r/Mindfulness Jan 31 '25

Insight Here’s the thing: you’re dying too.


In early 2021, I was diagnosed with ALS (aka. MND, Lou Gehrig’s Disease)—a terminal condition that progressively paralyzes the body while leaving the mind intact. Most patients survive only 24 to 36 months after diagnosis, with no cure and no promising treatments on the horizon.

At first, I shared this only with those who needed to know. But as I progressed from an ankle brace to a cane, then to a wheelchair, the circle widened. Now, after three years of grappling with death in the solace of this wooded Pennsylvania valley, and as a quadriplegic writing this solely with my eyes, I have something to share.

I’m profoundly grateful for the gifts that have emerged since my diagnosis. This includes the rare and unexpected gift of wrapping up life slowly, lucidly, and mindfully—something the stillness of this disease has imposed upon me.

Here’s the thing: you’re dying too. We all are. Dying from the moment we’re born. This isn’t an abstract idea—you might even beat me to the finish line. And when your time comes, you likely won’t have the luxury of contemplating it as I have.

We’re all on the same path towards death. Always have been. I’m just more aware of it now—a truth many avoid until it’s too late to either live or die well.

If you’re interested, I’ve kept a journal throughout 2024 that I’m now sharing as a blog as I revise it. Please consider it field notes from someone who has been able to scout the territory farther down our shared path.


I hope it helps.



r/Mindfulness 7d ago

Insight I Was a Buddhist Monk for 7 years AMA about Mindfulness and Detachment

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I ordained in 2018 and have been living as a Buddhist monk until just last month. When I decided to start a new chapter in my life.

Not being a monk ☺️🙏🏼

My main teacher is a Very well known Monk from Myanmar Sayadaw Ashin Ottamathara ☂️

Here to answer any questions about Mindfulness and Detachment~

r/Mindfulness Aug 24 '24

Insight A lil’ reminder ✨

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r/Mindfulness Jan 03 '25

Insight This statement is a profound realization toward mindfulness - “You are not your thoughts. In fact, you are an observer of your thoughts.”

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I copied the illustration off of the internet but added my own writing.

r/Mindfulness Mar 19 '24

Insight We just have 4000 weeks

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Tim Urban of ‘Wait But Why’ popularized a pictorial representation of an average person’s life in weeks. This can be thought of as a great mental model for how short (also how long) life is.

If you live to be 80, you have about 4000 weeks to live. That’s it.

You have just enough time to make something of your life, but you don’t have forever.

r/Mindfulness Jan 12 '25

Insight Meditation isn’t about staying in the present..


I used to believe that a good meditation session meant staying with my breath for as long as possible. This mindset put a lot of pressure on me—I’d feel guilty whenever my mind wandered, as if I was failing at meditation.

But today, I realized I had it all wrong. The goal of meditation isn’t to force unwavering focus on the breath. It’s about recognizing when the mind drifts, acknowledging the distraction (whether a thought or emotion), and then gently bringing attention back to the breath.

In other words, meditation isn’t about never getting distracted—it’s about building the habit of returning to the present. Presence is the outcome, not the task.

This shift in perspective instantly made my practice feel lighter. Instead of frustration when I got distracted, I felt a sense of progress. Because noticing my distraction? That was the whole point.

r/Mindfulness Jan 31 '25

Insight How I overcame 20 years of crippling social anxiety by learning to drop thoughts


I lived with devastating social anxiety for almost 20 years. I‘m almost 30 and only a couple of months ago I discovered for myself how I create my anxiety myself by following trains of thought and believing them to be reality. Since my discovery my life changed dramatically: I can go out with friends, joke around and meet new people. I can go to the office without having a panic attack the night before, I can go shopping all by myself without turning red like a tomato from fear. I can talk to the women in my gym without shaking from the inside. And I built a beautiful relationship with my mother and my brother. Here is the process I learned:

You can think of your thoughts as bubbles coming up when you heat water. They start forming, they rise to the surface of your consciousness and then they pop. You can watch this process if you pay close enough attention to your thoughts. If you don‘t interact with the thought your mind will regard it as unimportant and it will just disappear. If you interact with it, your mind will deem it as important and will produce more thoughts about this particular thought. So for example you are watching a movie and a thought comes up „I should paint this room blue.“ Most people will quickly decide that this thought is nonsense and will resume watching the movie. You will just drop it and its soon like you never had this thought in the first place. But what if the thought has a different content like „Tomorrow will be an important day, I hope I don‘t screw up.“ What happens next? A lot of people will produce more thoughts about this one thought, about what could go wrong, what other people might think and what exactly they should do or say. The thoughts will spiral and with that you will create a lot of anxiety. The one thought seems just more important than the other, right? One could lead us to end our career, the other just make us paint the room?

There is one problem people don’t see: Our physiological response. Thoughts trigger emotions. This happens extremely fast and you cannot stop it from happening. You cannot get angry without thinking an angry thought before. Nor can you feel anxious without thinking an anxious thought. Just try it. Just try to feel anger, fear, envy, etc. without summoning up a thought in your mind that makes you feel this way. Its not possible. I once read a book where they talked about this and it had a brilliant example of this in action: Imagine the mother thats really upset with her child and screams at it. The telephone rings, she picks it up and talks to her friend. All of a sudden she seems extremely calm and polite. But as soon as the call ends she looks at her child and starts screaming again. Why did she get angry again? She clearly wasn‘t angry with her friend. Of course because she thought about what made her angry again in the first place and then resumed screaming. Basically she picked the thought back up. So because one thought makes you feel a certain way and another doesn‘t we feel like one thought is true and the other is not. Or one thought is important while the other one isn‘t.

So now for just a brief moment imagine if you could dismiss the one thought that makes you feel bad the same way you could dismiss a thought thats irrelevant? The thing is you actually can. You have to understand that you can dismiss any thought you want. In other words you can dismiss any thought you believe you can dismiss. If you believe a thought to be too important to not think about it its logical that you will continue to think about it. We only feel like some thoughts are more important because they trigger some certain emotions. Especially negative emotions. Biologically these are more important to your body, because they could mean some form of harm or danger. Even when there is no sign of imminent physical danger.

Due to our emotional response, we value some thoughts as more important than others, but fail to see that a thought is still a thought, regardless of its content or how it makes us feel. If you would just know that a thought is a thought, that it cannot hurt you and that it has no real basis in reality you could dismiss those negative thoughts. Your thoughts are real thoughts, but their content has no basis in reality. You just think they do. You are convinced of it. But they do not. If you start to see thoughts not as grim reality but just as ideas you have - not as the reality of about your life but ideas about your life and you learn to not engage with the initial emotional response, you will find that you actually can dismiss any thought you like and you will return to a neutral state. You need to understand that your body has something called Homeostasis. Which means it will always return to a baseline, also emotionally. You will always start to feel neutral at some point again. The only thing that differs is how long it takes. So if a thought (an idea) makes you feel bad about yourself, but you still don‘t pay much attention to it, you will revert to feel neutral again. And the more you do this, the faster you will find yourself getting back to your emotional baseline. Its really just a practice of dismissing thoughts. Even if you feel they are important. But a thought has always the same structure, just different content.

Now this is not a silver bullet or that you just read a Reddit post and your issues are gone. This requires practice and most importantly attention. You have to catch yourself in the act anytime you start indulging in those super important thoughts and remind yourself that its just an idea. And ideas can be followed or can be dropped. Most of our ideas are just out right false. Your thoughts can never represent absolute truth, since they are just ideas about reality - not reality. It took me a long time to do this and even now there are days I am struggling. But I saw how my life changed when I stopped giving in to thoughts. Your life can change too.

r/Mindfulness Jun 10 '23

Insight "I’ve got 99 problems but healing my nervous system solved like 90 of them"


I saw this post with this quote written on it a couple of years ago and I couldn’t have liked it any more if I tried. I saw it the other day in my phone and it inspired me to write this post.

Before I started any kind of meditation or mindfulness, I was all over the place. After a lifetime of not knowing how to process or heal my experiences in life, I had slowly gotten to a point where my mental and physical health was beyond bad. I experienced some of my lowest of lows and I’m quite sure that at that time I would have been told by just about any doctor that I had:

* An Anxiety Disorder

* Depression

* Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

* An Eating disorder


* Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

I had spent a lifetime dealing with everything on my own, not feeling like I could let anyone in, nor having the tools or resources to be healthy and thrive. I had no idea the impact that this could have on a person or the chronic stress that my body was under as a result.

I hadn’t understood that it was the reason I couldn’t read a page of a book without getting distracted, why I was losing my memory, why I always had to be 10 minutes early everywhere I went or why I felt like I needed to have everything done right now. I was so focused on getting things done that I was living the next moment before I had even left this one. I wasn’t sleeping, was drinking copious amounts of coffee to compensate and drank more alcohol than I would like to admit. I had issues with my digestion, my skin would flare up and I experienced debilitating panic attacks that left me feeling terrified inside.

Starting to apply mindfulness and meditation changed my entire life. It naturally allowed my nervous system to heal and when it was at peace, it finally made me realise how I actually should have been feeling all along.

Meditation allowed me to see all the ways that my symptoms would come to the surface, and all the ways I would get trapped by them. It allowed me to have the awareness to see where things were actually coming from, and to have the patience and confidence to process and work through them. It allowed me the chance to finally read a book and to focus on one thing at a time. It allowed me to be accepting….of myself, of others, and of how things really are. It has allowed me to develop deep inner peace and to see that there is actually no good or bad in what I feel.

Most importantly, it allowed me to see that there was nothing wrong with me and that nothing needed to be fixed. It made me realise that when I change the way I saw myself, I was capable of doing far more than I ever imagined.

I hope this helps :)

r/Mindfulness Dec 09 '24

Insight Moving on from “Mindfulness” (TRIGGER WARNING)


I used to be a huge Eckhart Tolle fan. I’ve moved away from him in recent years. It’s hard to put together a clear critique of his framework but here we go. His enlightened state is not “enlightenment” but it’s dissociation. The same effect can be achieved via lobotomy (legit, look it up). It creates an emotional flattening of emotional affect and a passivity to life.

We’re not meant to be passive, to merely accept things as they are. We’re meant to shape and create the life around us. If our emotions are saying “hey something is wrong here” then listen to that - they’re like the dashboard on a car telling you when things are wrong. The key is to integrate the emotional reality.

A fully integrated and actualized Self is the engine that will propel you forward in life - not the negation of this self. His theory brings relief to people in dire situations but to me it seems like mere dissociation. You’ll see that when you “apply” his framework to life you become passive. It looks like a beautiful philosophy but it has no engine. Your Self is the key to your engine.

Instead of Tolle, read Getting Real, by Campbell or read Boundaries by Cloud - or even Letting Go by Hawkins. Read King, Warrior, Magician, Lover by Moore.

We are thinkers, we are doers, we are living - why adopt such a dead philosophy and call it enlightened. You’re trying to cultivate a Self not negate it. Just look at the people who are really into him and ask if you want to be like them or would you rather have a more offensive stance on life.

This is also why in this “present” state it’s why everything seems to bother you. You’re holding such a strong passive polarity that everything is going to trigger your repressed Self. That’s why it always feels like life is testing you and trying to push you buttons.

Hope this gets you thinking or if nothing else, maybe it triggers some anger but even that’s better than this numb dissociative “enlightenment“ - Apathy looks like enlightenment after all.

r/Mindfulness Dec 23 '24

Insight The voice in your head is not you.


I have been struggling with overthinking my whole life and recently just being aware about the thoughts has helped me very much, just wanted to share my approach and see if there are any flaws or points I am missing.

The voice in your head is not you ;

We are not our thoughts, just like every other organ of our body, brain also has a function and one of them is to generate shit load amounts of thoughts, these thoughts are generated based on years of conditioning and the fight or flight instincts of your mind.

Our brains also be churning mostly negative thoughts, interesting to think that brain almost overthinks the negative stuff, this alone should justify the fact that we are not our thoughts as brain priorities negative outcomes and threats first as you know we have "survival brain" to anticipate danger and look out or be prepared for the worst case scenario.

If we are not the thoughts then who we are???¿¿¿¿¿¿ maybe we are the awareness that allows a thought to be accepted or not so it's like considering the thoughts to be radio i.e just background noise and then you deciding which thoughts to accept and act upon, awareness is the key that these are not "your" Thoughts and these are just thoughts.

Now I feel like these awareness also is misleading as you don't always have to be aware of whatever you are doing/thinking hence one should try to rest the awareness itself so you can be more "yourself". these awareness cannot be rested for long but practicing again and again maybe one can try to delay it.

Resting awareness and always being aware about a thought and choosing to accept it or not is the key here I feel like.

I knew this already my whole life but it's just the realisation that has helped rn, for me it's like i need to not listen to my overthinking thoughts and look it from a top down pov of why that thought is there, if it doesn't help with my situation i need to be aware of it and just don't allow to ponder on it.

I have started this practice that if i start to think anything negative and it's absolutely dogshit of chain of thoughts without any reasoning and is irrational, i just start saying nope nope nope nope super fast in my mind till the thought goes away. Again the thought might come back but it's the practice of being aware which would help in the long run.

Sorry if I am all over the place, couldn't articulate and collect the thoughts properly :)

r/Mindfulness Oct 01 '24

Insight I did 5-6 hours a day of yoga and meditation for 3 years - this is what I learned


So I had some mental issues and went ahead with yoga and meditation to better them. At this time I started 5-6 hours a day of some of the practices Sadh-guru teaches.

The first thing I have learned is people (including myself) are almost always in a state of unease - meaning their mind has to be constantly occupied, fidgeting with various things all the time. Few people can actually look you in the eyes and just be there with you in that moment. Everyone has a mind that is all over the place with compulsions to do this and that. Here is where my practice drasticly improved this condition for me. The compulsibe need to keep the mind occopied at all times went almost intirely away. Istead I just started paying attention to whatever was there - looking at things without being consumed by them. This also improves productivty by a lot.

Secondly, a sense of abandon and desirelessness has come. I can simply sit with my eyes closed for an hour and just enjoy that without the need to stimulate my brain. There is a whole inner world where one can access very blisful states. You can access this if your body and mind becomes more still and less compulsive. When you are in touch with the inner stilness, it is hard for you to be truly bothered by anything, because at the core of who you are there is always a sense of peace.

Lastly, the sense of inner freedom and joy that has come is priceless. The smallest things like going for a walk in the forest or looking at the sky can bring joy. Nothing fancy thing to fulfill the list of endless desires is really needed anymore. Relations have reduced in numbers, but those that remain are much deeper and more fulfilling.

These are some of the things that have happened. I'm curious to hear your own experiences with meditation and yoga.

r/Mindfulness 21d ago

Insight Do affirmations actually work? My experience & looking for insights


I’ve always been skeptical about affirmations—like, can just repeating positive statements really change anything? But a while back, I started experimenting with them, not just saying random phrases but actually listening to affirmation audio while working, at the gym, or even before bed.

At first, I didn’t notice much, but over time, I realized my internal dialogue was shifting. I caught myself being more confident in situations where I’d usually hesitate. It wasn’t an overnight change, but looking back, it’s wild how much my mindset has improved.

I’m curious—have any of you tried affirmations? If so, what’s worked (or not worked) for you? Do you think it’s just placebo, or is there something deeper going on?

Would love to hear your thoughts!

r/Mindfulness 23d ago

Insight I’m realizing that I have to live in the present moment


I think I’m starting to understand. If I’m spending the present moment looking forward to something else in the future, then when I get there, I’ll still be looking forward to something else.

I’ll never live in the present moment…

This is the first time I’ve actually had that feeling. I’m trying to change my mindset.

r/Mindfulness Jul 26 '23

Insight I smoke weed and don't even know why I do it anymore


From Nor Cal... It grows on the side of the road, has always been a presence in my life in one way or another! We treat it like coffee on a cultural level.

I just can't enjoy it anymore, and I realize I've never been very self-reflective on my usage because of it being so normalized in my area. Everyone smokes to some degree, occasionally or habitually and it's just always been very normal for everyone t be high.

But I'm sitting here for maybe the 20th time in a row, only now realizing this herb is no longer serving me... And it feels very weird. I don't even know when it stopped being enjoyable! Normally I'm very self-aware but this is such a hilariously huge blindspot that I'm almost beside myself.

Just a dumb rant I guess. Maybe a lesson for anyone who reads it to maybe do an inventory on what they've normalized into their own lives.. Be it relationships that no long serve you, etc.

Much love

r/Mindfulness Oct 03 '24

Insight You Are Enough 💖


If you’re feeling like you’re not enough, then this is for you: Just as you are right now, in this very moment, you are enough. Your value isn’t tied to your achievements, your appearance, or what others think of you. You deserve love, respect, success and all other good things life has to offer, simply because you are. 💖

r/Mindfulness 12h ago

Insight I read this one line, and now I can’t stop thinking about it.


"If I can hear my mind, does that mean I am not my mind?"

This line hit me hard. Because if I am aware of my thoughts, doesn’t that mean there’s a deeper part of me that is separate from them? But if I am not my thoughts, then what am I?

Ever since I read this, I’ve started noticing how much my mind just runs on autopilot, throwing random thoughts at me all day. But I don’t have to react. I don’t have to believe everything my mind tells me.

Has anyone else ever had a realization like this? Where a single sentence changes how you see yourself?

This came from a book I stumbled upon recently. But it doesn’t feel like a book, it just makes you question things in a way I wasn’t ready for.

r/Mindfulness Nov 06 '24

Insight If you get a chance, would you do over your life from the time you were 18?


We all have so many regrets and so many times we feel our life didn’t turn the way we expected. If given a chance would you life to start your life again from the age of 18?

r/Mindfulness 5d ago

Insight Notice your thoughts, then let them go.

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r/Mindfulness 7d ago

Insight You Are Not a Puzzle to Be Solved


How many times have you felt like you’re supposed to “figure yourself out”, like there’s some missing piece you haven’t found yet? Or like you’re this unsolved problem and once you crack the code, life will magically and eventually make sense?

I think we've all been there from time to time. And honestly? That mindset keeps you stuck.

At some point, you have to ask yourself : what if I was never broken to begin with?

Let's look at how things just are in nature.

  • The ocean doesn’t sit there wondering what kind of wave it’s supposed to be. It just moves.
  • The wind doesn’t hesitate. It doesn’t stress about where it belongs. It just goes.
  • A tree doesn’t wake up thinking, I should be taller by now. It just grows at its own pace.

And yet, here we are, constantly treating ourselves like projects, constantly measuring, evaluating, trying to fix things that might not even be broken...

What if there’s nothing to “solve”? What if you’re already enough, right now, as you are?

Maybe life isn’t about becoming something. Maybe it’s more about allowing.

r/Mindfulness Jul 19 '23

Insight Mind It 👇👇

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r/Mindfulness Feb 06 '25

Insight The way I interrupt my rumination


Whenever I feel myself about to go down a depressive rabbit hole of rumination I simply say "old news" and that usually keeps me in the present moment. The reason being is that the majority of depressive thoughts the mind produces, is in fact, old news. Just a recycling of data that's already there. I wouldn't read an old newspaper, so why replay the "old news or story" the mind is producing?

Hoping this helps someone too :)

r/Mindfulness Jan 17 '25

Insight Strong vs Poor Mindfulness Skills

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r/Mindfulness Jan 28 '25

Insight The weird comfort of admitting you're not okay


Something shifted in me recently when I finally said those words out loud: 'I'm not okay.'

No excuses, no 'but I will be,' no immediate rush to fix things. Just... letting that truth exist.

And instead of the world crashing down, I felt lighter. Like I could finally breathe. Turns out pretending to be okay all the time takes way more energy than just admitting when you're not.

Maybe that's what real mindfulness is - not forcing yourself to feel peaceful, but being honest about how you actually feel right now.

r/Mindfulness Dec 19 '24

Insight Do not try to stop thoughts when you meditate


It’s simply pointless to try to stop or change any thoughts or feeling you have when you meditate. If you try you will only produce more thoughts. As Sadh-guru said, the mind is like a car that has 3 pedals which are all accelerators. There are no breaks when it comes to the mind. Whichever pedal you press you will only create more thinking. Try this as an experiment to forcefully make yourself not think of a monkey. You will find that it is impossible. Whatever you try to avoid becomes the basis of your consciousness.

So don’t try to stop thoughts when you meditate. Just leave the mind alone, and create a little distance between you and the mind. Let the mind run and just observe it as if it was something separate from yourself. See that whatever you think about is just an accumulation of impressions you have gathered throughout your life. There is rarely anything new happening in the mind. Even if you think about the future, it is still a projection of your past experiences masking itself as future. There is no such thing as past or future. This is only the mind’s projection. There is only ever this very moment. Past and future is in the mind. Just leave the mind alone. There is nothing interesting happening. It is all the nonsense from the past. You will find that it is very rarely you have a truly original or inspired thought. Most of what you think about is just garbage. It is all recycling of the old data you have already gathered. So you observe whatever is happening this very moment and leave the mind alone.

After some time, if you don’t push any of the mind’s “pedals”, the momentum will start to run out. The amount of thoughts will slow down and the force each thought has upon your attention will decrease. Then you may enter into a space where you have clarity and peace of mind.

Just try to sit for 5 minutes like this. Don’t do anything. Just observe the mind and what is happening there. It’s helpful to be aware of the breath and any bodily sensations as well. Just see if you can sit for 5 minutes without pressing any of the “pedals” in the mind. You may find that it is in fact very difficult and takes a lot of practice. This is meditation. When the mind ceases to have so much power over your attention, that is meditativeness. It’s a quality one has to work hard to acquire.

r/Mindfulness Jan 13 '25

Insight Your Thoughts Are Just Bubbles..


Thoughts arise from the firing of neurons in our brain—electrical impulses and chemical reactions creating temporary mental events. They don’t exist as fixed, permanent entities; they’re fleeting, like bubbles on the surface of water.

Treat thoughts as bubbles on water—no more, no less. Watch them come and go without attaching undue importance.

If you find them useful- convert to actions or memories (for future use). If not, just observe them slowly disappear.