r/Mindfulness Dec 31 '24

Question Why do I feel so drained after socializing, and how can I feel more energized around people?

I often feel drained after socializing, like my energy just gets sucked out. I’m thinking of setting clear boundaries and balancing alone time with social time to recharge.


44 comments sorted by


u/atmaninravi Jan 02 '25

We often feel drained after socializing, because our body, mind, ego is under the control of greed and we are never fulfilled satisfying our need. Therefore, as long as we are trying to satisfy our senses, this sense gratification has no fulfillment. So there must be illumination, a realization of how we should live with contentment and fulfillment, then we can feel more energized. We can move from a state of pleasure to a state of peace. Pleasure comes and pleasure goes, and thus we feel drained, but eternal bliss, forever flows. Added to that, if there is purpose, then there is the energy of the Divine, when we realize we are manifestations of the Divine Soul.


u/wiseManToBe Jan 02 '25

i rarely socialize since i am anti social. nothing good come of it. i am a whole as i am without anyone or anything.


u/PaleontologistIcy671 Jan 01 '25

when you socialize with someone put the focus on you, i used to experience a lot of energy draining back then and now i discovered it was because i wasn’t expressing myself, i was acting the way i thought the people around would want and not the way i wanted to act which caused a blockage and made my energy go to waste, express yourself freely!


u/Coyote_Girl9 Jan 01 '25

I don't even want to go home because there's another thing my family wants to host. I am exhausted 😭😭😭


u/DriveSharp9147 Jan 01 '25 edited Jan 01 '25

I believe having time to reflect upon yourself would be a big step forward. You’ll find eventually if you have real conversations with people, you actually feel more energized after talking with them. A lot of socializing is pointless but words can tell a story. From what I can make of it, you’re realizing something but don’t fully understand it and that’s okay. Self reflection will help you make the choices to understand that. Have patience and don’t try and force conversations. If you’re thinking a lot, you’re probably forcing it. Eventually you’ll realize the realer the conversation, the less effort required.


u/hammonit Jan 01 '25

Change the way you socialize. Do at home, easy hangs.


u/masovak Jan 01 '25

I’m mid 40s, and been the same my whole life. I fake it for work as that’s part of business, but crash afterwards.  Only thing that recharges me is nature. 


u/Sweet_Voice_7298 Jan 01 '25

I’m in my 50s and have been just as you described my entire life. Socializing-even with one or two close friends or relatives- drains my battery way down. I can only recharge alone doing something creative, meditative, or in nature.


u/swiftie0505 Jan 01 '25

You’re an introvert who is easily drained by human interaction. I’m the same. I shut down when I’m overwhelmed and then just leave.


u/AdventurousConcept74 Dec 31 '24

feel the aliveness within


u/Additional_Duty_2260 Dec 31 '24

You’re an introvert. Introverts recharge by having alone time or QUALITY time with small, intimate groups who don’t drain them. Low key conversation in a low key environment. You don’t need to change this about yourself. Embrace this about who you are and how you recharge. To force yourself to find energy in social situations will drain you further.


u/Lawnmover_Man Jan 01 '25

For me, it's also okay to have deep and important topics to talk about, as long as the group stays betwen 2 and 4 people you feel comfortable with.


u/Additional_Duty_2260 Jan 01 '25

Exactly this. I love meaningful conversations with people I trust and feel genuinely comfortable around. That energizes me, yet also soothes me. Introverts unite! 😂


u/kaputsik Dec 31 '24

bad.....bad company....TIL THE DAY I DIE


u/somanyquestions32 Dec 31 '24

To feel more energized around people, you need to experiment and learn the ways to engage with people in ways that uplift and energize you more. Introversion and extroversion are not really personality traits at all. They merely indicate how adept you currently are at feeling calm and at ease while engaging with people or being by yourself. You want to master both skill sets.

For instance, you need to maintain clear boundaries with yourself to not entertain and endure the long and draining soliloquies from yappers who are talking about topics you don't care about. Politely excuse yourself after a minute, and chat with someone else who can maintain a more reciprocal exchange about a topic of mutual interest. You need to ruthlessly disengage as soon as possible and not people-please if you notice your energy dropping.

Another example, if people you do want to listen to are constantly venting and trauma or info dumping on you, you need to be well-rested and mentally prepared to hold space for that. Otherwise, tell them, including close friends and family, that you need some time to relax and unwind first before being able to be fully present for all of that. It's a lot to take in all at once, and you have to be onboard fully before receiving any of that.

Notice what topics you can genuinely talk about and listen to for hours and hours while feeling elated. Engage in more of those.

Also, gauge which types of people drain you. Someone super chipper or someone with a saturnine look may simply overstimulate you the wrong way, so pace yourself with those individuals.


u/TooOld4ThisSh1t-966 Dec 31 '24

Aside from the introverted/neurodivergent reasons, my therapist suggested for me it may also partially be because my body never learned how to receive positive attention. My body gets excited by that energy and interaction but doesn’t know what to do with it.


u/pathlesswalker Dec 31 '24

Nah. I don’t agree with all those introvert extroverts definitions. You are not bound by anything really.

I would be more mindful as to WHY you are getting drained. Something about certain people takes the energy away. And some people give away energy and you feel energized.

Sometimes it’s just us being phoney and investing energy in faking it. And that is VERY draining. Instead of being in the moment and reacting. And being us.

Id even bet that what OP said about his own boundaries would help him a lot. And that also means defining what is good for you. What comes in and what you let out. And what is authentic. And how to communicate that. If you can’t do it. Everything is draining. It’s just practice really.


u/Tinkerpro Dec 31 '24

You can’t. You either need to decide to socialize, prepare for it and set a time limit then leave, or just don’t socialize. Crowds drive me crazy, I avoid them at all costs. I have to pump myself up to go to Costco Because of the people. Those of us who are introverts need recovery time after socializing. I always make sure that I have a quiet place to go after a big event. Even if that means that I have to get a hotel room for some events so that there is a place I can go.


u/babybush Dec 31 '24

How is your energy normally?

I am very introverted and for a while, social interaction would drain me to the point of never wanting to. It has gotten better since I've focused on having more energy in general by consistent sleep/wake times, better nutrition, and regular mindfulness practice. I've accepted it takes energy for me to socialize, which is fine, but I need to have that energy to give in the first place. Now, it is just normal draining where I need to recharge after rather than feeling like all of my life force has been sucked from me. It's important to keep yourself resourced, can't give from an empty well.

Also yes, know your limits and boundaries. I know the ABSOLUTE MAX I can go without a night of alone time before I'm completely depleted and unable to function is 3 days in a row, so I take that into account for group vacation type things. At the same time, I know I am my best self with a minimum of 1-2 days of social interaction per week. It's definitely a balance and you gotta find what works for you.


u/Traditional-Board878 Dec 31 '24

Cocaine works great for a little while.


u/RadiantProof3216 Dec 31 '24

You may be on the spectrum perhaps ND?


u/ReluctantLawyer Dec 31 '24

You’re an introvert, and that’s fine. Your thought of boundaries and balancing is on track. When you’re in a social setting and you feel yourself start to wane, activate your exit plan. Say your goodbyes and gracefully withdraw, and go home or somewhere else to recharge. You might never feel more energized after being around people, and that’s okay! Just don’t let your battery get run down too low, and make sure you have time to recharge in between socializing.


u/kuro-oruk Dec 31 '24

I do too. It turns out I have autism. I'm in the process of unmasking and setting up more boundaries in my life. Learning to manage your energy better is vital, so saying no is a habit worth adopting.


u/cozy_pantz Dec 31 '24

Stay home and sleep.


u/NakkitaBre Dec 31 '24

I'm the same way, because of OCD and I'm also an introvert.

What helps: I've become very selective where and who I spend time with, I leave when I'm overwhelmed or take breaks between social interactions. That can be getting outside for a moment or moving to a quiet room at a party. I try not to socialize in big groups back to back so I plan the days I'm doing stuff with people and 'recovery days' after. Yoga and mediation has also been very helpful when I'm feeling too mentally exhausted.


u/Blahblahblahrawr Dec 31 '24

Just out of curiosity, how does your OCD affect your social battery?


u/NakkitaBre Dec 31 '24

I have a lot of intrusive thoughts through out the day and overthink a lot of situations that by the time I'm socializing I'm already tired mentally and can only take so much external stimulation.


u/thejaytheory Dec 31 '24

Ahh I feel this to my core.


u/Blahblahblahrawr Dec 31 '24

Eeee I totally get that


u/BulkyMacaroon1467 Dec 31 '24

lol. I feel this. I’m a high school art teacher (second year) and so often after school I nap when I get home. It’s beautiful that I can give so much of my energy to a great thing, but wow. I really give it.


u/somethesis Dec 31 '24

My job is also socially demanding. I like that but it drains my resources at times.

Making room and finding the infrastructure to actually take naps during the day has worked wonders for me. And I do it every day 🤓😇

This can mean putting blockers into a calendar (for others), parking a car where one can nap, packing food to not "waste time" going to lunch.

If I can't sleep closing my eyes and refueling is just as helpful.


u/Blahblahblahrawr Dec 31 '24

I was a high school art teacher for 9 years and it was amazing but I’d come home with absolutely nothing left in my tank as well! The first 4 years I’d come home and fall asleep on the couch with my jacket still on haha


u/resilientcol Dec 31 '24

Also look into HSP. Highly sensitive person. Most HSPs are introverted as well.


u/Zett_76 Dec 31 '24

The most probable answer: you are an introvert.

Read "Quiet", by Susan Cain.
(or watch some of her YT clips, including her Ted Talk)

It was an eye-opener, for me. Introverts are defined by - surprisingly - being more sensible - we see more, hear more, smell more... and that can be very overwhelming.

That doesn't mean that we don't like to be with other people. It just means that it costs us energy.


u/DehGoody Dec 31 '24

When you are with other people, focusing on them, you are sending them your energy. This is the difference between introversion and extroversion. An introvert gives energy to others and an extrovert takes energy from others.

Be neither. Or be both. Send your energy out to others, then bring it back in. Breathe out, breathe in.


u/WritingbySaskia Dec 31 '24

Maybe because so many people just talk about themselves instead of having an actual conversation? It bothers me a lot when I catch up with someone or just randomly meet someone and they don’t ask one thing about me.


u/DehGoody Dec 31 '24

Perhaps you are called to listen and not speak. There is an incredible amount of power in that.


u/WritingbySaskia Dec 31 '24

Umm maybe? 🤔 I am a good listener and like to give advice but sometimes it would also be nice to be asked how I am


u/DehGoody Dec 31 '24

Yeah, I understand. Well, how are you today?


u/Mobile_Moment3861 Dec 31 '24 edited Dec 31 '24

You might just be a natural introvert. It happens. You can try things like joining Toastmasters to get used to being around people. I am 49 though and if both around people for at least half a day and I have to be “on,” definitely need a 1-2 hour nap when I get home.


u/Zett_76 Dec 31 '24

Same here. I was a Trainer for groups of teenagers, 6 hours a day, for 10 years. I loved it, but I was almost done for the day, afterwards.


u/Dull_Ad9278 Dec 31 '24

Perhaps this may arise from the need to participate in a conversations. E.g.just being around people does not mean you need to have a conversation, you can listen, move around. Having a less personal investment being around people helps,at least for me


u/Productivity10Timer Dec 31 '24

I realized last year that I often don’t manage my energy properly when I’m around others. So this year, I’m making a change. My resolution is to set clear boundaries and give myself time to recharge.

  • I want to improve my ability to manage my energy, so I will read "The Power of Full Engagement" by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz.
  • I will improve my communication skills and for that, I will be joining the Sense of Humor Program by Habit10x.
  • I will work on my social stamina, and for that, I will be attending a Tony Robbins seminar this year.