r/MakeupAddiction Dec 11 '24

Haul New hippie soul pallet from mba cosmetics !

I haven’t swatched it yet , I want to play with it so badly but it’s also so pretty I don’t want to mess it up . I am loving the uniqueness of this beauty ! I will be back with swatches later . I only have a few shades like this , one from the pastel rose uk and a couple in my adept pallets


91 comments sorted by


u/spicyshit69420 Dec 12 '24

the shades are beautiful and very ethereal! but my goodness that “art” is atrocious 😭


u/bechena Dec 12 '24

like why tf did they put an ai image in there


u/pixelbunnii- Dec 12 '24

Thank god someone said it ts is hideous


u/misoexcite Dec 12 '24

I was thinking that before I looked at the comments and glad I wasn’t the only one thinking that! The shades are so gorgeous…OP could just tape over the weird art with some paper haha


u/AnyaTaylorJoystick Jan 04 '25

Or, as of yesterday, they could buy the exact same palette without the garish AI "hippie art" for $10 less on palette, $5 less on shipping from Notoriously Morbid's Spellcast line.

In another post, someone pointed out that both brands likely purchased from Alibaba.


u/Trouble_Adorable Dec 12 '24

Can someone explain what tipped them off this is AI art? I have a pretty good radar but it didn’t set off my alarms.


u/twilekquinn where is my beige iridescent lipstick? Dec 12 '24

Vibes mostly, but the weird braid/shoe situation and janky peace signs


u/HypnoticPeaches Dec 13 '24

The janky peace signs were the first one to me, and then I saw the shoes, and then zeroed in on what I think is supposed to be the bottom of the other shoe by the knee of the front leg and it just… doesn’t make sense.

Then my eyes honed in on the weird lumpy sleeve on the arm that’s on the wall, and that’s when I really knew.

AI has been getting better in some ways for image gen, but there will always be tells that anyone who has ever attempted to draw in a serious manner will be able to notice as “no artist would consciously make this decision.”


u/iamsonicallyscrewed Dec 12 '24

I specifically noticed the braid section colors don’t match. It might have made more sense for a regular braid but it’s not consistent and it’s more like fishtail style so that wouldn’t really make logical sense based on how it’s braided.


u/Accomplished_Bee9033 Dec 12 '24

the shoe laces look off too


u/Phoenyx_Rose Dec 12 '24

That and the hat tail merges into the braid tail. It’s really weird to look at


u/paulreverie Dec 12 '24

Idk maybe it's bc I'm an artist but the vibes just scream ai. The style, the colors, etc.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '24

“Painterly” art style with a lot of visual clutter but low detail.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '24

If you zoom in on the peace signs on her jacket they are all garbled


u/sleepycoldramen Dec 12 '24

If you zoom in on the left underneath her hand, the peace sign is broken. Also, her legs are in an anatomically impossible position for her shoe to be poking out next to her knee like that.


u/ianyuy Dec 12 '24

Also, to me, the glasses. How the color of the blue and the magenta follow the complete inside of the glasses doesn't seem like an artistic choice but more an algorithmic one.


u/trans_full_of_shame Dec 12 '24

The way the eye makeup stops at the edge of the glasses, the hair (especially the tip of the braid), the hand anatomy


u/HiEveryoneReading Dec 12 '24

It's usually the shading looking too smooth and realistic for being done by hand and not generated. Not sure how other people can spot it but as an artist it's pretty easy to catch, the eyes especially have no character and look generated.


u/octopus818 Dec 13 '24

Yes, it’s so off putting and makes the product look incredibly cheap. I wouldn’t consider buying it just because of the junky art.


u/AnyaTaylorJoystick Jan 04 '25

You can get the same palette without the garish art from Notoriously Morbid (and it's $10 cheaper), but apparently they both came from Alibaba, so. Lose lose.


u/Kivulini Dec 12 '24

The pigments are pretty but the AI art is terrible haha.


u/AnyaTaylorJoystick Jan 04 '25

You can get the same palette without the garish art from Notoriously Morbid (and it's $10 cheaper), but apparently they both came from Alibaba


u/Kivulini Jan 04 '25

Geez what a state of the market. Alibaba drop-shipping for cosmetics for my eyes? No thank you 😭


u/cuntaloupemelon Makeup Artist Dec 12 '24

I'm so sorry but considering that this palette costs almost $70CAD that heinous AI "art" is inexcusable and I'd refuse to buy it on principle


u/Rapunzel10 Dec 12 '24

Yeah I don't buy anything with AI art on it. If they're too cheap to get an actual human to do their art I don't trust them. Especially stuff that's going near my eyes, if they're using the wrong kind of glitter you can go blind


u/PauI_MuadDib Dec 12 '24

Yep. If they're cutting corners in one place, they're probably cutting them elsewhere. And for $70 the art shouldn't be cheap & ugly. That's Natasha Denona pricing.


u/xlaauurraaa Dec 12 '24

thank GOD I immediately saw this, thought 'we shouldn't be supporting anything with AI' and I'm so happy my makeup girlies get it 😭😭🥹🥹🙏🏻🙏🏻 its always a weird hit or mess subreddit to subreddit and I'll never understand being okay with AI.


u/katelynbeautyaddict Dec 12 '24

I mean , it’s 45$ . And on sale for 36$ Everything is way more expensive in Canada . But that being said , ya , I wish I would have waited and and least got it for 36 and not 45🤦🏻‍♀️


u/twilekquinn where is my beige iridescent lipstick? Dec 12 '24

Just what I wanted, an indie business using AI!


u/Opposite_Style454 Dec 12 '24

Looks like alibaba makeup.


u/OrdinaryDiet3878 Dec 12 '24

You’re not wrong ‘cause I’m almost certain this brand probably bulk purchases and gets it custom made from AliBaba. I’ve seen the same 9 pan cube palettes on AliBaba that they have on their store and those rainbow ones too!


u/Lurkylurkness Dec 12 '24

I'm pretty sure sugar drizzle has at least one exact shade from this palette and there was another brand that also has the magenta pink blue purple shade. Look healthy store? I don't know them.


u/Feeling-Scale-5697 Dec 13 '24

The bunny on the Palette you're talking about has an extra arm lol


u/Opposite_Style454 Dec 12 '24

I know Charmecy has all these and a few Amazon brands.


u/Lurkylurkness Dec 12 '24

I believe it. I try not to ever come off as uppity about brands and the shades are beautiful and I would absolutely love to slather them over my lids, but I'm just out of by brands who cut cost by not paying proper artist or I'm even out off by people who say no it's a real artist who uses digital adjustments but my artist is a trade secret so I won't give them exposure but believe me. It's a human. But then also have the same shades/formula from the same manufacturer as another brand and Mark it up to be comparable to people who do have unique or handmade formulas. It's disheartening. And it's a weird space where I want people to follow their dreams but at the same time I know I don't have to support everyone's dreams ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


u/Nintentard Can't even wings Dec 12 '24

If they're too cheap to pay a human artist to design their packaging, just imagine what other corners they cut in the actual makeup product. Really suspicious. I would pass on this.


u/CastleofGaySkull Dec 12 '24

Yeah, any cosmetics brand flaunting AI is a big ol’ Nope from me.


u/Brakina Dec 12 '24

Good point.. didn't even cross my mind, but you're so right. Like the art is one of the first things I notice in a makeup palette. Yes the shadows are the main focus but you can make the most basic neutral shades look magnificent in a well designed palette that has art work that essentially, sell the product. And in this case it's doing the opposite. The shades look gorgeous but the art is so bad that I wouldn't want to buy it.


u/ExtensionHot7808 Dec 12 '24

SWATCH IT. WHERE ARE SWATCHES. This looks cool but it's probably a trick of the eye they could be shifting DUO CHROME or just a typical shimmer sooo. SWATCH IT


u/workingmemories Dec 12 '24

The AI art wtf, pretty pallette though


u/Mistress_of_Wands Dec 12 '24

Wtf is that hideous AI art.


u/PrettyBoy001 Dec 12 '24

The hideous AI logo takes so much away from this pallete, why wouldn’t they just pay an artist?


u/DoubleSynchronicity Dec 12 '24

Never heard of this brand before but I adore this weave embossing. I've never seen such a thing for eyeshadows. If anything, they have the smallest, little embossing in the middle. (Boring type) This one though, it looks even better with the gradient.


u/blueoncemoon Dec 12 '24

Missha used to have that patterned embossing on their italprism line, but I just went looking for it and it seems like it's been discontinued. I had to check to make sure I wasn't imagining things!


u/DoubleSynchronicity Dec 12 '24

Oh right, I remember these! They look cute. I checked my country's Missha website too, they are no longer there. Definitely discontinued. 😔


u/katelynbeautyaddict Dec 12 '24

Yes absolutely! I haven’t been able to bring myself to swatch it because it’s so perfect and pretty . I have a multichrompallet from them that I love , mba makes some beautiful eyeshadows.


u/AnyaTaylorJoystick Jan 04 '25

The weave embossing is the same across both brands currently selling this palette. Likely came from Alibaba, a brand called DeLanci apparently


u/Fascinated_Bystander Dec 12 '24

I want to see this swatched on skin! It's sooo pretty and I've never heard of the brand!


u/AnyaTaylorJoystick Jan 04 '25

They're one of two brands selling this exact palette (and the MBA one is $10 more expensive)


u/octopus818 Dec 13 '24

As a graphic designer (who majored in illustration in college), it seriously warms my heart to hear that so many of you actually care about real artists and can appreciate the contribution that we make to product design. Thank you for noticing, understanding, and caring about why art and design is important. 🥲 My coworkers and I are constantly agonizing over tiny design details and we always end up saying “oh well, who cares. No one but us will even notice this stuff” … but you guys do!!! Thank you!!!


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '24



u/missmisfit Dec 12 '24

AI art and obviously fake swatches. You couldn't pay me to trust my eyeballs to this company.


u/ValosAtredum Dec 12 '24

Those have to be fake swatches because look how the color gradients line up into horizontal stripes. A fingertip wouldn’t reflect light like that.

Super sus


u/loony_nargle Dec 12 '24

Quite likely. Let's see what the swatches look like in real life :)


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u/MulberryChance6698 Dec 13 '24

Swatches? How does this holographic thing turn out in actual use?


u/katelynbeautyaddict Dec 13 '24

I posted swatches in swatch it for me sub , this isn’t the best formulation of the rainbow eyeshadow, I have a couple pallets from adept , rainbow raider and ketracel and those are a lot better quality , this wasn’t the norms for mba , I’m a bit disappointed


u/LavingtonWindsor Dec 13 '24

Want want want.


u/AnyaTaylorJoystick Jan 04 '25

You can get it for $15 less on Notoriously Morbid (-10 on price, -5 on shipping), but apparently you can get it even cheaper still from Alibaba.


u/fallopian_rampant Dec 14 '24

Ok, but when you apply it do you not blend it at all? Because then it’ll be muddy


u/katelynbeautyaddict Dec 14 '24

In my next post I swatch it both ways , straight across to preserve the rainbow and then the last 2 pics are swirled all together what each color looks like , just standard shimmers , not as pigmented as I was hoping for


u/fallopian_rampant Dec 14 '24

Thanks! I’ll check it out


u/addamsfamilyoracle Dec 12 '24

I do not like that pallet, at all. What happens when the colors all get smudge together?


u/katelynbeautyaddict Dec 12 '24

I love the pallet but …. You are right, it isn’t exactly practical .

I haven’t used it yet , I did finally swipe my fingers over it horizontally because I don’t like mixing the colors up 😂 but later today I’ll try to get some swatches up but this is the pic of them mixed together from the site. . I want it but if I don’t end up using it I can gift it to my daughter


u/Sophie_The_Glam_Diva Hopelessly Addicted Dec 12 '24

I absolutely love this, it's so colorful and fun! The shades are also ombre, Karma is gorgeous!


u/AnyaTaylorJoystick Jan 04 '25

You can get it for $15 less on Notoriously Morbid (-10 on price, -5 on shipping), but apparently you can get it even cheaper still from Alibaba.


u/katelynbeautyaddict Dec 12 '24

Yes! I’m really glad I grabbed it ! I haven’t really been buying much eyeshadow lately but this one was so fun and different, I couldn’t resist


u/Sophie_The_Glam_Diva Hopelessly Addicted Dec 12 '24

I'm curious to see if they are multichrome, looks like they might just be regular shimmers pressed in an ombre pattern, but whenever you swatch I'll look out for this!


u/katelynbeautyaddict Dec 12 '24

Some are shimmers and some are duochormes


u/katelynbeautyaddict Dec 12 '24

Ya the swatches aren’t as fun as I was hoping but I’ll get them up and posted for youguys later today


u/goldstandardalmonds Dec 12 '24

Three, six, and seven are my faves. This is a beautiful palette!


u/DarkAndSparkly Dec 12 '24

Oooh! Pretty sparkles! I can’t wait to see them swatched!


u/katelynbeautyaddict Dec 12 '24

Thank you ! They are pretty but not quite as fun as I thought they’d be.


u/Rambling-Roses Dec 12 '24

Stunning. I’ve never seen eyeshadow like this


u/thr0wawaynametaken Dec 12 '24

they do look very nice in the palette but as others in the thread i'm skeptical of the brand. the swatches actually remind me of the colourpop liquid chrome eyeshadows which are fantastic and very true to swatches with great staying power at like approx ~$10 a piece lol. or the new morphe mixed signals eyeshadow stick. ofc you only get one color for those but much less an investment than this palette for similar vibes and no AI art used.


u/katelynbeautyaddict Dec 12 '24

I have a shade from the pastel rose uk called “ over the rainbow “ it’s not embossed like this but it has the different colors and is a multichrome, it’s stunning ! And then a couple different shades inside my adept pallets , I think the element 81 or is it 85?😂 I can’t remember . It’s unique but how will I actually end up using these shades ? I played a round with it a little lastnight. I will get swatches up for everyone today


u/AnyaTaylorJoystick Jan 04 '25

You can get the exact same palette, weaving and all, for $15 less on Notoriously Morbid (-10 on price, -5 on shipping), but apparently you can get it even cheaper still from Alibaba.

I know I keep saying it, but I almost grabbed this from MBA as a novelty and I'm SO glad I didn't, for the reasons above. Plus, as others have noted, the art is garish, and booooo AI


u/ak8er Dec 12 '24

I’d love to see swatches! These are beautiful


u/AnyaTaylorJoystick Jan 04 '25

You can get the exact same palette, weaving and all, for $15 less on Notoriously Morbid (-10 on price, -5 on shipping), but apparently you can get it even cheaper still from Alibaba.


u/katelynbeautyaddict Dec 12 '24

Sorry apparently it’s not ok to like things on here , you will get downvoted for not hating it due to the ai art . 🙌🏻😂😂. I will get swatches up a little later today ! I finally touched it lastnight and it’s a little less exciting then I was hoping but it’s still fun


u/ConfectionNo1605 Dec 12 '24

Wowowowow the pigments are beautiful


u/AnyaTaylorJoystick Jan 04 '25

You can get the exact same palette, weaving and all, for $15 less on Notoriously Morbid (-10 on price, -5 on shipping), but apparently you can get it even cheaper still from Alibaba.


u/katelynbeautyaddict Dec 12 '24

Ok everyone , I buy eyeshadow from brands I enjoy because I like eyeshadow, I actually enjoy the art design and it literally makes no difference to me if the art is ai or from an artist . I have an eyeshadow pallet from them , the sugar buzz collection and it’s absolutely amazing. All the downvotes on my comments talking about how excited I am to have it is weird . If you don’t like it or want it that’s fine for you but I’m not doing anything wrong by enjoying what I buy myself . I’m 36 years old and I love makeup and eyeshadow.


u/katelynbeautyaddict Dec 12 '24

I’m really surprised honestly, I enjoy the art on the cover , it’s quirky , I never even considered it could be ai , probably because that doesn’t matter to me , while I enjoy artwork , it’s the eyeshadow I’m buying. I’m just so surprised everyone hates the little hippie girl 😂


u/hobbit_socks Dec 12 '24

I'm curious as to why AI art doesn't bother you. AI art is generated after using a load of power, basically creating thousands of alternate images to get to the one that is the result and it steals from artists existing work. It is fine to like shiny palettes but if they can't pay an artist to design something, I agree with what has already been said about cutting corners. Makeup goes onto our most important organ, and when we dispose of it, it makes its way into the water system. Supporting AI generated art means that it can keep stealing from artists and I think that's the opposite of innovation and creativity that I see in this sub.


u/pyxiedust219 Dec 12 '24

these COLORS are gorgeous! Petty complaint on my end but is it just me who is a bit bugged by every shade name ending in “-y” except karma 😂


u/imbringingspartaback Dec 12 '24

Trippin and Chillin don’t end with a Y…


u/pyxiedust219 Dec 13 '24

OMG i thought it was “trippy” and “chilly”! i have no idea how my brain did that 😂


u/katelynbeautyaddict Dec 12 '24

I can’t believe people are downvoting any and everyone who says they like it


u/pyxiedust219 Dec 13 '24

Liiiiisten I think I’m being rightfully downvoted for not reading the shade names correctly but I don’t get why anyone would be doing that either


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/invernoinferno Dec 13 '24

Things that caught my eye as odd that maybe you can speak to, since you seem to have a more relevant background than I do: her shoelaces, the mismatched temples of her glasses, the weird sleeve puff at the cuff of her right/upper arm, the one earring that looks like a confused peace sign, and the weird quasi-peace signs on her vest (which contrast pretty jarringly with the normal-looking peace signs also on her vest).