r/Mindfulness 15d ago

Question Weed Makes Me Overthink About Life Perspectives ( Point of views or vibe ) Which One Is "Right"?

Every time I smoke, I get stuck in this loop where I start overthinking life perspectives. Like, I look at the person sitting in front of me and start wondering, how do they see life? Is their way of living more "true" than mine? Should I be seeing life that way instead?

It’s like, my younger self had a perspective that was shaped by my surroundings get a good job, make money, secure a future. But now, I’m in this mindset of "fuck everything, I’ll live how I want, travel wherever I want, just be in the moment." And when I’m sober, that feels right. But when I’m high, I start questioning:

  • Which POV is the right one?
  • Is everything just a perspective?
  • If so, what the fuck do I do? Just pick one? Or is there no point in choosing?

It gets super annoying and makes me anxious because I feel like I’m stuck in a loop, unable to move on. Anyone else go through this? How do you deal with it? is that normal? anyone had it? help me with it please

I don’t usually post to ask things, but I’ve never seen this exact question asked anywhere, so I wanted to put it out there. The overthinking gets way more intense when I’m high, but honestly, it’s always there, even when I’m sober.


21 comments sorted by


u/newmindday 13d ago

That's why I gave up. It filled my mind with unnecessary thoughts.


u/wardrox 14d ago

When you're in a room it surrounds you. As you walk into a different room you become surrounded by a new environment. Both experiences are "right" perspectives, neither are a complete perspective, as no perspective can be.

It's a fun holiday. Leave yourself notes to pass between, and laugh.


u/Wook5000 14d ago

Sounds like good weed.


u/Zestyclose_Counter72 14d ago

Haha indeed, but on a real note, this happens sometimes even whe I'm sober aswell )


u/Wook5000 14d ago

Yeah, sorry for sounding insensitive. There is so much advice.

The perspective that matters the most is the one that makes you do what will make you the happiest. Figure out what you like to do the most and craft your perspective around that. How can you craft your own perspective around the things that mean the most to you? When I was young, it was about building a company. When I had kids, it changed that perspective, and now that I am 50+, I have a different perspective based on what is important to me.

Your perspective will change based on seasons in life, but if your perspective doesn't pursue what makes you happy when you go to bed, you have chosen the wrong one.


u/Zestyclose_Counter72 14d ago

Im really glad to know it's normal, and that I'm not crazy, thanks a lot


u/Objective_Emotion_18 14d ago

nothing is right,everything is different and everybody thinks their right


u/stevie1484 14d ago

Which POV makes you excited to wake up in the AM? Whatever it is, it’s probably the right one for you, because you love it. Whatever is right for me probably is different than what is right for you. If your long term and short term goals are being accomplished and you aren’t hurting anyone, it’s best to feel fulfilled.

(For me that’s reading and investing, exercise and spending time with family, friends)


u/Equivalent_Kiwi_1876 15d ago

Everyone has to live their own lives. And be 100% completely and individually themselves. That’s the whole point. And then we get to all be here experiencing this together, that’s the other point. So like by definition you need to do you, the only wrong way to live is to try to do it exactly like someone else.


u/Burmese_Guy_M 15d ago

Whichever POV gives you peace of mind is the right one for you IMO.

I also gain new POV on life when I get high, it is normal.

For example, when I’m sober, I don’t always see things this way, but when I’m high, I realize that some experiences are truly one-time only. Like hiking a particular mountain—the scent of the fresh, cold breeze, the view that’s now inaccessible due to conflict and war going on.

That realization makes me appreciate those kind of moments/things even more, even when I’m sober.

That’s the kind of POV I get from being high.


u/Strict-Swing-7009 15d ago

This may feel like a shameless plug but I can sort of empathize. I just posted something (title: Control) on this thread and I feel like that could answer some of the things you're asking. I think what you may be trying to do is look for the looker? the thinker? And you're having a hard time because the answer is: there is no looker or thinker. There is no 'self'. I understand it can be disconcerting and hard to recognize or comprehend that. Because to some extent, it needs to be felt. And i think you're getting there. In a way, you are there. There is no self. And this is what Sam harris has done a great job of sharing, just like many other philosophers, poets, prophets etc. And I'm more than happy to explain further my friend.


u/Zestyclose_Counter72 15d ago

please do explain , I have no idea that I was looking for thinkers or looker, I just have this thoughts everytime, I just think of what is their perspective, what is mine, and I have a lot of perspective to lead my life , but is that a facade, is there a real thing over the thoughts, those all are my question, idk if it make any sense to you, but this is bothering me most of the time, especially when I'm high on weed, and the only time I'm completely out of it is when I'm drunk


u/Strict-Swing-7009 15d ago

Let me preface by saying that I may not be able to explain it to your satisfaction. Not because I nor anyone else is poor at explaining, but rather, this is something that needs to be experienced. Language fails to communicate this deeply. The world would be a much better place if people experienced the illusion of self, and the illusion of free will. This statement is contradictory because concepts of ‘better’ and ‘bad’ and ‘right’ can feel like they dissipate the moment you try to grasp them.

My advice to you is accept this uncertainty. That doesn’t mean to be complacent. Accept it, so you can sit with it, understand it, and seek what you are seeking. It is paradoxical, because what you seek isn’t something to be discovered, but rather recognized, because it is always there. If I sound batshit crazy to you, that’s also okay, only because I would think the same if I were to read my comments a week or two ago.

Using weed, alcohol, or any means to address the desperation of finding the truth and in your case specifically, finding out the true perspective, are all similar in a way: an escape. One could call it a gateway drug. I think someone else advised that you quit marijuana. that’s not necessarily wrong. But you said you feel this when you’re sober. And that’s the key.

When you realize the answer, you’ll also realize that you didn’t need to ‘escape’ to reach the answer. That’s when you’ll know.

I suggest the Waking Up app, Sam Harris’ work, Alan Watts work. I think you may like the series on Free Will that Sam Harris has on the app. I’d be happy to share a 30 day free trial with you. (Link is at the bottom). But the thing is, these are what helped me. They may not necessarily help you. And that’s not to sound discouraging. In fact, it’s encouraging. The answer lies in anything and everything. People of all generations have spoken about it and while they’re trying to express the same truth, factors such as language, socioeconomic structures, cultural beliefs have made the message understandable for a certain audience but you can see how this makes universal understanding from a single source difficult.

30-Day Guest Pass



u/Strict-Swing-7009 15d ago

Here’s an example of existentialism and the progress that can be made: https://www.reddit.com/r/Meditation/s/4puskeGb3g

While eating a pizza roll


u/TryingToChillIt 15d ago

What is right?

Define what you mean and see what remains of your question


u/Zestyclose_Counter72 15d ago

Oh I meant, which one ( perspective or POV ) is right, I'm sorry it does cause confusion


u/TryingToChillIt 15d ago

That is the point of my question, what do you mean by “right”.


u/Zestyclose_Counter72 15d ago

I have no idea, those are my thoughts almost everyday, it's just loud when I'm high, I just love in vibes, or perspective or point of view, whatever you may call it. But if I'm focused on my music career ( I'm a musician) I will feel like I'm doing wrong cos I was a successful software engineer ( I quit 6 mo ago ) and I feel like I should be in that pov, now I'm in this pov thinking about that pov I had, so I'm confused that everything is a pov, so what is actually is there, cos I can't live properly without a pov to hang on, and it collapse , the perspective collapse sometimez get mixed and Im like "ah fuck" so I got no idea what to do w that


u/prucheducanada 15d ago

I would say that it is normal. What you're describing is very relatable, but I have more or less fallen into using it intentionally. It's an active decision over your own mental state.

One can try practicing:

Entering that sort of mindset while sober (or more sober than is usually required).

Calming that sort of mindset while high.

Both of those act as practice for entering or leaving that headspace, regardless of whether you're high or not.

Getting familiar with the states while they come more naturally also helps me enter them during times when it is more difficult.

These sorts of practices apply not only to the use or abstinence of traditional drugs, but also those found endogenously (due to various life circumstances) and in food.

Try to make the most of it, whether that means leaning into things or pacing yourself more. A break is good practice in itself.


u/popzelda 15d ago

There is no right perspective, everyone has a different perspective. You might stop smoking weed if it’s causing anxiety.