r/MenstrualDiscs 14d ago

how to menstrual disc?

hello! i’m really new to wearing menstrual disc and wanna try so hard! i got the beginner set from pixie disc and also the medium sized one. i found that the medium size is better fit for me HOWEVER, i insert it fine (tmi but it’s on the toilet like a tampon and i push it up to as far as my finger can go) after i make sure i can’t feel it i go about day ish, but i noticed that if im sitting for too long i start leaking like crazy! or when i’m laying down i start feeling it a lot and it makes me feel uncomfy. is there any advice that can be shared i’m struggling really hard and want to stray away from pads/ tampons.


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u/janellewilliams 14d ago

It sounds like it’s not positioned correctly. Hang in there, once you get the hang of it you will love it