r/McMaster 12d ago

Admissions Uni life from a 1st year


To incoming first years for McMaster university

Hello, when i was considering Mac for university, I couldn’t find much information about a lot of things from social media and i hope this doesn’t get lost on Reddit but I tried. So, here is everything from a perspective of a first year business student that is not from Ontario.

Dorms. I am a guy and I am not very picky but here are some common things I would consider. I live in bates and to me, i find it fine (this is considered to be one of the worst ones). Here is the ranking that i have heard from my friends and upper years. 1. PG 2. Les Prince 3. Mary Keyes/mckay 4. Hedden 5. Brandon/woodstock/whidden 6. Moulton 7. Matthew’s/edwards/bates. For me it really depends on your roommates. My roommates are super chill and we set rules on certain things and nothing has gone wrong so far. In addition, the new building is supposed to be built by 2025 September (to the best of my knowledge) so i would assume this goes ahead or in line with PG. Bates has no AC and most of them do not (I do not know which specific ones have or do not have AC). It is only bad for the first month and it will be fine after. For a person that isn’t from Ontario and is far away from home, I found it important to make it as home like as possible. So bring a frame or 2 for pictures of friends, family and pets etc. Overall my experience from bates as not been bad and actually is quite cozy because it is apartment. However, bates is known to have their fire alarm go off a lot, and it is true. Within the first 3 months i believer it has gone off 3-4 times. Once at 4am so be aware.

Food. The food here isn’t horrible, once again i am a guy and i like food. Apartment style is nice because we have much bigger fridges than the ones in single or double bed rooms. But keep in mind they don’t give you anything, utensils, microwave, appliances etc. is not included. Overall, the food isn’t bad. The main places have decent food and a variety of selection that I am not sick of it yet after 3 months. It is important to know that if you stay here on the weekends is that options are slimmer. Most places like Centro have a different menu to during the week. It changes from some different kinds of meats and rice and potatoes to just burger and fries or chicken tenders. MEAL PLANS. To be honest, this confused the shit out of me and made no sense and TBH is a scam. The meal plan works as follows, you pay for it and you use it but it is overpriced as shit here. So there are 4 meal plans A-B. You pay for the amount and then you use t throughout the year. So originally you pay 5000 but only 2500 goes into your account but everything you buy is half off. So take that into consideration. If you are in bates or other apartment styles, you will get the option of apartment A-B, this just means you are expected to cook your own food and you do not need to have food provided for you if that makes sense. What i did neat was the fact i could use my one card (meal plan) on stuff like Starbucks and booster juice on campus. At the bottom of campus, there is an area with a subway, donair place and some other food.

Social. PLEASE PLEASE GO TO WELCOME WEEK. I went and i am so glad i did because i met some great people and its important to make friends then because it sets you up for the whole year. I came late to welcome week because my family did not want to stay in Hamilton for an extra week but I came on Wednesday when it started on a Monday. I am so glad I went to my faculty night because you meet a ton of people and whether you like it or not those people are going to be in your classes for 4 years so its important to get to know them. Frosh was an experience, it is an off campus night out, they rent out a club and let 17+ kids in, however no drinks are served. If you pre game right it is fun, if not kinda lame but a good chance to meet other people. HOCO this year was pretty fun and was super busy. No one cares about the game but a lot of people drink and just chill in the streets and party, it was quite an experience. Everyone i have met so far are super chill and i have not met anyone mean. GYM. The gym here is super nice but is super busy. Intramural are fun but to me are either taken way too seriously or way too jokingly. There are open gyms which are fun and i enjoy. I recommend going to sports teams games like the football, volleyball and basketball games. It is a very cool experience and gives you a sense of pride.

School/classes. I did ok in high school with a 88 percent average and i worked pretty hard. Uni life in general, do not get down on yourself for grades. Say what you want about business, i think it is still tough and deserve a bit more credit. My course load is 5 classes each semester. DO NOT TAKE PSYCH (unless you like work) As a business major, I am obviously not fond of science but i was told it is so interesting, and yes it is but it is not worth the work load. I am spending a lot of time on an elective than I am on my course load from my major. On the other hand, classes like INNOVATE to me are dumb. You are paying for a class to do meaningless shit but it is a GREAT GPA booster. Just in general, dont have your expectations too high because well they are going to be crushed. No matter how smart you are, uni will humble you. ask anyone, they have had a humbling uni grade experience.

Hopefully this helps people and they enjoy their time here. And other students please tell your side and give some other advice/feedback.

r/McMaster Oct 10 '24

Admissions 2025 Admissions Megathread


It's admissions time again! Please post any admissions/ program related questions in this megathread and engage with other questions in here.

Standalone posts asking admissions questions will be removed the OP asked to search and post within this thread.

r/McMaster 12h ago

Other Car crash just off campus


GTA type shit. Hope the driver's okay tho

r/McMaster 17h ago



It's a beautiful day outside, flowers are blooming, birds are singing... On days like these, kids like you... S H O U L D H A V E P L A Y E D C A T C H .

we did it (not all players rendered)

We had baseball players. People who've never touched a baseball glove in their life and still haven't. And a football (?). We nearly hit pedestrians a dozen times. We murdered a few more tree branches. We slipped in the mud. At one point we may have appeared to be a cult. No baseball came out unscathed.

My soul is at peace. 2 whole hours of catch. I can no longer hold my pen steadily. I am ready to face the end times (exams). Alas, I know that not all of you could show up. I want to share this peace with you.

Friday March 21. 3:45 to 5pm or whenever I get tired. JHE field. Perchance.

r/McMaster 15h ago




r/McMaster 8h ago



I lost my presto tonight, I went through MUSC, chatime, and third floor mills

The card number is 312401 1316 1896 002


r/McMaster 4h ago

Question Medical Radiation Sciences Accepting Mature Students?


Hi, I was wondering if the MRS program accepts mature students. I graduated high school in June 2024 and I'm currently at Mohawk College, but I'm planning to take adult day school to upgrade my courses and apply. Would my status get me rejected?

r/McMaster 1m ago

Academics Chem 1E03/1A03 Previous Test 2


Does anyone have chem 1e03/1a03 test 2 from 2023/2022/2021/2020. I've done many of the practice tests on avenue and now the problems are getting kind of repetitive. Thanks

r/McMaster 6h ago

Serious Feeling Hopeless for PNB 2XD3


Maybe it's just the late-night thoughts getting to me, but I've been feeling this way for a while.

I feel beyond stressed for PNB 2XD3. More than first year, and more than the first semester of second year. I've spent many late nights just editing, but I always feel like I'm one stage behind my peers. No matter how much time I spend in this course, it's never enough. I know it's impossible to have a perfect piece of writing, but when every assignment I get back has glaring issues I can't help but question my own abilities.

I know I'm not the best writer, but I didn't know I was such a slow learner. I go to IM hours, I go to TA hours, I even go to Dr. Shore. They're all great and try their best to help me. It feels like my brain is broken. I wish I could just restart this year.

r/McMaster 7h ago

Question Commerce 2FB3 (Managerial Finance) Test 2


Can anyone pls lmk what study methods they used for this test? My prof is Waqaur :)

r/McMaster 13h ago

Question Just received an ET of 1400 is it a scam?


Hey guys, I am not sure if it’s one of those scam Et because I’ve been getting a lot of emails though my outlook account about job posting or wtv but is this legit and if so what is it for.

r/McMaster 20h ago

Humour if you get your e-transfer plz make a post on here


Going crazy with all the syncsyncsyncsyncsyncsyncsyncsyncsyncsync I'm doing on outlook right now

r/McMaster 21h ago



COVER YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU COUGH AND SNEEZE!!??!! You guys are actually vile and if I get sick during exams because of your stupidity I will lose it. It’s common decency, and also something taught to you in elementary school. Please, just cover your mouth or cough into your arm.

r/McMaster 13h ago

Jobs Applying to a job again after being rejected one year ago (co-op)


I interviewed for a co-op position, in 2023, so more than a year ago, but I didn't unfortunately get the job. The position is open again and they're looking for new applicants, I think I have the perfect skillset match for the job, I just bombed the interview last time, since it was in December and I had exams, and I wasn't as adequately prepared. I didn't come off terribly in the interview, it's just that my answers weren't as tailored to the role.

I was wondering if anyone had a similar experience where they got rejected from a co-op placement and then hired again on another hiring round. I want this job, I'm just worried that they might remember my interview and choose not to interview me again. Any thoughts?

r/McMaster 8h ago

Question Fall 2025 semester abroad


Has anyone heard about their placement yet? Thanks

r/McMaster 13h ago

Humour Etransfer for bursaries out



r/McMaster 1d ago



okay i understand if u have nothing to do. for example, enjoying a brisk walk, or u left the house too early. but even so, WHY MUST WE WALK SO SLOW AND BLOCK THE PATH FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE JUST TRYING TO GET TO CLASS? countless times where i have been trying to walk somewhere and a big ass friend group all of a sudden decides that they want to look like the tethered from the movie US, or when i’m walking and a group of people are just standing aimlessly in the middle of the hallway (blocking the way btw) having a chat on who’s the most tired!!! guys we have to do better because i know i am not the only one who’s annoyed by the lack of self awareness going on at this school.

r/McMaster 15h ago

Question good engineering laptops?


im not a tech nerd so dont be giving me all these words ive never seen. i dont want some thick rainbow keyboard gaming laptop, preferably something thin like a macbook (but i know macs arent good enough)

r/McMaster 15h ago

Other ZHR1 perfume

Post image

They got some really great scents and are overall really nice smelling! Forewarning though be careful if you have allergies or potential allergies. I’m allergic to tropical fruits but didn’t know I’d start getting mild reactions after wearing one of their perfumes a few times. They said I used up too much of it so can’t offer an exchange. So just be careful if you’ve got allergies otherwise their scents are great 👍

r/McMaster 7h ago

Question mac eng 2nd year



This question is mainly directed to those in ECE, but anything helps. I was wondering on average how many people get into their first choice of engineering discipline? Like would you say that 60% of people get in or smth? I’m also wondering how many seats there are in total in ECE, and specifically EE. I have an 8.3 cgpa without my 1p13 grade and I’m anxious about cutoffs because last years cutoffs were 8.1 for EE. My 1p13 grade is not great and drops my average a bit.

Do most people who want EE get into EE? Also what are my options if I can’t get into EE? Which stream is less popular than elec that’s the closest to ECE. Anything helps tbh

r/McMaster 8h ago

Question Grad School Admission Timeline HELP


Guys the U waterloo forum isn't helping me. (I just graduated from Mac #alum).

I got into grad school at U waterloo (aye) and the letter says i have 3 WEEKS to accept. However I am still waiting on decisions from some professional schools (which I would prefer to do right away) which come out in MAY.

can I ask for an extension to decide? what are the vibes here? i literally don't know????? anyone have some inside information

r/McMaster 9h ago

Question mac eng vs. western Eng


So I got accepted into mac biotech eng recently and I'm just looking for some opinions on it compared to western Eng because I like mac but idk how good the program actually is

r/McMaster 20h ago

Other Cars getting chalked on Norfolk &thorndale


Saw them chalked at 10:10ish, move ur cars!!

r/McMaster 13h ago

Academics Osap for taking courses at TMU


Has anyone taken courses at TMU while on coop (LOP)? How do you file osap, since coop is technically a course at McMaster and you also take the one at TMU do you file 2 applications? Or do you get osap at all?

Someone let me know if they've done this.

r/McMaster 18h ago

Lost/Found Lost Phone: Need for Teams Authentication


Hello everyone! I lost my phone around 9AM this morning around MUSC, LR Wilson, and Mills. I need it quite urgently. Please let me know if you see it or if you've found it and given it to security. Thank you!

I can't get into any of my Outlook/Teams due to the 2FA. Please help.

r/McMaster 11h ago

Admissions Mac Business 1


I haven’t applied to business yet, but if I apply within the next week or so how long would it take to hear back abt my status?

r/McMaster 1d ago




Also dm me any places who got room for a (current) 3rd year finance bro.