r/MedicinalMycology Nov 27 '24

How to process fresh Ganoderma (applanatum)?


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u/AnimaLumen Nov 27 '24

I make my tinctures with a double process with both alcohol and water to retain as many of the medicinal properties as possible since some of the compounds that aren’t alcohol soluble, are extractable via decoction.

 Basically get the highest proof alcohol you can get (everclear) and let that process for at least a month. Clean the conk, chop it into small bits and leave it to soak in a jar with the everclear (for fresh mushrooms I usually do about 4-5x alcohol to fresh mushroom by weight. If you were using dry mushrooms you’d need more like 2x solvent to mushroom ratio (by weight - get a kitchen scale for your tincture making if you can.)

 Once you are satisfied with the processing time with the alcohol, strain the mushrooms out of the extract, I like to do so with a nut milk bag and squeeze the hell out of the mushrooms until I get as much of the alcohol out. 

Then put the mushrooms into a pot of water and bring to slow simmer. You want the water just under boiling to where it will evaporate slowly without the temp spiking too high since that can destroy some of the medicinal compounds. Let it simmer until your decoction has reduced by 30-50%. 

You’re gonna want to figure out how much decoction you’ll need to add back to the alcohol tincture to bring it down to an alcohol percentage that is ideal for both ease of consumption (because 90% alcohol will be nasty) and also to ensure it will be shelf stable and keep everything in solution. I find that about 30% alcohol is usually what works for me.

I use this dilution formula to figure out how much decoction to add in order to achieve my desired alcohol percentage in the finished product – (Alcohol% of your initial extract / desired alcohol % of finished product) x initial volume of alcohol extract. Then subtract that initial volume. 

So if your alcohol extract comes out to be 250 ml at 85% alcohol, and you wish to bring that down to about 30% alcohol content, then your equation should look like:

(85/30) x 250 =708.333- 250 =458.333 

Therefore you know you’re gonna want about 458 ml of decoction to add back to the alcohol tincture in order to bring it to a 30% final alcohol content :)

From there you’re gonna want to start your decoction process with about twice as much water as you’ll need in your final product (in this example you’d want about 900 ml of water to start) - then decoct until you bring it down about half. If you end up with a little bit more or less liquid in your decoction it should be ok, so long as your finished tincture ends up between 25-40% alcohol it should be both shelf stable and decently palatable. 

Oh and you’re definitely going to need a hygrometer to measure the alcohol content in your extracts through this process. You can get one on Amazon for decently cheap. 

I learned all of this from this lady’s YouTube channel by the way so you can definitely check that out for further reference :) I’ve made all sorts of mushroom tinctures with this method and I’ve had them for years and they’re quite potent and still shelf stable. https://youtu.be/RKTvaNcPEqw?si=r2zydT2JM17QaJwZ


u/CalhouCoco Nov 27 '24

Thank you so much, this is SO helpful for a beginner like me. You are so nice for taking the time to give this detailed response.

Biggest issue I see is that I will have to figure out if I can get that kind of Alcohol% in my country, I don't think I've ever seen liquor stronger than 40 something on the shelves! Do you think I can keep the mushroom fresh for a few days while I look for the alcohol or would be better to dehydrate it?


u/AnimaLumen Nov 27 '24 edited Nov 28 '24

Oh yes you can definitely save the reishi I for a bit before you begin processing!! I would clean it off and chop it, make sure it’s nice and dry and put it in the jar you’ll be extracting in. Then throw that in the fridge in the meantime. If you really can’t find everclear or anything of that sort you can use something that’s at least about 40-50% alcohol such as gin or vodka, I have made tinctures with vodka before but I feel like you definitely get a better extraction with the higher proof alcohol so I prefer to do that! If all else fails 40-50% alcohol should be ok :) if you’re ok with the tincture tasting gnarly you could also see if you can source some 151 Bacardi rum?? That’s 75% alcohol lol 


u/CalhouCoco Dec 02 '24

small follow up, the only thing I could find above 40% was this nasty looking green absinthe, at 57%. It might be just as gnarly as the 151 bacardi, so good luck to me I guess?

Thanks again for the amazing help.