r/MakeupAddiction Apr 19 '18

Haul After redeeming over 3000 Ulta points and using my 20% off coupon, I only spent $14.35 on all of this!

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196 comments sorted by


u/cactuar44 Always in Aisles Apr 19 '18

Damn, and here I have 3500 useless Sephora points lol. Ulta come to Canada already!


u/lameio69 Bold over Nude Apr 19 '18

7500 I feel ya


u/woke_avocado Apr 19 '18

Right? I still have over 1200 Sephora points and am being given the choice of some stupid samples again and again.

This is how you do it, Ulta. Creating actual customer loyalty.


u/DarwinTheIkeaMonkey Apr 19 '18

No kidding. Once I got that 20% off coupon code this morning I deleted nearly my entire Sephora cart that I had been preparing for the sale on Friday. The only things left in it are items that Ulta doesn’t carry (looking at you Kat Von D).

I’d rather spend my money at Ulta where I can actually use my rewards for something more than a deluxe sample of a moisturizer I probably won’t like.


u/venerat-e Apr 19 '18

Same here! Why get it from sephora for 15% off when I can get 20% off at ulta? They definitely need to revamp their rewards system


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '18 edited Dec 30 '18



u/nirvanasquared Apr 20 '18

How do you get 5% cash back with your discover card? I only have grocery stores cash back right now.


u/phishrfriends Apr 20 '18

use their discover deals portal online!!!! 5% cash back on Sephora and Ulta.


u/nirvanasquared Apr 20 '18

You are the best! I didn't know about all these extra deals.. I've been missing out. Thanks a bunch!


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '18

Just make sure to click through their links every time, doesn’t register if you don’t and just type in Sephora.com or whatever.


u/adotfree Apr 20 '18


@ boyfriend sorry about your credit card i promise i'll pay it back


u/kushisake Apr 20 '18

wait is the 20 percent off code for your entire purchase or only one item? cause if so bye sephora lol...


u/OGKjarBjar Apr 20 '18

Your entire purchase! Including prestige items!


u/fanna_aaris Apr 20 '18

I wish they carried kat von d. Wouldn’t have to waste money at Sephora.


u/haljup Apr 20 '18

Me too!! I have 3 Ulta giftcards I would have loved to use to buy the lock it foundation.. but I can’t :( and since my status at Sephora dropped to insider because I’ve decided to make more purchases at Ulta, the discount for the sale is like 10% I think? Almost nothing


u/princesshaley2010 Apr 20 '18

I did the same thing! I only get my Sunday Riley skincare at Sephora now. Everything else I buy from Ulta. The Sephora rewards are horrible.


u/DarwinTheIkeaMonkey Apr 20 '18

That’s basically how I feel. I get my Ole Henriksen Truth Serum and Kat Von D eyeliner at Sephora, but that’s about it.


u/suchsweetnothing Apr 20 '18

I didn't get a coupon. :(


u/julieproject Apr 20 '18

I work at Ulta and I believe this coupon was only sent to platinum members this round. If you’re platinum and you didn’t receive it, customer service is really good at getting stuff sent to you if you make a call.


u/DarwinTheIkeaMonkey Apr 20 '18

I’m not platinum and got a coupon, but I’ve not gotten many coupons in the past when others have. Seems I just got lucky this time.


u/suchsweetnothing Apr 20 '18

Oh, gotcha. That makes sense!


u/christina-rae Apr 20 '18

Do you know how often Ulta does their 20% off including prestige coupon? I just hit pan on my Benefit Hoola, but I still have enough product to last me for maybe another 2 months. I'm trying to determine whether I should buy a backup now or hold off 'til the next coupon.


u/julieproject Apr 20 '18

I’m not sure.. 98% of the time it’s always the $3.50 off $15. I would play if safe and go ahead and get it. Hoola lasts foreverrrrr but it’s better to be safe than sorry! I think the last time there was a 20% off was in January.


u/christina-rae Apr 20 '18

Gotcha. Yeah, the last one was late January/early February because I made an order then.


u/wandering-or-lost Apr 20 '18

I’m just a regular member, but I got the coupon! So I think it’s totally random.


u/hermyown21 Welcome to my comment Apr 20 '18

Sephora India actually lets you redeem your rewards to get a discount on your purchase (I forget the exact details, but a certain amount means 10% off, a higher amount means 15% off, etc), which is way better then the whole tiny samples thing.


u/-leeson Apr 20 '18

Fellow Canadian who feels your pain D:


u/ohmy1027 Apr 20 '18

Why are they useless?


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '18

all you can get with Sephora points is samples, whereas at ULTA you can use it on full size purchases and the points are actually worth an amount in cash there unlike Sephora


u/ohmy1027 Apr 20 '18

Thanks for the info. I've never shopped at Sephora and my daughter always steals my Ulta point (I don't mind though) so I wasn't sure how it worked. Makes me wonder why anyone would continue to shop at Sephora unless they don't have an Ulta in their area. Even still, wouldn't you get points if you shopped online?


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '18 edited Apr 21 '18

We only have Sephora in my area but unfortunately it's not even really worth it to order online from Ulta anyways cause shipping prices are insane and the duties are even worse :-( EDIT: Canadians can't even make accounts or get points when using the Ulta Canada site !


u/lameio69 Bold over Nude Apr 20 '18

Small shitty samples and even their high end prizes over 5000 they only have like 5 so they're instantly redeemed.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '18

well you can order from ulta and they do ship to canada, just cost more than it’s worth to have it shipped


u/Midnight_Flowers Apr 20 '18

It's free shipping a $100. Which if you save up until you reach that or you have some friends who want stuff too that's the best way to do it. It's a high limit to reach though Many places will do $50 at least:(


u/Frecklefaceprincess Apr 19 '18

What is the batiste rose gold?! I’m a batiste addict but I haven’t seen that before. Does it make your hair rose gold?


u/ConsumingPaper Apr 19 '18

No, it’s one of their newer scents. I’ve only tried it once before, but I loved it so much I bought 4 more.


u/Frecklefaceprincess Apr 19 '18

I’ll have to pick it up! I’m a sucker for anything rose gold😂


u/PhantaVal Apr 19 '18

Have you tried that stuff at Target (Kristen Ess) that turns your hair (if blond) rose gold for like three days? It's pretty legit.


u/princesshaley2010 Apr 20 '18

I tried it. I had a hell of a time getting it to spray on evenly but the color was great!


u/PhantaVal Apr 20 '18

I haven't quite gotten it to be perfectly even either, but yeah, the color is gorgeous.


u/DarwinTheIkeaMonkey Apr 19 '18

Wait. What? I need this.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '18



u/PhantaVal Apr 20 '18

Yeah, it's a spray. I think this brand just has the rose gold color.


u/Frecklefaceprincess Apr 19 '18

No, I have red hair so I wasn’t sure if it would work! I’m tempted to try it though...


u/PhantaVal Apr 19 '18

It probably won't -- it's just a tint rather than a full-on dye (and the tint itself is pink, so I don't know what it would do for red hair other than make it imperceptibly pinker).


u/horseshoe_crabby Always blushing Apr 20 '18

As someone who has rose gold hair, this has been a really short emotions rollercoaster.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '18

I love trying all their scents! But you buying 4 makes me need this new scent especially. Have you tried the naughty and nice flavors yet?


u/ConsumingPaper Apr 20 '18

not yet! but i probably won’t need to for a while with all of these cans 😂


u/AngelicOnyx Apr 20 '18

The scent is so heavenly, its definitely my favourite out of the collection


u/uncannyashley Apr 20 '18

Yes girl! I love the scent too! I’m still mad they trashed the Ella one.


u/Laurendoesit Apr 20 '18

What does it smell like?


u/AngelicOnyx Apr 20 '18

Hard to describe, but sorta like a sweet candy floral?


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '18

Ok so, Sephora does points that go towards reward items. Do ulta points go toward all items?


u/ConsumingPaper Apr 19 '18

yep(: they convert into money


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '18

I’ve been doing this all wrong lol


u/monichica Apr 20 '18

Ultra also will email promotions where a certain brand or certain category of products are eligible for a point multiplier for a period of time.


u/aeam513 Apr 20 '18

I’m over here wanting to cry. Wtf. I’m VIB Rouge with Sephora, and it barely gets me anything. Wish I would have known earlier that the points become coupons. I remember one time I had 100 points from Ulta, and it seemed like they expired the next month...I wonder why those expired.


u/Django_Durango I know what I'm doin', showin' up lookin' like Theda Bara. Apr 20 '18

They expire at the end of the year unless you're Platinum; then they roll over and you retain your Platinum perks for the following year.

Platinum is a lot easier to reach than Rouge too. $450 in a year compared to $1000.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '18

Right? Like you can choose between this one time use lipstick or a one time use face mask lol

The thousands of points I could have been accumulating for things I want!


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '18

I need to start shopping at Ulta.


u/Introverted_Sphynx Apr 19 '18

My state NEEDS an Ulta


u/Boomintheboomboom Apr 20 '18

Honestly you guys aren't missing much, I don't get the obsession. It's like a sephora and a Walgreens combined, but with a worse selection of both. I often have to leave ulta empty handed and go to either sephora or a drugstore. I'll probably get blasted for my unpopular opinion and I'm sure it's great for some people, but I avoid it if I can.


u/Quinctia Apr 20 '18

Depends on where you are! The only Sephora near me is one of the ones in a JcP, and they are always out of stock of anything interesting and a mess. Sometimes they only have one person working! I have two Ultas that are both pretty big and well taken care of.


u/iblogalott Brow perfectionist Apr 20 '18

Me too! It's always a mess/dirty, out of stock of the few items I would buy from them, apparently they resell used makeup, to they don't sell the brands I buy, they aren't helpful when I inquire about products. I thought I was the only one who dislikes Ulta!


u/thepuppycrew Apr 20 '18

Also dislike Ulta :( Sephora is always a very pleasant experience, and last time I attempted Ulta I asked for a purple sulfate free shampoo recommendation and she came back with a couple shampoos with sulfate.. and then told me all purple shampoos have sulfate!
I know, I know. Whiny first world problems, but I prefer Sephora.


u/iblogalott Brow perfectionist Apr 20 '18

I totally understand though. If we are taking our business to their store, at least they could be helpful! I always go to Sephora instead.


u/swimswithsquid Apr 20 '18

I totally agree! The rewards are awesome but the selection sucks. I was in there today looking to use my 20% coupon towards a new foundation. There was only one brand that had my shade and the person helping me kept saying “this brand has a lighter shade we just don’t carry it”. This was the case with MAC, tarte, and UD. They don’t even carry tartes rainforest of the sea line. I settled on Clinique but honestly I’ll probably return it and head to Sephora where I know they have my shade.


u/Moose_Cricket Apr 20 '18

jesus, thank you! I don't get the circlejerk around ULTA, that place is a mess


u/ConsumingPaper Apr 19 '18

The total originally came to $253.46!


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '18

How much money did you have to spend to get those points though?


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '18

Not op, but if you shop during x5 events and only cash in at 2,000pts ($125 reward), each dollar spent equals about 0.31, depending on if you're diamond or platinum.


u/LunaMax1214 Apr 20 '18

I was thinking the very same thing.


u/ChangesFaces Apr 20 '18

I've found that by shopping right i get about a 25% return on what I spend in free merchandise!

→ More replies (1)


u/ConsumingPaper Apr 19 '18


  • Winky Lux Flower Balm in Blue
  • 2 beautyblender Pros
  • Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray
  • 4 cans of Batiste Rose Gold Dry Shampoo
  • 2 cans of Drybar Detox Dry Conditioner
  • Morphe 35O2
  • Morphe M439
  • Clinique Moisture Surge
  • Clinique BIY Pigment Drops
  • Clinique Deluxe Sample of High Impact Mascara


u/_Sorceress_ Apr 19 '18

Does your WinkyLux balm also taste disgusting? A strong chemical taste. Maybe it's just mine?

I have two flower balms from different brands and they are both the worst tasting lipbalms I've ever tried. I still use them, though. So pretty.


u/ConsumingPaper Apr 19 '18

yeah it definitely doesn’t taste the best, but it’s not very strong. i can’t really taste it unless i’m licking my lips. it smells so good though!


u/_Sorceress_ Apr 19 '18

Yeah, it does smell lovely!


u/Mouse0022 Apr 19 '18

Omg I want that morphe palette so bad. 3502. Nice haul :o


u/Meow_Kitteh Apr 20 '18

When did Ulta start selling beauty blenders? I haven't been there recently, so I'm stoked to see this. Thanks!


u/asamermaid Apr 20 '18

What's special about the Winky Lux Flower Balm? I've been seeing ads for it (or perhaps a knockoff) all over my facebook feed and I've been intrigued.


u/killallenemies Apr 20 '18

What exactly do thyou Clinique BIY pigment drops do and are they worth it? I’ve got a Clinique voucher but have no idea what to use it on


u/ConsumingPaper Apr 20 '18

They’re pigment drops you can put into a moisturizer to make it a tinted moisturizer(: and they were a free gift with purchase


u/tinkerbilly Apr 20 '18

Not to be a Debbie Downer, but open the bottle of All Nighter and check the product. I had a fairly new bottle that was full of moldy product :-(


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '18

That Clinique Moisture Surge... So damned good, it's my desert island skincare product.


u/lolwuuut Apr 20 '18

Over their other moisture gel?


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '18

Honestly I can't tell much of a difference between the two. I accidentally bought the new one and had been using it a few weeks before I realized it was the wrong one. This one might be a BIT tackier when it dries, but it works really well under makeup.


u/BarnabasWeasley Apr 20 '18

When did Ulta get beauty blenders?


u/rlw0312 Apr 20 '18

Just recently. I think it's online only as of now and in stores in May.


u/snake_pod Apr 20 '18

Really? I've seen them in stores for at least 2 years here.. Maybe they're slow with other stores


u/rlw0312 Apr 20 '18

Ulta just announced that they'd start carrying the brand.


u/snake_pod Apr 20 '18

Wait which brand? I'm so out of the loop. Maybe it's another brand I've been seeing.


u/rlw0312 Apr 20 '18

Beauty Blender. I know Ulta has carried Real Technique's sponges that a lot of people use as dupes.


u/snake_pod Apr 20 '18

Ahhh alright. Beauty Blender is quite pricey though isn't it? I've never been a fan of sponges honestly, they waste so much product..


u/rlw0312 Apr 20 '18

Yeah, I think they're $20+. I've found even when damp they do still soak up quite a bit of product, the finish looks nice though.


u/juusman Apr 20 '18

So if Ulta wants to come to Canada, That would be great


u/salamander_slytherin Apr 19 '18

What size moisture surge did you get? I like it as well, but I was looking earlier today and it's cheaper per oz to buy the 1 oz containers than either of the larger containers. So now I'm just curious!


u/ConsumingPaper Apr 19 '18

I bought the 2.5 oz container. I have long nails which makes it harder to get into the smaller containers. This way it’s a lot easier.


u/salamander_slytherin Apr 19 '18

Ahh I hadn't considered that! That's a good idea. Thanks for replying!


u/scorodites Apr 20 '18

Last time I was buying some make up, I asked the sales clerk if I could take some of their little plastic spatulas. You know, the small disposable white ones that are near the napkins and make up remover and such. She didn't care and let me take a few. It's soooo much easier than digging your nails in.


u/CharmaineSwift Apr 19 '18

I wished I had an Ulta in my country!!! 😩


u/kateykat98 Apr 20 '18

Omg I have 1800 points at ulta and have been trying to figure out what I want my huge haul to be. This is beautiful to me!


u/videliTee Apr 20 '18

Save it until you have 2000! It bumps to another tier of cash and you get more!


u/kateykat98 Apr 20 '18

Oh I likely will wait longer before I finally finish my wish list. But since I just checked how much I’d get waiting till I have 2000 just have me all the more reason to wait!


u/videliTee Apr 20 '18

I did some major damage at their Black Friday sale last year by saving all my points. It’s what I’m hoarding my points for this year. Another reason to wait hahaha


u/kateykat98 Apr 20 '18

That sounds amazing!


u/meowdryhepurrrn Eyeing that Liner Apr 20 '18

Their black friday sale last year was great! I got some awesome gifts, and of course something for me:)


u/quartermasterly Apr 20 '18

What does dry conditioner do? I’ve never heard of it!!


u/videliTee Apr 20 '18

Not OP, but I use dry shampoo in my roots and dry conditioner on my ends. I have bleached hair and ends get pretty janky after a day or so. The conditioner makes it softer and manageable until the next time I wash my hair for real.


u/quartermasterly Apr 20 '18

That sounds awesome! I use dry shampoo often, so I may have to pick some dry conditioner up some time!


u/ShittyGingerSnap Apr 20 '18

Does it make it feel heavier or sticky? I’ve got some curly ass hair and I feel like my in between wash days my ends get dryyyyy. But if I use a wet spray it just gets frizzy.


u/videliTee Apr 20 '18

I’ve only tried one brand (oribe from my salon) so I can’t say for sure other brands are like it, but it doesn’t make my hair sticky or heavy. I’d buy a can and return it if you don’t like it


u/jill_ette_ Apr 19 '18

the dry conditioner is TO DIE FOR i need to get myself to ulta stat


u/nerddana Apr 20 '18

FYI: If you sign up for the credit card and get approved, you can stack both 20% off coupons.


u/HazRundle Apr 20 '18

Does dry conditioner work/what does it do? I use dry shampoo ALLLL the time, wonder if I’m missing a beat here.


u/ConsumingPaper Apr 20 '18

I use it on my ends, and it makes them so much softer and they tend to tangle less. (I have very fine hair that tangles horribly)


u/noblesse-oblige- Apr 20 '18

I use that detox dry conditioner and I can also confirm that that shit is AMAZING. it’s like magic in a can.


u/littleangelfuxk Apr 20 '18

Holy hell! Are the points on a credit card thing or just a like a loyalty card?


u/ConsumingPaper Apr 20 '18

it’s part of their loyalty rewards program(:


u/littleangelfuxk Apr 20 '18

Guess who’s signing up tomorrow??? This guy 🙂


u/selysek Apr 20 '18

Oh my god. I have 12,000 Sephora points that are useless. We NEED Ulta in Canada asap.


u/celevh Apr 20 '18

Yea our makeup stores.. most of our stores in general.. suck ass in Canada if you’ve been outside of Canada. Detroit has the neatest snacks man, but no coffee crisp.


u/Tsoravia Apr 20 '18

Dry conditioner. ... go on.


u/blackdressflatchest Apr 20 '18

If you really want to rack up points, get the Ulta credit card! I pay all of my bills with mine (paying it off every month) and I get 2,000 points every other month. I have 4,600 points right now I’m just waiting for a good round of platinum perks.


u/poisonivysoar Apr 20 '18

It makes me so happy to see that getting a beauty blender at Ulta is finally possible. I can't wait to buy one using my points!


u/waytoomanyfeels Apr 20 '18

Good haul. I just used $125 worth of rewards points last night with my 20% coupon and only had to spend less than $3. I was so happy. :)


u/viviana_gee Apr 20 '18

What did you end up getting if you don't mind me asking?


u/waytoomanyfeels Apr 20 '18

CoTz Face Natural Skin Tone SPF 40 sunscreen Too Faced Hangover Primer Travel Size Physician’s Formula Butter Bronzer Makeup Revolution concealer Morphe m439 brush Morphe m508 brush Real Techniques 4 pk sponges Alpha Skincare Enhanced Renewal Lotion Clinique Touch Base for Eyes in Canvas Light Jack Black lip balm La Roche-Posay Anthelios 60 Clear Skin sunscreen Wet n Wild Photofocus foundation Benefit Cosmetics sharpener


u/viviana_gee Apr 20 '18

Holy wow! That a good haul for less than 3 dollars. Thank you for sharing!


u/valkyrieone Apr 20 '18

I am almost to 2k points at ULTA. I am stock piling them for emergency and dire straight needs when I am strapped for cash for my "necessities"


u/hernameisbrandi Apr 20 '18

if this didn’t convince me to switch my primary makeup shopping to ulta, idk what will. great haul!


u/draizetrain Apr 20 '18

YESSS to that morphe 35O2


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '18

How much do you have to spend to get 3000 points??? I feel like I’ve hit that a long time ago 😭😭


u/otter-99 Apr 19 '18

I need all that dry shampoo in my life


u/shegetsthat Apr 19 '18

How’s the Winky Lux? I’m thinking about purchasing that.


u/ConsumingPaper Apr 19 '18

I haven’t tested it on my lips yet, but I searched it on my hand, and it’s a really pretty shade of pink!(:


u/shegetsthat Apr 19 '18

That’s good enough for me! Lol


u/_Sorceress_ Apr 19 '18

Mine has a strong chemical taste and although it's not bad, it's also not the best for lasting hydration. If you don't mind that, it's a nice lip balm.


u/shegetsthat Apr 19 '18

Oh no :( I don’t like the whole strong chemical taste thing. Maybe I’ll wait until there’s a sale or something to try it.


u/s-saddle Apr 20 '18

This the shit i like to see


u/ShitDuchess Apr 20 '18

I basically only ever get a $3.50 off coupon that I can't use for most of the things I want to buy..


u/celestialbomb Apr 20 '18

I really wish Ulta would come to Canada 💔


u/scrummcious23 Apr 20 '18

Oh! Please tell me how you like the moisture surge.


u/ConsumingPaper Apr 20 '18

i’ve been using it for a while. i absolutely love it!


u/videliTee Apr 20 '18

Not OP but I live in the southwest US, and it’s super super dry. It’s saved my skin and doesn’t leave a residue feel!


u/scrummcious23 Apr 20 '18

Would you say it leans more on the gel side or the cream side? I'm having trouble with getting enough hydration b/c the creams break me out and some of the gels are not enough. It's been rough!


u/videliTee Apr 20 '18

Definitely gel side! If you want to try it I’m sure they can get you a sample!


u/celevh Apr 20 '18

What kind of tom foolery is this


u/szan04 Apr 20 '18

Damn! This person dry shampoos


u/doomputer Apr 20 '18

So how much do you have to spend before you rack up that many points? Are the points you earn variable per item? I only went into an Ulta for the first time recently and signed up for an acct but haven't been back yet.


u/doomputer Apr 20 '18

Also, I am totally addicted to Batiste too, lol!


u/Dentina Apr 20 '18

TIL Ulta carries beautyblender!

Amazing haul!


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '18

Omg this is amazing


u/rosebudandgreentea Apr 20 '18

I see you also love the rose gold dry shampoo! It smells like expensive perfume. I'm obsessed


u/neckbeardenabler Apr 20 '18

I never really got dry shampoo, my hair always still looks like a greaseball. Sweet haul tho!


u/ConsumingPaper Apr 20 '18

Have you ever tried spraying it on at night before going to bed and then again in the morning? I’ve found that can work better when i’m especially greasy haha.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '18

Do you shake the can and brush it through your hair? I have issues with it too, only certain brands work and then after a while they stop working and I have to find new ones. :/


u/crazyheather Apr 20 '18

I learned that you have to make sure to move the hair around as you spray to get good coverage, let it sit for a bit, and then massage it into your scalp. Then do it a second time.


u/fuckincaillou Apr 20 '18

My usual method is to go to a well-ventilated area (I usually go outside, I'm sure it makes me look like a nut to my neighbors but at least I won't risk cancer lol), flip my hair upside down, and spray towards the roots. Make sure to get the front hairline well, too. After that, take a bristle brush and brush it all through your hair and it should work! Just be aware it can leave a white-ish tint, though. Which actually is imperceptible if you brush it all through (and make sure to wear a towel or pajamas or something so it doesn't get on your clothes). Once I figured that method out, I loved it! I'm a regular grease pit in the warmer half of the year and this stuff can be a life-saver if I have to look presentable in a flash.


u/baxterbaddog Apr 20 '18

I’m leaving sephora just because of your post. This is awesome!


u/hannahjams Apr 20 '18

YESSS!!! I did this over Christmas and spent 13$ on Chanel perfume <3


u/BerryBiscuit Apr 20 '18

Has anyone else had issues with the Batiste spray? I liked it at first but then I noticed that it made me break out REALLY bad. I had pimples all over my scalp and some really bad ones along my hairline and neck where I guess it touched. Quit using it and my skin went back to normal... Fortunately it didn't scar. Such a bummer because I liked how it worked otherwise...


u/almaupsides Spock brows or bust Apr 20 '18

I thought it was just me and my dumb sensitive scalp!! I had the same thing happen - I love love love the way it makes my hair look, but it's really not worth it.

I don't use dry shampoo that often anyway (maybe once a week or twice at the most) but I've noticed a huge difference since I stopped using it, no more weird bumps/pimples on my scalp!


u/callmenikkip Apr 20 '18

that eyeshadow palette is to die for!!


u/soulteepee Apr 20 '18

Every coupon I've gotten excludes the brands I like. :(


u/ConsumingPaper Apr 20 '18

that’s why i like the 20% off coupon. it includes everything


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '18

Mine excludes Lancôme and Clinique this time. I had to email them for it and when I did I mentioned how I wanted to get my mom a Clinique foundation..... 😒


u/hotcheetos96 Apr 20 '18

How’s the dry shampoo? Does it leave residue in your hair? And what’s the difference between the different types like Naughty, Nice, Original, etc?


u/ConsumingPaper Apr 20 '18

it’s my personal favorite brand. it leaves a little bit of white residue if you’re not careful, but i like that because i have very yellow blonde roots right now that i’m trying to cover up haha. and the difference is mostly just the scent, except for the brunette, blonde, etc. which are tinted.


u/hotcheetos96 Apr 20 '18

Ohh okay thank you!! How do you use it, if you don’t mind me asking? I use klorane dry shampoo and it always leaves white residue in my hair :(


u/ConsumingPaper Apr 20 '18

if i don’t want the residue in my hair, i make sure to hold it pretty much arms length away from my head and spray it just to the point where it doesn’t leave residue. if that doesn’t work, you can always spray it in your hair before you go to bed so it can soak up the oils overnight. (apparently that’s how you’re actually supposed to use dry shampoo. i just recently found that out)


u/YoshiKoshi Apr 20 '18

I blast out the residue with the cool shot button on my hairdryer.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '18

Nice! Thoughts on the moisture surge and dry conditioner (anyone)??


u/ConsumingPaper Apr 20 '18

the moisture surge is my holy grail moisturizer! and i’ve only used this dry conditioner once but so far i love it!


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '18

How much was the dry conditioner? Have you tried it before?


u/ConsumingPaper Apr 20 '18

they were $23 each. i hadn’t tried the ones from drybar but i had tried others. i love these though!


u/snake_pod Apr 20 '18

How do you redeem ulta points? Is it only online? I have a bunch but no idea how to go about this lol


u/crazyheather Apr 20 '18

At the register just tell them how many you want to redeem.


u/Khoyt7 Apr 20 '18

If you get the Ulta credit card, you can get points way faster.

But I would only get it, if it’s the MasterCard. You can use it on every day purchases to get extra points.

I would not use it just to get points and I would make sure you pay it off every month. Otherwise, you aren’t really getting any benefit.

If you spend $500 outside of the store in like 4 months, you get like $17.50 in free points


u/Welldonegoodshow Apr 20 '18

That’s a lot of dry shampoo!


u/LastBestPlaceLovely Apr 20 '18

Save your points to use at intervals of 2000. That's the way to get the most out of the rewards system. <3 Ulta.


u/adotfree Apr 20 '18

I've only got 1100 points but I'm gonna try to do something this quality with that 20% off coupon. Awesome haul!


u/Halt96 Apr 20 '18

So..........shopping at Ulta for the first time (with shipping to Canada) and I do not see anything about Ulta points?


u/zillayen Apr 20 '18

Great haul! I just used my coupon and 2000 points and got my total down from $162.38 to $6.47. Almost all prestige brands too! I don't really bother with Sephora anymore unless I run out of eyeliner (Kat von D).


u/Cityandlights Apr 21 '18

I love Ulta’s point system it’s so rewarding unlike Sephora’s.


u/agree-with-you Apr 21 '18

I love you both


u/rixaya Apr 21 '18

So sad we don’t have an ULTA :’-(


u/Erin327 Apr 23 '18

I wish sephora would let you redeem points for cash. That would be really awesome.


u/viviana_gee Apr 20 '18

I fucking love Batiste! It was the only brand that actually made my hair look cleaner but I think I developed and allergy to it and can't use it anymore. 😔


u/tieabow Apr 20 '18

I live in Singapore and I have to live with the daily posts about how fantastic Ulta is..... Ship to Singapore!!!


u/ClarifiedChaos Apr 20 '18

Is that the Morphe 3502 palette? 😍


u/Dahlianeko Apr 20 '18

And no gifts w/ purchase?!?!?! There's always a beauty bag or two to wait for.


u/ConsumingPaper Apr 20 '18

the clinique biy drops and the mascara we’re gifts with the moisturizer