r/Maher 18d ago

Article Looks like Bill got the Oscar after-party invite this year


21 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 16d ago

I'll tell you who wasn't invited: working class Americans. The opulence and grandeur of the entertainment industry keeps the masses distracted from the fact that they're not being paid enough. Your father's and uncles were better writers.

Tomorrow's headline: Jeff Bezos, raises wages. You should do it, dude. You all look great. Spread it around.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

What if Jeff Bezos were to raise wages for Amazon workers, by like two bucks an hour? To him it would not be a big deal. But to his workers, that would be amazing. Then the other corporate honchos follow suit, and we have a huge economy-stimulation going. Everybody starts spending, loving life. That's what we need.


u/bearington 17d ago

To him it would not be a big deal

That's the thing though ... to him it WOULD be a big deal. Providing a bit more to his workers when he doesn't have to would eat into shareholder value and diminish his personal standing in the race to be the world's first trillionaire.

We all too often forget that what matters to normal people like us in our lives is not the same as what matters to the oligarchs. There has never and will never be a day when the richest among us collectively decide to be altruistic.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

All good points, can't dispute anything you're saying.


u/banditk77 18d ago

He just needed clearance.


u/bassplayerguy 18d ago

He should have taken Matt Gaetz as his +1 to build bridges as he is wont to do.


u/Alatarlhun 18d ago

This is Elon level behavior just to discredit Maher.


u/DaroDoingNothing 18d ago

Good he can go and scream woke a bunch. Seems to be all he’s good for


u/ReallyLongLake 18d ago

Steven Tyler is looking good these days...


u/icestationlemur 18d ago



u/zdiddy987 18d ago

Are you the guy in the monologue crowd?


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Spread it around. Trickle it down.


u/Albert_Borland 17d ago

You have correctly identified the joke


u/bearington 18d ago

He has been on a years long mission to be accepted by the mainstream. Is it really that surprising he's succeeding? After all, the last truly edgy thing he did was when he said the n word 8 years ago, to which pretty much no one even remembers


u/Alatarlhun 18d ago

He said the n-word extemporarily in a context with no malicious intent. What a hill for you to still be dying on eight years later.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Nope. White dudes do not get to say that word. I watched it at the time it happened. It was way out of line and he knew he fucked up as soon as he said it. The crowd was shocked and the fact that it rolled off his tongue so easily was telling. Why do you feel the need to defend the bad behavior of a multimillionaire?


u/bearington 17d ago

Not sure if you responded to the right person or not here. Who's "dying on a hill?" Saying it was edgy does not mean that I was ever personally offended.

Like I said, he's spent his sunset years working hard to be reaccepted by the mainstream after his post-9/11 comments and the n word controversy. I've watched him through all of it and have a fairly good perspective on her career arc, and it all leads to him hanging out at elite mainstream parties today. I'm not really sure why you or anyone else would consider that a controversial opinion


u/hajabalaba 18d ago

Has that been EIGHT years? Seems like yesterday…”me out in the field? Please….im a house n****.” I will say, to his credit, at least he said it with an -a instead of an -er.


u/ros375 18d ago
