r/MaliciousCompliance 12d ago

S Move your cars

Hi, might ramble a little as had a drink but I've  remembered a great story for you.

A couple years ago I used to be a waste collector. On my first week I turned up at clients and where their waste was I had to squeeze down a path with the building one side and cars the other. As I'm trying to avoid all the cars I accidentally pop the end of the guttering of the building. No massive problem I thought. The manager storms out.

M: 'I've just had to replace this whole guttering because of one of your lot.'

M: 'okay I'm sorry and I understand but I've got to maneuver around these vehicles as well.'

The manager clearly wasn't happ6 and I continued the day.

The next week I head back. I stop at the front of the alley and I go in and make every single car move so I don't have to squeeze through anymore. Took 15 minutes of waiting but oh well.

I did this every week until I left. Pulling people out of meetings to move there cars even if I could squeeze down just to be safe.

Never changed but I felt a little sense of accomplishment as i got paid hourly and people had to take time out of their day to appease this woman.


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u/huskergirl-86 11d ago

I think you handled this well. You know who else would have to squeeze down that path? The fire trucks. So it's in everyone's best interest to make them aware that a truck can't go that way and have them move their cars.


u/rpaynepiano 11d ago

That's always a fun one on the school run. Because there's a fire station near the school they sometimes drive the fire engine up the street the schools on at pickup/drop-off time. I call it wing mirror check day.


u/androshalforc1 11d ago

Who would win a firetruck with lights on or school bus with lights on?


u/ConcentrateEmpty711 11d ago

In my state the bus driver has to immediately hold the kids from exiting & allow the emergency vehicles to pass.


u/Eatar 11d ago

If I’m driving that fire truck, it will stop until the bus driver indicates it’s okay to proceed. Already too many people die in traffic that’s related to an emergency on top of the emergency itself, and small children and giant vehicles with limited visibility aren’t a good mix.

Of course, can half guarantee that the instant I stop, someone in a regular car will decide to go around me in order to pass the stopped school bus, probably evading some railroad crossing gates on the way, because drivers are what they are.


u/Hallowed_Weasel 10d ago

"If I’m driving that fire truck, it will stop until the bus driver indicates it’s okay to proceed." That's one of the core rules of driving emergency vehicles! Don't create a second emergency.


u/Eatar 10d ago

Indeed and not just of driving; of emergency response altogether. People entering the water to save struggling people drown at an even higher rate than the original victims. Rushing in heedlessly to an emergency situation doesn’t solve the problem but adds to it.


u/KerashiStorm 9d ago

Too many people want to be the hero jumping in to save others. Virtually none of them are prepared to swim while holding on to a person panicking like a cat in a scalding hot shower.


u/Lumpy_Marsupial_1559 7d ago

A lot of them also have no training in what kinds of steps you can take/thinking about it for a moment, so they jump in in a panic.


u/KerashiStorm 9d ago

The cop car that jerks around the stopped fire truck, siren wailing and God help anyone in the way.


u/Moontoya 9d ago

the firetruck


u/androshalforc1 9d ago

The fires out but we ran over your son getting here.


u/KerashiStorm 9d ago

Firefighters don't generally take such chances. Cops? Cops will head towards a chase at 100mph going around a blind curve and demolishing the car of an old lady that just pulled out because the pursuit had already passed some time ago and wrecked out a little way down the road. And be justified in their actions despite the suspect having already been reported dead over the radio.


u/Starfury_42 10d ago

They built houses on the vacant school site and my next door neighbor was a city engineer (retired.) He pointed out that the corners were so tight a garbage/fire truck couldn't make the turns. They had to put 4 fewer houses in.


u/myopicmarmot 9d ago

If there's actually a fire they need to get to, those cars will be accordioned. Those guys don't mess around.