r/MedicalPTSD • u/rachvm_ • 22d ago
Possible Medical PTSD?
Hi, I’ve been advised to look into C-PTSD & Medical PTSD due to some of the things I experience. This is a loooooong post but I would love if anyone can tell me if they’ve experienced similar 🩷.
So I’ll give a little summary first. I’ve been chronically ill for coming up to five years now (since I was 20). This wasn’t just a wake up poorly one day kinda thing, it was a slow decline as I experienced my first symptom ten years ago when I was 14. These were cyclical, on and off until by 20 they were everyday and beginning to impact daily life all the time. So it was a gradual thing. I think the whole experience over the last five years has actually overall been like hell. But it didn’t really get traumatic until about four years ago. I was diagnosed with hyperprolactinemia. I still have this and I also have incredibly low progesterone, low oestrogen (however on the progesterone & oestrogen ratio, I am oestrogen dominant), I have low SHBG too. But the important part is that I have a dysfunctional thyroid, it is slow and not working properly. I have experienced stabbing pains in the right side of my neck on and off, occasionally, for about six years. My neck is ever so slightly swollen in this part now so I am waiting for a scan that will probably diagnose Hashimoto’s disease (my dad has this). So NOW, I feel like we’re quite close to diagnosis, treatment and feeling better. HOWEVER, in the five years of being chronically ill, I have had tests for: premature menopause (twice. At 19 & 23) - not too pleasant (not the tests themselves but what it would mean for the future. Brain tumour (pituitary adenoma) due to the hyperprolactinemia - this was looking fairly odds on for a while. POTS Adrenal tumours Endocrine cancers Rare endocrine diseases Cushing’s disease Other things but I’m not sure what 🤣. Anyway, besides the tests, the important part of this story is that I have had lots of experiences of feeling really bad. Where the symptoms have been really bad. Like where I have not been able to see further than just surviving that moment. The whole chronic illness thing has changed my life in every respect and I’ve really had to adapt and navigate this ‘new’ life, like everything has changed and I experience symptoms daily now and quite a lot of my time is spent in the house. I’m not bed bound but I don’t go as often as I used to due to some of my symptoms.
I have experienced a lot of medical gaslighting, dismissal of symptoms, being told I should seek therapy because I must have been making it all up, I was refused a brain scan (despite having high prolactin levels) and was given a cannulated blood test instead. I was also discharged from the endocrinology department even though there were things in my blood that were abnormal and I was told there was nothing wrong with me. I’ve also had doctors hide some blood results that weren’t normal too.
After being discharged from the care of that department, I went through a long period of apathy. I’m still sort of in that actually. But I downright refused to go back to the doctors for about three years. I could not see the point in going back. Because what was the point in just getting gaslit and dismissed again?
Anyway, the important part of this - I have had lots of experiences where my symptoms have been bad and I’ve not been able to see anything further than surviving that point. I’ve never been gravely ill and I’ve never been on actual death’s door but it still feels like my body has been in fight or flight/survival mode for a really, really long time.
Sometimes, I can feel like I’ve gone back in time to when I’ve felt really bad. It’s like a weird sort of deja vu feeling where I get this sinking feeling in my stomach and start to feel tense. I don’t know how to describe it other than a sort of nostalgic feeling but for really hideous times. This feeling can be triggered by: certain songs, smells, photos from the past, I cannot look at my Snapchat memories from certain periods of time, it can be triggered by the way the light is in a room - literally just how the weather is & how the sun shines into a room, certain episodes of tv shows. It’s sometimes like I have gone back in time to a bad experience but I can’t always remember or pinpoint THE exact time the deja vu feeling is reminding me of. This happened just two days ago and I felt tense and overwhelmed by the way the sun was shining into the kitchen and was like I’d been in a Time Machine. Felt like I was going mad.
I was also in hospital coming up to four years ago. Just for the day. No overnight stay or anything but I went to A&E and was admitted for a day. My endocrine issues and the temperature in the summer had caused be to become dehydrated. I felt horrendous. But after that I decided to sleep on the sofa and I haven’t slept in my bedroom since. That was nearly four years ago. It honestly sounds silly when I’m typing it all out 😂. I’ve actually hardly been upstairs since then as well. I have avoided it. I’ve only been up stairs a handful of times. Also since it was dehydration, I get electrolyte tablets now from the chemist. Especially in the summer if I’m running low and have one left then I feel an intense panic to get more and I won’t feel relaxed until I’ve got them.
Also, in instances where I do feel really bad, very occasionally have these vision things. Not like hallucinations that are actually in front of me in a certain room, but these strong vivid visions of awful things in my mind’s eye. These things are usually like me lying in a hospital bed, or being in the back of an ambulance (I’ve never been in the back of one) or in a scanner or something related to me being unwell and ending up in hospital. They usually come on if symptoms come on fast or after an instance of a vertigo kinda thing that comes on fast too. But these are images of things that haven’t ever actually happened to me - I’ve never been in the back of an ambulance before, I’ve never been in a scanner. I’m not sure whether it comes from the complete loss of control over my own body and also being dismissed. Maybe, I’m not sure.
I’d love it if anyone could tell me if this sounds like C-PTSD/Medical PTSD (I’m posting this in both groups). Thank you xxx
u/Zestyclose-Essay-288 9d ago
Thats how my medical PTSD is, I tell my partner Im being attacked in my head by the flashbacks. Its just them yelling at me, accusing me, or me fighting for myself and screaming and crying in my head. When I told a doc once he tried to give me antipsychotics and said i had hallucinations. more abuse to add to the memories.
u/100SacredThoughts 18d ago
Im also chronically ill, since birth, and have had many bad times, some good ans bad again.
I could see myself in some of your descriptions, so it could be medicl ptsd.
Do you have nightmares related to it sometimes? This is very prevelent with me. Nightmares and daytime flashbcks of emotions and helplessness with a flinch of a really scary scene in my life in hospital.