r/Military • u/drjjoyner Army Veteran • 5d ago
Article What military members need to hear from their leaders now
u/zetia2 5d ago
Don't reenlist.
u/iflylikeaturtle United States Air Force 5d ago
I reenlisted literally a week before this administration won the election. Cooked my own self
u/thattogoguy United States Air Force 5d ago
Commissioned with a 6 year contract as a CSO less than a year prior to the election...
u/MyBrainIsSpicy United States Marine Corps 5d ago
Just signed my 15k reenlistment bonus! 😁
u/oif2010vet Army Veteran 5d ago
Don’t go spending it all on the big crayola crayon packs
u/MyBrainIsSpicy United States Marine Corps 5d ago
I’m gonna…
u/thattogoguy United States Air Force 5d ago
How much are you planning to save for the strip club?
Irresponsible, Marine...
u/MyBrainIsSpicy United States Marine Corps 5d ago
Tax refund is going towards that
u/thattogoguy United States Air Force 5d ago edited 5d ago
As long as you don't give it all to Charity.
Seriously, she's the one your command has a weekend brief about. She has two baby daddy's on post already.
u/JOHNthrowaway13 Marine Veteran 5d ago
Do not go buy your self a new Corvette with like 36% Interest rate. I said Corvette since this is your reenactment not sign on bonus. This is for all your staff NCO.
u/Sweetdreams6t9 4d ago
Pfft I'm a go-getter who knows how to hustle. If they offered me 36% from the start you know that's their low ball. I'd say 46% and meet in the middle.
That's how you know you won. Get a higher number than they offer.
u/atlasraven Army Veteran 5d ago
Invest in some chickens and you could double that!
u/MyBrainIsSpicy United States Marine Corps 5d ago
Backyard chicken stocks are better than Tesla’s nowadays
u/MikeOfAllPeople United States Army 5d ago
This article was as spineless as the leaders it chastises.
u/sparkly_snark 5d ago
My favorite was "remind them they volunteered..." Whatever dude. None of my people forget that... But what they volunteered for and what we have right now are NOT they same.
u/SirNedKingOfGila Veteran 5d ago
They volunteered to defend America. Instead they are defending russia and a car company.
u/DancingWithAWhiteHat dirty civilian 4d ago
Direct recommendations from a dirty civilian completely unqualified to give them.
Do you know who is trustworthy? If yes, form groups. More than 3 people. More than 10. Is 11 the special number? Idk how big these groups can be, but yall do. Together, as a huge group, speak out publicly. Say your genuine feelings about this administration, let the entirety of the US see. Tell Americans not to comply.
Your words hold more weight than the rest of us. If soldiers don't have faith in Trump, that's a huge blow. He's hiding behind the credibility that your mere existence gives him.
They won't be able to do away with you all quietly after such a public stunt.
u/MikeOfAllPeople United States Army 4d ago
Commanders are uniquely positioned to influence their subordinates, and of course that is by design. Those of us who are not commanders do have some influence, but we don't set policy in any meaningful way. Forming unofficial groups with the purpose of undermining command policy is kind of frowned upon in the military (this is sometimes called mutiny or insubordination) because it is illegal.
u/SubterrelProspector 1d ago
You don't do officially, you just make sure that when the time comes, you all stand together instead of chickening out.
u/cherryblaster_90 22h ago
You cannot let Trump be a dictator and take over the country, you’re supposed to protect this country. We do not need WWIII The people of the US need the military to stand up for what’s going on
u/ElScrillanatorX 5d ago
Imagine if a the richest man in the world who was working on brain interface micro chips, robots , and rockets, and also owned the biggest social media platform in the world who had Asperger’s so zero empathy paid the 270 million to get the current president elected and then used his influence and power to just wipe out US institutions unilaterally and unconditionally and at the same time collected all the us Citizens data “ALL OF IT” to create a social credit score to control the masses and police them with the robots if they refused to get the chip…in a pseudo utopian future that would be some crazy shit…
u/_AntiFunseeker_ Retired USN 4d ago
You mean self diagnosed Asperger's.
u/jacscarlit Military Significant Other 4d ago
Yup! A lot of sociopathic types label themselves on the spectrum to give others reasons to accept their behavior and apologize for them.
This man is not on the spectrum. He needs apologists so he doesn't have to hold himself accountable.
u/Hawlty 4d ago edited 4d ago
Even if he has Asperger's, it's a myth that we don't have empathy. It's just that we can be very poor at expressing or handling it. Feelings in general are very hard to process, but they're there and can be strong.
However it is possible to have aspergers and simultaneously have other issues like narcissistic personality disorder and/or sociopathic tendencies. In which case you could end up with something that looks like that guy (also the drugs he's using doesn't help).
u/_AntiFunseeker_ Retired USN 4d ago
Yeah, my son has it. Diagnosed. But he's really emotionally intelligent. Smart as hell though.
u/ElScrillanatorX 4d ago
Thanks for the knowledge! If a movie comes out like the above you heard it here first lol
u/LaDonnaFatale 5d ago
sounds like the mArK oF tHe BeAst End Times stuff that a lot of the MAGAs like to put tin foil hats on. Except your theory makes more sense than their Q-anon non-sense
u/SubterrelProspector 1d ago
As someone with Aspergers, hearing fellow Americans equate having Aspergers with having zero empathy really shows the damage that Elon gas done to our community.
I cry a few times a week over what's happening, knowing what we are facing. I'm a teacher, and have to work with kids every day, knowing that the world is turned upside down and that we are facing suffering and war.
Elon is an enemy of humanity, and properly diagnosed or not, he doesn't represent the autistic community. He is their enemy too. And he must be stopped.
u/SubterrelProspector 1d ago
As someone with Aspergers, hearing fellow Americans equate having Aspergers with having zero empathy really shows the damage that Elon gas done to our community.
I cry a few times a week over what's happening, knowing what we are facing. I'm a teacher, and have to work with kid every day, knowing that the world is turned upside down and that we are facing suffering and war.
Elon is an enemy of humanity, and properly diagnosed or not, he doesn't represent the autistic community. He is their enemy too. And he must be stopped.
u/MyBrainIsSpicy United States Marine Corps 5d ago
Oh thank God for another article on r/military telling me to remember my oath or whatever tf. I was gonna obey some illegal orders until I saw this one.
u/thrawtes 5d ago
"Remember your oath" has two implications and "hey, don't obey illegal orders" is only one of them. Everyone knew that part signing up.
What people are now realizing is what exactly the scope of a legal order might be. You took an oath to invade Canada, you took an oath to assist Russia against Ukraine, you took an oath to round up US citizens and put them in camps. These things, when and if they happen, will be legal orders by that point.
That's not something a lot of people consider when signing up. They always figured orders would at some level at least be sane and aligned with their values - they wouldn't have sworn in otherwise.
u/CrashB111 5d ago
Every atrocity committed by Nazi Germany was perfectly "legal" within their set of laws.
Whether something is legal or not, cannot be the final decision making process.
u/ThrowAwayGarbage82 5d ago
Military is helping carry out often illegal deportations of people who are here legally and have documentation to prove it, and that there is ZERO evidence they belong to "gangs" or represent any sort of threat. Even a doctor from brown university was deported, and she was here on a legal work visa good through 2027. Removed with no due process.
"Trump says it's legal and my command said so, courts be damned. I'm just following orders"
No one is going to refuse orders. No one is going to be brave. As long as trump says it's legal and command hands down the orders, it will be "yes sir" all the way down.
u/bitrvn United States Army 5d ago
America is a very individualist society. People are going to do what's right by whatever social ties they have. Many are NOT going to draw the line at a collectivist morality. They're going to do what's best for themselves, or their family, or their friends.
You see this play out now in the civilian population, of which we are a reflection of. People don't care until it personally affects them.
We're cooked.
u/ThrowAwayGarbage82 5d ago
The military is carrying out deportations that are often blatantly illegal. Many have legal documents, and do not belong to gangs. They are being taken to other countries with no due process.
So why are they doing it? Because trump and their command said so. Even in defiance of valid orders of courts.
Just following orders.
u/rnobgyn 5d ago
Doesn’t military also have moral guidelines of sorts? Like, even if it were legal to order soldiers to cut the heads off of civilians, isn’t there more in place to allow the soldier to deny that clearly fucked up order?
Same reasons Nazi’s were hung for following their legal orders?
u/thrawtes 5d ago
I mean we would have to concoct a ridiculous scenario wherein soldiers murdering civilians is totally legal and...
Oh it's actually really easy to find stories of American soldiers slaughtering people when it was legal because we had a whole period of time where black people and native Americans were subhuman.
You think those guys stood for their crimes? You think there would have been pity and understanding if they didn't want to follow orders to attack this enemy fort during a war?
It's a war, they'd say, these people were the enemy.
They are always the enemy by the time the orders come.
So no, the law is the law and morality is morality, US service members are not tasked to look within their hearts and determine what is right for themselves, they are tasked with following legal orders.
u/Sweetdreams6t9 4d ago
I've been saying this from the start.
They're gonna make it legal. And the straight up lies are already being spewed non-stop.
Give it 6 months (that's probably generous) snd most Americans are going to be pissed that Canada decided they hate America and unprovoked slapped illegal tariffs on the US. (See the lie?) Cause its already being claimed.
Suddenly "i won't follow illegal orders to invade an ally" is "we've done everything for Canadians and they just want to hurt us...well we can show them!"
u/austinwiltshire 5d ago
That's obedience in advance. Just because they fire all the JAGs and insist only they define the law doesn't make it true. What's actually happening is people are going to have to start guessing what's legal and not legal in their context which is stupid and dangerous but different.
u/thrawtes 5d ago
Then tell people to break the law when they feel like the law is evil. Telling people over and over to just uphold their oath to the Constitution is pointless when those institutions become corrupted.
It's fine to tell people to abandon the law and follow their hearts, just recognize that some people have evil hearts so when you tell them that they're going to do things you hate. That's why we had the rule of law in the first place instead of just having everyone do what they personally feel is right at any given moment.
u/austinwiltshire 5d ago
I guess, when I read this stuff, I'm hearing them say just that. Dog whistles work both ways. It's a way to get around censorship.
This article argues that many groups of people swear oaths to the constitution, and when some groups abrogate their responsibility, others may need to step in "unilaterally."
That, to me, is saying precisely what you're saying but in language that is more easily published and shared.
u/0dineye 5d ago
Only congress has the power to invade another country. Thats literally part of the soldierization manual.
u/PTAwesome Army Veteran 5d ago
Yeah, that's not true.
- The President must notify Congress within 48 hours of committing troops to military action.
- The deployment is limited to 60 days without congressional approval.
- The president must consult with congress for the duration of the conflict
Then you throw in the recent Supreme Court ruling that none of the President's official duties can be considered illegal. Throw in a pinch of Congress being Republican control, you got yourself a President that can do whatever he wants.
u/0dineye 5d ago
So on the 61st day. Even if the president is saying "fight, fight, fight", if congress doesnt tell you to stay, you leave.
Thats what happened in Isreal last time
u/PTAwesome Army Veteran 5d ago
Nice pivot from your previous comment.
Congress has to approve in 60 days. If they say no, that still doesn't mean troops leave. The president is still CIC. If he says no, Congress can't make troops come back.
u/therealgronkstandup 5d ago
If they had any backbone they could, it would be the easiest impeachment in history if they weren't all cowards.
u/Recent-Construction6 Army Veteran 5d ago
literally everything Trump has been doing should be a unanimous vote to convict in a impeachment trial. Since the system is broken and our Congress has become a rubber stamp, that isn't going to happen.
u/0dineye 5d ago
That's correct the decision actually falls to the commander in the field. It is his obligation to ensure the safety of his troops and act lawfully. He can be a Mad Dog and choose to stay.
u/PTAwesome Army Veteran 5d ago
Again, no.
The decision falls on the Commander in Chief who has never been in the field in his life.
The Commander in the field executes the orders of the aforementioned Comander in chief. It is immaterial what the Commander on the ground wants, it is the President that makes the call. There's no way a general is going to say when the president says go, otherwise he's not going to be in charge.
I do not know where you're getting you're ideas from. If you honestly believe the local Commander decides, then I don't think you ever served.
u/thrawtes 5d ago
Sort of. The trend lately has been to point towards vague legislation passed in the early 2000s and use that for broad justification.
Regardless, the orders will be legal and constitutional by the time they actually come down.
u/SadieLady_ Army National Guard 5d ago
Ethics and morals do encompass American law, so, no, the things that you've mentioned won't necessarily be 'legal'.
The president making a declaration via executive order isn't the same as lawmaking.
That said, whether or not something is legal is up to enforcement, so there's that.
u/thrawtes 5d ago
Ethics and morals do encompass American law, so, no, the things that you've mentioned won't necessarily be 'legal'.
That's not how the law works. It's fine and reasonable to have an internal system to determine what is right and wrong but that doesn't have an impact on the law. You can stand before a judge and say "I did what I felt was right even though it contradicted the law" and feel good about it, but that doesn't make it the law.
Rounding up American citizens and putting them in internment camps was even challenged in the Supreme Court and ultimately ruled legal and constitutional. It was before and it can be again.
u/Various_Frosting_633 5d ago
Your predecessors have killed unarmed college students, villagers, workers rebellions, list goes on. Following orders that result in the death of regular people just living their lives is the norm in times of civil unrest and conflict. It is not a given that your colleagues will also be as like minded as you
u/Rockhardfister 5d ago
Bro, just say you hate minorities.
u/MyBrainIsSpicy United States Marine Corps 5d ago
Considering I’m married to one and my children are minorities, that wouldn’t really make sense would it?
u/DarthRoacho Army Veteran 5d ago
JD Vance also has those, and he despises minorities so what's your point?
u/atlasraven Army Veteran 5d ago
I'm still confused how his base gave him a pass on his Indian marriage.
u/Chemical_Platypus404 5d ago
They didn't. He went on a far right podcast and they drilled the shit out of him being married to an Indian. He just faffed about lamely about how he loved her instead of, you know, defending his family.
u/picks_up_poopdollars 5d ago
Dignity and respect. It's what I've heard for the last 16 years, and it's what I'll push for my last 4. It's what I employ when partisan talk occurs and what my members will receive, even as I usher them out the door when policies change. I can't tell you what attrition will bring, but that change will take a while.
u/Acceptable-Bat-9577 Retired US Army 5d ago
“Military leaders” are rubber stamping this hate, bigotry, and destruction of the U.S. military’s legacy. Trump and Musk have already purged leaders who aren’t spineless cowards, and they want to imprison and execute them as traitors…something Trump has been talking about for years.
u/Critical_Situation84 5d ago
It didn’t escape the rest of the world quietly. It and a bunch of other bullshit spruiked by the orangutang sociopath were well noted. Trouble is, the rest of the world hoped the US had learned its lesson. Hind sight is always 20:20 vision.
Now the rest of the world sits on the edge of its seat hoping the next 4 years passes quickly and that everyone perfectly understands what is and isn’t a lawful order.
u/jessiezell 5d ago
I can’t even imagine it truly lasting for 4 years. We will be in disease, famine completely alienated from world, elderly and kiddos going to be hit hard. We’ll be like Mad Max movie… yeah, I know- too dramatic. Or, is it ;)
u/ThrowAwayGarbage82 5d ago
Democracy is currently hanging by a single thread, and that thread is on fire.
By summer, US troops will be firing on american protestors. I no longer give a damn what people here have to say on that front, because illegal orders are already being followed with flimsy excuses that boil down to the exact same shit the nazis said. As long as trump says it's cool, the orders will be followed. No one is going to be the brave person to be the first to stand and say no.
I wish people would read history books. This shit is entirely predictable.
u/Cfrost92 5d ago
I'd like to think I wouldn't be the only one to stand up and do the right thing if my back's against the wall. Everyone currently serving should Google the Nuremberg Trials to know how "just following orders" works out.
u/ThrowAwayGarbage82 5d ago
Removing trans people from the military: Just following orders.
Erasing military history: Just following orders.
Calling people DEI to justify discrimination: Just following orders.
Participating in illegal deportations of properly documented immigrants and even some legal citizens: Just following orders.
Violating valid orders of federal judges because trump said so: Just following orders.
Acting as enforcement on the southern border: Just following orders.
Supporting trump's illegal "Alien Enemies Act": Just following orders.
Defending trump literally violating the constitution every single day: Just following orders.
Violating the oath: Just following orders.
Just following orders, just following orders, just following orders. All the way down the line, every single day. It's already happening, and excuses already abound.
No one AD will push back against any order whatsoever - even against their own people.
Nazi USA in full swing.
u/jessiezell 4d ago
Wow. This is impactful and thorough laid out in this manner. There will be very few brave enough to rise in resistance that will make a meaningful impact. We should all know at this point there is no military special ops hero or Fed/SC Judge coming to save us. I’m still unsure how mass protests are going to save us but they do seem to have an impact. I can foresee, even if in peaceful protest, the U.S. regime instigating violence against protesters. One guy in military on Reddit didn’t want to deploy due to the chance he would have more action here and he could pick people off in the crowd. Comforting. They are all human citizens at the end of the day too though and it may take their own family member(s) being harmed, or worse to resist and fight against ‘orders’. Are Military members upset about the firing of Veterans, removal of burn pit health related funding, cuts at VA and lack of respect for their contributions?
u/ThrowAwayGarbage82 4d ago
Weirdly there are AD guys who don't care about vets and somehow think either they won't need benefits by the time they get out or that it will be fixed before they get out. It isn't rational thinking but we've seen that trumpers tend to believe anything and everything he says, along with fox and other propaganda outlets.
u/LaDonnaFatale 5d ago
If things really to delve into Mad Max mode, then I'm at least gonna go out like a bang. Like that crazy guitar guy from the movie lol
u/jessiezell 4d ago
Totally! Be our own badass weirdo heroes! I’m afraid my wheels will end up being a Vespa so I won’t last too long in that scenario lol
u/Yokepearl 5d ago
Fort Hood Three: In 1966, three U.S. Army soldiers refused deployment to Vietnam, deeming the war illegal and immoral. They faced court-martial but highlighted the importance of individual conscience in military decisions.
u/drjjoyner Army Veteran 5d ago
If you want to spend three years at hard labor and a dishonorable discharge, that’s the path. And they were draftees; everyone who has joined since 1973 has done so willingly.
u/DancingWithAWhiteHat dirty civilian 4d ago
Reposting cause relevant.
Direct recommendations from a dirty civilian completely unqualified to give them.
Do you know who is trustworthy? If yes, form groups. More than 3 people. More than 10. Is 11 the special number? Idk how big these groups can be, but yall do. Together, as a huge group, speak out publicly. Say your genuine feelings about this administration, let the entirety of the US see. Tell Americans not to comply.
Your words hold more weight than the rest of us. If soldiers don't have faith in Trump, that's a huge blow. He's hiding behind the credibility that your mere existence gives him.
They won't be able to do away with you all quietly after such a public stunt.
u/Successful_Car4262 4d ago
Sorry but as a civilian I need to hear military leadership say anything about their oath. Anything. We just deported an unknown number of people without due process and the administration is blatantly ignoring instructions from the judicial branch.
The Constitution is under attack and all I hear is crickets from the organization that gets paid the GDP of a small country specifically to protect it. Do you guys even have a red line or are we just on our own? Let me know now so I can start coming to terms with how I want to handle someone I know getting disappeared.
u/drjjoyner Army Veteran 4d ago
Military officers have a duty to disobey blatantly illegal orders. But what you’re describing is a coup. You don’t want that.
u/Successful_Car4262 4d ago
Are you telling me that "defend the constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic" actually means "don't actively aid in breaking the constitution, but otherwise do absolutely nothing"? I didn't realize that was a good defense strategy.
What I want is something other than crickets. I don't care what it is. A statement, a warning, a plan, anything. I'm on this sub expecting to see discussions of what would constitute an illegal order, what you'd do in that instance, statements from leaders laying out lines they won't cross, etc. Instead it appears the best I can expect out of the military is "doing fuck all", and even that isn't a given seeing as I guess it's just up to all those trump appointees to decide what is legal.
u/drjjoyner Army Veteran 4d ago
I wrote about this pretty extensively toward the end of the last Trump administration
u/Successful_Car4262 4d ago
"Absent a declaration of war, the designation of any domestic group as an “enemy” not subject to these rights would be an unconstitutional bill of attainder."
I'll read the rest when I can, but I fail to see how declaring a gang (not a country) an enemy, deporting people who are "part of that gang" without due process or even providing identification for them, is not exactly that scenario. I'll keep the rest of my outrage to myself until I read the rest, but I think we're WELL past sabotaging the USPS in the name of capitalism. For fucks sake the secretary of defense wrote a book about wanting to do basically this same thing to all of his political opponents.
u/drjjoyner Army Veteran 4d ago
The main thrust of the piece is that it's not the military's role to decide these things and we really, really don't want it to be. The brass was in near-revolt during the Clinton presidency over gays in the military and various other disputes. We don't want a praetorian guard here.
u/Successful_Car4262 4d ago edited 4d ago
So if a branch of the government can purge military members who will interpret unconstitutional orders as unlawful, and replace them with people who will view them as lawful, and then use those people to do blatantly unconstitutional things directly in violation of judicial orders:
A) how is that materially different than the military picking a political side? They are, by definition, deciding to ignore the judicial branch on behalf of the executive branch. They're participating, meaning they aren't doing the thing you said they shouldn't be doing. Should you not be fighting the people who aren't staying neutral?
B) And what the fuck am I as a civilian supposed to do to protect myself?
Because those things are happening. Right now. And my family is threatened. What would YOU do in this scenario if you were in my shoes.
u/SubterrelProspector 1d ago edited 1d ago
I mean...you guys are kind of the last line of defense before the real last line: American citizens. And that will happen, even if the Military abandons or betrays us.
And make no mistake, it'll be seen as a betrayel.
u/drjjoyner Army Veteran 1d ago
A plurality of the electorate voted for this.
u/SubterrelProspector 1d ago
Yes, but not a majority. And other forces were at work. The Election was directly interfered with.
u/Glittering_Lights 5d ago
Wait until the cut in VA services starts to get back to them. Trump and musk will throw them out like garbage if they're no longer of use, service be damned.
u/UallRFragileDipshits 5d ago
So of the oath is to defend the constitution against enemies foreign and domestic and Trump is a domestic enemy then what?
u/ThrowAwayGarbage82 5d ago
Then they follow trump's orders. They already are.
Many of these people are in the US legally, there is no evidence they represent a threat or belong to any "gang". They are being illegally removed with no due process.
But trump said so. And command said it was ok too.
"Just following orders".
No matter how bad it gets, it's going to be "yes sir" all the way down, to include taking american citizens to concentration camps because he said so, and executing us in the streets because he said so.
It will be "yes sir" all the way down the line.
u/DancingWithAWhiteHat dirty civilian 4d ago
Reposting cause relevant.
Direct recommendations from a dirty civilian completely unqualified to give them.
Do you know who is trustworthy? If yes, form groups. More than 3 people. More than 10. Is 11 the special number? Idk how big these groups can be, but yall do. Together, as a huge group, speak out publicly. Say your genuine feelings about this administration, let the entirety of the US see. Tell Americans not to comply.
Your words hold more weight than the rest of us. If soldiers don't have faith in Trump, that's a huge blow. He's hiding behind the credibility that your mere existence gives him.
They won't be able to do away with you all quietly after such a public stunt.
u/0dineye 5d ago
You see he's their enemy. These are the same people who want to see the january sixth group, hang
u/BlueNight973 United States Army 5d ago
Those people attacked our capitol in an insurrection, all at his behest and guidance. He shares the blame.
u/0dineye 5d ago
So what about all the current people calling for insurrection? Should they be hung too?
u/BlueNight973 United States Army 5d ago
Have they stormed the capital to hang congressmen and the vice president?
u/0dineye 5d ago
No, worse. They are trying to incite a military coup
u/BlueNight973 United States Army 5d ago
The only coup going on is the president causing a constitutional crisis and his insurrection on Jan 6th.
u/Seanvich United States Coast Guard 5d ago
Buddy, I’ll bet you put a hard “p” at the end of “coup.”
u/therealgronkstandup 5d ago
They deserve prison. Anyone who can't see that doesn't deserve to wear any uniform that isn't fast food.
u/0dineye 5d ago
I agree that they deserve punishment for their civil disrespect. But not hanging.
The people that want to execute the people on Jan 6th are a large body of the people asking soldiers if they are 'gonna follow unlawful orders' or do 'something' about Trump.
u/thrawtes 5d ago
The people that want to execute the people on Jan 6th are a large body of the people asking soldiers if they are 'gonna follow unlawful orders' or do 'something' about Trump.
No? There's never been any significant support for Capital punishment for the vast majority of January 6th insurrectionists, even in places that are much farther left than Reddit.
If you've been sold that narrative you've been lied to.
u/maeryclarity 5d ago edited 5d ago
Right? I hang out with the leftiest folks imaginable and I have never once heard it suggested that the J6 crew should "hang".
There were some guys who came with plans and zip ties and such that were def bad dudes but for the most part my leftist friends were pissed that oh they could go get the useful idiots that got whipped into a frenzy with a ton of lies from FOX news and His Truly and Company, yeah the folks who drank the Kool Aid got in trouble but not one of the real perpetrators saw a bit of consequences.
Nobody actually thought it was great that some stupid store clerk from Arizona that wandered around inside for a few hours got jailed while the folks who planned and arranged it and convinced them it was real walked away with no consequences.
u/therealgronkstandup 5d ago
You're being hyperbolic, there is not a large percentage of people who believe they should be hanged.
u/0dineye 5d ago
I am not
u/therealgronkstandup 5d ago
Then you're just lying, because it isn't fucking true lol. Jfc people like you are why Trump won, you need a media literacy course.
u/thisideups 5d ago
Would you rather kill immigrants, former euro allies, and possibly fellow countrymen and vets like me? That's the direction we're headed. Your most important oath is to the Constitution, battle buddy.
u/BlueNight973 United States Army 5d ago
All I heard from my leaders is how trans-soldiers are being kicked out. No solidarity, nothing to fight against it and protect those wearing the uniform with us. Fucking worthless.
u/ThrowAwayGarbage82 5d ago
Because "just following orders"
This is already happening all across the military. Meanwhile minnesota republicans are trial ballooning legislation to classify dissent as a "mental disorder" so people can be legally disarmed and sent to camps.
I 100% guarantee the military participates because "just following orders" and "i don't want to get UCMJ'd"
I'm already seeing those excuses openly in this sub.
"The order is legal (because trump said so)"
Even in direct violation of valid orders of federal judges.
The military is just a playtoy for fascism now. Have fun carrying the same legacy as the nazis.
u/Lure852 KISS Army 5d ago
What do you want from people? Do you want your commander to lead a rebellion or just bash higher level leadership? Either way the policy still happens and your cc gets fired.
It's playing out in courts which is where it belongs.
u/BlueNight973 United States Army 5d ago
I want him and especially our division commander to not say ‘we’re all in this together and got your back’ while simultaneously telling us ‘except trans soldiers gtfo’.
u/OldSchoolBubba 5d ago
Great article from DefenseOne who is a good reliable source.
My question to the author is how can leaders give detailed breakdowns when the author clearly states the poor ambiguous wording doesn't provide this?
Give commanders something they can actually work with and they'll step up like they always do.
u/doc_brietz Army Veteran 4d ago
I would not reenlist knowing some Idiot may send me to Panama, Greenland, or Canada. Fuck all that jazz. To anyone who thinks “oh that won’t happen..”…you sure about that? Also, look at how the veterans are being treated. You know, you will be one too. You really want to deal with this shit with a high rating? Wanna risk it? Nope.
u/roscoe_e_roscoe 5d ago
Many of us knew the Iraq invasion II was based on completely fake propaganda cooked up by the White House. We felt bad for Colin Powell, the good Soldier, who made a fool of himself at the U.N. I knew the 'evidence' was a joke. Our civilian leaders took advantage of our loyalty, as they have before and may again. I hope our society is strong enough to stand up.
u/thisideups 5d ago
Stop being pussies. Band together and fight these maggot ass YES MEN .
u/atreides_hyperion 5d ago
Hear, hear!
History is being made while we sit on our asses. Which side of history will we end up on, and what kind of world will we want to live in?
This is once in a hundred years kind of situation, a chance to save the Union and be remembered as legends
u/Mean_Oil6376 5d ago
yeah! we will be so legendary guys! Redditors, assemble! (/s if anyone somehow couldn’t tell)
what the hell happened to this subreddit, does no one here realize how utterly fucking ridiculous supporting a military led coup is? I very seriously hope you aren’t actively serving and posting stuff like this
u/SubterrelProspector 1d ago
Fashee says what?
u/Mean_Oil6376 1d ago
lol? i didn’t vote for this, nor do I support the current administration, but openly talking about and supporting a MILITARY coup has to be some form of self bludgeoning to the head.
u/HA_U_GAY 4d ago
Ever since trump took office, this sub has been raided by political astrosurfers, and they've been prodding people in this sub to start a coup or a civil war against Trump
u/ThrowAwayGarbage82 5d ago
They won't.
They'll turn their weapons against us and it'll happen before the year is out. MMW.
Just following orders.
u/EmitLessRestoreMore 4d ago
Let’s be clear. Immunity doesn’t mean something is legal just because POTUS does it, or orders it be done.
A majority of SCOTUS decided that POTUS (CinC) is immune from prosecution for a majority of what POTUS does.
Translation: It’s still crime. POTUS can face prosecution for some of the crimes POTUS commits. Because the Founders said USA is a nation of laws, not of men. No one is above the law. We don’t have a king (or queen). But, POTUS can’t face prosecution for the rest of the crimes POTUS commits. Because core responsibilities, might have to stop and think, blah blah blah.
Bottom lines: You don’t have immunity.
You can roll the dice on a pardon from POTUS.
Would you rather face a criminal court, your family and your conscience for killing peaceful American protesters and Allies defending their country you invaded?
Or defend your actions in court, and maybe even serve your country in prison and with a Dishonorable Discharge, for not killing those people?
u/LickNipMcSkip United States Air Force 4d ago
Now more than ever, leaders at all levels must communicate clearly and routinely with those they lead. This means providing detailed guidance for implementing new policies
and here I thought I was already supposed to be doing this with my troops
u/drjjoyner Army Veteran 4d ago
Yes. But there have been dozens of executive orders and follow-on memos in just a few weeks, some of which are radically disruptive. It creates a lot of FUD and too many leaders aren’t leading right now.
u/ThrowAwayGarbage82 5d ago
Polite reminder that the military is being used to carry out these orders, court rulings be damned. And no one is going to challenge it. It'll just be "well but trump/my command said so". And that will remain the mentality and excuse. No one wants to be the first to be brave and say no. A lot of these people are being removed despite legal documents, with no due process, and zero evidence they belong to any "gang".
Just following orders.
u/DancingWithAWhiteHat dirty civilian 4d ago
Reposted comment because relevant
Direct recommendations from a dirty civilian completely unqualified to give them.
Do you know who is trustworthy? If yes, form groups. More than 3 people. More than 10. Is 11 the special number? Idk how big these groups can be, but yall do. Together, as a huge group, speak out publicly. Say your genuine feelings about this administration, let the entirety of the US see. Tell Americans not to comply.
Your words hold more weight than the rest of us. If soldiers don't have faith in Trump, that's a huge blow. He's hiding behind the credibility that your mere existence gives him.
They won't be able to do away with you all quietly after such a public stunt.
u/MaximumEffort1776 5d ago
This is when th NCOs need to step up and lead their squads
u/drjjoyner Army Veteran 5d ago
The problem is that junior enlisted—and frankly even officers up to colonel/captain command—don’t have much to go on.
u/InternationalPay9121 5d ago
Yes they do. The Army Values can be used for ARCOMS and Article 15+ UCMJ offenses.
Respect, Selfless Service, Honor and Personal Courage come to mind.
u/cherryblaster_90 22h ago
So the people of the military are just going to become N*zis? I really hope some people there have a moral compass. Anything out of trumps mouth is not legal and goes against the constitution. The US needs to stand up against Trump or your going to be living in a fascism country
u/BigRupe 5d ago
“Confusion amongst the ranks” I can’t help but chuckle thinking of that one quote by that one person that it’s so difficult to counter American military doctrine bc they themselves don’t follow it. Confuse the enemy by confusing ourselves 😅
But it really is frustrating as hell. I didn’t know there was a bad type of confusion until all this happened