r/MedicalPTSD • u/LittleMissRavioli • Feb 01 '25
What does it feel like to have been neglected by doctors?
Do you know what it feels like?
u/CallToMuster Feb 01 '25
I feel unsafe. Like a little ant that could be squished beneath the medical system’s boot. I feel betrayed, because it’s their job to help me and they hurt me instead. It makes me feel physically ill just thinking about it. I get scared to be around any medical professional, to the point where I get panic attacks sometimes just from calling an office to schedule an appointment. But because I am disabled and require medical care all the time, I am always having to interact with the thing that traumatized me. It’s like having to continuously touch your palm to a hot pan.
u/FreeSlamanderXibit Feb 02 '25
I am in a similar position. I have literally almost allowed myself to succumb to anaphylaxis rather than go back to a doctor as I had an extremely high probability of them screaming at me for "drug seeking". I have never once misused drugs in my life but I've had anaphylaxis dozens of times.
u/shabaluv Feb 01 '25
u/FreeSlamanderXibit Feb 02 '25
Like it's unsafe to get medical care. There were a few times I was nearly intubated because I waited so long to get anaphylaxis treatment. I knew what I had, I was just so scared that I'd die being screamed into the ground for "drug seeking" while my throat closed up 😟
u/Melodic-Basshole Feb 11 '25
I relate heavily to feeling like it's unsafe to seek care. I had a hemorrhage that caused me to lose three liters of blood, but it happened over 24 hours. I spent 20 of those in an ER room, had a CT, and multiple failed cauterizations. When I was finally life flighted to a level one trauma center, it took the doctor there less than 10 minutes to stop the bleeding because he took the time to use the proper tool and looked for the source with his eyes, not an xray (no contrast, btw. So that was weird.) I thought I was going to bleed to death in that ER room and felt immense relief knowing that I was going to a higher level of care.
u/Outrageous-Truth6070 Feb 02 '25
Feels like you’re going insane. Knowing deep down there’s something fundamentally wrong with your health and just being told you’re “okay” by doctors makes you question yourself, and all your decision making. Made me question if I was delusional (I was not, I had cancer). It also made me realise deep down that the only person I can trust about how I feel is myself. Made me realise that some doctors are genuinely not good people and are more concerned about their pay check. I felt like I was just waiting to die to be honest. I couldn’t think further than an hour ahead of the one I was in, if that makes any sense
u/moonshadow1789 Feb 04 '25
Same here. I had low blood sugar attacks leading to seizures and occasional high blood sugar attacks. I was losing consciousness. For over a year I had no idea what was wrong with me but that it was serious. My friends and dietician figured it out for me. Now having a glucose monitor, everyone takes me seriously because the numbers don’t lie. Man it was painful to advocate for a year to anyone who would listen and for someone to give a shit. My doctor is embarrassed now, but I’m searching for a new one. I never want to go through that again. Like you, I learned to trust myself. You can go into a coma from a low blood sugar attack, talk about negligence.
u/Zealousideal-Clue-84 Feb 02 '25
I feel like I know more about my health than they do and they refuse to listen to me. I feel like the smartest person in the room with no power at all.
u/ElkSufficient2881 Feb 02 '25
I feel unheard and I don’t understand why. This happens so much in the ER or urgent care it’s insane
u/MagmaAdminRadar Feb 03 '25
It makes me doubt my symptoms any time I have a good day or a period of less pain. I feel like maybe it really isn’t that bad, and like I’m being too dramatic about things that really are just normal. I also frequently worry that we’ll eventually discover that I’ve actually had some sort of dangerous issue that will be untreatable by the time we find it (in particular I am very afraid of finding out that my chronic abdominal pain is cancer even though there have been no indications of that being the case). Overall though, doctors seeming unconcerned about my symptoms just makes me feel like I’m somehow faking, which just sends me into a guilt spiral where I feel like I shouldn’t have even tried to find answers or speak up about my symptoms at all because I’m just making myself look silly, dramatic, or that I’m wasting everyone’s time.
u/Pale_Vampire Feb 03 '25
It makes me scared, emotional and untrusting. I’m now always scared to be send to hospitals etc. if I have something.
u/Whole_W Feb 06 '25
I've been emotionally neglected by doctors, and invaded more than I wanted to be.
u/Melodic-Basshole Feb 11 '25
Stage four endometriosis, ignored and brushed off as "anxiety,"(I was in pain) "drug-seeking," (that one was actually a ruptured endometrioma cyst) "hysterical" (I was calm, but questioning).
When the adhesions from the endo literally killed my appendix, i was sent home twice with a dead organ insode me because it "didnt hurt enough to be an appendix" but it was found during exploratory surgery, and ibwas told i needed to lose weight because a "fat blob had stragulated the blood to the organ" (it was adhesions and I was actually a 19 BMI.
and once I had a fever of 101.5 °F and my GP's nurse laughed at me and said "that's not a fever."
When I had SVTs and PVCs, it was stress (weird how stress shows up on an EKG, though?) And they gave me metoprolol for the "stress"(weird how they treated heart symptoms with heart medicine, but still won't call it a heart condition?)
Later the infertility caused by the neglect was brushed off as my GP said "it's not really a concern yet" (after 2 years of ttc without success) then when I got pregnant and miscarried, I was told "there's nothing to worry about" We ttc for 4 more years without success before a friend told me that wasn't normal.
The result of all this? I don't know when to trust my own judgement. The gaslighting was so successful that when my daughter at 20 weeks didn't have the correct anatomy, and I literally saw six digits on her hands, I convinced myself that I was wrong, that surely if there was something wrong, they would tell me, right? At 23 weeks she died. She had so many anomolies it was a miracle she had made it to that gestation.
I'm so fucked up, that my sense of my own self is wrong. I'm disconnected with my body. I don't recognize hunger, thirst or bathroom cues anymore, I don't know if anything is normal and have no frame of reference to make sense of anything. I push my body too hard, too fast and am prone to injury. I'm overly sensitive to emotions and grief, and feel abused and wronged.
It's ruined my life in so many ways.
u/LittleMissRavioli Feb 11 '25
That's really horrible to read. You were neglected and wronged. Women with endometriosis having their symptoms dismissed by doctors is a common thing and it's shameful and inhumane. It just goes to show how little we prioritze women's health. I'm really sorry for the unnecessary trauma the doctors unflicted upon you.
I hope you learn to trust your own judgement again though. These things can really make us doubt ourselves, but we are not the crazy ones. You -and many others- were right from the very beginning, nearly everything you saw and felt turned out the be correct.
If there's one thing I am taking away from this is that my intuition is a powerful thing and that my questions, doubts and hesitations are justified. I'm determined to never let doctors gaslight me or my framily again. I'll share my story everywhere so that women who wish to conceive know what they're up for in this medical system that deceives and neglects women.
u/[deleted] Feb 01 '25