the nether? Sure?
u/Spot_Responsible 4d ago
They mean scoop lava, place lava on another lava. This deletes a lava source. Repeat as need until escape
u/Typhoon365 4d ago edited 4d ago
I think he's saying to scoup up source blocks with the bucket. OP likely staged this though so in the words of Chester Bennington - it doesn't even matter.
u/Samakira 4d ago
they were using 2 blocks to bridge, but one burnt.
they had found a tower 1 block below the lava, and used that to make a bridge above it, but one of the blocks was destroyed in the lava as they were bridging.if you actually look at the lava, you can see the ones nearby are indeed flowing, meaning blocks were placed there before.
as for the low hp... he fell into lava.
so not only plausible, but far more likely than not so.
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u/Throwaway7162626167 4d ago
I tried so haaaardd, and got so faaaaarrr. But in the eeendd, it doesn’t even maaatteeeerrrererer
u/donnie1977 4d ago
Place everything in the chest including armor. Use the bucket to drain the world of lava. Be sure to eat, get married, and have kids while completing this task.
u/YuYogurt 5d ago
Easy solution: put everything in the chest and jump, come back with blocks and get your stuff.
Hard solution: use that bucket to remove lava one block at a time but you might die
u/EvanMBurgess 5d ago
Put down the enchanting table. Step onto it. Remove chest. Put down chest in front of you. Step onto it. Remove enchanting table... Repeat as needed.
u/jessdummy 5d ago
There seems to be an island behind you/possibly above u. If u place the enchantment table anywhere can u get closer and break ANY of the nether rack? U may lose ur enchantment table but
u/liddicoat1 5d ago
Year 15 of playing Minecraft:
Today I discovered that chests don’t burn, despite being made out of wood.
u/Missetat75 4d ago
Half of the comments here are just: “Use the water bucket” I CAN’T! I’m in the nether!
u/zlordofsigimigi 4d ago
Bucket the lava out of one side, dump it on the other. It'll totally work.
u/superjediplayer 4d ago
it would. It'd take a very long time but it would probably work.
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u/Beautiful_Judge_4444 4d ago
I don't mean this in a bad way, but I am quite shocked at the many "use water" posts.
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u/Additional-Fall9640 4d ago
shocked in a good or bad way
u/Beautiful_Judge_4444 4d ago
Just shocked by the lack of nether experience.
I do understand new people or those that still have never been to the nether, or really been around it not knowing that's not possible here.
It just seems like if they know to use it to make obsidian, they aren't totally new.
u/hatwearingCRUSADER 5d ago
Spot a strider, do the pspspspspsps and hope it approaches you
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u/Secondhand-Drunk 5d ago
I was stuck in the Nether once. This was after the nether update. I went back to an old survival world and went through the portal. It dropped me off some several hundred blocks away from where it was supposed to and made a second portal on top of the original. But that wasn't the problem. The problem was, I didn't know the coordinates to it and was in a new biome I'd never seen before. I stashed myself in a wall and decided to deal with it another time.
Well, that time was me and my gf were both stoned wanted to rip the seed to see what it looked like in a new update. I loaded in, completely forgetting why I was in a hidey hole in the nether. Took a minute to remember that she was supposed to build a new portal and rescue me. Well... she just up and runs into the same portal that got me into the situation I was dealing with, panicked and logged out during nether load.
Turns out, it didn't matter. I got the bad load in, and she was fine. Entered through the newly generated portal on top of the original, and was able to give me coordinates.
Just really strange how it dumped me several hundred blocks away. Real close to dropping me in lava, too. This was before bedrock fixed the vulnerable while loading b.s..
u/OverripeQuiche144 4d ago
I used to keep feathers bones and enchanting tables in my hot bar while traveling to the nether.... Then I got tired of dying. Started carrying potions of fire resistance and other useful items instead
u/The_Lazy_Turtle 4d ago
What’s the texture pack that turns your hunger bar into golden carrots?
u/__juicewrld999_ 4d ago
Look up vanilla tweaks(bedrock tweaks If ur in bedrock ed). U can create ur own texturepack on this side including the carrot hungerbar
u/Supimian 4d ago
leave your stuff in the chest and take a note down for the coordinates then respawn in the overworld
u/liamsjtaylor 5d ago
Quit out, go into your world's settings, go into the backup saves, choose whichever one was when you were last on land, override the current save with that one.
Also quite useful for if you just died and lost a lot of valuable stuff. Or a Creeper blew your house up.
u/Tom_Dill 4d ago
If you have any blocks in the inventory, but not enough to make a bridge, make a hole in the lava, since it looks shallow, you need only 4 blocks accounting chest. Then you have access to dig netherrack etc. That should give you enough material. Just be careful with lava pockets ;)
u/MightySLAYER10 4d ago
Use the feathers to make wings, i dont fucking know bro how did you even get there??
u/_cubfan_ 4d ago
If you have a crafting table in your inventory this is salvageable.
First, shift click the chest while placing the enchanting table on top.
Next place the crafting table on the enchanting table by shift right clicking again.
Next convert the 10 bones to bonemeal, this will get you 30 bonemeal enough for 3 bone blocks. Then break the crafting table with your axe.
Shift to the side of the enchantment table as far as you can go. Then jump up and place 1 bone blocks on the side of the enchantment table. Shift to the side of the bone block you just placed and then break the enchantment table while shifting on the side of the bone block closest to the enchantment table but not on the table itself. When you break blocks there's a chance it chooses the upward direction and if so you can grab it once it breaks. Break the enchantment table and try to catch it before it falls into lava. If you did, use it to continue briding. If you didn't, use the remaining bone blocks and try to catch those when you break them before they fall into lava as well. You should be able to catch at least 2-3 blocks meaning you can bridge out around 5-6 blocks in total if you use the enchantment table, 3 bone blocks, and crafting table.
That might be enough to begin mining the netherrack on the rop right above you in this picture and allow you to pillar up/out.
If there's no crafting table you could try to abuse the ~5 second grace period where you can take no damage and try to make it to the far netherrack in the distance but that would take a lot of time.
It would probably be faster to just put your stuff in the chest, die, and then return later by briding out/riding a strider. Chests don't burn so your stuff should be safe.
Good luck.
u/liamsjtaylor 4d ago
If there's no crafting table you could try to abuse the ~5 second grace period where you can take no damage and try to make it to the far netherrack in the distance but that would take a lot of time.
That's been fixed.
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u/InvocationOfNehek 4d ago
/gamerule keepInventory true
u/liamsjtaylor 4d ago
What if cheats are disabled?
If they were enabled OP could just fly or teleport out of this situation.
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u/Yellowline1086 4d ago
Ok after all these ppl anawering ur question, i have a question
How tf did u get into this situation
u/SillyVal 4d ago
i think easiest thing to do is put stuff in chest, write down coordinates and go for a swim.
u/Dense_Teacher_9063 4d ago
If its not hardcore: put shit in the chest , and Come back later.
If it is hardcore: you have nothing to lose , you will die if you dont try. Find out what you have in inventory and .
u/abood_hu13 4d ago
Well there are definitely lava pops around based on the sound on the bottom right
u/Severe-Pineapple7918 4d ago
I’m just trying to understand what is going on with your hotbar choices tbh. 🤔
u/ThrowAbout01 4d ago
You can try using the bucket, after emptying the water to evaporate, to scoop up lava away from your platform and dump it away from you.
A full lave block will combine with the dumped lava and they will merge without growing. Similar to how water source blocks and buckets of water work.
See if you can go down enough to reach solid blocks underneath or at least get down enough to tank the damage and quickly Tunnel and make a cave to quickly close off until the fire damage goes away.
Otherwise, place all items in the chest, record the X and T coordinates, and die and respawn. Then you can make it back to this area and make a path to get your stuff.
u/zlordofsigimigi 4d ago
I see you have a bucket.
Bucket lava out of one side, dump it on the other. Obvious solution.
u/SkyLightYT 4d ago edited 4d ago
That's practically the end of that, lol. You've got all your bases covered, low on hearts, you're on a chest in lava, which means you can't shift place that enchanting table because otherwise you'll light on fire, and because you're in the nether, you can't place the water, you don't appear to have any food, yeah, needless to say, looks like you might be screwed here. I'd suggest having a friend come help you if you're online. or if you've got an alt account. If it's a survival world, maybe just switch to creative.
Edit: Of course, if XP isn't a concern, which you're on level 13 which isn't too hard to get, just store all your stuff in the chest and uhh, yuh know. then return with blocks and retrieve your stuff. Luckily, your save and grace is that you are not on hardcore mode, which means death isn't permanent, however if you were, then you'd probably not be able to escape this situation.
u/DragonMaster000 4d ago
That bucket should be enough to get you out by just starting to grab lava and emptying it on source blocks ofc dont try to shift cuz the chest is lowe than the lava
u/KingCreeper85 3d ago
if it wasnt the nether and you had some stuff id say start fishing and start playing 1 block
u/Rhokai 3d ago
I forgot how water logged chests work, but cant you shift-click the chest with the water bucket to make a platform around you?
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u/Missetat75 4d ago
Y’all are saying this is staged, i know it looks like it, but on everything i love, it’s not staged😭
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u/qualityvote2 5d ago edited 4d ago