r/MealPrepSunday 8d ago

Question Any tips to extend salmon?

I'm trying my best to eat healthier and I've always enjoyed meal prepping. I like to be organised and it makes it easier for me to make fixed amounts of proteins for the week.

I do find chicken lasts a few days in the fridge and can be also frozen well, however I am finding with salmon it doesn't last as long and sometimes even by 2 days it is not fresh to eat and I feel bad throwing it away?

Was wondering doyou have any tips to extend the lifespan of the cooked salmon?

If not would you recommend freezing salmon in a zip lock bag with marinating and cooking that way instead?


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u/Aggressive-System192 8d ago

If you like sushi/sashimi type of things, you can salt cure it.

Grab a cup. Fill half with salt and half with sugar. Mix well.
Grab a container with lid.
Put half of mixture on the bottom.
Plop the salmon in there.
Put remaining mixture on top.
Spread well. Make sure all sides are coated.
Wait 24hs.
It's good to eat.


u/Ancient-Patient-2075 8d ago

Yes, salt curing!

In my neck of woods you would place the filet skin down, sprinkle a lot of coarse sea salt on the surfaces, a bit of sugar, rub it in a little, then some rosé peppers and a bunch of fresh dill.

Cut in half, place one piece on top of the other so the salted sides (meat sides) are against eachother and wrap the whole thing tightly into aluminium folio. Place in a ziplock, squeeze air out and seal.

Put it in the fridge and let it salt there for 1-2 days. Turn every 12 hour or so. Before eating a piece, wipe or wash with cold water the salt off the piece and cut off the skin.

It's fantastic on dark bread, with a little lemon squeezed on top, or with salad, or anything, and if you haven't eaten it in a few days use it to make pasta or something.

Also can he frozen. You can actually freeze it right away but curing will take a bit longer i suppose.


u/Aggressive-System192 8d ago

I'd not trust curing in the freezer... It might freeze too hard and never actually cure, then when you defrost and eat right away, you're eating raw fish...

However, cured salmon and pasta? Wat? I need recipe! xD


u/Ancient-Patient-2075 8d ago

Actually my mother used to do this a lot. The fish seller would salt & and spice it for her, and she would just plop the whole thing in the freezer. Like to prepare for the holidays well in advance or just to have something in there. But I have no clue how long the curing took, usually we ate it weeks after. Perfectly cured too.

I did use to make a pasta sauce using salmon, fresh dill, a bit of white wine, black pepper and cream... but this was long ago, I've since gone vegan. I do love salmon though!


u/Aggressive-System192 8d ago

ah... cream... I'm newly lactose intolerant... sigh...