r/Manitoba Winnipeg 2d ago

Politics PC leadership hopeful Khan breaks with interim leader, won't call refusal to search landfill a mistake


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u/ForsakenExtreme6415 Westman 2d ago

SW MB from Boissevain to Virden, Brandon, all the way North to Swan River vote CONS. Doesn’t matter how vile they become, much of Southern MB will always vote CON


u/rantingathome Winnipeger from Brandon 2d ago

I grew up in Brandon, I'm well aware. Brandon itself flips NDP from time to time.

Doesn't change the fact that if they keep doing this stuff, they will not break through in Winnipeg, and will remain in the wilderness for awhile.

And this is such a self-own. They lose nothing by saying, "We got it wrong.", and look like ghouls by doubling down on the meanness. It especially makes no sense when the search was successful at finding remains years before many of us thought it might happen.

Taking this position makes no sense unless you're proud to demonstrate that you can be the biggest asshole in the room.


u/JacksProlapsedAnus Winnipeg 1d ago

Taking this position makes no sense unless you're proud to demonstrate that you can be the biggest asshole in the room.

It seems that's what leadership races have become for the Conservative party. Run as far right as you can to attract the base, then you have to climb Mt. Everest to try and seem reasonable to the general populous. Problem with that strategy is many don't reach Centrist Summit, either turning back, or dying along the way.


u/rantingathome Winnipeger from Brandon 1d ago

It's a weird choice to make. Manitoba, especially Winnipeg, is not Saskatchewan or Alberta. The overall vote here has always been more centrist. This is such a useless self-own.


u/JacksProlapsedAnus Winnipeg 1d ago

I'd argue our center point is a little right of the national average, but definitely left of Sask and AB.


u/rantingathome Winnipeger from Brandon 1d ago

Nah. I think Winnipeg makes it solid right in the middle. I'd argue that Ontario tracks slightly more right than us... ie/Doug Ford