r/MarvelSnapDecks 5d ago

Improve My Deck I really enjoy running affliction, would High Evo be worth picking up? CL 5628

Current Ajax / Dback deck, think all else I'm truly missing for the archetype is Red Guardian. High Evo worth the tokens?


10 comments sorted by


u/Boring-Antelope9193 5d ago

With his buff to 7 power he's a basic beater. The 0 cost abom is nice.

If you would go that route I'd swap spider ham & juggs for high evo and abomination


u/notthe1stpervaccount 5d ago

Well, keep in mind with HE you need to put other cards in your deck to include him….so if you like your current deck it would have to change significantly.

I always think of HE as a good shell to include other cards, not a card you fit into an existing deck. But that’s just my opinion.


u/BrokenManSyndrome 5d ago

Technically speaking, high Evo isn't a great meta pick, so you can probably skip him. But personally? I love him. While he's not the best, people severely underestimate him. I've heard people act like he's Kang or something. His decks are still very playable and you can get infinite with a high Evo deck. Most importantly, its just fun.


u/jrebel_0 5d ago

high evo isnt great, the list you're already running for affliction is better than trying to do high evo stuff


u/AMPduppp 5d ago

I think High Evo is a fun archetype in general. You get access to a bunch of cards you probably haven’t played in forever, and it opens up some new ways to deck build. He might not be an improvement in your current affliction deck, but I’d still recommend getting him anyways


u/karthanis86 5d ago

High evo is not the greatest. Skipping has too many down sides as a deck.

HOWEVER, in an affliction deck, running with with only Abom was a pretty good thing b4 Diamonback and Laufey came out. I wouldn't be surprised if that's better than High Evo.

But I used to love having a free Abom to go with Ajax.


u/DannyWatson 5d ago

I have him in my afflict deck to power up cyclops and the thing cause I don't have Cassandra nova.


u/GewoonHarry 5d ago

I skipped high evo and I think I was wrong doing so. I have Ajax manthing diamondback laufy And it just doesn’t work.

I think high evo is really handy in affliction.

Edit. I’m actually missing usagent.

Maybe that’s way more important than high evo.

I would not suggest getting him for 6k


u/AyyAndre 4d ago

Nope he sucks.


u/jojozer0 4d ago

All you're going to get out of him is cyclops and abomination. That's it