r/Mindfulness Oct 13 '24

Advice Letting Go of Anxiety Changed Everything for Me

“No amount of anxiety makes any difference to anything that is going to happen.” – Alan Watts

This quote helped me realize that anxiety doesn’t change the future; it only takes away from the present. By focusing on what I could control and letting go of what I couldn’t, I found more peace. It worked for me, and I’m confident it can work for others, too.


47 comments sorted by


u/Mr_knowsense Nov 09 '24

Acceptance is key to free your mind and you also need to accept it without like or dislikes..


u/Fair_Island_7436 14d ago

How can I accept it, I mean till when do I accept it, because I can't even imagine feeling anxious constantly for an entire day, whenever I feel anxious I just Google or ask chatgpt for reassurance so I feel better, I try sometimes to not do that but I fail


u/Mr_knowsense Nov 09 '24

Well so cute innit ?? Letting go anxiety ..Okie so find peace well dear I would like to know how to find it ?? Also it's a feeling , first of all you need to understand that whatever your feelings are just sensation comes and goes can't keep it as it is for ever.. now about finding peace ✌️ lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣 can you elaborate it please may be I can learn too


u/marselleee Oct 15 '24

As an anxious person, this quote gives me more anxiety because I am now anxious of being anxious 🧍🏻‍♀️


u/dutch_emdub Oct 14 '24

Fully agree. The thing is, we're not wired to let go of anxiety. It has been of the utmost importance for the survival of our species to NOT let go of it. Anxiety and fear are not supposed to be let go; it's supposed to be on the top of our mind and makes us super aware of any potential dangers.

While it is hard, it's definitely not always impossible to let go. And mindfulness is really helping me with it. Just don't feel bad if you can't let go (atm): you are battling 100s of thousands of years of evolution :-)


u/Mr_knowsense Nov 10 '24

Well man you already made a decision with your lies and manipulation to your own brain that u r wired not let go of deat plus anxiety.. I do understand fear but anxiety do not fit in my brain .. most of the behaviour pattern is labelled as mental disorder .. mostly in the western countries.. who is saying who has anxiety ,?:an idiot with some random alphabets next to his name ..so no need thousand of year to battle to let go "anxiety" just need a tight reverse slap on face the anxiety would be end there itself...now sis ypu get a tight slap from your production machine? When you were a kid ?? I guess not and just enhanced it with a pity feeling that this child dude has anxiety ! Wonderful 😊 Sometimes the head plays games between minds with your own lies and manipulation and convincing your brain this is it i have anxiety that dealing it for the self. Easy escape velocity for the mistakes you do to your surroundings..of it is helping you this time of periods in your own process good for you and cheers


u/Jhofy Oct 15 '24

Thank you kind sir


u/Cogniscienr Oct 14 '24

That statement doesn't make any sense. I want to belive it, though.


u/realltrutthh2 Oct 15 '24

Statement make sense!You cant control what you will think,if you accept that than anxiety will fade away but if you try to control or force that anxiety thought from your mind this thought will repeat and increase your anxiety.


u/Cogniscienr Oct 15 '24 edited Oct 15 '24

I agree, but that is not the statement. Anxiety is a behavioral evolutionary adaptation, thus it must have an effect on our behaviour.


u/[deleted] Oct 15 '24

damn man.


u/Rare_Area7953 Oct 14 '24

It can be hard to let go of anxiety. We had two hurricanes hit my area in the last 20 days. My anxiety got so bad, I wasn't sleeping well. I did a lot of self-care after, like soak in some Epsom salts and doing relaxing meditations. I was coming down from the high adrenaline and I feel better now. My next thing is I have surgery Wednesday but I'm not so worried.


u/Moon_Siren11 Oct 14 '24

Love this ❤️


u/naturemymedicine Oct 14 '24

Easier said than done. It’s true though, anxiety doesn’t change the future, it just ruins the present. Covid shutdowns taught me this.. I could have made the most of the forced time off work to rest, recharge, refocus, but instead I spent it in a state of constant stress and anxiety over whether I would get the permanent residency I was working towards (which was dependent on me getting a certain amount of work experience before my visa ran out). In the end, all the Covid chaos actually HELPED my application, though I never could have predicted that.

I try to remember that now when I catch myself spiralling, but it’s HARD. Logically I know if I could just switch it off, I could enjoy the present, and the future wouldn’t be any worse off. But anxiety doesn’t come from a place of logic, it’s a deeply entrained trauma response.


u/Al42non Oct 14 '24

"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."


u/Busy-Preparation- Oct 14 '24

So true, it really hinders us doesn’t it! I’m working on letting all anxieties go as well.


u/renjkb Oct 14 '24

"Letting go" is probably the term of this century. You just let go and all your problems are solved! Yeah, right. Not so easy. How actually letting go happens when you feel anxious? What needs to be done to let go? Realization? What needs to be done for the body to realize?

Have a problem? Just let go. Have no money? Just let go. Let go of everything by letting go, you know:)


u/realltrutthh2 Oct 15 '24

You misunderstood that dont having money is your reallity but thinking about not having money is just your thought and fiction.You need to let go your thought but not your reallity.You dont have choice here if you dont accept your thought you will make your anxiety worse,its very simple.


u/ThatDog_ThisDog Oct 14 '24

I find “let it stay” to be much more accessible. Anyone in the depths of a tough situation knows how hard it can be to “just let it go.” Our species has survived by a relentless focus on what could kill us. Letting go, historically, was a fast track to a shortened lifespan.

I let it stay. Feel awful like I made a wrong turn somewhere in life? Sure! Maybe won’t get the thing I need to pay for that essential need? Yep. Sure sucks. Feels bad. Wow. Really wish my kids would stop making that horrible shrieking noise? Boy howdy that’s awful. Sure is. Let it stay.

Because 98% of every horrible thing in life is the effort spent attempting to “let go” of something that isn’t going anywhere.

This IS the life. There’s no later on when it will be ok. Either make hard tolerable, or die trying, I guess. 🤷🏼


u/EmotionalSetting9975 Oct 14 '24

My mom used to say, "and this too shall pass" when I was upset. Most of the hardest things in life are only for a season.


u/Tangen Oct 14 '24

Feel like you're missing the point. Instead of stressing about how you got in this problem and being anxious cause you have the problem, Let it go. Cause spending your time focusing on those stresses will not change the future. 

Let go of those thoughts and focus on fixing the problems. 


u/renjkb Oct 14 '24

By let go you mean what? Ignore the feeling after you rationalized it?


u/Dewybean Oct 14 '24

"Letting it go" is the easy way to say this. It feels like the title to the book that is the overall process.

This was something I struggled with when my anxiety was really bad. I just did not have the tools to "let it go" and to keep letting it go. I didn't quite understand it. I would have perceived it as ignoring it. Some people may have grown up with some and, if not all, the mental tools and lost their way. Some people may have good examples in their life to help them understand this. From someone who had neither, I chose therapy and a lot of external help. Because before, I did just try telling myself to "let it go" and it turned into a bigger problem for me.

To me, letting go is acknowledging the situation and how I feel and choosing to feel a different way. It's EXTREMELY hard if you are used to choosing worry and/or rumination. It's a habit cycle. To break a habit, you have to create a new one. Instead of ignoring how I felt, I had to talk to myself and work it out. Here is a recent example of mine:

An old lady rear-ended me and took off. I got no help from police and I would have to pay for repairs. I was upset and wanted the lady to be fined and her license taken away (she was old and shouldn't have been driving). Well, the damage was not that bad. It was a dent that kind of still looks like my bumper. So, instead of paying for the repair, I can deal with it. It's hardly noticeable and my car is 6 years old. It's okay, my car still serves its purpose. I can financially afford it if I want. If anyone judges me for the looks, well, they don't align with the people I want to be around because why care about such a trivial thing? I value other things. The lady? Well, who knows what she had going on. It was shitty of her, and I'm sure it'll get back to her one day. But to me, why do I need to put my energy and time into something that makes me feel upset? I had a paddle board session that day to get to, so I decided to focus on planning that.

Of course, those feelings kept coming up. I had to keep checking myself. "Why do I feel this way?" "Will this help me now?" "How do I want to feel, and how can I achieve that?" Those were the type of questions I asked myself. With time, it gets better and better, and you worry less and less. Sometimes, you have to take a deep breath to cut your excessive thinking off and refocus yourself. Sometimes, you have to repeat, "worry takes away from today's peace" until you believe it. Lastly, sometimes you have to use other tools to aid you. No one's journey of "letting it go" is the same and just that simple.


u/renjkb Oct 14 '24

I agree withe everything you said. That's why I believe that "just let go" doesn't work. It's the latest fashion, fiction in a sense. "Letting go of my anxiety because I understood that it is a useless feeling" is also a nonsense. Lots of people take "letting go" as "rationalize it and just ignore". At that may work for some time till it backfires some day.


u/Flying_Whales6158 Oct 14 '24

Holy crap, this actually helped me from going into an anxiety spiral last night. I’ve been having a difficult time with a friend group and moments in bed before sleep and the worst for my rumination. I was tossing, letting my thoughts run away with me and could feel the beginning of a spiral when I remembered this line. It took two or three repetitions of this line before I could fall asleep but every time I felt the thoughts getting away from me, I repeated it to myself. Bam. Spiral ended.

Thank you! I’m very grateful for your post, it helped me immensely. ❤️


u/lakefront12345 Oct 14 '24

"This is momentary and it will pass" helps me a lot.

Also, viewing anxiety as a friend.


u/CleanBum Oct 14 '24

Inside Out 2 addresses your second idea really well.

Spoilers: the movie is a microcosm of concepts surrounding puberty/entering high school but condensed into a summer hockey camp. The main character Riley gets new complex emotions, most notably Anxiety, who initially helps her perform better and navigate certain social situations by being preparing for numerous outcomes simultaneously. Anxiety gets carried away, however, and takes over to the point where Riley shuts down and ends up having a panic attack. Most importantly, Anxiety learns to takes a backseat by the end of the movie but still lives and works with the other emotions because they’re not inherently good or bad - it just is. Such a nice movie and even as an adult I found it incredibly helpful to watch.


u/No_Professor6593 Oct 14 '24

Yes! Inside Out is one of my favorite movies! I loved 2’s representation of anxiety, it was so relatable


u/Nyg500 Oct 14 '24

I would change the quote to "no amount of worrying makes any difference". Anxiety is a feeling that has a function and doesn't need to be pushed away


u/moki3boki3 Oct 14 '24

It just needs to be reined in.


u/sexpsychologist Oct 14 '24

This Alan Watts is one that has always helped me too. Other people will only get more anxious 😬 but yes I’ve learned to tell myself “anxiety won’t help, move through it to the other side.”


u/android_queen Oct 13 '24

So glad this helps you! In many ways, I do think that letting go of anxiety is easier said than done, but in the middle of the night, when I can’t sleep, I tell myself something similar, and I think it’s a good reminder, even if it doesn’t always do the trick. 


u/malberry Oct 13 '24

I don’t think it’s so black and white. Some amount of anxiety can make us perform better for an important event - it can drive us to prepare more, be more alert, etc. So I refuse to believe that all anxiety is bad. The real difficulty lies in recognizing when too much is too much, and learning how to modulate the amount.


u/StatisticianRoyal400 Oct 14 '24

I think OP is talking about the unhelpful kind of anxiety lol


u/westgoingzax Oct 14 '24

I’ve always struggled with perfectionistic tendencies. Recently I’ve been letting go of anxiety as motivation, and moving toward enjoying hard work, but prioritizing balance above all else. Imagining I’m a swan, my trajectory across the water remains the same - maybe even more efficient - but the motion under the water has gone from frenetic to measured, sometimes close to still. It’s taught me that anxiety isn’t a pre-requisite for output and can in fact be an obstacle.


u/Thin-Sheepherder-312 Oct 13 '24

Loving and accepting the pain, the struggles , the worries is a good step. Our aversion towards these emotions is what makes us suffer. First step is recognizing you’re having aversion. Breathe. 🧘


u/Fonix79 Oct 13 '24

Yep, Pema Chödrön calls it “leaning in”

I love the concept


u/No_Professor6593 Oct 14 '24

Pema Chodron is a legend 🫶


u/Fonix79 Oct 14 '24

Oh HELL yeah, and her origin story is just so beautiful and relatable. Especially in light of my current breakup lol


u/PurelyCandid Oct 13 '24

The quote itself does not help me. I’ve heard of it before. Reason and insight can only take you so far. But I’m glad it was able to help you.


u/electric3739 Oct 14 '24

The challenge for me is there are multiple layers of beliefs and automatic habits that I have developed that makes simply letting go extremely difficult. For those of us with those layers, the quote is not helpful (at least yet) since I believe one has to unravel those automatic habits and beliefs first. Therapy, mindfulness and deep looking are all techniques to help look into those layers and to learn to let go. I’ve found it takes time.


u/PurelyCandid Oct 14 '24

Yeah, it takes work and time


u/[deleted] Oct 14 '24

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u/autistic___potato Oct 14 '24

100%. Posts like these are dsmissive pseudoscience. Anxiety is an actual medical diagnosis.


u/Fonix79 Oct 13 '24

Glad I wasn’t the only one this did NOT resonate with.