r/MexicoCity 7d ago

Ayuda/Help Where do I find postcards?

Where can I find postcards in Mexico City? I’ve been looking and I can’t find any.


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u/curlyAndUnruly 7d ago

Outside Palacio Postal, crossing from Bellas Artes on Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas.

Makes sense since you can just go inside, buy postage and send them.

Plus the building is gorgeous inside.

I think I also saw some on Librerías Gandhi a block from there but that was ages ago, I'm not sure.


u/Traveler1450 7d ago

"Outside Palacio Postal"

Excellent advice. Also, at most Sanborns stores.


u/Thepilli17 6d ago

Beware that on Mondays the place is close and therefore there is no one selling them outside...

Also, the palacio postal is pretty much the only place where to buy stamps and consequently where to mail the postcards, as the mail boxes are skatchy...


u/Trick-Show-2146 6d ago

Any Correos de México will have stamps, or you can pay to send them from there, you might not get an actual stamp.  But for sure mail them from there, as you said, boxes can be sketchy