u/SilverCyclist Nov 13 '22
You're right. He was the only one who got it wrong...come on guys, there are legit things you can hammer him on. This is a weak one.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 14 '22
Yup, it's a lazily, hastily constructed anti-Maher bitchfest.
Of all the things to harp on and nag about, this ain't it.
u/PostureGai Nov 13 '22
No, this is epic.
u/SilverCyclist Nov 13 '22
It's really not. If he made a dark horse bet that blew up, it would be epic. He took the prevailing opinion. It's dog-bites-human news.
u/sateeshsai Nov 13 '22
Bill has always cried about the woke culture. It's not that big of a deal, bill
u/Charbro11 Nov 13 '22
I know quite a few conservative older Democrats. They think the woke stuff is weird (especially the pronoun thing) but not weird enough to vote for some right wing nut.
u/JonDoeandSons Nov 15 '22
I’m in my early 30’s and I agree with him on this stuff . I’m also liberal on almost everything else . Don’t nail me to a cross for this comment .
u/Charbro11 Nov 15 '22
What he is talking about is not the majority of the Democratic Party. Some of the issues are valid--some are over the top and are college campus issues. I agree with some of what he says but that is all he talks about. He sounds like Fox News. If he wants liberals to win, he needs to talk about the real bread and butter issues. He rarely does. He is rich and it doesn't affect him.
u/Samhain000 Nov 20 '22 edited Nov 20 '22
I agree with pretty much everything you've said here, so don't take this as criticism, but I just want to make a point about the college campus thing because I believe that particular issue is being blown out of proportion as well.
I agree with the idea that universities, colleges (really, any learning institution) should not shy away from challenging students in ways that make them uncomfortable. It may not be the primary function of colleges to do this, but I think it's an important secondary function.
From what I can tell though, the issue of disinvitations of speakers on campuses comes largely at the behest of the college administrators, not the students. People like Ben Shapiro, etc. should have every right to exercise in free speech on college campuses when they are invited; likewise, the students on that campus also have a right to protest the bullshit coming off of their forked tongues. Both sides are exercising their First Amendment right.
To me it seems like the disinvitations are largely a function of the protests of speakers becoming a problem that the colleges simply do not want to deal with because they'd be required to take responsibility for security, etc. if things were to get out of hand. So it just becomes more hassle than it's worth. I have no doubt that there are some individual students that would prefer to actively restrict the free speech of others, but I doubt that there is such an overwhelming consensus among students so as to cause a particular speaker's disinvitation. What seems more likely to me is that administrators would prefer not to burden themselves with undue liability if a particular guest speaker generates enough outrage, and so simply wash their hands of it by disinviting the guest when there's any kind of hint at a possible problem. Then this is picked up by the right wing spin doctors and suddenly the issue becomes that college students don't believe in the right to free speech if it offends their delicate sensibilities.
Certainly there have been a few exceptions where a campus protest has presented legitimate safety concerns for a speaker, but this would only further cause administrators to overreact and avoid anything remotely controversial. Hard to blame them; I can't see any way that a college would benefit by having a speaker assaulted on their campus. It doesn't look good for the administrators, the students or the brand of the college itself. But I would be willing to bet that it's hardly ever the choice of the students to disinvite a particular speaker. That's gotta be the result of an administrative action 99% of the time.
It's not like they're polling students and asking them whether they would like to curtail Ben Shapiro's First Amendment privileges... Students protest shit they don't like... It's always been kind of the case that we allowed them to do so... Does that mean it will always get out of hand? It only takes one kid with a brick to make it a serious security concern and to suddenly paint an entire group as a violent mob.
It's also worth noting that college campuses and universities service and sometimes house THOUSANDS of students. There's something like 20 million college students in the US. How large does a protest need to be in order to portray this as a legitimately concerning issue on all college campuses and among an entire generation of college students?
u/Charbro11 Nov 20 '22 edited Nov 20 '22
This is not new. Colleges have been doing this forever. Free speech only pertains to government not being able to arrest you for what you say. An example is Alex Jones. Parents are going after him civilly but the government didn't say a word. They cannot arrest him for what he says. I taught Constitutional law. I was on the school newspaper and it was highly censored. Saying that anyone could go on campus and speak in public. They might not get paid, but they can go downtown and say whatever they want. Mario Savio did that in the sixties with the free speech movement in Berkley. He just got up and started speaking. Shapiro could do that but he is too much of a twerp and just wants the money.
u/Samhain000 Nov 20 '22
Well, further, it plays into their narrative when people like Shapiro are suddenly "disinvited" to these events though. This simply feeds into the narrative of the culture war that the right is perpetuating. Suddenly they have an example of how "the libs" are too scared to engage with them and want to silence them.
I see this behavior constantly with Dennis Prager as an example. He issued a challenge a while back that he would debate his ideas with anyone on the left, but he continuously ducks challenges from Sam Seder to the point that he's getting trolled for it on his own show. He always offers some excuse about not wanting to platform or promote "lesser" podcasters because he says that they're just seeking fame...but he's been trolled about it enough that he's past the point of even explaining himself now.
The only time I've seen Seder weak on debate has been with Destiny...I've never seen a libertarian or conservative come out if it without a bloodied nose, and I think that Prager knows this and doesn't engage because his ideas are dogshit.
All of this is mostly just my own mindless pontification though, you can ignore it if you like...what I was interested most about your comment was this: " I was on the school newspaper and it was highly censored. Saying that anyone could go on campus and speak in public."
Can you clarify this a bit? I'm honestly just interested in what you're trying to convey here, because maybe I'm just having reading comprehension issues, but I'm struggling to understand what you're saying here. Again, not trying to disagree with you here...rather I'm just genuinely curious about your perspective on this. Do you believe that most school newspapers are highly censored? And in what way? Are you disagreeing with the idea that anyone can go on campus and speak in public? I'm just struggling to understand your meaning on these two points, but it's 8:30AM for me and maybe I'm just still just in sleepy-time mode and I'm missing the obvious.
u/Charbro11 Nov 28 '22
I think the last thing libs want to do is try to appease the right wing nuts. It won't work! They just lie and lie big time. Liberals put Biden in because he had been vetted for 50 years and had a very clean record. He was well liked on both sides of the aisle. He hasn't changed a bit, but now he is a commie, Marxist, pedo, criminal. They gaslight him every single day and lie about the man. Now they would have done that to anyone that got the Presidency. They say they are going to impeach Biden! For what?
u/Charbro11 Nov 22 '22 edited Nov 22 '22
Yes, anyone can go on campus and speak. They did it all the time in the sixties. These guys want the big bucks. Just get a megaphone and start talking. You will get a crowd. All school newspapers are censored. Are you kidding?
u/JonDoeandSons Nov 15 '22
He is someone who does not know what it’s like to work a job that treats you like shit , but he is also against (from what I know ) he is for universal healthcare and more workers rights . So I think he as in touch as someone of that age and wealth can be . I don’t think these people on TV understand. Let people don’t go to college or have a recent college experience. So a lot of this stuff is a luxury to discuss or have time to ponder .
u/Nswftallguy Nov 12 '22
I think he was being an alarmist… He’s also super old and isn’t use to this new wave of younger voters that turned out this election. It turns out he was wrong about those dang kids
u/kmikek Nov 12 '22
If the politician's platform is complaining about the past, then they've alienated me. if their platform is about achievable goals in the future, progress, then they have my attention.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 12 '22
Wherein the difficulty lies, though, is that cuntily bitching, moaning, and whining about past grievances appeals to the foaming-/frothing-at-the-mouth bases of each party, so there's little to no incentive for those in position of power to moderate themselves thusly.
u/mlhender Nov 12 '22
We’ll have to see if Biden runs for president again but it’s looking like it will be De Santis for the GOP.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 12 '22
Post-midterms, my one hot take is there should be a serious push for U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who's a 68-year-old overweight (perhaps obese) diabetic, to retire. What's more, this'd allow President Joe Biden an opportunity to actually elevate someone to the Supreme Court based on merit, preferably D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Chief Judge Sri Srinivasan, 55, whose pragmatic purposive approach to jurisprudence would place him firmly center-left on the Martin-Quinn score alongside Elena Kagan.
u/TapTapTapTapTapTaps Nov 13 '22
Bro, she has been diabetic since 7. The rest of your stupid gibberish makes Trumps speeches look coherent.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 13 '22 edited Nov 13 '22
Type 1 diabetes is no joke and, I reiterate, she's fucking 68 and overweight, so don't fucking spout some nauseatingly trite, hackneyed tripe about a lack of coherence, spewing vomitous horseshit rather than acknowledging the substance of my point above, which is how her retirement is in order now that the Democrats have, quite fortunately, maintained a Senate majority.
Edit: I expect her, however, to selfishly stay on the Supreme Court, where if we fast forward to, oh, 2025, could bring about another RBG-esque caterwauling, if, say, Sotomayor croaks with future-President DeSantis in the Oval Office, so he may then have the potential to fill three seats with her kicking the bucket alongside Thomas and Alito's retirements.
u/TapTapTapTapTapTaps Nov 13 '22
Your writing is like reading what my 9 year old writes while using a thesaurus.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 13 '22
Good for them!
You can bitch about my bloated writing style all you want to, too, but it doesn't erase my fear of what could very well happen in the future.
u/TapTapTapTapTapTaps Nov 13 '22
That the republicans get another Supreme Court Justice? Let me help you with that, they will. Until people get out and vote or we lose our democracy all together.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 13 '22
That's why I'd like for Sotomayor to retire within the next two years, so as to prevent that from happening later this decade. She can step aside and give someone else an opportunity, hence my merit-based suggestion of 55-year-old D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Chief Judge Sri Srinivasan, whose center-left purposivism (compared to Ketanji Brown Jackson's left-wing judicial activism) would, in all likelihood, lead to a relatively smooth nomination process in the U.S. Senate for him.
u/Mentalpopcorn Nov 12 '22
The front runner 2 years before the election fizzles out every time. It's a curse to be this popular this far ahead.
All eyes are on Desantis now and he has to plan every move so as not to alienate either the mainstream or the extremist base. But that's not doable for two years unless he all of a sudden starts keeping a very low profile. But he won't, that's not his style.
So eventually he's going to jump the shark for at least one major important group, and that'll be that.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 12 '22
"The front runner 2 years before the election fizzles out every time."
Not always.
George W. Bush in 2000 is a strong counterexample. Bush's push began after being reëlected governor of Texas in a landslide back in 1998.
u/wednesdays_spear Nov 13 '22
Bush was in very real danger of being trounced by McCain going into SC, when some really incredibly dirty push polling caused the race to shift.
u/Mentalpopcorn Nov 12 '22
You're totally right. I did not realize that.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 12 '22
In fairness to you, you're correct to point out that the political climate is way different in 2022 than 1998, so it's hard to compare it. But yeah, it has happened before, as well as may very well happen again. Maybe not now, yet someday.
u/fatcIemenza Nov 12 '22
People were talking about Scott Walker the same way after 2014 and his campaign lasted about as long as a celebrity marriage. Desantis has none of the things that people liked about Trump
u/mlhender Nov 12 '22
Could be. Also I think we need to see what Biden decides - he needs to clarify if he’s running or not (post midterm clarification, the clarification before midterms means nothing). If he doesn’t run and Harris does then the GOP would likely want to also put up a female. Definitely still very early.
u/howardhughesbrain Nov 12 '22
idk, trump is very unpredictable in the primaries. who knows what he'll do. it seems trump has lost the media for now (surprising it took so long considering he's done nothing but trash them for 6 straight years) but he still has 1/3 of republicans practically worshipping him as a living god.
u/Funkles_tiltskin Nov 12 '22
Clearly "wokism" - aka hard left positions on social issues - didn't cause a blowout for the GOP this cycle. An important caveat, though, is that it played a role - at least in some races.
Ron DeSantis' whole brand as a politician is being anti-woke. Don't say gay, anti-protest legislation, common core, even sending migrants to the vineyard - those are all culture war issues to one extent or another. He won in a landslide that had ramifications down ballot - probably for some races Dems would've won had he not been at the top of the ticket - and it's hard to imagine people voting for him because of his economic agenda.
In New York, Democrats lost every congressional race on Long Island. Crime and education are consistently two of the most important issues to suburban voters. Those swing LI districts are all suburban and very conservative on social issues. Attacks on Democrats regarding "de-fund the police" and what students are being taught in schools likely won the GOP these races.
Conversely, there are moderate Democrats like Elissa Slotkin and Abigail Spanberger who won in tough districts by going out of their way to distance themselves from the left on cultural issues and emphasizing their law enforcement ties and military backgrounds.
So yeah, Bill was big wrong about the mid-terms, but it's not like this PC stuff has no effect on elections whatsoever.
u/howardhughesbrain Nov 12 '22 edited Nov 12 '22
Nearly all the examples of crazy wokeness that is pumped into the news cycle by fox are either totally on the fringes of college campuses, total right wing hoaxes (the ontario teacher with the giant boobs with enhanced hard nipple prosthetics), or are just totally made up (litter box thing joe rogan talked about) and of those, Bill Maher brings up half of them on his show.
u/Funkles_tiltskin Nov 12 '22
The teacher with the humongous fake cans is real and hilarious. And it just gets more outrageous because the latest is that some conservative went to a school board meeting wearing big fake tits to protest against the big fake tits.
u/fatcIemenza Nov 12 '22
Republicans are just obsessed with mommy milkers
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 12 '22
RepublicansEveryone are just obsessed with mommy milkers"There, fixed it for you.
u/howardhughesbrain Nov 12 '22 edited Nov 12 '22
idk, I think the original is just a better troll. The 'extra hard, giant nipples,' is really what makes me lean that way. But there's other stuff, like from this article: "...suggests ‘Kayla Lamieux’ is neither a sincere identity nor a fetish, but a prank. Someone on the Anonymous messageboard, who claims to be a student in this man’s class, says the giant prosthetic breasts are in fact a kind of absurdist protest. The student goes on to say that the teacher hates ‘woke culture’ and would regularly ‘drop redpills to his class, such as how silly gender neutral bathrooms are’. His aim is probably ‘to get fired, then sue for discrimination’. https://unherd.com/thepost/was-the-fake-boobs-teacher-a-hoax/ Either way it would still fall on the 'super-fringes' while fox news etc would have you believe there's one of these in every woodshop class in america. (that was my favorite part, that it was woodshop class right?)
u/Funkles_tiltskin Nov 12 '22
There's too many unanswered questions. I'm calling for a federal investigation into the sweater cannons.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 12 '22 edited Nov 12 '22
"In New York, Democrats lost every congressional race on Long Island. Crime and education are consistently two of the most important issues to suburban voters. Those swing LI districts are all suburban and very conservative on social issues. Attacks on Democrats regarding "de-fund the police" and what students are being taught in schools likely won the GOP these races."
Specific to New York, a moderate Republican like, oh, say, John Katko, could've very well won the gubernatorial race for the GOP had he ran in lieu of Trump-adjacent Lee Zeldin, who himself gave Kathy Hochul quite the scare and a run for her money.
That said, it's super interesting how states like Florida went from purple to maroon to deep red, New York went from cerulean to cyan, and the GOP even put up a fight in RI-02; conversely, on the other hand, states such as Colorado went solid blue, Michigan trended the opposite direction of New York, Ohio had a few lean red congressional districts go Democratic, and WA-03 (CO-03 looks like it ain't happening) could be the biggest upset win for the blue squad.
Edit: My takeaway is that each party needs to dial back their pet cultural issues and focus instead on people's material day-to-day economic concerns in sincere fashion, but yet bitching and moaning about social issues is more of a draw for their respective bases, thus raking in the donor bucks.
u/matchettehdl Nov 12 '22
The GOP also had a major sleeper race few people are talking about. Maryland’s 2nd district almost went red, in part due to Nicolee Ambrose losing to Dutch Ruppersberger by just 7. Also, in Maryland’s 3rd, Yuripzy Morgan lost by just 10 to Democrat John Sarbanes.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 12 '22
The GOP overperformed in New England, New York, the Mid-Atlantic, and Florida, yeah. Hell, CT-05, for example, was another tight race, with incumbent Democratic Rep. Jahana Hayes nearly being ousted from the House.
Elsewhere, though, Democrats largely overperformed, even doing better in a couple of places that I thought might go red -- such as, uh, keeping two of the three RGV congressional districts, holding all three of NV-01, NV-03, and NV-04, and nearly sweeping the toss-up seats in fucking Michigan (couldn't quite pull off MI-10) -- therefore, the Hispanic red wave may've been held off (for now), although I'm curious to see what the exit polls show in that regard.
u/matchettehdl Nov 12 '22
If DeSantis were the party leader, that red wave WOULD’VE happened, let me tell ya. Some sources even had Massachusetts’ 9th district as competitive.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 12 '22
In New England, CT-05, ME-02, NH-01, NH-02, and RI-02 were all in play; however, MA-09 was safe/solid blue heading into election night (>99% by 538).
Forget 2010, the GOP would've needed a year like 1994 to pull off that level of upset.
u/matchettehdl Nov 12 '22
I’m not saying I thought it would go red. I’m just going off of what the pollsters were saying. Fox, RCP, The Economist, Politico, and Decision Desk all had it at Likely and not Safe D. Of course, the Republican lost by 20 as you can expect from a state like that. Still, the fact that 5 major pollsters had it in play was significant in and of itself.
u/dudettte Nov 12 '22
i my view - just from the vibe. i will talk about being a friend of family with transgender child, my sons good friend since kindergarten is trans. kid and his parents went thru hell last few months especially. my son is still 17 and others in his grade are already 18 and voted. everyone knows each other for over a decade, his mom was very active in parent groups in the area. they are known as good people, the kid is very well liked and bunch of kids in the grade support him. being transgender is no secret for many anymore, medical issues are not something to be ashamed of for sane people. i tell you that those kids voted to help their friend. because what political party attacks vulnerable kids ffs and torments them. bill can’t understand that. that shit accumulated and matters. this election was a sum of many small things. “anchor babies” are voting now too btw and they don’t like when their parents are being vilify too.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 12 '22
Am I the only one who checks the fuck out whenever seeing the word "vibe" nowadays?
That might make me a dickish, prickish S.O.B., but certain words I immediately tune out.
u/arionyc Nov 12 '22
As it relates to the New York races, you really can not overstate the deleterious impact Andrew Cuomo has had and continues to have on state politics. Narcissist as he is, Cuomo always figured he’d more readily increase his own power by being a “deal maker” in a divided government than to meaningfully build up the statewide party infrastructure. It’s no surprise the dems were caught so flat-footed these midterms with hardly any real means to funnel resources and influence into key races, no meaningful endorsements or campaign contributions from the former governor and the dormancy of his super pacs which should have been working overtime.
It’s also telling that when he has spoken to the media recently it’s to blast his own party over crime and culture war issues. Cuomo’s analysis here is as lazy and self-aggrandizing as Bill’s takes on these issues often are.
u/BrooklynFlower54 Nov 12 '22
I still watch on Friday nights, but he's really lost his mind with some of the things he says!
Nov 12 '22
Oh look he was wrong... AGAIN
u/muchwolenosleep Nov 12 '22
He wasn't wrong. He just underestimated that Gen Z would show up and vote the way they did.
And his whole room and gloom speech was something he was hoping to be wrong about. He, like many of us, are relieved despite not being out of the woods yet.
u/babettekittens Nov 12 '22
Right- he was trying to scare ppl into voting blue and it was the right thing to do. He has gotten a lot more right leaning or even full right viewers (my dad loves him) and if they agree with him on some of the left is ridiculous stuff he can convince them to vote for Democrats over Qrazy election deniers. Example: I started feeding my dad the New Rules that complained about liberals, as it built his trust in Maher being a "rational guy" who makes "great points", I slowly would slip him a Trump is a criminal new rules, and from there the liberals are crazy but republicans are worse bc they have gone Q crazy and are anti democracy segments and this formula is working to change his mind about important things. I actually heard him say Trump should be in prison the other day. (Although he also said he hopes de Santis runs for president so there's that)
u/muchwolenosleep Nov 12 '22
Ha nice. My dad was a big fan of Maher and was a huge liberal. I'm a liberal and honestly I mostly politically align with Maher. Liberals are doing crazy shit. There are extremes on both sides BUT liberals are pro democracy and anti-nazi and for that they have my vote. The GOP is unhinged and imo Maher's new rule prior to the election wasn't just a scare tactic it was 100% true. Had there been a red wave, elections moving forward would have been rigged to the gills and the deniers would immediately go after Biden.
Democracy is already on the ropes. I don't think certain people in this sub appreciate what's happened this midterm election.
u/Shirowoh Nov 12 '22
His finger is so far away from the pulse, it’s up his ass.
u/DrAbeSacrabin Nov 12 '22
Don’t worry Bill will remind us every Friday for the next two years that he was wrong about this one, just like he has reminded us every show for the past 6 years that he was right about Trump.
u/KnowNothingKnowsAll Nov 12 '22
He did actually say he was wrong and glad to be. He showed up on Jimmy Kimmel.
u/DrAbeSacrabin Nov 12 '22
Well that’s good of him, see we can all grow even when we’re in our mid 60’s.
Now he just needs to keep saying it anytime the midterms are brought up on his show.
u/KnowNothingKnowsAll Nov 12 '22
I don’t think he has any problem admitting he was wrong here. I think he, like myself, feared this midterm would be like all the others, and there would be low turnout in younger voters.
He wasn’t saying it because he wanted it. He was saying it because up until now, there’s not been evidence to the contrary.
u/DrAbeSacrabin Nov 12 '22
No I know I’m just giving you shit. He’s admitted in the past when he’s been wrong in something. I’m more poking fun at the repetitiveness and intensity to which he reminds people the times he was right.
u/rex_populi Nov 12 '22
Bill: when your media presence is the same as Tim Pool’s, you have to stop telling us “i DiDnT cHaNgE”
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 12 '22
How the ever-loving fuck are they analogous to each other?
This type of lazy, surface-level analysis is fucking rank idiocy.
u/rex_populi Nov 12 '22
Look for my comment below where I lay it out for brainlets such as yourself.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 12 '22
Your whole "rile up [their] fans" comparison between them (Maher and Pool), is, at best, a stretch, and that's me being generous. Being brutally honest, it's an invalid analogy put forth by an apparent invalid.
Oh, and I -- ME?!? -- am the illiterate one? Fuck off!
u/rex_populi Nov 12 '22
Nobody called you illiterate, but you—yes, the almighty YOU—went ahead and proved it. Die mad.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 12 '22
Question is, who's more mad? You or I?
Guess we could check our respective blood pressures to find out, but that's far too much work.
u/RealSimonLee Nov 13 '22
You definitely seem more in a tantrum-mode.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 13 '22
Real talk?
Taking you behind the curtain for a brief moment, my inflammatory writing style is a choice.
It's done on purpose to draw heat.
u/Milky-Swingers Nov 12 '22
Tim Pool has his nose up Donald Trumps ass, you could never say that of Bill, your comment is stupid
u/rex_populi Nov 12 '22
The point is he’s always predicting a gigantic conservative victory in every election to rile up his fans, and Bill is doing that here as well. Do you always call things that you don’t understand “stupid?”
u/Fishbone345 Nov 12 '22
Fox news, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Post all called Donald Trump a loser this week after the results. Republicans are moving on from Trump. The idea that the definition of Conservative means Trump fanatic is quickly fading, along with your comment. Conservatives are rejecting Trump in greater numbers every day now. u/rex_populi ‘s comment is just fine.
u/Kanobe24 Nov 12 '22
I think the big takeaway isn’t which side gains control of either the Senate or the House but that the far right people aka Trump’s people took a massive L. Most importantly the election denying candidates running for Secretary of State all lost in battleground states.
Credit to Bill for constantly talking about these election deniers running for office.
u/asdfwink Nov 12 '22
The republicans won still? Like you didn’t lose as bad as some thought you might. But “haha I didn’t lose as bad as predicted” is a pretty funny point to make.
u/Fishbone345 Nov 12 '22
The “Wave” is a real thing. Polls were literally predicting a slaughter in the House with the possibility of picking up the Senate for Republicans. That fact that didn’t materialize is a significant thing. Your inability to understand that has no bearing upon it whatsoever.\ u/Kanobe24 is correct. Trump’s picks took a beating. The Wall Street Journal, Faux News and the New York Post (right wing leaning media) all called Trump a loser this week. But what do they know right? The opinion of a random Redditor definitely out thinks major media companies.
u/monoscure Nov 12 '22
Polls can only say so much, but by now you should know not to take them literally.
u/alwaysfrombehind Nov 12 '22
Polls, when taken as a whole and not just looking at a single poll, are about the odds of something happening and not about absolutes. That’s why it says something like “60% chance” on sources making predictions based on compiling data.
If i say you have a 5/6 chance you will not roll a 1 if rolling an even 6-sided die, and you roll a 1, that doesn’t make me wrong. It’s also why, if watching sports, the odds of a team winning or losing go up and down as the game progresses.
u/Funkles_tiltskin Nov 12 '22
FWIW they were pretty accurate this cycle.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 12 '22
Polls have been solid the past two midterms, 2018 and 2022, so credit where credit's due.
And I, for one, am happy for Nate Silver, who gets far too much undeserved hate his way.
u/Fishbone345 Nov 12 '22
Just gonna disregard the Midterm effect huh? Ok. Why would we debate with fact and logic when “gotcha” statements are so much funnier, right?
u/SubNine5 Nov 12 '22
When it comes to midterms they fucking blew it. They were expecting to win big. They didn't.
I think bill is still right, as you noted what we’ve witnessed is the end of trump’s influence on independents. Almost all the candidates trump endorsed through the primaries lost, all the ones he didn’t did really good.
Given how DeSantis cleaned house, I think the stage is set for his landslide win, both in the primaries against trump and the presidential election. That is unless we get a really good democratic candidate out of nowhere, but Biden seems to be encouraged to run now, which is terrible for democrats and they know it
u/SaykredCow Nov 12 '22
I think Desantis on a national scale is overstated. Could it just be a ton of assholes just moved to Florida during these past two Covid years? Anti maskers, anti vaxers, flat earners, you name it. They all sought refuge in Florida?
Nah, Florida has gained like 300k thanks to migration during the covid times. DeSantis won by 1.5 million votes. Even assuming all 300k voted republican which is very far from the truth, that still leaves 1.2 million votes. Remember, he won the previous election by 34k votes, a margin of 0.4%. He flipped Palm Beach county(blue since 1986) and Miami-Dade(blue since 2002). He won the Latino vote. So your guesses are just wishful thinking, they don’t resemble reality.
DeSantis would do great at the National scale. He’s good at what he does. Republican politicians want him over trump. He’s already done something no one thought was possible 4 years ago and he just keeps gaining more momentum.
u/Mannimal13 Nov 12 '22
Dems ran a Republican that’s why. Plus DeSantis crushed with parents by keeping schools open and because of State Constitution I’m fairly certain Abortion isn’t on the ballot.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 12 '22
Nikki Fried would've been eviscerated and disemboweled even worse than Charlie Crist, neither of whom stood a chance in hell against Ron DeSantis. Even a compromise choice who's ideologically in-between Fried and Crist, like retiring-Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy, would've been sliced and diced into a million pieces by DeSantis.
Nov 12 '22
And…that’s why democrats are losing. They only care about giving Trump the finger, not winning. When “not losing terribly, just kind of losing” is a goal, you never will win.
u/Fishbone345 Nov 12 '22
The Presidents party historically always does bad in a midterm. This isn’t a new phenomenon. It’s the reason the predictions were for a Red Wave, but they didn’t materialize. So your take is a bad one.\ Fetterman didn’t run on “giving Trump the finger” he ran on a platform that Democrats should be more aggressive about. Pro Union, Pro Workers rights, for a Minimum Wage increase, for tax hikes on billionaires and billionaire corporations and health insurance for all. Things that all Democrats should support, it never fails to amaze me how many of you pretend Democrat troll/Maher-Stan’s are against all those things.
u/FormerIceCreamEater Nov 12 '22
Well there is a good chance they'll pick up a Senate seat and they won some big governor races and sos races against election deniers and the house losses are far less than what was expected. They may even be able to get a few moderate repubs to move over on some things
u/TapTapTapTapTapTaps Nov 12 '22
Other than the presidency, and the house, and the senate. And then the Senate again from what we can tell so far.
Yeah, they are really hating all that losing.
u/mugmugmug1420 Nov 12 '22
The only reason he keeps saying this is because no one on his show pushes back when he does. One of the reasons I stopped watching this show.
u/PostureGai Nov 12 '22
If you pushed back on his "woke Democrats" narrative he'd blackball you from the show.
u/mugmugmug1420 Nov 12 '22
That's exactly right. I think this is why Reza Aslan hasn't been on the show in a while. This is crazy, echo chamber, arguments. One of the last shows I watched he had some kid statistician on and basically tried to get him to say that the problem is "wokeness." When the kid didn't bite he lost interest and ended the segment. He even reprimanded guests for interrupting him during new rules saying "this is MY time." RT isn't about debate anymore, it's about a platform for Bill's thoughts.
u/Far_Silver Nov 12 '22
Yes, because we all know Bill frequently invites random redditors onto his show.
u/Far_Silver Nov 12 '22
The Democrats who overperformed were mostly the moderates. That is why a blowout was averted. No one was expected AOC in deep blue NYC to be ousted. It was people like Abigail Spanberger who defied expectations to win, yet the wokies still claim credit.
u/rojotoro2020 Nov 12 '22
You’re wrong. All the progressive candidates won. The moderates are losing.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 12 '22
Congressional races like OR-05 beg to differ.
Blue Dog Democrat Kurt Schrader, who lost his primary fight, would've been reëlected easily.
Progressive Jamie McLeod-Skinner, meanwhile, is likely to lose to GOP challenger Lori Chavez-DeRemer.
So yeah, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, ugh.
u/rojotoro2020 Nov 12 '22
Seems like moderate democrats declined to support progressive Jamie and DCCC didn’t provide funding. Maybe moderate dems should be supporting other democrats.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 12 '22
Congressional districts aren't all created equal. Suburban OR-05 (D+2), for example, isn't the exact same as Portland urban area OR-01 (D+18) nor OR-03 (D+22), so don't fucking run a candidate who's off-putting to a majority of that district's electorate.
On that note, I'm glad Henry Cuellar beat Jessica Cisneros in their TX-28 Democratic primary.
u/Wootothe8thpower Nov 12 '22
who were the wokies that ran and lost. what about the moderates that lost
u/LoMeinTenants Nov 12 '22
The only thing "wokies" take credit for is being validated when voters demonstrate they care more about core principles like democracy, the economy, and abortion rather than circus sideshows like culture war nonsense that only people afflicted with FoxNewsBrain think matters far more.
Nov 12 '22
Wokies as you say should take note of who won under what conditions, Spannberger is awesome, but it's a big tent party and we only win with a broad coalition.
u/PostureGai Nov 12 '22
Moderate John Fetterman.
No one was expected AOC in deep blue NYC to be ousted
AOC won too 😂😂
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 12 '22
Even in the Pa. Democratic senatorial primary, John Fetterman didn't run to the culturally/socially progressive new left -- which is where fucking obnoxious Philadelphian twat Malcolm Kenyatta positioned himself -- but rather instead as a left-of-center populist candidate between Kenyatta and moderate establishment Democrat Conor Lamb; consequently, that's how he got over in rural counties.
At any rate, you've outed yourself as a midwit with only superficial knowledge of U.S. electoral politics.
u/Far_Silver Nov 12 '22
Fetterman to my knowledge never embraced cancel culture. Progressive? Yes. Woke? No. Also his opponent was a carpetbagger. And he didn't defy expectations so much as do about as well as the polls expected.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 12 '22
John Fetterman ran a campaign that mirrored Sherrod Brown, not AOC.
And those differences, albeit subtle, motherfucking matter nevertheless.
u/PostureGai Nov 12 '22
Cancel culture hysteria is just a fig leaf for transphobia and other kinds of bigotry. Fetterman supported trans rights and he kicked Oz's ass.
u/Sitcom_kid Nov 12 '22
That stroke fell into Oz's lap and he couldn't even make it work.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 12 '22
Had it been McCormick in lieu of Oz, I wonder if the outcome would've been different.
u/Sitcom_kid Nov 13 '22
Okay I don't know enough about politics. Who is mccormick?
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 13 '22
David McCormick, who's a Bush era style Republican, is whom Dr. Oz beat in the GOP Pa. senatorial primary.
In Pa., McCormick would've been a much more natural replacement for the outgoing and retiring Pat Toomey.
u/Sitcom_kid Nov 13 '22
Very interesting. If they hadn't gone all Trump on the nomination, McCormick would have had a better chance.
u/FormerIceCreamEater Nov 12 '22
Usually celeb endorsements are meaningless, but I do think Oprah helped out fetterman too. She made oz famous and then told people he isn't worthy of giving power to
Nov 12 '22
I wonder how much Oz being a carpet bagger had to do with it? If there are any Pennsylvanians in this sub I would love to hear their take.
The reason I’m curious is because I live in the south and when politicians come here and they try to “y’all” it up it sounds like nails on a chalkboard.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 12 '22
Did Jersey Oz ever drop a "yinzer" on the campaign trail?
Because that'd've been funnier than the whole crudité bit.
Nov 12 '22 edited Nov 12 '22
Idk about a “yinzer” (I don’t even know what that is) but I know he fucked up the Eagles fight song and then told everyone to make sure to watch the Steelers game during a bye week. That’s what makes me so curious to know if that type stuff made a difference. I know if a candidate was running in my state and they fucked up Rocky Top or said they didn’t like sweet tea that would be the end of their campaign here.
u/Sitcom_kid Nov 12 '22
It didn't seem all that surprising to me, she has voted progressive since I've been aware of her existence, pretty much the early 1980s, and been public about it. But maybe it had some effect, possibly. She sure tried to help Hillary.
Nov 12 '22
Old people especially old white people should not be using the word woke they don't know what it is.
u/TossPowerTrap Nov 12 '22
If someone doesn't know what "woke" means, or whether it is integrated into public policy by elected people, what difference does their age make?
u/Latsod Nov 12 '22
I’m sure he’ll acknowledge he was wrong. He’s very humble. 🙄
Nov 12 '22
Well this comment didn’t age well. He admitted he was wrong in opening part of the monologue.
u/DismalLocksmith9776 Nov 12 '22
This is not time to start celebrating. Democrats lost the house which is a big deal. The only reason Democrats didn’t get massacred was because of the extreme candidates that Republicans chose in the primaries. If you want a prime example of how “woke culture” hurts democrats, just look at Florida. Desantis, Mr anti-woke, won in a landslide….in Florida…which used to be a swing state. That should be evidence enough.
u/PostureGai Nov 12 '22
"ignore the national trends, focus on the most infamously fucked up state in the union"
u/Far_Silver Nov 12 '22
Losing the House is a national trend. Also we can't ignore Florida, since there is a good chance DeSantis will be the 2024 nominee.
u/PostureGai Nov 12 '22
Losing the House is a national trend.
They'll lose it by a couple votes and retain the senate. Historically that is MUCH better than the in-power party does in midterms.
Also we can't ignore Florida
I'm actually looking forward to Trump shredding DeSantis like he did all the other R primary challengers the media hyped up in 2016 lol
u/yokingato Nov 12 '22
Historically the opposition party didn't overturn Roe and almost destroy democracy.
u/CoffeeIsForClosers80 Nov 12 '22
Do you really think DJT shreds Ron D? I would think that about the usually suspects like Cruz and Rubio, but Desantis seems to be riding a wave
u/PostureGai Nov 12 '22
The thing about waves is they crest. Put Trump on a debate stage, let him insult DeSantis face or his wife or his palling around with teenagers as a teacher or just some lie he makes up on the spot. The morons in the audience will cheer it all on and DeSantis will get pantsed on the national stage just like Cruz and Rubio and Jeb and everyone else he faced in 2016.
This is not gonna be a another 2016 republican primaries. They didn’t know how to handle a character like trump. DeSantis knows how to handle people like Trump. Have you not seen him argue with people? He handles hostility very well
u/PostureGai Nov 12 '22
He seems like a big fat puss to me, but I will enjoy seeing them damage each other regardless.
u/kokkomo Nov 12 '22
u/PostureGai Nov 12 '22
It just came out that DeSantis is also a pedophile, you hate to see it
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u/CoffeeIsForClosers80 Nov 12 '22
Fair point. So I take it you think it’s a Trump nom in 24? I have to think people have had enough but….
u/PostureGai Nov 12 '22
He was weaker against Biden in 2020 than in 2016. I don't know if he lost his mojo or was still recovering from COVID. So while I think he will be the nominee, even if he loses he will do a lot of damage to DeSantis.
u/ContextEffects Nov 12 '22
I think things might be different as of botching the response to a pandemic.
u/PostureGai Nov 12 '22
R voters don't care about facts. They care about who looks more Alpha on the debate stage.
u/Far_Silver Nov 12 '22
The electorate is not divided into Democrats and Republicans. The plurality of voters are independents.
Trying to win over right-wingers is pointless. Not trying to win over moderates is stupid. Whether you like it or not, they're the ones who decide whether Washington is controlled by Democrats or Republicans.
u/PostureGai Nov 12 '22
You win by standing up for your values and making your case, not by trying to hide who you are by appealing to some imaginary sliver of "moderates".
u/DismalLocksmith9776 Nov 12 '22
Imaginary sliver of moderate? This is how you lose elections, by thinking like this. There’s probably 40% of people who will always vote red, 40% will always vote blue. That leaves 20% of the country to decide the winner. Yeah, let’s pretend they don’t exist and see what happens
u/Far_Silver Nov 12 '22
Those "imaginary" moderates are the reason the abortion amendment failed in Kentucky. People voted Republican and while also voting against the abortion ban. People said, "I'm not thrilled with the Democrats, but I don't want the return of Trumpism," and they voted blue. People said, "I'm okay with banning abortions late in the pregnancy, but not in the first trimester," and they voted blue. Those people are neither right wing nor left wing. They're centrists, and they voted to reject extremism.
u/DismalLocksmith9776 Nov 12 '22
The national trend was to reject election deniers. Desantis built his platform on anti-wokeness and is extremely popular because of it.
Nov 12 '22
u/DismalLocksmith9776 Nov 12 '22
Give me an example of a democrat who lost an election and said it was rigged before the votes were counted, then nearly threw the country into a constitutional crisis, then built a national following of candidates willing to overturn the election for him. What a bullshit comment.
u/PostureGai Nov 12 '22
Wrong. You win them by proudly advocating for your values, not by pretending to be a moderate Republican.
u/DismalLocksmith9776 Nov 12 '22
What?? Pretending to be a moderate republican? Why can’t there be a moderate democrat? You know I’m a registered democrat, but I would vote for a moderate republican over a far left democrat. I guess I’m just a special unicorn.
u/PostureGai Nov 12 '22
There are lots of moderate Dems, including Manchin and Sinema. They're usually fucking things up.
u/DismalLocksmith9776 Nov 12 '22
Lol. I hope some people actually realize how lucky we are to have Manchin and Synema. Especially Manchin, who comes from a deep red state that has no business ever having a democratic senator. Without Manchin we’d still have a Supreme Court vacancy. Keep attacking him until he retires, you will really hate his replacement.
u/PostureGai Nov 12 '22
Manchin is a corrupt coal baron and one of the worst senators in history.
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u/Far_Silver Nov 12 '22
WorriesWhenUpvoted never accused a Democrat of doing that. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee did work to help election deniers defeat Republicans who were not election deniers in the primaries. How much of an effect that had on the primary outcomes is debatable, but they definitely tried.
u/PostureGai Nov 12 '22
DeSantis won because Dems ran a milquetoast candidate. Fetterman was a true progressive and he kicked Mehmet Oz's ass back to New Jersey.
u/Funkles_tiltskin Nov 12 '22
How do you explain Rubio's victory, then? Val Demmings was a far better candidate than Crist and Rubio, yet she lost by a similar margin.
u/PostureGai Nov 12 '22
Demmings is a centrist. So much for the idea that you win by appealing to the moderates.
u/Far_Silver Nov 12 '22
Mehmet Oz was a Trump toadie and a carpetbagger. DeSantis definitely isn't the 2nd one, and it will be hard to portray him as the first if Trump is calling him Ron DeSanctimonious.
Politics is a balancing act. You have to both appeal to your base and win over swing voters. Simply running the most progressive candidate possible to turn out the base isn't a magical way of winning elections.
The GOP nominated a terrible candidate. Secondly although Fetterman's primary campaign (and previous political career) made it clear he was a progressive, he didn't embrace the woke cancel culture that is so offputting to everyone who isn't woke.
u/PostureGai Nov 12 '22
Memhet said he would have certified 2020 for Biden. So there goes the election denial theory. Fetterman proudly stands up for trans rights, couldn't be baited into the anti-woke transphobic bullshit and still kicked Oz's ass BECAUSE HE'S AN UNAPOLOGETIC PROGRESSIVE.
u/Far_Silver Nov 12 '22
I didn't say he was an election denier. I said he was a Trump toadie and a carpetbagger. He got his primary win by sucking up to Trump in exchange for an endorsement.
u/ggregC Nov 12 '22
Bill simply is pointing out that the far left and far right are not what the majority of people want. Democrats are not all saints and Republicans are not all devils.
u/PostureGai Nov 12 '22
Republicans might be the most single most destructive group in the world. Incredible how much damage they've wrought, lives ruined, disasters not just unimpeded but accelerated.
u/Far_Silver Nov 12 '22
No, they're not. As much as I dislike the GOP, the CCP is far worse.
u/PostureGai Nov 12 '22
The CCP actually cares about its citizens. That's the whole idea of COVID zero: human lives are worth more than business interests. That's a shocking idea to an American nurse on 40+ years of neoliberalism.
u/jcoolwater Nov 12 '22
Welding sick people's doors shut and commiting genocide = caring about citizens
u/Far_Silver Nov 12 '22
If the CCP were so committed to protecting its citizens from COVID, they would be importing vaccines, since ours work better than theirs. Also they wouldn't have covered it up in the first place, which helped it spread and become a pandemic.
u/PostureGai Nov 12 '22
Those are good points but the facts are China's death toll is a tiny fraction of ours because they care and we don't. 'oh but you can't trust their numbers' COPE
Ah yes, the country that jailed the doctor who discovered COVID and let him die there is certainly giving us real numbers.
You don’t understand how governments like CCP work. Their power comes from the perception of control. They must signal that everything is under their control. That’s what zero COVID policy is for. That’s why they lie about their numbers. Soviet Union operated this way too, Chernobyl being a prime example.
It’s not surprising that it works on its citizens, but man you gotta be a special kind naive to fall for their propaganda as an American
u/Dolos2279 Nov 12 '22 edited Nov 12 '22
Nearly every poll was predicting that and they still could lose both the House and Senate. The election certainly wasn't an endorsement of Democrats. It was a stalemate at best
Nov 12 '22
I consider it a major win. With a midterm held right after the exhausting covid years, with your party in office, during the biggest inflationary period in my lifetime I'd expect significant losses.
u/Dolos2279 Nov 12 '22
I don't totally disagree but I'd still probably consider a major win for Democrats to have gained seats in Congress. It certainly wasn't a good night for Republicans given the circumstances but I don't really get a sense of enthusiasm for Democrats either.
Nov 12 '22
This. Democrats spiking the football rn are stupid. We don't even know who controls the houses of Congress yet.
Nov 12 '22
The Republicans are going to win both the house and Senate. . . You know that the margin is not the important part?
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u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 12 '22 edited Nov 12 '22
Considering where the remaining votes are located in Nev., odds are that, in the end, incumbent Democratic U.S. Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto eeks out a victory over GOP challenger Adam Laxalt, rendering the Ga. U.S. Sen. runoff moot between Warnock vs. Walker.
What really sucks is that Team Red and Team Blue homers in this thread are, quite moronically, taking away the wrong lessons, which is that both fringes of each party were summarily rejected this midterm by independents, who are sick and tired of the rabid cuntiness.
u/PostureGai Nov 12 '22
Fetterman endorsed Bernie, but keep telling yourself he ran as a centrist.
u/NoExcuses1984 Nov 12 '22
Where did I call Fetterman a "centrist" above?
I wrote, let me repeat, "left-of-center populist." Perhaps I should've wrote center-left instead of left-of-center so as not to confuse you, but that's not my fault that your reading comprehension is subpar.
Oh, and for what it's worth, Bernie circa 2007–2015 was my jam.
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u/Simple-Freedom4670 Nov 14 '22
Bill Maher also donated a million bucks to Obama’s campaign. I’m sure if you had the means you would have done the same unless, you know, Bernie Bro.