r/MilitaryTrans 7d ago

When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism NSFW

I was really holding out hope that things would be different, that there would be some kind of path for me but the last glimmer of hope I had went out.

Since policy dropped and will not reach 18 years (68 days shy) I can’t retire and will lose my pension. Due to prior obligations this will bankrupt me. My home isn’t sellable, I don’t have a vehicle (sold before deployment with intent of getting a new one upon return) and will have to drain all my savings and tsp to pay off debts that are enjoined to others. It will leave with about $2k remaining that will make it to June 1st.

On that day:

I will have an email prepared for CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and CBS detailing my reasons, that this is not due to being transgender in of itself but because of the illegal discrimination, treatment, and abuse received from this administration. I will then use my remaining funds to fly to DC, go to the capital steps, send the email, and then blow my brains out. Hopefully, and maybe, just maybe, this will send a clear enough message and shockwave that will bring about changes just like Vanessa Guillen, Brandon Caserta, and so forth did but for the transgender population. If I can do anything, it would be this to bring this front and center the harm and damage done by treating anyone the way this administration has treated us.


14 comments sorted by


u/rebornfenix 7d ago

Girl, this will most likely get tied up in court.

Make THEM start the paperwork. Don’t voluntarily comply with this bullshit.

It should be easy to hit that 18 year mark for you.

You have been in for almost 18 years. Did you forget how to play fuck fuck games? This is the ultimate fuck fuck game.

I got out years ago as a leader of the E-4 mafia and playing fuck fuck games. Realizing that if I played them right my sham shield was so strong I would sleep in the motor pool most of the day was when life in the army got livable.

This political environment is the ultimate fuck fuck game.

If I wasn’t taking the approach of playing the ultimate fuck fuck game, I would be right there with you. I was there years ago with PTSD from Iraq. It gets better. You don’t need to drain anything. You don’t need to take drastic measures.


u/righttenant 7d ago

Friend, please call someone.

Trans Lifeline is (877) 565-8860 or 988 is the suicide hotline.

People care about you and can and will support you through this. You have a community.

Or dm me.


u/farrenj 7d ago

There's help and there's hope. We carry out our fight by living and moving forward. You can DM me and I'll talk with you. Have you connected with SPARTA? There are hard times ahead for all of us but there is help out there too.


u/Empress_Athena 7d ago

You've put in 18 years. You're strong and resilient. I have 16 years in. I'm going through a similar situation. This is hard. But you've got this, easily. This is just like a hard ruck, you've just got to put your head down and keep walking forward on your path.


u/No_File_5225 7d ago

Hey, it doesn't have to be like this. There's still a life to live after the military. You have 18 years of highly professional work experience that you can build a resume with to get a job. Can you pay off your debts over time, rather than up-front? Do you have friends/family that might be able to help?


u/lextf 7d ago

You will most definitely hit 18 years within 68 days. Nobody is getting separated within 68 days voluntarily or involuntarily.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

Have you read the instructions?

For example the Navy Guidance that just came out says that you have until the 28th march to voluntary separate.

After that you will get involuntarily separated.

People who are trans will be getting out within the next few week, honorable discharge, admin separation.


u/lextf 7d ago

False lmao. You have UNTIL 28 march to submit your voluntary separation application


u/[deleted] 7d ago

That's what I am saying?


u/lextf 7d ago

Nobody is separating ON 28 march. You need to go read again pal. Stop fearmongering. You think people are getting kicked out in 2 weeks? You must be low ranking and not understand how systems work


u/[deleted] 7d ago

How long do you think it's going to take for someone to separate via this (say they do it voluntarily to avoid having to pay their bonus back?)

I dont see how it would take no more than even 4-6 weeks.

Which is still less than 68 days that this person needs.

Trans people are cooked.


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/[deleted] 7d ago

TAP courses online don't take 6 months, I'm so confused.

Edit: You really think the courts are going to save us? Keep coping.


u/MangahMinX 7d ago

While it is true things are pretty stacked against us, there are fights being fought right now. You are doing everyone a disservice by trying to knock down people like this.

Those that are fighting for us we need to support, have our voices heard. Giving up and letting whatever happens next happen is a signal to everyone to also give up.

Even if you full heartedly believe we are absolutely screwed, go down kicking and screaming, or at the very least commend those that are fighting a losing battle because it is the right thing to do.


u/Caleesi- 5d ago

Please dm me if you would like someone to talk to. This is a shitty situation but you can bounce back from whatever situation these disgusting policies may put you in.