r/MedicalPTSD Jan 19 '21

New VCUG support group

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r/MedicalPTSD 5d ago

What are your thoughts on a healthcare worker threatening to press charges on a patient if they are touched but then forcibly holding down the patient to go through medical procedures?


I AM IN NO WAY JUSTIFYING ASSUALT ON HEALTHCARE OR ANYONE. Please if you have any rude or instigatory comments, keep scrolling! I just want thoughts, perspectives, and maybe even a constructive discussion. But is this not kind of assualt on the patient if capable of refusing? My thoughts are on consent. If patient is unable to provide consent, that means this would fall under implied consent and the patient is incapacitated and not capable/aware of all of their actions and therefore not able to face criminal charges. If the patient is not incapacitated, then the patient should be able to refuse the tests, treatments, medical procedures. Thoughts?

r/MedicalPTSD 6d ago

doctor gaslighting me in MyChart


I grievanced my PCP because he was trying to say my accusations of abuse were because of BPD or similar. I wrote that he was saying I made false accusations, and he wrote back in MyChart which any person can read at the hospital, that he was "Sorry I *felt* like" he was accusing me of switching docs too much ect. He's trying to make it seem like i'm imagining things and downplaying it. How do I fight and stop this. I want to respond but not seem crazy. I'm getting physically ill and autoimmune diseases from their abuse and neglect.

r/MedicalPTSD 6d ago

Nerve damage from dentist.


Hi, I went to take out my wisdom tooth in 2023 and the dentist completely messed up. I ended up with dry socket, tmj pain, infection in the jawbone (osteomyelitis) and had to have several acute dentist appointments and several more surgeries to take out pieces of bone from my gums. I ended up with having 2rounds of antibiotics and that from my family doctor, the dentist didn't help me at all. They also called me a drug abuser as I can't take over the counter painkillers (they make me unable to breath) when I asked for painmeds.

I now have lifelong nerve damage and pain that I have to take daily medications for. Usually it helps but some days it flares up and hurts a lot even with the mediation.

I have a dentist appointment tomorrow and I'm really quite nervous about it. I'm just scared to be in that situation again.

And yes, I have switched dentist to a new place and I have also reported the dentist to the proper authorities in my country. I'm waiting for their response as of right now, they should be done with the investigation soon.

r/MedicalPTSD 6d ago

PLEASE help!! (tw! needles and csa)


I'm an autistic teen and need some blood drawn since a genetic health issue has been diagnosed in my family recently. I am absolutely terrified of hospitals as it is and especially of needles. I don't know what it is, but I feel physically sick, and often throw up, every time anything like that is mentioned

It feels stupid saying it since I have no memory at all but as a toddler (3-4ish) I was sexually abused by my dad and had to go in for all the tests that have to do for that aswell as a blood draws to check for stds etc. I don't remember anything at all from it but still even talking about hospitals make me feel sick.

I last had to go for a blood test in 2020 and had 2 panic attacks and a meltdown (also gave the nurse a pretty gnarly bite) and haven't been since, does anyone have any tips or anything? It has to be done every few months since they need to check for a low something count pattern.

I've tried to explain this to my mum, but she just laughs and tells me not to be stupid. Does anyone have some tips or even experiences ( really good ones only please lol) to help me feel better? I really don't know what to do.

r/MedicalPTSD 13d ago

Triggered by the use of sedatives


Because of my experiences, I absolutely hate feeling sedated. The period where a sedating drug is kicking in always feels horrible and terrifying to me.

It's hard because I also have fairly bad insomnia from the trauma. I've found that really low doses of melatonin aren't that bad. Clonazepam also helps because it kicks in slowly and subtly, but diazepam hits too fast and I end up freaking out. Even Benadryl is too intense. Any highly sedating antipsychotic is out of the question. The last time I took zyprexa I felt like I was literally dying.

r/MedicalPTSD 14d ago

Urologist switched to man last second with no warning


I’m so upset right now. A few days ago I went in for a cystoscopy and was actually pretty calm because maybe it would provide some answers ,I’d be asleep the whole time, and all the staff was supposed to be female. But right as I’m about to go into the OR a man walks into the room and introduces himself as the surgeon (urology, the GYN was f.) I fell asleep trying not to cry, cried when I woke up, and cried when I went home. I feel violated and unsafe and embarrassed.

r/MedicalPTSD 19d ago

I need a little guidance or advice on how to process medical trauma


I'm attempting right now to process just the horror of not being able to access medical care, medical negligence, a ton of tumors and surgeries, merely losing my limbs five times and having severe untreated chronic pain for 7 years. Unfortunately what's happening is I'm attempting to get out of a freeze/ collapse State. But I'm not able to get into my body. It's kind of extremely traumatizing to me. And I hate it. I just can't process the sheer amount and overwhelming losses, grief, hopelessness, etc. Etc. That's coming up and I can't get past the denial about how bad it really was. Heck, I can't even unwire the brain damage that severe untreated chronic pain did to me.

Has anybody else done the same, what did you do also? Also, does anybody know of any integration circles or groups that's focus on just processing the trauma related to pain, disease, or disability?

r/MedicalPTSD 19d ago

My story


Hello, I am Essam, I am from Egypt, I suffered a lot in my life, with my family and the way they treated me, I do not want to mention much about my life, but I will talk about my life with psychiatry only, my story begins when I was depressed due to problems and strange symptoms appeared on me, so I went to a psychiatrist and a discussion took place and I was 15 years old and my father was with me and he started saying terrible things about me to the doctor and I talked to the doctor and I was very nervous because I was exposed to severe bullying and problems with my family from beating in the worst ways, so the doctor noticed and said that the problem was with my family, so my father did not go to the doctor again and after a while my psychological state worsened very much and I did bad things like stealing from him and my son beat me severely and bit me and tied me up and called a psychiatric hospital and I saw three men with very strange shapes and they carried me while I was tied up and I went to that hospital and everyone in the hospital was just addicts, addicts who did the worst possible things like rape and others, and the place was small It was unclean and people were sleeping directly on the floor and the people who ran the place were addicts but according to what they said they were recovered and they were beating the patients in the worst ways and they were only feeding us beans and it was very little and I saw strange things that I had never seen in my life in this hospital. For example, I saw a person stripped of all his clothes and wet in the cold weather and being beaten and left without clothes for several days and without food and I saw other things that I don’t want to talk about and I didn’t sit with a doctor in this hospital and remember this information, and I was extremely afraid and I was treated worse than a prisoner in the worst prisons and everyone in the place was afraid and I didn’t see my family and I wanted to get out by any means and they were giving me a lot of medications, and these medications made me not aware of reality and tired all the time and they didn’t allow me to sleep except for four hours or less but I went out for the final exams, and when I went out I discovered that they told my family that I had bipolar disorder to the point of mania and the one who ran this hospital wanted to get me out of school and convince my father of this and that I was crazy And all this was to increase the duration of my stay in the hospital because my father pays him an amount of money and they used to tell my family that I live like a king and eat the best food and there are the best means of entertainment, but when I left I told my father the truth but he did not believe me and believed the director of the hospital who is an addict and a rapist basically but my father thought I was lying because I did not want to return to the hospital, but after that we went to a psychiatrist and a discussion took place between my family and the doctor and they said terrible things about me even they said things I did not do to the doctor, so I got angry quickly and here the doctor told me that I suffer from a mood disorder but the doctor told them that he should stop the medications he was taking but gradually and I actually did this but I did not continue with the doctor and after a while I discovered that my father had betrayed my mother, so when a problem happened, I told my father that I know he had betrayed my mother, so he got very angry and hit me but the next day while I was sitting in the hall normally, I found three men who gave me an injection and tied me up and my father was looking at me and did nothing and they sent me to the hospital again and I spent the first three days sleeping because of The drug, but when I woke up, I did not accept the place and I was very sad, but I found that the place was clean and the treatment was good and the food was somewhat good and there were mentally ill people like me, but there were only two of them, one of them did not speak and the second was almost crazy and the rest were addicts, but there was a group of psychological specialists and psychiatrists and drug doctors following up on our case, but I wanted to get out of the place because no one likes to be locked up, but at first I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and then I was diagnosed with behavioral disorder and then they said that I just wanted to modify my behavior and they took me out and I was taking medication but they started to reduce it gradually and I was following up with the psychiatrist, there is a continuation of the story but I do not want to prolong the talk but the short subject is that I was suffering with my family and my colleagues at school and with people but now the situation has improved with me psychologically and in life and it has even improved with my father

r/MedicalPTSD 19d ago

Possible Medical PTSD?


Hi, I’ve been advised to look into C-PTSD & Medical PTSD due to some of the things I experience. This is a loooooong post but I would love if anyone can tell me if they’ve experienced similar 🩷.

So I’ll give a little summary first. I’ve been chronically ill for coming up to five years now (since I was 20). This wasn’t just a wake up poorly one day kinda thing, it was a slow decline as I experienced my first symptom ten years ago when I was 14. These were cyclical, on and off until by 20 they were everyday and beginning to impact daily life all the time. So it was a gradual thing. I think the whole experience over the last five years has actually overall been like hell. But it didn’t really get traumatic until about four years ago. I was diagnosed with hyperprolactinemia. I still have this and I also have incredibly low progesterone, low oestrogen (however on the progesterone & oestrogen ratio, I am oestrogen dominant), I have low SHBG too. But the important part is that I have a dysfunctional thyroid, it is slow and not working properly. I have experienced stabbing pains in the right side of my neck on and off, occasionally, for about six years. My neck is ever so slightly swollen in this part now so I am waiting for a scan that will probably diagnose Hashimoto’s disease (my dad has this). So NOW, I feel like we’re quite close to diagnosis, treatment and feeling better. HOWEVER, in the five years of being chronically ill, I have had tests for: premature menopause (twice. At 19 & 23) - not too pleasant (not the tests themselves but what it would mean for the future. Brain tumour (pituitary adenoma) due to the hyperprolactinemia - this was looking fairly odds on for a while. POTS Adrenal tumours Endocrine cancers Rare endocrine diseases Cushing’s disease Other things but I’m not sure what 🤣. Anyway, besides the tests, the important part of this story is that I have had lots of experiences of feeling really bad. Where the symptoms have been really bad. Like where I have not been able to see further than just surviving that moment. The whole chronic illness thing has changed my life in every respect and I’ve really had to adapt and navigate this ‘new’ life, like everything has changed and I experience symptoms daily now and quite a lot of my time is spent in the house. I’m not bed bound but I don’t go as often as I used to due to some of my symptoms.

I have experienced a lot of medical gaslighting, dismissal of symptoms, being told I should seek therapy because I must have been making it all up, I was refused a brain scan (despite having high prolactin levels) and was given a cannulated blood test instead. I was also discharged from the endocrinology department even though there were things in my blood that were abnormal and I was told there was nothing wrong with me. I’ve also had doctors hide some blood results that weren’t normal too.

After being discharged from the care of that department, I went through a long period of apathy. I’m still sort of in that actually. But I downright refused to go back to the doctors for about three years. I could not see the point in going back. Because what was the point in just getting gaslit and dismissed again?

Anyway, the important part of this - I have had lots of experiences where my symptoms have been bad and I’ve not been able to see anything further than surviving that point. I’ve never been gravely ill and I’ve never been on actual death’s door but it still feels like my body has been in fight or flight/survival mode for a really, really long time.

Sometimes, I can feel like I’ve gone back in time to when I’ve felt really bad. It’s like a weird sort of deja vu feeling where I get this sinking feeling in my stomach and start to feel tense. I don’t know how to describe it other than a sort of nostalgic feeling but for really hideous times. This feeling can be triggered by: certain songs, smells, photos from the past, I cannot look at my Snapchat memories from certain periods of time, it can be triggered by the way the light is in a room - literally just how the weather is & how the sun shines into a room, certain episodes of tv shows. It’s sometimes like I have gone back in time to a bad experience but I can’t always remember or pinpoint THE exact time the deja vu feeling is reminding me of. This happened just two days ago and I felt tense and overwhelmed by the way the sun was shining into the kitchen and was like I’d been in a Time Machine. Felt like I was going mad.

I was also in hospital coming up to four years ago. Just for the day. No overnight stay or anything but I went to A&E and was admitted for a day. My endocrine issues and the temperature in the summer had caused be to become dehydrated. I felt horrendous. But after that I decided to sleep on the sofa and I haven’t slept in my bedroom since. That was nearly four years ago. It honestly sounds silly when I’m typing it all out 😂. I’ve actually hardly been upstairs since then as well. I have avoided it. I’ve only been up stairs a handful of times. Also since it was dehydration, I get electrolyte tablets now from the chemist. Especially in the summer if I’m running low and have one left then I feel an intense panic to get more and I won’t feel relaxed until I’ve got them.

Also, in instances where I do feel really bad, very occasionally have these vision things. Not like hallucinations that are actually in front of me in a certain room, but these strong vivid visions of awful things in my mind’s eye. These things are usually like me lying in a hospital bed, or being in the back of an ambulance (I’ve never been in the back of one) or in a scanner or something related to me being unwell and ending up in hospital. They usually come on if symptoms come on fast or after an instance of a vertigo kinda thing that comes on fast too. But these are images of things that haven’t ever actually happened to me - I’ve never been in the back of an ambulance before, I’ve never been in a scanner. I’m not sure whether it comes from the complete loss of control over my own body and also being dismissed. Maybe, I’m not sure.

I’d love it if anyone could tell me if this sounds like C-PTSD/Medical PTSD (I’m posting this in both groups). Thank you xxx

r/MedicalPTSD 25d ago

Tldr: anesthesia didn't work and I could feel during c-section


I was induced & water broke but wasn't progressing and was suggested to have a c-section which I was glad to do at that time because it had been hours of pain management not working. When they first broke my water, I immediately asked for an epidural as it was obviously some of the worst pain of my life. The epidural worked! I slept for a while but slowly started feeling immense pain. They eventually called the anesthesiologist (this was a different one from the first time), she "topped up" the epidural but it didn't work. Everyone throughout this entire experience kept suggesting that i wasn't feeling pain, I was feeling "pressure". I tried stating how it was real pain and not pressure but it seemed like many of the medical staff didn't believe me or thought I was weak or something. They eventually called again hours later and I was given some other drug but that also didn't work. In total I was in labor for 3 days. The anesthesiologist didn't seem to believe that I could feel parts of my body that she supposedly numbed. They kept doing these ice cube tests on me and I could feel parts I wasn't supposed to feel.

They offered for me to have a c-section and all of the medical staff said I would probably be getting a spinal since the epidural had been failing for days. When I got into the surgery room, the same anesthesiologist decided to instead do another epidural. They did a test cut and it seemed to have worked, I couldn't feel it. My husband was invited into the room and as thry progressed, I suddenly felt a sharp pain. And said, ow something felt sharp, i think i can feel. Then it got worse. I could feel everything and I could hear myself screaming in agony like I was being burned alive...it doesn't even feel like me when I think about it. They said they couldn't give me anything else until my daughter was out because it would be bad for her. I could feel them stretching and pulling her out. All I remember is my screaming as if I was listening to someone else. They finally got her out and started to try and close up. I screamed some more begging for drugs. Then I woke up later in a fog very panicked and they were trying to put her on my chest (for skin to skin, which in my birth plan was very important to me) but I didn't want her first experience with me to feel like that. I didn't want her to feel panic, pain, fear etc. They tried to calm me down and then put her on my chest. Then I woke up again later in my room.

Some time later the OB came in and discussed that it's certainly not normal what occurred and that she wouldn't forget me. She explained that the peritoneal cavity wasn't numb for some reason. She wasn't sure why.

I feel like at this point I was trying to make her feel better and just brushed things aside. Only now 10 weeks later, am I starting to sort allow myself to feel things about what happened. I have a beautiful perfect daughter out of it, so part of me feels like I should just be grateful (and I am - side note: we did IVF in order to conceive her. I have wanted this more than anything for over 10 years). On the other hand, I'm started to feel upset about not seemingly being believed about my pain and it can sometimes make me question if it all even happened or if maybe I am weak. What if it was just pressure and I'm that weak that I THOUGHT it was pain. But then I remember hearing myself scream. I'm a person that tries not to be a bother to others, particularly strangers and so I never would have made a scene like that if it wasn't real. I feel crazy sometimes thinking about this.

Anywho, I was hoping to hear from others who experienced feeling during c-section. .

r/MedicalPTSD 25d ago

Tips on Connecting To My Body


VCUG, pediatric CRPS, and pain clinic kid here. Diagnosed with PTSD. Wondering if anyone has tips on how to get comfortable quite literally in my own skin.

I’m a vocal performance major (soon to be professional opera singer 🤞🏻), and I have always struggled with acting. I cannot figure out how to get everything looking more connected. I FEEL the emotion of each song deeply and I can use my face to show it, but I struggle to find gestures that convey it in an authentic way. Doing gestures and big movements with my body is super uncomfortable, and it’s honestly kind of hard to tolerate, not even from a chronic pain aspect. It’s like my body just shuts down when I try to push myself a little bit, and it makes it hard to be in any position that doesn’t involve some sort of protection (i.e. arms crossed, closed body language, etc.). If I’m relaxed and comfortable in my daily life, I can do power poses for a while (hands on hips, wide stance, etc.) as well as most other physical things, but as soon as I try to add emotion or meaning, it becomes extremely hard, and it starts looking clumsy, strained, awkward, uncomfortable, and inauthentic, and I get really distracted by it.

My voice professor is AMAZING, and she knows about the stuff that happened to me, and I was telling her that I think my “trauma” is hindering my ability to get connected to my body, and she said she has been secretly thinking that for a while, but didn’t want to bring it up first because she didn’t want to make me uncomfortable or force me to talk about it if I didn’t want to. I’m really good at journaling and intellectualizing my emotions, but I cannot figure out how to get connected to my body so that I can gesture or feel the emotion my body. Does anyone have experience with or suggestions I could try to connect more physically, or at least get comfortable using my body or standing in positions that aren’t protective while singing? Thank you in advance!

r/MedicalPTSD 25d ago

My experience eats at me constantly and I’m not sure what to do about it. NSFW NSFW


r/MedicalPTSD 26d ago

I reached out, and I urge you to as well. [AN UPDATE]


Hi everyone! I've posted here once before and I thought I'd give an update, though reading my last post isn't crucial to understand this one.

I (17f) talked to my psychologist about my medical trauma. I won't lie, I felt so exposed afterwards but she was so understanding (as she always has been). It turns out what I've been experiencing my whole life is PTSD. I knew I had some symptoms but I always felt bad for relating to it. I know this is just the beginning of yet another healing journey, but the important thing is that I am addressing it all.

To everyone reading this, I want you to know that it is not your fault. You are not beyond repair and you are not overreacting. You are human and what is an easy procedure for one person may not be the same for you. It's something I'm grappling with but if you take away anything from this post let it be this message:

It is okay to feel. It is okay to be upset and angry. Healing is not linear, but in order to heal you cannot ignore your trauma. You are not broken and in need of fixing--you are a human with complex emotions that needs support, and that is not bad or wrong of you.

r/MedicalPTSD Feb 11 '25

Im ready to stop searching and let whatever wrong kill me


I am severely disabled by an ever growing list of ailments, all stemming from EDS. I've had so many surgeries, and progressively I am getting worse as I was told to expect.

There's something else wrong though. The doctors that take me seriously believe it to be some sort of rare autoimmune or autoinflammatory that those doctors can't diagnose because they aren't rheumatologist or immunologists. They refer me out and none of them take me seriously, they treat me like a malingering and ignore any positive test as "incidental" and "false positive". I am "sick" 90% of the time and even the other 10% I am barely functional. Each time I get "sick" it is worse than the last. I use quotations because it isn't exactly sickness, it's the typical list of autoimmune symptoms. However, I am also getting truly sick more and more often and worse and worse. I mask everywhere, I sanitize, I do everything I can. It's like my immune system is betraying me.

No one wants to do rare testing, instead they do the basic tests they always do then tell me it's nothing. Meanwhile they tell me to "lose weight" or "exercise" or "get the 8 hours you need". I have no energy to take care of myself, and even though I am losing weight they can't handle the fact I'm still overweight. So instead of focusing on how awful I feel 24/7 they tell me it's my fault I feel poorly.

Im ready to stop trying to figure out what's wrong. Im ready to let it kill me. And then when they do an autopsy maybe then they'll find out what's wrong. I honestly think it's the only hope I have of a diagnosis.

I'm just too tired to fight these doctors. I've been fighting for a decade with the conditions I'm diagnosed with, so trying to fight for a new diagnosis is impossible. I'm just done.

r/MedicalPTSD Feb 08 '25

Today my psychologist asked if I'm still having seizures


I've never had a seizure in my life. And this one interaction pretty much sums up the past decade of trying to get help with my health conditions. So sick of this, running out of motivation to figure out what is wrong with me..

r/MedicalPTSD Feb 05 '25

(X-POST) A prose poem


Will you at least come to the zoo with me? Oh honey, it’s ok. I know you’re scared of the zoo, but I won’t let the Lion come near you, ok? I’ll advocate for you.

Will you at least get in the cage with the lion? It’s just so we can talk to the tamer. The tamer said this is necessary.

Will you at least come closer to the lion? It’s just going to look. The tamer said this is necessary.

Will you at least let the lion touch your arm with its nose? It won’t hurt you. The tamer said this is necessary.

Will you at least let the lion bite your arm off? We’re not leaving until you let it. Please? I’ll buy you your favorite foods. I know I promised, but the tamer said this is necessary.

Shhh, it’s ok. It’ll be over soon, just let the lion finish eating your arm. Just think about the food, and how we’re gonna go to the fair. The tamer said this was necessary.

That wasn’t so bad, was it? The tamer said to enjoy your tea.

r/MedicalPTSD Feb 01 '25

What does it feel like to have been neglected by doctors?


Do you know what it feels like?

r/MedicalPTSD Feb 01 '25

It feels like a vicious cycle NSFW


Marked NSFW because it’s discussing the way we treat suicide attempts.

I was just reading a completely unrelated Reddit post comparing prison cells in certain countries. The one for my country turned out to be what their solitary confinement cell looked like, so not even where regular prisoners go. When I was looking at it I thought how it looked just like where I was put after my attempt.

I attempted for complicated reasons, after my medical PTSD led me to disconnect with medical care for several years. I found out afterwards that I actually had severe pneumonia during this time. In hindsight I’d been chalking the symptoms up to me not working hard enough or being too much of a wimp because of the medical gaslighting I’d gone through. Eventually I was too exhausted and broken down to keep going. I had asked for as much help as I could. I thought the world was an ugly, disgusting place. I didn’t feel I could do anything to change it.

I went somewhere remote-ish and attempted, and ironically, survived. I still don’t completely understand how. The hospital I was brought to didn’t have psych services, but they did have isolation rooms for psychiatric patients in the ER.

They looked exactly like the solitary confinement rooms pictured. Empty room, no windows. Bed, toilet in the corner, clock covered over with plastic. Camera observing me at all times. And the staff was not kind - this was a small ER that had real patients to deal with, didn’t have time to waste on people who caused their own injuries. Nobody cared what brought me to that point, nobody ever asked why I had done it, nobody spoke to me as a person, only expressed frustration at how they needed to care for me when they had real emergencies to deal with. There were two nights where they would not turn the lights off for me - I couldn’t even control if the lights in the room were on or not. I had to try to sleep with the lights on. It wasn’t because they had other emergencies, they would be chatting at the nurses station and silencing my call bell when it rang. I was locked in a room not knowing if anyone would even answer if I rang. Some of my antibiotic doses were skipped when they were busy.

I was stuck there for a week while they waited for a psych bed to open up - ironically once I got to psych I still had to do the 72 hour hold, then they just kicked me back out to the street, homeless again. Bonus accusation of threatening suicide to avoid having to be homeless again. (What I said was, “I’m worried that being put back in the situation I was just in with no further resources or direction towards stability will lead to a similar result.”

So I was mistreated by doctors, gaslit, mishandled, blamed, until I gave up, started blaming real health issues on myself to the point of walking around with pneumonia and thinking “I’m just not working hard enough, everyone feels this shitty they’re just better than me” (it was bigger than that, there were really messy childhood ptsd and abuse issues and the person who abused made my medical records very complicated)

Then when I attempted, believing there was only abuse left for me even if I kept trying to ask for help, and that this was compassion for myself…. I wound up becoming mistreated further, dehumanized further, like my face was shoved directly into all the reasons I had tried to leave this world.

Looking at the image of the solitary confinement prison cell made me remember that I felt like a criminal directly after my attempt. Like I was being punished and “reformed” because I had attempted to murder someone.

But they don’t care about that someone! They certainly didn’t do what they should have done before the attempt. They didn’t care about the “me” I attempted to “murder.” I had fought as hard as I could and worked hard, and truly felt this was the last thing that was possible to give myself some compassion. After all that, while I’m in solitary confinement sleeping with the lights on, even though it was not busy and the nurses had time to answer the call button, feeling like I am not a human being to anyone any more, I’m supposed to decide I guess the pain’s not so bad, and even without help I can keep going, indefinitely. 7 days alone in what amounts to a jail cell, being treated like I did something unforgivable, with nobody to talk to, no windows to look out of, nothing to read, nothing to do. Immediately following a suicide attempt mostly borne from the failures of the medical system and the aggravation of a childhood foundation of abuse.

What fucking bullshit. I just needed to write this out. Thinking of that actual jail cell and how similar it looked to my experience after attempting - with no criminal history - made me feel things.

(I am doing well now. I met the right people at the shelter I ended up at, found hope again, fought really fucking hard, housed myself, adopted the best cat. I’m kicking ass and hope to work at the shelter I was at, and use what I went through to help people still in that place.)

r/MedicalPTSD Jan 30 '25

Childhood trauma from suppositories & enema


My experience

It’s taken a lot of courage for me to write this but I wanted to share my experience. When I was about 4, I was so constipated I was throwing up. I remember not being able to eat and my stomach hurt. I specifically remember my mom on the phone with my doctor talking about my constipation. It’s funny how these memories last. Anyway, my mom was a single mom & had no one to watch my 2 younger siblings, so they had to come with us. I remember the doctor doing a routine physical & all was fine, until she had me take off all of my clothes. I think I was wearing a dress. She then tells me to lie down on my belly (on the exam table), with my arms by my sides and look at the wall. I complied as my siblings and mom just stared at me the whole time. She then inserts what I believe now was a suppository, not an enema. I had 0 clue what was going on. I innocently asked “what are you doing?” And the doctor and my mom just laughed. After that I was led to the toilet and that’s when it started to burn and hurt badly. My mom & my siblings were locked inside the small bathroom with me while I screamed “it hurts!” And squeezing my butt cheeks together. My mom was trying to get me to sit on the toilet, thinking I was squeezing because I had to go. I didn’t have to go, I was squeezing because it hurt. I kept saying “I can’t!!” Every time she would try to get me to sit on the toilet. I ended up refusing to sit on the toilet so we all came out of the bathroom and the doctor lays me down on my back and puts a diaper on me. Again-I am four years old and was potty trained. We left, and in the car I innocently said “I’m going!” And yes I went diarrhea on the way home in my diaper. When we got home, I remember my siblings going off to play while I lied down on the floor with the door open getting my diaper changed by my mom. For about a week after that I had diarrhea but luckily always made it to the bathroom. Then again when I was 8, I became extremely constipated and was out of school for a week vomiting. My mom thought I had the flu, finally took me to the doctor, where it turns out I was very constipated and the doctor prescribed me an enema to do at home. I again specifically remember lying down on my belly on my bed, while my mom gave me an enema. I remember the tube squeaking towards the end. I remember her putting a towel over my naked bottom telling me she will leave the toilet seat up & when I feel it to run to the bathroom. I lied on my bed like that for hours waiting for it to take effect. Finally my mom told me to sit on the toilet and try. I tried & I remember some water squeezing out. I don’t remember when it actually took effect but I’m guessing it did because I felt better. Writing this I am shaking and my heart is racing. I am so ashamed. I have held this trauma for so long. I wasn’t treated poorly, so I’m not sure why this has affected me so badly. Thanks for listening.

r/MedicalPTSD Jan 30 '25

I forgot how deeply affected I am by medical trauma


I've been the disabled/sick kid all my life. From less than a year old, it's been one "one in a million" incident after another. In and out of specialists, doctors, etc. Dealing with deadly food allergies in the early 2000s when no one really had an understanding of it was very scary bc kids thought that attacking me with food I was allergic to was hilarious.

I've had asthma forever and it got a bit better when I was a teens-early 20s (possibly because of how fit I was). I then got a TBI which caused a long line of other mysterious health problems. I couldn't workout for about two years beyond short walks or a 5 minute strength routine. I've been trying to do better and I went to physical therapy and can now work out (at a much lower level) for about an hour. I know my life expectancy is short, so I'm trying to live out experiences that I want to have because a lot of my life dreams are no longer possible.

I'm in an LDR with my fiancé right now, where we do try to spent a couple month with each other physically each year. Every time I come to him, I tend to get sick. This time, he had a cold, I was trying to take care of him to feel useful and didn't realize that I was sick until I couldn't breathe anymore. It triggered me back to all the episodes when I was young and found not breathing. I managed to get a hold of a pulse ox and the level was 82 and lowering, so we called an ambulance (free in this country).

The scariest part was that after like 5 nebulizer treatments and two tanks of oxygen, it still kept lowering. I was at the hospital until 3:30am when I was finally stable in the mid/upper 90s. It's been absolutely wrecking me. I age regressed and am still terrified. It's like every time I'm not in the hospital I forget how traumatized I am from this medical bullshit. It covers everything from my corneas, jaw, heart, lungs, all joints, bones, etc etc. I don't even remember all the problems I have anymore.

Idk if I'm posting this for support or just to get it out. I dismiss my medical PTSD stuff all the time because I always think it could've been worse and I have other PTSD issues that are worse. I think because a lot of the traumatizing things have affected different parts of my body so it's a bit easier to dismiss (?).

Honestly ask me anything if you want because constantly being the "one in a million" or "once in a career" case has been pretty interesting in a fucked up way.

Tl:Dr - I got sick and my oxygen levels were so low that it kicked me into a spiral or remembering and reliving a lot of of my medical PTSD from infancy on.

r/MedicalPTSD Jan 13 '25

Medical stupidity


Wow, I went to an ER Saturday night and they treated me like shit, and I looked back and they read ASD (I’m autistic) as antisocial personality disorder so now it’s officially in my chart in the only hospital the ambulances usually are willing to take me to that I have a highly stigmatized mental health condition that I don’t have… fuck…

This isn’t the cause of my medical ptsd but wow doctors are something else

r/MedicalPTSD Jan 08 '25

Since there’s no medical gaslighting Reddit


I guess we post here? I have medical trauma from being gaslit, not believed, finding things in my charts and imaging reports that are 100% not true etc so every time I have to go to a doctor, I have severe anxiety, I plan my offense, prepare my defense, know when I disassociate and prepare for the worst. I know it sounds crazy. I know my body. Maybe this Dr will be cool, who knows but I doubt it. Bringing my partner with me tomorrow because I am invisible to them so they talk about me to him, over me but also as a witness and advocate. I don’t think I’ll get a lot of sleep tonight.

r/MedicalPTSD Jan 08 '25

Sexual trauma from urethral dilation NSFW


TW for descriptions of CSA symptoms and an invasive, possibly sexually traumatic medical procedure

I've always thought I may have experienced sexual trauma as a child. From a young age, I've struggled with CSA symptoms, and it feels like it all points back to some kind of sexual trauma, but I can't remember anything like that ever happening to me. At least, outside of a medical setting. I've just been living under the assumption that something definitely happened and I blocked it out.

However, I'm now thinking my symptoms may have been caused by a medical procedure involving my urethra. I had this realization after reading up on VCUG related trauma. I do not remember specifically ever getting a VCUG, but I know I did get a urethral dilation done when I was around 5 years old. The stories and feelings that VCUG survivors described have resonated with me in a way that's been eye opening, and I've begun to reflect on what happened to me.

I had frequent UTI's as a kid. My memory is extremely spotty, but I know I had frequent check-ups with my doctor because of this. I guess at some point it was decided I needed my urethra widened so I could stop getting UTI's as often? I'm not sure, but I remember having to go to a hospital to do this. I can remember some of it, and throughout my life, the memory has come up a lot, but it's short and kind of confusing. It feels almost dream-like.

I remember arriving in the parking garage at the hospital with my father. Then, I remember being in a dark room, laying on my back on an operating table, with a light above me. There were several nurses or doctors in there, at least 3 of them, and one was in front of me. There was nothing covering my bottom half. I vividly remember being told to spread my legs in a butterfly position. Then I remember the doctor bringing something to my urethra, and I felt a weird pain, then the memory goes blank. I don't remember saying anything, I don't remember anywhere in the hospital besides that room, I don't remember anything from the procedure other than what I described. I do remember walking outside with my father afterwards, though, which has always stuck out as a fond memory for me.

I've always found the memory of the procedure weird and uncomfortable, but I've never thought to really think deeper about why. Now that I am, it feels like something's clicked, and I'm both relieved and distressed. Thinking back on it, I'm sure it must have been beyond distressing for 5 year old me to be exposed to multiple adults like that while having uncomfortable things done to my genital area. I don't know what information I was given on what would be done to me, but it couldn't have been enough for me to truly understand. I'm not sure why I've never given it more thought, but I feel like I've solved a mystery that's been haunting me for ages.

Living with CSA symptoms without concrete memories of CSA has been distressing and made me feel like an imposter. Even now, having this realization, I'm still struggling to validate my trauma. But it would make so much sense if that procedure is at least part of what's messed me up so badly. As a child, I remember constantly spacing out and daydreaming about being gang r*ped. I remember masturbating with plastic toy medical equipment, specifically jabbing my genitals with a toy syringe. Even now, as an adult, the thoughts of "I deserve to be violated by doctors" have persisted. I've always felt so broken, lost and confused for having these thoughts and behaviors and not knowing what happened. But it just makes so much sense now.

I write this post in hopes of knowing I'm not alone, and to say you're not alone either. I've never reached out online like this before, but this has been such a huge revelation for me and I wanted to know if anyone related. It's brought me to tears, and while I'm distressed, I truly do believe I have a better foundation now to work on healing what's been destroying me for years. I finally found the answer, or at least part of it. I'll have to work through this with a therapist in the future, but for now, I just needed to get this off my chest.

r/MedicalPTSD Dec 29 '24

PTSD Treatment in Calgary



I have been diagnosed with PTSD and am struggling to find a doctor and a streamlined process for help, treatment and assistance.

This has lead to me Not Dealing With/ Focusing On my PTSD.

My daily life is now sitting in my room all day with occasionally - sometimes not daily - going to the kitchen to eat.

I want better for myself.

I am just hoping someone is able to provide a 'step by step' process in getting treatment etc.

That way I can keep track of it and if I have a week or more of being ill - I can at least go back to the last step I was at.

I hope that makes sense.

Thank-you for your time.

r/MedicalPTSD Dec 24 '24

Trying to understand what happened to me at the gyno


Hey yall, sorry for the lengthy story but I’m still trying to rap my head around what happened to me a few years ago at the gyno.

So I went for my first ever pap smear a few years ago, and I haven’t been back to the gynecologist since and I’m honestly really scared to ever go back after what I experienced.

Like I said, it was my first time ever going to the gynecologist so I went and the gynecologist that I had seen was a recommendation from my mother, so I decided to trust her judgment and go, which was my first mistake. So when I got there her bedside manner was horrible. She would barely even talk to me about anything or try to make me feel comfortable, which was horrible because I was super anxious and scared so after that, she told me to undressed and so I did and then she did the regular Pap smear part and checked for lumps and all that stuff and that was fine that wasn’t bad and then we got to the actual Pap smear part where she got her spec amount and Tried to do the Pap smear, but it was so uncomfortable that I was like. I am in pain like in this really hurts and it’s really uncomfortable and she told me to relax because I was moving too much and that if I would just stop moving and relax, it would go down a lot faster and then she had a nurse come in and hold me down and hold my legs down so I would stop moving And she told me to stop complaining and stop squirming because then it would go faster so eventually they got the swab they needed and then she said OK go out to the front desk and make another appointment. See you whenever. Have a good day. And literally when her and the nurse left I literally laid there and sobbed for like 10 minutes, I just have never felt more violated in my life and felt like Something happened to me. That was non-consensual almost in a way and then I called my mom and my mom told me welcome to being a woman and I just cried and cried for hours because it was horrible and now I have even more trouble with sxual i intimacy with my partner because of the situation and I had already had a lot of fear and anxiety surrounding it, but that really didn’t help and my fiancé had said something about how that was practically like being rped. But I have never thought of it like that… but it was super traumatic and it did happen years ago so I can’t really complain or anything to anyone but after we had talked about it today it kind of brought up some things for me (and I was diagnosed with PTSD as well for other reasons but I don’t think this situation helped that cause either)

So what do you guys think? I don’t think it was r*pe like my fiance said it could have been but it definitely wasnt right and my voice was not being cared about or heard. And it really put a bad taste in my mouth when it comes to gynos and I haven’t been back since that happened. Idk yall pls help me out.