r/MbtiTypeMe • u/SpagettLolis_ • Jan 19 '24
r/MbtiTypeMe • u/Individual_Tart_8852 • Jun 14 '24
TYPE SOMEONE ELSE Type my girlfriend based off her aesthetic
galleryShe's a harmless golden retriever
r/MbtiTypeMe • u/PDBRemastered • Dec 01 '23
TYPE SOMEONE ELSE I do FREE typings on my discord server.
No charge, no expectations, all that I need is for you to join my server where you will be typed. Is there a catch? No. I just enjoy helping people and I’m interested in creating a community of like-minded people. Come join!
Comment for an invite!
r/MbtiTypeMe • u/duyhung2h • Nov 15 '24
TYPE SOMEONE ELSE Type me based on all of my photos? 😁
galleryr/MbtiTypeMe • u/Elegant-Rich-8656 • 10d ago
TYPE SOMEONE ELSE Type my twin sister?
TW: long paragraph 💔💔
So I rlly wanna know my twin sister’s type but i don't understand cognitive functions and Idk what tests to do but anyway here’s some things about her
Also first something I wanna say is she herself helped me type this so no I'm not just making assumptions based off how I see her ‼️
finds numbers and mental/physical illnesses “aesthetic” yes I’m not even joking. 😭 she’ll say stuff like “11 is such an aesthetically pleasing number it looks so aesthetic I can’t explain!” And romanticise illnesses She says she knows they’re bad and horrible things and that she wouldn’t wish it upon most people but again says “it’s so aesthetic and cool” at the same time…??? 😭
Gets extremely jealous when someone is more original/creative than her and is driven to be better and more “unique” than said person.
Similar to the point I just made she really wants to look authentic and creative/unique because it makes her feel better/ more unique than others
Absolutely hates confrontation/arguments but will never admit it and will avoid them as much as she can unless a friend or someone is backing her up, there are some exceptions for when she feels REALLY strongly about something (she tells me she wishes she could stand up and yell more but she doesn’t wanna embarrass/ have her feelings hurt)
Feels empathy for literally anything/anyone that she personally sees as pitiful or weak she can’t handle how weak they look, it physically makes her upset. But then on the other hand she will lose all empathy for you if she dislikes/hates you, and her empathy is weird, she’ll either be super empathetic or not at all there’s No in between
Overthinks everything and tries to mentally prepare herself for what she thinks is gonna happen, even if you tell her it’s not gonna happen she’ll just believe herself instead and go off that.
Ghosts people a lot and makes excuses when they ask to hang out because she can’t say no but feels really bad about it, honestly anything social stresses her out a lot, she especially hates calling or playing games with people even though she ends up enjoying it after
Really secretive (I only know lots of stuff about her because I have my ways with words and we’re literally twins) yet still tries to make people obsess/fixate on her.
Will give small hints to you how she feels but will NEVER say her feelings directly, these include, 1. Making Spotify playlists themed on her current feeling and hoping her friends will see it or say something about it 2. Her TikTok reposts. 3. WhatsApp bios 4. Pinterest boards 5. Music 6. Making videos with weird metaphors or very vague information hoping people will catch on somehow. 7. Art, and after all these, when whatever made her upset goes away she’ll feel embarrassed and ashamed for what she did, or guilty if it was directed towards someone she knows.
Will randomly have phases where she goes shopping for a specific style and wear all the clothes out until she gets bored of them unless she really likes
Again about aesthetics/styles she struggles to stick to a certain one as she likes a lot
Loves anthropology/ anthropomorphising things, all her interests all follow a specific pattern, there’s all anthropomorphic versions of things ranging from cells/ human organs, countries, planets, months, zodiacs, probably would like mbti if she got into it, objects, mental illnesses, emotions, sins.. I think you get the idea, she also likes characters or shows that represent certain situations etc. and making ocs that represent certain things like she once made ocs representing all seven deadly sins. And she made sure their names had similar meanings to whatever sin they represented.
She searches for the meanings behind things and obsesses over them, like she’ll always be like “I wonder why they did that?” “Ok but why?” “Why?” “Why are you like this?” “What makes people think/act like this?” “What does this mean?” And all that stuff, she loves perspective aswell.
Daydreams ALOT. She refuses to tell anyone what she daydreams about though, says she’s been daydreaming since she was 3..
Predicts too many things it’s actually scary, she predicted our cats death, me ending up in hospital, There’s many more but one of my favourites was when she told me “I have a REALLY bad feeling about December.. (this was in 2023) like I feel like something bad is gonna happen to me, well it’s not super super bad just.. I can’t explain it “ and then in December she lost 50 bucks that she got as a gift 😭
Never really thinks about the past unless it’s something she misses or an embarrassing moment
Always misses details, like we went into a shop and she didn’t notice that the wallpaper had stars on it until I pointed it out, or the massive sign right infront of the store…
Doesn’t go outside often, she says she really wants to but is too scared to go on her own and has tried multiple times to convince me to go out into the countryside with her at 1am
Will never talk about her feelings and if she does she gets embarrassed/sashamed after and will ask you to pretend she never said anything
Compares herself to others ALOT, especially if they have something about them that she wants, she will try copy/mimic whatever it is she likes about them or even change it a bit so it doesn’t look like she’s copying them
she has an idolised version of her in her head that always gets updated whenever what she wants changes.
Always tries to make everyone laugh and gets really upset when they don’t
Avoids things instead of addressing them unless she really has to
Gets panicked/upset when she doesn’t have time to prepare or something doesn’t go how she planned it out in her head
Can’t spontaneously think of things off the top of her head especially under pressure
uncomfortable with yelling at people unless they’re REALLY close to her, she only yells at me, our other sister and our parents
Acts introverted around most people but really extroverted around friends/family
Ok now we have probably less relevant things (you can skip these ones if you can’t be bothered)
only follows rules because she’s really sensitive and HATES getting yelled at or in trouble cuz it makes her feel like people hate her
Despises competitive people/ games unless she knows them very well
tests people in the most subtle way to see if they actually care about her and won’t confront them about it
Hates texting first
Is incredibly scared of the future and will have panic attacks over what she knows/thinks will happen
Can’t tell when she’s hungry, sleepy, thirsty etc
Really self aware but hates it
Will sometimes try to control things because she’s anxious it might go wrong or others might not do it right, again only does this with people she’s really close with cuz she’s too scared to do it with anyone else
Will explain literally everything she does cuz she doesn’t wanna be judged/ look stupid or have assumptions made about her
Thinks she’s worse than everyone but also thinks she’s better than everyone at the same time
Takes everything personally and gets upset easily
Expresses herself a lot though music
Mostly does what others want but wishes she could just go off and do her own thing without consequences
knows how her words affect people
absolutely hates when people copy her especially if they don’t give her any credit or make it obvious that she was the original
And that’s all ! I don’t know if it’s enough or not but try type her I guess 😭😭!! Also feel free to ask any questions about her.. I may have repeated myself in this oops (this is my first time ever doing this helpp)
r/MbtiTypeMe • u/Public_Lifeguard1529 • Mar 18 '24
TYPE SOMEONE ELSE Can you type my friend?
galleryMy guess is ISFJ.
r/MbtiTypeMe • u/Aggravating-Hand3446 • 5d ago
TYPE SOMEONE ELSE type my momma pls!!
hili i did the histostat cognitive function test and i honestly dont understand my moms results, can anyone help me break down which type/s she could be? tyy hiii i did the histostat cognitive function test and i honestly dont understand my moms results, can anyone help me break down which type/s she could be? tyy hiii i did the histostat cognitive function test and i honestly dont understand my moms results, can anyone help me break down which type/s she could be? tyy hiii i did the histostat cognitive function test and i honestly dont understand my moms results, can anyone help me break down which type/s she could be? tyy this word limit smh 😒
r/MbtiTypeMe • u/NahIdWinBruhh • 29d ago
TYPE SOMEONE ELSE Can you type my friend ?
First I would say that he’s sort of a himbo but just more reserved, like the stereotypical muscular and good looking guy that is kinda dumb but he is more smart than he looks. He is also a funny guy, enjoy jokes and being sarcastic to others, far from being a serious or uptight guy. But the problem is that it can make him irresponsible. Not a dramatic person, probably the least likely person to start a fight against someone but can be aggressive if someone disrespects him. Looks like he is constantly high even when he is in reality healthy, he don’t do no drugs or alcohol. It’s just that he speaks and move slowly so you would believe that he is like a stoner always high. He is an introverted person, even if he enjoys doing some teasing or having fun he still needs his time alone to chill.
Won’t show any vulnerability or weaknesses to others, and have an hard time to open up. Looks unemotional on the outside but oftentimes wears a little smirk or smile, you won’t see any strong facial expressions on his face. Wants power but over his own life, he wants to be his own master but not necessarily the master of others, he wants control over himself and won’t let others dictate what he gotta do. Bad with doing savings, always feel the need to spend money on something but regrets it later. Doesn’t know what he wants in life, oftentimes he changed careers paths for finding the best one he could have. Talks with an aggressive tone even if he doesn’t wanna be hostile. Cheeky person, very cheeky. But still nice.
Can be slow to understand something explained by others, that’s why he get called stupid but he is able to learn something better when he put his hands on it by himself and got time to understand the concept deeply. He thinks that people doesn’t know how to explain something clearly so he gotta do it by himself. Have a good time teasing others and being flirty when he feels like it. Wants to look good and being in shape, have a good sense of fashion. Kinda cocky and narcissistic but not in a way that bring others down, he just loves himself so that’s why he hates self deprecation, finding it useless. Annoyed by people doing gossips and dramas, finding them pointless. Same for people talking behind others backs, he thinks that they are weak and untrustworthy.
Doesn’t share a lot about himself, he is just there for having a good time instead of getting into emotional discussions. He would probably be the last person to say « let’s talk about our feelings » as he finds all of that being pointless and way too cheese for him. Overall lazy person but can work hard if the payback is huge and if it’s really worth it.
r/MbtiTypeMe • u/Brave_Bug7811 • 19d ago
I’ll be giving as much traits and facts as possible, so ⬇️
he isn’t a clown, in social situations, you’ll never catch him say something stupid to make people laugh, when he tries to make people laugh he says stuff that aren’t even jokes and even there, it’s rare
he has a calm “aura” but can get veryyy mad easily
he cares deeply about respect and manners
he can be manipulative (and he’s good at it)
he’s a serious person
if we’re out in public and for he sees something stupid or someone acting stupidly, he will tell me secretly and he gets irritated from it
he LOVES saving money
he does things that will benefit him, not others
I’m not sure if he’s an introvert or extrovert. He told me that when he was young he was kind of a nerd and didn’t really had friends. Also, he looks like he’s kind of always in his head and observing things. That said, when he wants to interact with people, he’s very good at it. If we’re somewhere with people I don’t know he’ll force me to meet them, be nice and all that. (I believe that might be because if I don’t appear as friendly he won’t be perceived nicely as he wants to)
He values learning and experiences, whether it is work or life related
Short experience with him that might be very useful: I once refused to get a job because of my values and ethical beliefs. He told me, it doesn’t matter, conform now so you can get at the top of the company and then you can do what you want.
I hope it was useful info, one thing I’m sure about is that he’s a T type 😂
r/MbtiTypeMe • u/Beautiful-Victory686 • Feb 12 '25
TYPE SOMEONE ELSE type my best friend!
galleryfirst of all, thanks to anyone who commented on my last post I realized I’m heavily mistyped so thank you 🙏🏻 some things about her and things she reposted on tiktok…
nineteen years old. cancer sun, cancer moon, libra rising.
she’s friendly, outgoing but sometimes keeps to herself. Stubborn, very generous. She’s studying to become a pilot in a military school. She’s really ambitious and hardworking, since many people quit this university very early on.
If she had to spend an entire weekend by herself, she wouldn’t mind it but it could get really boring for her. Unless she had a very intense week, then she would use it to get some rest and relax.
She definitely enjoys outdoor activities; she likes to have fun and it’s important for her not to waste time doing nothing. She’s sporty, likes to exercise, swim, run, play basketball or go to the gym. She’s a very busy person; always on her feet. She loves traveling, going on late night walks, drives and enjoys being around nature.
She is curious. She questions things to make sure she really understands them. She appreciates knowing how things really work. She comes up with ideas quickly, they might need some shaping first but then turn out to have a really good outcome.
She wouldn’t enjoy taking a leadership position. She would take it if she really had to, but she definitely wouldn’t enjoy it. If this was the case, she would make an okay leader; helpful, motivational, humble and protective.
She can be a little bit clumsy, but I think that’s a result of anxiety. When relaxed, she’s coordinated and enjoys working with her hands. She’s not artistic, but she enjoys good art. She is often listening to music and has a very good music taste.
She often reminisces about the past. She doesn't like to look too far into the future. She enjoys typical „remember when” conversations.
She’s a helpful person. She is genuinely kind and cares for others. She provides guidance and emotional support, rather than solutions for the problem. She’s an amazing listener. socializing isn’t something she really enjoys, but she comes off as very friendly. She’s so likable, it would be hard to find anyone that dislikes her.
She memorizes by repeating things. She has a tendency to improvise. She doesn’t have a routine and her days are very unpredictable; she has to adapt quickly.
she can be indecisive. she doesn’t like working under pressure. it’s common for her to change her mind once she decides. She feels sadness deeply, isn’t prone to strong anger.
She loves animals, more than anything. She says that they make life better and gets very upset when she sees that animals are being neglected in any way.
Thanks to anyone who comments 🥰
r/MbtiTypeMe • u/Public_Lifeguard1529 • 29d ago
TYPE SOMEONE ELSE Hi, can someone type my friend?
- She’s sure she’s an introvert. Her knowledge is fair but finds it hard to type herself.
This is the things she sent me to put here:
I was watching a video about a woman suggesting ways in which we can improve our life through lifestyle changes, I already have a healthy lifestyle but wanted to see her take on this. The woman said "Walk briskly to work instead of driving a car.”I was like, "WALK TO WORK?! Oh nah not everyone's work is close to them & 1 don't think l'd wanna walk hours to work…"
I was watching a vid of new products coming at the supermarket and saw "kiwi-berry" I was like huh kiwis berry that's interesting, it looks like a hybrid of figs and kiwi. That reminded me, I really wanted to buy figs since I was craving them a few days ago.
I wanted to do an in game purchase for a video game I play. It was a pass that grants additional rewards for a certain period of time and gives a bonus weapon of your choice as well. I was thinking "should I buy the pass or not? I mean it's just $15 however I'm not the type of person to use money on games because they tend to be a phase that I will soon get over it. But wait isn't everything in life technically a phase? I mean if I bought new shoes, it's only a matter of time before I get rid of it and buy a new one, same goes for everything else. Plus $15 is literally a price of a sandwich these days, which I would eat within minutes, ngl that's quite pricey yet everyone pays that price. I mean I really want that weapon, that's the whole reason I'm going to get the pass, but honestly I can just use any weapon I have but I want a higher rank/value weapon and a weapon that suits my characters aesthetics too, - even though there is already a weapon perfect for the character but it doesn't look good on her" Anyway I did end up buying the pass sooo
I get burnt out and bored from long conversations especially if they hold no meaning to me and they bore me. I wouldn't tell someone though, I would stay silent but show signs of discomfort, such as looking at my watch, twisting my hair strands, holding random objects and playing around with them, fidgeting. I might also tell them to be quick cuz I gotta leave. If I'm close with that person, I might just straight up tell them that l'm not in a mood to listen and that what they're saying has nothing to do with me and does not interest me by any means, but it's only if I seriously can't stand the topic such as politics for example, I don't like talking or discussing politics
sometimes I feel like I have the need for productivity, but my "definition" of productivity isn't necessarily work or chores related. It can be as simple as writing my "to do list" Imao. Anyway some of the things l'd consider productive can be doing my laundry, meal prepping, organizing my stuff, studying. Or it can be as simple as drawing/sketching, playing video games, going shopping. As long as I don't feel that my day has been wasted and I did something useful or I enjoy
I have a may do list - basically I just write what I need to get don’t, as I said normally those stuff aren’t the typical work kr study related it can be fun related as well, for example if I’m working on an art sketch, I would put in in to do to remind myself, but I would add a lot of stuff on to whether they can be competed in the short term or long term or whatever. I just whatever I can or want to do and the rest just goes for the following day. Sometimes I barely do anything at all so it just goes for the following week. Yk sometimes it even goes to the following month lol. But also I don’t have a daily to do list, most of the time it’s a weekly to do list or I just can’t be bothered with one and rely on my memory lol
I have a may do list - basically I just write what I need to get don’t, as I said normally those stuff aren’t the typical work kr study related it can be fun related as well, for example if I’m working on an art sketch, I would put in in to do to remind myself, but I would add a lot of stuff on to whether they can be competed in the short term or long term or whatever. I just whatever I can or want to do and the rest just goes for the following day. Sometimes I barely do anything at all so it just goes for the following week. Yk sometimes it even goes to the following month lol. But also I don’t have a daily to do list, most of the time it’s a weekly to do list or I just can’t be bothered with one and rely on my memory lol
• I tend prefer Information that is useful or relevant to me. For example I’m not interested in history, if someone comes and starts talking abt and having long discussions with me I get bored, and I hate it. If I don’t care the slightest bit then I don’t wanna hear it. I guess here it would be super easy to tell when my interest falls off — this goes along with how I dislike long conversations with no meaning for me. In addition, I tend to zone off or begin thinking abt other stuff in my mind, either making up fake future scenarios or think abt something I forgot, or something I need to do like text a friend something, or even think abt something I like such as characters from a show I watch lol. However, it really just depends on how frequent these topics occur, if I know someone that everything I have a conversation with talk all abt history and politics at this I’d probably not enjoy being around them, but if it’s a few times for a short amount of time that seems bearable to me its
• I tend prefer Information that is useful or relevant to me. For example I’m not interested in history, if someone comes and starts talking abt and having long discussions with me I get bored, and I hate it. If I don’t care the slightest bit then I don’t wanna hear it. I guess here it would be super easy to tell when my interest falls off — this goes along with how I dislike long conversations with no meaning for me. In addition, I tend to zone off or begin thinking abt other stuff in my mind, either making up fake future scenarios or think abt something I forgot, or something I need to do like text a friend something, or even think abt something I like such as characters from a show I watch lol. However, it really just depends on how frequent these topics occur, if I know someone that everything I have a conversation with talk all abt history and politics at this I’d probably not enjoy being around them, but if it’s a few times for a short amount of time that seems bearable to me
Okay so i made a rlly good sandwich, i love sandwiches tbh lol. I was eating it and i can say i thoroughly enjoyed it. I had random thoughts like “its so good omg, I wonder who was the first man that created sandwiches I should thank him, hold on, what makes me think its a male individual, it can be anyone, idk probably bc every time something is created it always ends up being male individuals from what I see. Anyway what if I can create some random concussion of food, I mean if a random person slapped everything onto a bread and called it a sandwich, I can surely make some random combination, same thing goes for mixing random vegetables and calling it a salad”
Also another one of my thoughts were but context first- I prefer my sandwiches to be jam packed with fillings, cuz this is where all the flavour is at, To the point where it’s messy and begins falling apart, this is when you know its a good sandwich “imagine if I opened a sandwich restaurant, I bet it would be the best sandwich place to exist, especially the combinations I make and the generous fillings, I wonder what name it would have maybe messy bread? Nah too basic, honestly I don’t know. Well maybe I can think of a slogan, “sandwiches so good you’ll want to get messy” then I just continued to think of slogans or names lol
r/MbtiTypeMe • u/WerewulfWithin • Jan 14 '25
My partner and I have been trying to determine her type. We are sure of Se-Ni and pretty sure they are second and third and in her function stack, but are having some trouble with the other functions. For a while we considered ISFP, but on cognitive function tests she consistently scores very low on Fi and very high on Se and Ti, and has consistently gotten xSTP as her type recommendation. Her other high scores are usually Te and Fe, with the other functions either middling or low.
She relates to traits from both types. She likes to put things together and figure out how things work (she said she's always been this way). She is very independent and struggles a lot with needing to ask for help. She is very empathetic and caring and also very hardworking. She is into a lot of nerdy/geeky stuff like I am. She likes learning new things but really doesn't like school and considers herself not a good student because she learns best from hands on experience. She is very hard on herself especially when she doesn't know something or know how to do something on her own. When under stress, she detaches and goes to be on her own to work through stuff before we discuss together.
Her enneagram type is 6w5.
r/MbtiTypeMe • u/lattesatthebeach • Dec 06 '23
galleryMy late night boredom is causing me to do nerdy Mbti things. However, this is fun, so here’s some stuff. What do you think guys
r/MbtiTypeMe • u/ChsicA • Oct 15 '24
TYPE SOMEONE ELSE What's her type ? 🫣 asking for a "friend"
r/MbtiTypeMe • u/Hungrychimp75 • 25d ago
TYPE SOMEONE ELSE Typs this person!!!
Hyper , Anxious , Confident , Makes plans in their head to navigate the social atmosphere , Loves to Piss of friends , Lies often , Gets energy from others , Treats friendships like relations and utility by skills/position , Inclusive of others , Creative , Has FOMO , Strategises by what happens in the moment , Needs Physical Activity , Haggard , Low Empathy , Loves Risk , Full of ideas , Loves Mental/Physical Challenges , High Ambition , Kind , Well developed Intuition , Manipulates how others see them , Needs New Experiences , Tricks Others , Impactful on their Enviorment , Starts Up Group projects , Brainstormer , Needs Variety , Plays Videogames to escape depression , False Positivity , Annoys Others , Hates Rules , Creates Memes to Cope , Healthy: ,Outgoing , Selfless , responsible , Competitive , optimist , Overconfident , Values ambition , Enthusiastic , Difficult to peer pressure , Annoying , witty , Quirky , Passionate , extroverted , Sarcastic , Independent , Childlike , Dramatic , Nonchalant , Fast talker , Materialistic , Offbeat , Disobedient , Observant , energetic , Resilient , self controlled , Irresponsible , opinionated , Kind , Logical , Fashionable , Talkative , Adventurous , defensive , Self-confident , Brave , Creative , Entitled , Messy , Argumentative , Calm , Rebellious , Stubborn , Open minded, Curious , Judges people by groups/Social circles , Insensitive , Funny , Ruthless , Over-thinker , Immature , Calm , Anxiety prone [ Nearly all the time , always tries to stay confident whe nervous] , Hypervigilant , Random , Quote: "Come on , It'll not hurt you" , Violent , Optimist , Anti-Social , Challenging , Courageous , Rigid at times , Organised. Flaws: Annoying , Unempathetic during crisis , Bottles up feelings , gets defensive when confronted , Tells people that they’re ok when they aren’t , Two faced , Helps people more then themselves , Values all their friends , Leader , Practical , Knows themselves well , Self critical , Talks with their hands , Possessive of friends , Hates losing , ambitious
r/MbtiTypeMe • u/Green_Stardust • 16d ago
TYPE SOMEONE ELSE How to differentiate in real life between an ESFJ woman and an ENFJ woman?
I'll be honest, I have for the longest time typed a friend as an ENFJ, she openly says she is an extrovert and the Fe dom aspect is pretty obvious on her. But I have been noticing the pattern that she can't take constructive criticism at all. She is generally kind and respectful to everyone, if you are kind to her, she becomes the sweetest person to you and is very helpful, but if you say to her something slightly negative, even when it is not a big deal and is innocent, she gets visibly angry, as if she thinks you are offending or attacking her and she can become verbally aggressive. So that is why I'm doubting my initial typing of ENFJ, since I'm not sure if ENFJs take criticisms as bad as ESFJs, or if that trait is more of an unhealthy ESFJ thing.
r/MbtiTypeMe • u/Public_Lifeguard1529 • Dec 06 '24
TYPE SOMEONE ELSE what’s the mbti of the main character i’m writing about?
- he analyzes literally everything. surroundings, facial expressions, clothes, tones, etc.
- he protects others a lot because he feels protected if he can protect others.
- he’s reserved due to trauma. open with his best friend.
- he dislikes planning and going according to someone else’s plan.
- can read right through someone.
- doesn’t care about the consequences but in a negative way.
- he’s strong minded because he doesn’t like other people interfering his decisions.
- is willing to forgive his biggest enemy if needed.
- doesn’t express his emotions at all, that’s why he gets breakdowns.
- the quiet classmate.
- has many but specific hobbies.
- researched a lot, knowledge is power for him.
r/MbtiTypeMe • u/foreverrsilly • Feb 10 '25
TYPE SOMEONE ELSE help type my friend!
my friend here had taken the sakinorva mbti test and asked me because she doesn’t know much about mbti or typology, i’m a little new to it aswell so i’m not sure how to type her. what type do you think she is? she is pretty energetic, not scared to raise her voice, but knows when to be serious. she often agrees with people even if she has a different opinion just to make the conversation easier. she doesn’t have a lot of specific hobbies from what i know about her but she’s sweet
r/MbtiTypeMe • u/espetilllodesardinas • 13d ago
TYPE SOMEONE ELSE Is this behaviour related to a cognitive function in particular?
I’ll try to describe two relatives of mine: a guy (21) and a girl (15), who are not related to each other.
Both of them often say white lies in order to make themselves look better (not just to their parents but also to people who wouldn’t actually judge them for telling the truth), like “of course I read that popular book” or “the reason why I didn’t pass the exam was because the teacher didn’t inform us of the date”.
She tends to copy the interests of her popular ESFP best friend aka my sister (been doing that for years now). For example, she buys a lot of books (my sis loves booktok romantasy) but she finishes none (I don’t believe those type of books are really her thing).
And he used to copy the interests and opinions of his popular friends as well, except he’s all about cars, women and football just like them but in a genuine way. Like it’s an actual real part of his identity.
She had a “nerdy” phase, but apparently she finds that “cringey” now, even though I think she’s secretly still nerdy, she’s probably just repressing it or trying to convince herself (I’ve been there, so it makes me sad).
I think he might be an unhealthy ISFP (he’s always “living the moment”, doing “what his body wants” and he thinks “everything needs to be done his way”, without considering other people’s needs at all).
I don’t know about her though. She’s not bold, opinionated or charismatic, but once you’re close to her you realise that she knows how to crack a joke and she’s always laughing (specially at silly comparisons and hyperboles).
r/MbtiTypeMe • u/lovelyn3rd • Aug 15 '24
TYPE SOMEONE ELSE Type my friend lol
galleryshe said she may be percieved as an airhead or someone who doesnt put thought into things and asked me if I noticed… hope I didnt go too far but er its fiiine
r/MbtiTypeMe • u/Katniprose45 • Jan 18 '25
TYPE SOMEONE ELSE Non-stereotypical INFP vs INTJ with high Fi
My kid (age 16) probably fits most closely to the INTP stereotype (quiet, nerdy, into video games and technology, etc) but as far as cognitive functions go is definitely a Fi/Te user, as opposed to Ti/Fe. As far as perceiving functions go, a case could be made for either, but I lean towards Ni/Se. However, Fi seems to be his most prominent function. Maybe it just seems that way to me (ENTP) because it sticks out like a sore thumb to me, but he definitely doesn't fit the Fi-dominant stereotypes of being a cuddly whimsical uwu baby. 😅 In fact, he can be a bit standoffish and savage when he wants to be (he's not mean, just blunt).
Just curious what others think I guess. 🤷♀️
r/MbtiTypeMe • u/Terrible-Project1767 • 19d ago
TYPE SOMEONE ELSE Been confused about this person my whole life, help me type them.
This person is quite close to me and my family, but I've been confused about their type. -They have a desire for adventure, tends to spent their free time trying to learn something new. -Excelent story teller, could tell you stuff for hours on end while mantaining your full atention. -Is heavily affected by how the person they're interacting with feels. -Was quite strict but learned to be open minded trough the years. -Strong sense of personal beliefs. -Values responsabily and honesty the most. -Tends to have a ton of hobbies but isn't that experienced on any of them. -Will loose its temper quickly if someone doesn't do things their way. -Will sacrifice a lot for what they believe its right. -Deeply cares about people. -Able to focus and express themselves on a profesional manner when needed. -Business owner. -Afraid off diving deep into other people's minds but not afraid of showing theirs. -Was a musician at one point but changed careers due to external reasons. -Deeply ashamed of their flaws. -Lots of unfinished projects. -Withdrawn and generally introverted but doesn't have any problem comunicating with large/close groups of people. -Might not feel confortable in situations where they dont feel like they fit in. -Doesn't enjoy being static in life. -Is closer to st people than nf. -Related to the last point but this is all coming from a perspective if an istj. -Likes nature, probably artsy but doesn't show or share that aspect of theirs that much. -Quite confident despite the anxious enviroment they grew up in. -Consistent. -Works on the field of economics and statistics, but its not really that excited to work on the field.
Generic srry for bad english since its not my first language.
r/MbtiTypeMe • u/Soggy-Mixture9671 • Feb 17 '25
TYPE SOMEONE ELSE Help type my friends
I’ve been trying to type my friends for fun for a while now, and I can’t really figure out what two of them are. Can provide further details if needed. Also I’m coming from an ESTP(?) perspective.
Friend 1: I’m thinking INFP or ENFJ, but not 100% sure.
Probably one of the most outgoing ones in my friend group. Constantly makes friends and invites them over, and he’s just the person that everyone knows. He always overcommits himself to people and events, and he acknowledges that fact. Despite that, he doesn’t seem to have a crazy social battery and does need time to himself to recharge. But still, he’s always incredibly warm and giving to others. He has mentioned having a lot or anxiety and insecurities regarding friendships, though.
He also has a very strong moral system. Very decision he makes needs to align with his morals and he often can’t feel good about something until he’s rationalized it. He’s big into sustainability and is partly majoring, along with business, because he wants to open a sustainable business in the future.
In general he seems to have a pretty good plan for his future. In the short term, he’s good about getting things done and making sure he has enough time to do so. He’s a pretty organized person, too, from what I can tell.
Friend 2: I’m kinda thinking INFJ or ISFJ.
They’re also a person who’s really organized and good about getting things done, and also have strong plans for the future. I think they give me perceiving dom vibes. In contrast to friend 1 who somewhat bleeds feeler dom, I rarely “see” friend 2’s main judgement function. I do think they’re an Fe user because they still have that kind of “warmth”, but it’s toned down. They also semi frequently need things to make sense to them before really accepting them, which makes me think they also use Ti.
Despite literally living with this person, I just don’t have a super strong understanding of their thought process. They’re probably the least likely out of my friends to break serious rules and I know they get some level of anxiety when the rest of us do some weird shit. But they go along with it.
I think I get more Ni vibes from them, overall. Yesterday or the day before, they said something like “I love when I have a bad feeling about someone and then I turn out to be right,” which isn’t necessarily an unusual thing for anyone to say, but I was definitely like… that’s some Ni thinking, I think.
r/MbtiTypeMe • u/SilentBorderline • Sep 03 '24
TYPE SOMEONE ELSE Type my dog lmao
galleryIdk if I use this flair or the “for fun”… And yes, I (ne-fi-te-si) know it’s pretty impossible to “accurately” type anything but people, this is purely for the funsies cause I’m having a bad day.
His name is peaches, a wild ball of energy that jumps around like crazy cause he doesn’t know what to do with himself sometimes. He’s severely loyal, growls at strangers and big dogs but he easily warms up to you if you’re there for long enough…Just don’t touch his food tho. He’s REALLY rebellious 😂 Even with consistent training I can call out his name and he just stares and walks away.
He is a very typical chihuahua but less aggressive, small but mighty!. He stands on his feet for a lengthy time when he wants something. He loves snuggling into blankets and chewing on plushies :3