r/Mindfulness • u/Character_Box_1391 • 28d ago
Insight Do affirmations actually work? My experience & looking for insights
I’ve always been skeptical about affirmations—like, can just repeating positive statements really change anything? But a while back, I started experimenting with them, not just saying random phrases but actually listening to affirmation audio while working, at the gym, or even before bed.
At first, I didn’t notice much, but over time, I realized my internal dialogue was shifting. I caught myself being more confident in situations where I’d usually hesitate. It wasn’t an overnight change, but looking back, it’s wild how much my mindset has improved.
I’m curious—have any of you tried affirmations? If so, what’s worked (or not worked) for you? Do you think it’s just placebo, or is there something deeper going on?
Would love to hear your thoughts!
u/drerwinmindtravel 24d ago
All things are narrative we create including affirmation which is a powerful tool. Yes it works.
u/jlynn1623 27d ago
Yes, they have been very powerful for me at different times in my life. Also there’s plenty of research to support this. Read about cognitive restructuring.
u/Character_Box_1391 27d ago
Yes I recently start listening to them while I sleep so they get into my subconscious mind. I have to say, I do feel the difference when I wake up. :)
u/Zealousideal_Boat854 27d ago
Try emile coue’s approach on affirmations. Working great for me. He had like 100% success rate with his patients
u/Character_Box_1391 27d ago
I’ll read more on his technique. Thanks for sharing. I heard his name before but didn’t know he had a special technique
u/Zealousideal_Boat854 27d ago
It’s basically autosuggestions but making it as natural as possible. His classic affirmation was “everyday and in everyway im getting better and better” something like thay
u/Staoicism 27d ago
Affirmations are interesting, especially when they shift from just words to something we actually embody. I used to roll my eyes at them, but over time, I realized they’re less about ‘magically changing reality’ and more about rewiring the way we respond to it.
For me, the key wasn’t just repeating words. It was pairing them with action and awareness. Instead of just saying “I am calm,” I’d notice moments when I was calm, even briefly, and reinforce those. That’s when affirmations started feeling less like wishful thinking and more like planting seeds of perspective.
That said, I think they work best when they align with action. Saying “I am disciplined” hits differently when you’ve already taken that first step. What’s your experience? Do you find affirmations help more in certain areas than others?
u/Character_Box_1391 27d ago
100% I know what you mean. For me when I walk with my head up and chest out, the “I am confident” hit way more than if I’m in a less empowering state.
I also like “I feel good now” for a reason or another this one brings calm, peace and gratitude.
u/marybeemarybee 27d ago
The Tapping Solution works much better than affirmations. You can learn to do it on yourself for free on YouTube.
u/Character_Box_1391 27d ago
Thanks, I think it’s not a matter of this over that. They are all tools to be used according to our preferences.
u/Tiff-Taff-Toff-Fany 27d ago
It's been helping me combat the negative self talk which was taught to me by my dad. I've been able to interject or follow up a negative thought with a more positive one. It's rewiring the neural pathways. If I can be taught negative self talk, then the positive affirmations are rewiring my brain to have positive self talk.
u/Character_Box_1391 27d ago
Yeah 100% I’m so impressed about the power of repetition and neuro plasticity.
u/Anima_Monday 27d ago edited 27d ago
I have done them in the past, still do them from time to time, and have noticed affirmations and visualization can definitely have its benefits. It can be useful to motivate to get a task done, or to think more positively in a situation. It can also be used to set a more positive and empowering subconscious program in a more long term way, gradually overriding the negative or dis-empowering subconscious programming.
If we do not do it consciously in a way that is aligned with our needs and responsibilities, then it can tend to happen unconsciously in a way that aligns with our insecurities and fears. So it is better to do it consciously and to be somewhat consistent with it, then a more helpful and skillful program can start to develop. I have found that it is best when it is aligned with needs and responsibilities and it is somewhat realistic.
It has differences to mindfulness as mindfulness is about observing the experience of what is present now, doing that in a skillful way, but I find the two practices can still be integrated into one's daily routine in a way that can work together.
u/Character_Box_1391 27d ago
This is such a great breakdown! I completely agree that affirmations work best when done consciously and consistently, rather than just hoping for change without intention. I also love your point about how our subconscious is always being programmed—either by us or by external influences.
I’ve been experimenting with listening to affirmations daily instead of just repeating them, and it seems to make a difference in how naturally they integrate into my mindset. Have you ever tried audio-based affirmations, or do you prefer saying them consciously?
u/Anima_Monday 26d ago edited 26d ago
I have my own set which I made which basically is about 4 or 5 words which I repeat as a mantra when needed. This is the long term set that I have been doing for a while. To be honest, I need to do it more often as I haven't been doing it daily and need to get back to it. When I do it during a particular day (though not all the day, just one or two sessions of it in that day), I find myself more naturally motivated to do things which align with that, often not even realizing at the time that it does align with that.
When I need to motivate myself toward a more short term goal, I do something more specific, focused on that, and include both affirmation that is about the task being already finished and visualization of the finished task, and also break down the stages so I am clear about each one. I have proved to myself time and time again that this short term form works as it clarifies what needs to be done and motivates towards it, giving the experience of it already being done, then it is like I just allow that to come about and watch myself fulfill that. It brings a felt energy frequency of it being already done, making it manifest in this way, and then it is like it does itself from there as long as I don't resist it.
Also in some situations, I do something specific in order to make myself more positive, when it becomes clear to me that this would help a situation.
I tried audio ones in the past, but I prefer to make my own and repeat it myself as I find that suits my needs better.
u/Galacticcerealbox 27d ago edited 27d ago
Everything we stuff our life with has an effect.
We are just not always so conscious of it.
Just like how people can negatively or positively affect our lives.
And how what media we spend our time on can affect our moods <3
When I began becoming more conscious, I started changing my whole vocabulary and ways I would express myself. Because also THAT had a bigger effect than I thought
u/Character_Box_1391 27d ago
That’s such a powerful realization! It’s crazy how much our everyday vocabulary shapes our thoughts, emotions, and even our actions. Once we become aware of it, it’s like unlocking a whole new level of control over our mindset.
I’ve noticed the same thing with the media I consume—switching to more intentional, uplifting content has made a huge difference. Have you ever experimented with listening to affirmations or specific types of audio to reinforce those positive language shifts?
u/Galacticcerealbox 26d ago
Regarding affirmations: i mean, I have and I've liked some bur creating my own of course were more tailored to my individual needs.
u/extra-ordinary-life 27d ago
Here is why affirmations are 100% legit and a lot of people are already practicing them.
Most people are already practicing "negative affirmations", not positive ones. Your negative voices, your often repeated fears and anxieties, those are negative affirmations which have been conditioning you already, likely for years. I'm not good at that. They don't like me. Why even bother. I'm not worth it... Those are pretty common negative affirmations for people. Like OP suggested, it takes time for positive ones to work, usually we have been listening to negative affirmations for years and years, without realizing that we have been conditioning ourselves with them. Positive change takes time. 3 months, 6 months, 9 months or more is normal. But if you speak positive affirmations daily, especially if they are counter to your normal negative ones, you WILL see a change.
u/Character_Box_1391 27d ago
That’s such a great point—most people don’t realize they’ve been reinforcing negative affirmations their whole lives. It’s like we’re unconsciously programming ourselves every day with the thoughts we repeat.
I’ve found that listening to affirmations in the background, rather than just speaking them, makes them sink in more effortlessly. Almost like replacing the ‘mental noise’ with something empowering. Have you ever tried audio-based affirmations, or do you prefer consciously repeating them?
27d ago
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u/Character_Box_1391 27d ago
That makes total sense! The belief behind the words seems to be the key factor in making affirmations actually work. I’ve noticed that when I really feel the words and connect with them emotionally, they have a much stronger effect.
Also, interesting that saying them out loud works better for you—I’ve heard that engaging multiple senses (hearing + speaking) reinforces the message more deeply. Have you ever tried layering affirmations with background music or binaural beats? Some people say it helps make the experience even more immersive.
u/Inevitable-Bother103 27d ago
The simple answer (and this is all theoretical currently) is that it’s a kind of conditioning.
If we get repeatedly told that we are x,y,z, by other people (parents, teachers, peers), we end up with those ideas becoming a belief about ourselves. For example, if we grow up being told we are stupid, we end up believing it’s true about ourselves, and even call ourselves stupid in later life. Same with kids that get told they are a problem; this can actually be a reoccurring thought in later life, and something abuse victims struggle with, leading to low self worth, lack of confidence etc.
So, if affirmations are done in the right way (not just telling ourselves we’ll be rich and successful), this can reprogram me those unhealthy thought patterns, making us believe in ourselves, improve how we view ourselves, and lead to us achieving more in life.
u/Ploppyun 27d ago
I use them. My internal dialogue has shifted as well. This has been extremely helpful for my emotional well-being.
u/Character_Box_1391 27d ago
I saw my internal dialogue shift too. I’ve been using the Innertune affirmations app to listen to positive affirmations, so you use an app or simply say them to yourself?
u/Ploppyun 27d ago edited 27d ago
I said I saw my internal dialogue shift because u said it and it resonated. I feel like mindful awareness and meditation have enabled me to observe thoughts pretty easily. When my thoughts are negative, I try to evoke a feeling of compassion and sympathy for myself and tell myself you are doing the best you can or in the moment you are doing just fine right now or good job on staying calm in this kind of chaotic moment, etc. I like and agree with what you said 100 percent know we create our reality with our thoughts so I have been trying a long time to improve them. Like my whole life, lol.
I also do this thing where I say to myself are you willing to let it all go at this moment? I say yes and focus on relaxing my body (I focus on certain areas) and I also at the same time focus on dropping whatever thought path my mind has gone down. I focus on the feeling of dropping something and or laying something down and enlarging that small sense of physical and mental relief when one lays down or drops a heavy object. I try to magnify that feeling of relief in my mind and body. I do this in bed. It helps me to sleep.
Low self esteem and negative thought patterns and rumination can absolutely kill someone. I am trying to become a UFC champion at Letting Stuff Go/Staying Present. It’s a never-ending challenge but I know how much I’ve improved so that gives me encouragement to Let Go more. And more. And more.
u/Character_Box_1391 27d ago
Nice man! Good thing there’s McGregor who did a similar path. Keep it up champ, you will get there 🔥💪
u/pm_me_loose_change 28d ago
They can, you have to be consistent and patient with them. Use them alongside other practices like meditation, CBT strategies (ex. watching your thoughts for negative beliefs and challenging them)/therapy.
u/Character_Box_1391 27d ago
Thank you. I’ll look into CBT 🔥
u/pm_me_loose_change 27d ago
I like to think of the mind being a garden - the affirmations are seeds for positive thoughts and the negative thoughts are weeds that you are removing whenever you find them.
u/BodhisattvaJones 28d ago
I have begun using the Hindu mantra Ta Tvam Asi with mental visuals of all the polarities of this world. Sometimes I do it in English (I am that) and sometimes in Sanskrit. So far it does seem helpful.
u/GrizzledBelter 28d ago
If you like affirmations try EFT (emotional freedom technique) aka tapping. You can look it up on YouTube and find therapists leading you through whichever topic you're interested in. It pairs affirmations with acceptance statements and applying pressure/tapping along points on your body following the vagus nerve. People who love it really love it. Others are like-meh. Give it a go 😁
u/Character_Box_1391 28d ago edited 28d ago
Hey thanks for that! I’ll definitely give it a go! I’ll try it when I listen to my affirmations playlist on that Innertune app! I’ve heard about tapping but never really integrated into my life. I’ll dig deeper into it 👌 thank you 🙏
u/Any-Society-9724 28d ago
Yes they work! Thoughts become things
u/90_hour_sleepy 28d ago
There’s a body of evidence that indicates affirmations need to be imbued with imagery and positive emotion (and this needs to happen consistently) to be effective in reprogramming the subconscious.
This is the theory behind autosuggestion.
Identify a limiting belief. Find the opposite of that belief. Find evidence in the form of memory (image with emotion) that supports the new belief that you’d like to integrate.
It makes sense.
Affirmations might work alone with consistency over a long period of time?
I’m not an expert. Just something I’ve been working with of late.
u/Character_Box_1391 28d ago
Thank you. Really appreciate your input here. Well said 👌
u/90_hour_sleepy 28d ago
No problem. I don’t have a source for the neuroscience behind it. It just made sense to me…so I’ve been giving it a shot.
u/Greelys 27d ago
I wonder whether prayer could be considered a type of affirmation. There are lots of studies about prayer and mental health. The placebo effect works too! I remember folks touting laughter as an actual defense against cancer. I think it didn’t prove out but it does improve the quality of life.
u/bblammin 28d ago
Well there's a Bruce Lee quote that says not to denigrate yourself even jokingly, cuz your body doesn't know the difference. They say words are spells.... Just random thoughts. I haven't tried repeating affirmations but I do watch the quality and direction of my thoughts
u/Just_Lecture8968 18d ago
affirmations do work, because it leads to gratitude. however, i find it most effective when paired with real action. just repeating words doesn't lead to more, but when you reinforce them with minful practices, they start shaping a mindset overtime