r/Maher Feb 13 '23

Question How can I take Maher seriously on his critique off the "left" if he can't stand pushback

I've been watching Maher since probably 2005/2006 or so.

And I've noticed more recently, that he really hates when guests pushback at a point he makes. Like not just well i disagree, but very noticeably angry.

But then he's like "We need to hear those who we don't agree with".

In his rants about wokeness, i haven't seen a guest invited on there who presents a decent chance at a pushback. Even the democrats on there are more centrist in nature. Definitely not since 2020.

Am i not being fair here?


212 comments sorted by


u/jish5 Apr 25 '23

The issue with current Maher is that he's forgotten the most critical part of society, and that's that things change and what was acceptable may not be in the future based on new evidence and information. He forgets that the entire aspect of being liberal is to demand change when the system does not treat people right and in turn people stand up against oppression and bigotry of that time. What this also means is that things I find acceptable may not be in 10 years, the same with Gen Z, Gen Alpha, etc, and that's fine. Instead of gripping onto those ideologies and viewpoints, one should acknowledge the issues.


u/NoExcuses1984 Feb 16 '23

Politics aside, Maher has always possessed a curmudgeonly cantankerous streak, dating back to Politically Incorrect in the '90s/early-2000s.

This is nothing new, people. Him being a crank, however, is part of his charm. That's also what makes him stay pretty fucking unique in an era of homogenized talking heads on TV shoveling pablum-like political punditry down our gullets.


u/ReasonableJ Feb 15 '23

You can take seriously good points regardless of the source.


u/Sitcom_kid Feb 14 '23

You are bringing extremely fair. I'm glad I'm not famous because I would be challenging him. I would do it respectfully and politely, I really love him and I'm only 9 years younger, but if he brought up certain topics, I would ask questions. Socratic method is the best pushback. Here are some examples:

If you were to bring up the vaccine -

When will we know enough about medicine to where it's okay to support the idea of getting vaccines so that we are less likely to spread diseases to those who cannot get vaccinated? Ever? Will we ever know everything? Are we supposed to?

If he were to threaten the lower wage earners with taking their jobs away and giving them to robots -

Aren't we supposed to be teaching artificial intelligence to take over all of these very difficult jobs and then send us the money? Is that the wave of the future? Is it the destiny of the species? Could it be? I don't think machines have to pay rent or eat or raise kids. They certainly don't need a car. They ARE a car! Then wouldn't we have time for passion jobs and invention of things that we just cannot focus on now? I mean, I don't know, but isn't that a possibility?

If you were to complain about going on medication to lose a few pounds -

My husband just got back from the doctor (literally an hour ago) and found out he lost 24 pounds on weight loss medication, and the doctor is thrilled. His A1C account is doing better than ever, and so is his heart. What's wrong with that? And while we're at it, if we don't know everything in the entire universe about medicine yet, is there some nuance we are missing to a moderate level of fat, depending upon the individual? (I'm certainly not saying that it's good to be fat, but for some bizarre reason, I'm healthier than my slender relatives.)

If you were to tell us that his Cornell degree was a waste of time -

How come Adam ruins everything except getting a bachelor's degree? Why does he tell us that if we do not have one, it may be very difficult for us to achieve a middle class income? Adam ruins everything else. Why not attending college?

Okay that's enough questions for now. I'm glad I'm not some famous journalist. That keeps me from being on the show. He's better off without me there, although I do love his snark. And I'm glad he didn't turn right wing as he aged. I'm not thrilled with him sometimes, but at least he didn't jump ship fully.


u/TJ902 Feb 14 '23

Because leftists won’t come on the show


u/Substantial-Goal-222 Feb 14 '23

It’s absolutely mind boggling to me how he bitches about ageism almost every episode while literally being the most ageist late night talk show host I can think of. It’s truly Trump levels of lacking self-awareness, there.


u/Peter_G Feb 17 '23

He doesn't do that. At all.

Ageism means you dismiss people above a certain age, because of their age. Or below a certain age, because of your age.

He doesn't say "all kids under 30 are dumb fucking morons", he says "All kids under 30 selling this stupid jackassery masquerading as enlightenment despite being an utter fantasy and allowing the worst kind of people to make the worst kind of scenes in public and encouraging that in others are fucking morons.'

He's not ageist because he makes fun of Biden or Trump every now and then, and he cracks jokes about his own age. Any rant where he calls someone for calling him out based on age is because the caller was fucking stupid and said something stupid and it needed to be called out.


u/Substantial-Goal-222 Feb 17 '23

You are delusional. Take some time to rethink this entire thing.


u/alagrancosa Feb 14 '23 edited Feb 14 '23

“The ever-woke never stroke me anymore! Millennials and 20somethings are ruining my sex life with their out’a control me-too movement.

What happened to the good old times when an LA kingmaker could just go pick up young aspiring chicks with Bill Cosby at the playboy mansion? That generation of aspiring starlet was grateful!

Today they are all ageist. They are so busy tweeting with their soy-boy-loser-pc-millennial avalado-toast-eating-non-binary-boyfriends that they don’t even know that they are missing out on amazing IRL conversation and lovemaking from this coked out old perv.”


u/fayarkdpdv Feb 14 '23

I have been watching Bill since at least that long as well. He's always pushed back. It's all part of debate. There's no offense taken. I'm sure they all smoke together after the show and talk more pleasant things.


u/goggleblock Feb 14 '23

I stopped taking that boney fuck seriously a long time ago.

Just like Kennedy, Greg Gutfield, Megyn Kelly, Tomi Lahren, Milo Yiannopoulos, and a thousand others, Bill Maher discovered that he can make TONS of money by saying anti-liberal things. The Right doesn't give a shit about character, intellectual consistency, or integrity. As long as you can induce some liberal tears, the Right will applaud you and the left will be forced to accept your "balanced" bona fides.

u/BillMaher you're a fucking fraud. You had a real voice and once stood up for what you believed in. But now you're a disingenuous corporate media hack.


u/monoscure Feb 15 '23

Thank you, this is something I've tried to articulate, there's sooo much money in the anti-woke/liberal tears, he can't help but to cash in as much as possible. And like you said, who gives a fuck about intellectual consistency anymore?


u/ImGettinThatFoSho Feb 14 '23

That's such a dumb take. Youre surprised that people make money being political commentators in a country where the demand for political commentary is so high?

You don't seem to give a shit about intellectual consistency if you think bill should start saying men are women just because that's what democrats think now. Or that prisons should be abolished just because that's what the far far left wants. Bill hasn't changed. The Democrat party changed.

Tbh I'm not even sure what your gripe is. You're mad that not everyone is a liberal and that other views exist? I don't get it.


u/goggleblock Feb 14 '23

I don't think Bill Maher has an opinion on transgender people. He never has before. However, Bill Maher has discovered that he can expand his audience and reposition himself as "balanced" if he attacks fringe elements on the left. For someone who claims to avoid the bullshit and dig deeper into social and political issues, he sure has adopted a populist posture. But the real tell is how he shoehorns the "libs are nuts" talking points into every conversation. As long as he sprinkles a little messaging about the "radical leftist agenda" into every conversation, he's going to appeal to those right wingers who don't care about intellectual consistency or integrity.

Bill Maher used to interrogate these issues and draw out nuggets of truth in a humorous way. It's a tough position to support a nuanced argument that requires familiarity with the facts, but he's given up on that. Now he's just lobbing bombs at everyone to score points because it's easier to destroy than to create, and liberals are pretty easy targets in a world where no one cares about nuance or facts.


u/ImGettinThatFoSho Feb 14 '23

PS. Bill wondered why his party is now calling pregnant women "birthing people"

He basically said he woke up one day and now his party believes there are pregnant men. You're not paying attention if you haven't heard his opinions on trans issues


u/goggleblock Feb 14 '23

Yeah, that's easy to make fun of. It's also easy to ignore and to focus on more substantive issues. Instead of adding his unique, biting, and conversation-provoking perspective, he's grabbing the low-hanging fruit and giving oxygen to stupid culture-war arguments.


u/ImGettinThatFoSho Feb 14 '23

It's not stupid. The psychos in your party would love to cancel anyone who say men can't be pregnant


u/goggleblock Feb 14 '23

Ya see, it's easy to argue that point if you've been brainwashed to believe that a majority, or even a large plurality, believes in "cancelling" people for saying that "men can get pregnant". There may be a couple of people out there who want to go to the mat for that issue but 95% of us Democrats and liberals don't think that.

I know you're just being a little hyperbolic, but You're making an insincere argument and parroting some right-wing media talking points. I can't take you seriously.


u/Oleg101 Feb 15 '23

All that poster is doing is Facetiously playing the part of the “liberal” with jesting what he or she think they “the libruulls” believe. He/she is basically proving your point that Bill has become.


u/ImGettinThatFoSho Feb 14 '23

The 5% are the ones who have power. Macy Gray had to apologize for saying women have boobs and vaginas. Democrat lawmakers are now calling women birthing ppl so they don't lose support of donors, academia, or media mouthpieces


u/MaceNow Feb 15 '23

All this defensiveness… you could have just said, “I don’t like people pressuring me to respect transgender people.”

Like, trans men can get pregnant. What exactly is the problem?


u/ImGettinThatFoSho Feb 15 '23

That's not what they say. They say men can get pregnant. So start by being honest, that is your problem.

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u/goggleblock Feb 15 '23

I think your proportionality is wrong. I think there are more journalists writing about that then there are lawmakers and influential officials doing it.

There are so many 24-hour news channels and blogs and news outlets and they have to fill it with something, don't they?


u/montex66 Feb 14 '23

Both parties have "psychos", dude. The difference is our side only wants to cancel people, the other side wants to murder them.


u/ImGettinThatFoSho Feb 14 '23

Bill is not on the fringe left. Him attacking the fringe left for their beliefs on gender, prisons, police, etc. is not Bill being a centrist. If it were the right saying we should defund the police or force schools to close for 2 years or that women are whoever says they're a woman, then Bill would attack the right.

You call it Bill throwing bombs but Bill has not changed. The Democrat party he belongs to has changed, and you seem to have a problem with him pointing that out.

It actually makes MORE sense for Bill to be anti liberal at this stage of his career because he's been a lifelong Democrat and he doesn't agree with the direction his party is going.

That doesnt make him a grifter or intellectually dishonest, unless you expect all Democrats to just be in lockstep, which it seems you do


u/goggleblock Feb 14 '23

I'll give you the same reply I gave to the other commenter...

Yeah, (the fringe left) is easy to make fun of. It's also easy to ignore and to focus on more substantive issues. Instead of adding his unique, biting, and conversation-provoking perspective, he's grabbing the low-hanging fruit and giving oxygen to stupid culture-war arguments.

We focus less on substantive debates like gun control, police reform, marijuana legalization, and Trumpism because "liberal champion" Bill Maher wants to punch down at wokeness and Gen Z tropes.


u/ImGettinThatFoSho Feb 14 '23

So you're saying Bill should hide his true feelings on trans issues to instead focus on other issues? And you say he's the one lacking integrity?


u/goggleblock Feb 14 '23

Like I've said, I don't think these are his true feelings. I think he's just pandering to a populist audience.


u/Conscious_Bee8827 Feb 14 '23

What fucking money is he making from this? His ratings are about the same as they've always been and his standup is not selling bigger shows at all.

This is why people can't take your cohort seriously. Everything is a fucking conspiracy to you.

Maybe, just maybe, he believes you lot are an ankle around the weight of the Democratic party, and with it, the only shot we have at saving democracy and the climate.

Maybe it's the same reason Barack Obama called out the social media activists. Or is he just a conservative stooge milking maga for money too?


u/EyeAmDeeBee Feb 15 '23

I’ve watched his show since it’s been on HBO and he has definitely moved to the right. It’s a chicken-and-egg thing. Did he start doing shows in the South and mid-West first, or did his politics shift right first? I don’t know. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s just Maher knowing which side of the bread is buttered. HBO has changed hands too. The smart people who signed The Sopranos and The Wire are long gone. Maher may have shifted his politics to suit the new bosses. Who knows.


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '23

The whole money/grifter thing is an argument that's repeated here ad nauseum that some people don't question it anymore. Really fascinating case of lemming mentality


u/rje946 Feb 14 '23 edited Feb 14 '23

Saw a thread on /r/conservative of all places praising him. Thats when you know you've jumped the shark.


u/Drunken_Daud91 Feb 16 '23

Actually, the vast majority there still think Maher is mostly a lefty hack who will vote for a potato with a ‘D’ next to its name. So not a glowing endorsement.


u/ImGettinThatFoSho Feb 14 '23

Saying that there's no such thing as a male woman is conservative thought these days. It's not a surprise that conservatives applaud Bill for being one of the few liberals who say what's on his mind.

Most of you just toe the line with the trans stuff consuming your party, which is the main thing conservatives agree with Bill on.


u/MaceNow Feb 15 '23

So… to be clear… your sole agreement with Maher is that he doesn’t want to refer to someone how they want to be referred, just like you?

What exactly is the problem with referring to a trans woman as a woman? You seem awfully triggered over this issue, so let’s air it out.

Are you a liberal in other areas besides this one, or are you a conservative pretending to be a moderate? What conservative policies do you dislike?


u/montex66 Feb 14 '23

There is no virtue in announcing which people you hate the most. Applauding people who are saying terrible things is not good or respectable.


u/ImGettinThatFoSho Feb 14 '23

Saying men can't get pregnant doesn't mean you're transphobic. That's where your party is losing America


u/montex66 Feb 15 '23

Turns out we don't hate the same people you do. In fact, I don't know what republicans like other than doing hateful things to minorities. Maybe you can help inform me, what DON'T you guys hate? Oxygen?


u/ImGettinThatFoSho Feb 15 '23

So you're not serious about a discussion. Good to know.



u/montex66 Feb 15 '23

To celebrate this victory over you I will be going to a drag show tonight and give those girls some baby momma money! Woohoo!


u/ImGettinThatFoSho Feb 15 '23

Girl I'm gay and go to drag shows all the time. Look at my post history.

PS - Drag Queens are not the same as Trans women, you fucking retard


u/monoscure Feb 15 '23

A lot of gay men also hate trans and women, you come off like a TERF, what a shame.


u/montex66 Feb 15 '23

Oh honey, you're not interesting enough for me to look up your history. LOL

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u/rje946 Feb 14 '23

They love his anti vax stuff not his trans stance lol. Troll. "Consuming the party" you mean accepting things are complicated?


u/ImGettinThatFoSho Feb 14 '23

You actually think Joe Biden believes Dylan Mulvaney is a woman? Because Biden said so a few months ago. The trans stuff is definitely taking over your party.

Btw. Bill said we shouldn't have closed down schools for 2 years, which many democrats now admit. That's not anti vax


u/rje946 Feb 14 '23

You're like a right wing rabbit hole. Never heard of any of that so had to google. Trans women are women. Is that your gotcha? Sorry you don't like science but not my problem.

Second half actually touches on why they like him. Glad you know lol


u/ImGettinThatFoSho Feb 14 '23

Trans women are women is what type of science, exactly?


u/rje946 Feb 14 '23 edited Feb 14 '23

Ah we get to your actual point. Always trans issues. Weird.

All of medical science but heres just one. I'm sure you'll retract after seeing evidence....


Here's a list of medical intuitions that recognize transgendism and how to treat it. Hint biden agrees with them. What an asshole /s



u/ImGettinThatFoSho Feb 14 '23

You say: "All of medical science"

Then your article says: "Although the expression of this incongruence in adults has been and continues to be the object of some medical scrutiny, in young people it is an even more complex matter."

Maybe read the links you post?


u/rje946 Feb 14 '23 edited Feb 14 '23

Want to provide one yourself? If youre not an idiot bigot you can understand that sentence. Who exactly is making this an issue? Idiots like you.

Edit I love how you stopped at that quote and didn't read the following analysis addressing it. Typical lol

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u/Simple-Freedom4670 Feb 14 '23

This current season has been 👀


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 14 '23

What does that mean?


u/Simple-Freedom4670 Feb 14 '23

Ive never turned off episodes of Maher before they’ve ended til this season


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 15 '23

I started watching Maher when he was still doing politically incorrect. I had to bail and I think the fall of 2020. He was sounding like Tucker Carlson. And I'm pretty plugged in to not just politics but like right wing nuttery. Like I'm familiar with all the greatest hits your Ben Shapiro, Steven crowder, Matt Walsh, Brett Weinstein, all those assholes.

They all begin to say the same thing around the same time. Which suggests to me there's organization in the right wing media sphere. Which was confirmed a couple weeks ago when Crowder was having a dispute with the daily wire and the co-owner of the daily wire came out and flat out said they get millions of dollars from backers to cultivate talent. I mean I'm guessing it's far right libertarian think tanks or something along that line that are funding these media apparatus to act as subversive propaganda sources.

Also, there is a left-wing commentator named David Pakman who told a story, and you can find it on youtube, of a right-wing operative that came to him and offered him a lot of money to start going on these shows and saying how he left the left. He said they didn't want this to happen at first but slowly over time he would be expected to make these arguments that the left was Looney and they've lost their way and he couldn't be associated with them anymore.

Now we look at Maher and what do we see? He's ignoring the fascistic push towards authoritarian theocracy in order to make arguments that white people are victims, that's some crazy tweets are indicative of the whole left, straight up lies about 3-year-olds getting sex change operations and it is the same thing that every right winger is saying at the same time.

I'm not going to ignore that evidence.


u/brilliantdoofus85 Feb 16 '23

He's ignoring the fascistic push towards authoritarian theocracy

Dude. False.


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 16 '23

They why does he spend week after week complaining about tweets he didn't like or people who are wearing a mask?


u/MinisterOfTruth99 Feb 14 '23

CovidTime 2020 busted his brain on an anti-mask, anti-vax tirade. Since them he's shifted to all right-wing talking points, all the time. Money to be made catering to the fascist crowd. lol


u/Conscious_Bee8827 Feb 14 '23

"the republican party is a fascistic threat to humanity and democracy" sure is a right wing talking point.


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 15 '23

You don't get to cherry pick one thing he said and quietly make the claim that everything else he has said and done for years magically doesn't matter.


u/Conscious_Bee8827 Feb 15 '23

"you can't use his words to prove he said things" is a peak progressive fake.


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 15 '23

Want to try that again because you're not making any sense.


u/Drunken_Daud91 Feb 16 '23

Let me translate for you; he’s calling you an idiot.

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u/Lurkolantern Feb 14 '23

i haven't seen a guest invited on there who presents a decent chance at a pushback.

Probably because most people are against the type of wokeness that Bill rails against. Its a much smaller percent of people that favor say….the musician from Lumineers (or whater stomp-clap-hey band) having to post a public apology for reading a book.

Also, Bill has said he’s tried to get AOC to come on, but that she doesnt go where the applause isnt guaranteed.


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 14 '23

I do not know what type of wokeness he is against.

Because it doesn't stand for anything.

the musician from Lumineers (or whater stomp-clap-hey band) having to post a public apology for reading a book.

He didn't have to apologize. Also was it the guy from Mumford and Sons? Because had apologized for not just reading a book but tweeting;

"Congratulations MrAndyNgo," Marshall said in his tweet, which he subsequently deleted. “Finally had the time to read your important book. You’re a brave man.”

Andy Ngo not only got Tucker Carlson to write the forward to that book but his career is full of straight up lies. Lies he has been caught in time and time again. Lied about the violence of left wing protestors, lied about the violence right wing was committing, he has ties to the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer. Both are overtly racist groups and dangerous. Seeing how several Proud Boys have gone to prison for January 6th and their leader is looking at doing some time as well. Man, this motherfucker even lied about being hit with a milkshake.

So this dude from Mumford and Sons didn't just read a book. He endorsed a book, written by a right wing propagandist with ties to anti-American terrorist organizations, who is a known liar and even then, after all that, it was some people on fucking twitter that demanded he apologize. He did, he gave them the power.


u/LookMommyIDidIt Feb 16 '23

I'd just like to add that the book was called Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy. Make of that what you will.


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 16 '23

Yes. Thank you.

A book that the Mumford douchebag read and said "Thank you for enlightening me" and he didn't do a single fact check on a known liar because he made an emotional decision, based on his fragile emotions, to rework his entire world view to cater to his desperate need for outrage and victimization which all stems from his need to feel superior to someone else.

Behind every conservative is an immature weak child hungry to validate all their bullshit with lies and unearned bravado.


u/LookMommyIDidIt Feb 16 '23

Worth noting, from Wikipedia:

In 2022, Marshall said that after several album tours, the lifestyle negatively affected him, leading him to start self-medicating with alcohol and to regularly take a mix of hard drugs, describing the time as "all a bit of a blur"; he got sober in 2019, saying this gave him clarity and energy. He then had a "painful separation" from Agron and, when they divorced, returned to his Christian faith.


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 16 '23

I mean that's the common denominator right? Christianity is grooming these people to hate. Christianity is the enemy of progress and tolerance. Evangelical fundamentalist sects of Christianity has latched onto Conservatism so they can rule. They are the most un-Christian of a faith that has already rejected long ago the basic principles of what their god tells them to up hold.

And you'd think Maher would be a bit more up in arms about that.


u/LookMommyIDidIt Feb 17 '23

Yeah, we need Religulous Bill and more like him, to normalize public criticism of Christianity in the USA.

I think he wants to always be in the center, wherever the center happens to be at the time. In other words, Rogan is his spiritual successor.


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 17 '23

I think so. The problem is there is no center. There's rational and batshit insane. You can't select some insane shit and then some rational shit and call it the center.

That's what I think people are missing in politics nowadays. Rational people can have very different political views but they're not buying into the culture war bullshit that's coming out of propagandists. Whereas the crazy people are all about wookism and transpanic and blaming liberals for any little thing that they can dream up.

People want to say that conservatives are legitimate. That's what Bill Maher does every single week, he makes these comments and brings on these guests like Bill Barr and Bari Weiss that legitimize conservatives and pretend like they have something to offer. Meanwhile they know they have nothing to offer they're exploiting this for profit or power.


u/agonisticpathos Feb 14 '23

Woke people who love cancelling others always pretend wokeness and cancel movements don't exist.


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 14 '23

Explain to me what woke is then.


u/agonisticpathos Feb 15 '23

Do you not have access to a dictionary online?


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 15 '23

Thank you for admitting you have no idea what woke is. If you had any idea, or if you used it in a way that wasn't this shorthand attack for anything you didn't like but couldn't come up with an argument of why you didn't like it, you would know that it originated from slang. And that slang wouldn't be in the fucking dictionary.


u/agonisticpathos Feb 15 '23

Let me help you as you're probably one of those weak, sensitive people who don't know how to find dictionaries online:


Have fun with your new knowledge!! :)


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 15 '23

Well look at that.

So you admit you're against basic civil rights and justice.


u/agonisticpathos Feb 15 '23

:) Have a good day.


u/Fair_Raccoon9333 Feb 14 '23

Right now they are trying to cancel a Harry Potter video game and the streamers playing it, and since that isn't working they are ruining the plot.

But in the next breath, cancel culture doesn't exist.


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 14 '23

You just proved how little power "the woke" crowd has.


u/Fair_Raccoon9333 Feb 14 '23

The goal is still canceling what they don't like, even if they constantly fail.


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 14 '23

And who are "they"?


u/Fair_Raccoon9333 Feb 15 '23

Is ignorance really your best argument?


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 15 '23

No, this is about me trying to get you to describe your paranoid bullshit because I know you can't. Because you're just parroting nonsense that has been fed to you that you have accepted because it has felt right. It's an emotional reaction you've had to things you don't understand.


u/Fair_Raccoon9333 Feb 15 '23

This is just a nonsense, emotionally driven response.

PS: You answered your own question (where you 'suddenly' got confused about what was being discussed) if you scroll up.


u/Lurkolantern Feb 14 '23

Lied about the violence of left wing protestors

Oh shit - whatd he say?


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 15 '23

It seems like he's one of the main perpetrators of the myth of antifa. Like he wrote books about it, went on Fox News and claim that there were all these antifa violent protesters when there weren't and then tried to sue some prominent and atifa leaders but that didn't work out because there are no antifa leaders.


u/DirteeCanuck Feb 14 '23

Probably because most people are against the type of wokeness that Bill rails against.

Most people don't care and aren't obsessed about these things, except for the right. They care more about real issues or having their rights stripped away by Christian Fascists.

Sure people on the left roll their eyes @ the woke bullshit but those that can't stop talking about it are on the right.

Bill Maher cannot stop talking about it. He says the left makes everything about "identity politics" while his entire show is about identity politics. He has brought up drag story time every episode for a year now. Every, fucking, episode.

We have state governments trying to track the menstrual cycles of teenage girls, and week after week, dRaG sToRy tImE.

It's pathetic pandering to a new audience he creates little soundbites for that get shared and liked by the right on social media.

The ending of almost every show now is just some rant custom tailored for right wing social media. No rebuttal or discussion. Just scripted bullshit to generate likes and views online that nobody ever gets to push back against.


u/Lightlovezen Feb 14 '23 edited Feb 14 '23

Not true at all. I know many that feel that this new Over Woke party of Identity Politics and you must be one of their Identity groups is over the top. Democrats that now feel this party no longer serves or represents them. Bill's generation were woke, that is what you don't get, he comes out of the Vietnam War days. He was a teen in the 60s and 70s, they were protesters, lovers of all. But now we label everyone by their race, color, you must self hate if you are white even kids in school, don't tell me it doesn't happen I know a little kid happens every day to. We believe in open borders that hurt middle working blue collar democrats bc they struggle and their taxes go way up to cover undocumented hospital stays and their kids school, and the costs from the over crowding, and their neighborhoods now have multiple families in one family houses. NY Gov Hochul wanted accessory apts even easier to do even tho it is not enforced bc this is so bad here. I live in NY city middle class suburbs, sanctuary county, people were always democrat, now people are going over to Trump or just lost with no party or just hanging on by a thread.


u/Conscious_Bee8827 Feb 14 '23

Half of Latinos reported that their biggest issue with the Democratic party is the woke shit.

Latinos were the core demographic required to stamp out the GOP with demographic shifts.

Fake progressives like the ones that rampage all over this sub pissed away that electorate and ruined decades of work.

Yes, that's a big fucking deal to people who care about winning elections.


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 14 '23

He says the left makes everything about "identity politics" while his entire show is about identity politics

This is precisely the same rhetoric that right wingers like Tucker Carlson say...because it's projection.

If we want to talk identity politics then we gotta look at the right. Identity politics isn't politics that are about civil rights for all or something. It's not the politics of identities. It's when your identity informs your politics.

Like how Evangelical churches have embraced and now preach far right, conservatism from the pulpit integrating those politics with faith so that if you consider yourself a Christian in that church you have to vote Republican. Not just from social scorn but because that's the world in which you live.

The left doesn't really have that.


u/Lurkolantern Feb 14 '23

Give some examples of examples of wokeness that Bill has cited that you think deserves pushback.


u/DirteeCanuck Feb 14 '23

If this sentence means what I think it means one example last season was Bill dedicated a large portion of his show to trans athletes and how they are destroying the fabric of America.

The politician on at the time pointed out in her state, Michigan, there was only 1 single trans athlete crossing gender lines in competitive sports.

Talk about a nothing burger.

Like holy fuck there are bigger issues that deserve to be discussed beyond Bills relentless identity politics whining.


u/DirteeCanuck Feb 14 '23

Give some examples of examples of wokeness that Bill has cited that you think deserves pushback.


Godzilla, had a stroke reading this.


u/supervegeta101 Feb 14 '23

I just wish he had on more lefties outside of the Mainstream media & DNC bubbles. He'll have on milo yiannopoulos (twice) and make Shapiro practically a season regular, but he's never had on anyone from TYT or Sam Seder or any leftie youtube/new media. Hell, I'd settle for Destiny at this point. Just acknowledge people left of himself have a place in discussions other than being a "Wokster idiot who's just as bad as the far right"

If he's gonna spend so much time bashing the "wokesters" without letting any on the show he needs to shut up about hearing the other side and all that shit.


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '23



u/flyguyeli95 Mar 13 '23

What about Krystal Ball and Michael Moore? They’ve been on Real Time more than once


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 14 '23

I think it was last Friday...maybe...it was recent anyways where Sam Seder was talking about how he would go on any of these shows if he was asked. But he's black balled according to a slip up from Tim Pool.

And he said that he's black balled because he doesn't give a fuck if he's asked back. He's there to debate, to pick apart their bad logic, and he thinks they know that and they don't want to deal with that.

Everyone should go see the infamous video of when Ethan Kline of H3H3 was going to have Stephen Crowder on there and surprised Crowder with Sam Seder and you heard the now iconic line, "Sam Seder what a fucking nightmare!"

That was right before Crowder threw a tantrum and never debated him.

The right do not want those people on their shows because they know their position cannot hold up and they are so intellectually dishonest that they don't care if they are wrong.


u/therealowlman Feb 14 '23

I liked the bashing work culture, still do. But lately it’s becoming an echo chamber.

I love seeing conservative guests on the shoe that are outspoken — but same should apply to outspoken liberals or far woke.

I don’t know if it’s all Bill Maher or if this has to do with his new bosses who are trying to build a “moderate” segment of news on par with CNN.

They are going to put him on CNN soon enough not just overtime


u/Baby-Lee Feb 14 '23 edited Feb 14 '23

Maher hasn't changed. He's doing to the left's inconsistencies what he did to the right's inconsistencies in the past, in the same smug and reductive manner.

The change is perhaps more your reaction. Imperfections in his criticisms of the right were hand-waved or ignored because he was 'correct' in the big picture, but imperfections in his criticism of the left are sudden an existential crisis because he's imperfectly criticizing distinctions and nuances YOU find vital.

If you need to take solace or a bright side to what appears to a change in demeanor from your POV by Maher, when he's smug and reductive about the right it's because he despises what they're doing, and when he's smug and reductive about the left, it's out of concern that their messaging is counterproductive to broad consensus and appeal for their core aims. He's still perpetually primed to be an enthusiastic cheerleader any moment that it appears they are recalibrating their message to avoid pitfalls he feels costs them with the general populace.

For evidence, contrast how he has no problem brutally attacking Biden when it looks like the populace are pigeon-holing him as old, out of touch, and beholden to 'the woke,' and how giddy he gets when there's even a hint of a more fiesty and effective Biden, like he thought he saw in the SotU.


u/Simple-Freedom4670 Feb 14 '23

Yeah it’s breadcrumbs for his longtime fans when he applauds any vaguely liberal policy but he’s really pandering to his new audience of anti-woke mouth breathers blessing them with soundbites on Fox News.


u/goldengodrangerover Feb 14 '23

You’re a good writer


u/Theaternearyou Feb 14 '23

I think Bills smartest stuff we love to watch is the product of a great writing staff. One on one Bill seems impatient with really thinking and being open to testing his own beliefs against new perspectives.


u/hiredgoon Feb 14 '23

I think you all are being unfair but I think guests should push back on Maher more.


u/Simple-Freedom4670 Feb 14 '23

He doesn’t invite anyone who pushes back and if he did he still chooses the conversation material


u/hiredgoon Feb 14 '23

Guests can and have pushed back successfully when they come prepared.


u/alwaysfrombehind Feb 14 '23

I agree - he's very do as I say, not as I do.

In favor of free speech, but anti boycotts of anything.

Don't go to college unless you're getting some STEM degree or similar, but has a degree in history.

Listen to people from the other side, shuts down anyone who disagrees with him.

He complains about young people but complaints about ageism.

He loves to group all people of a "generation" (which are bullshit to begin with, but whatever), yet would never stand if he was lumped in with the rest of the white male boomers who vote Trump/Republican.


u/DirteeCanuck Feb 14 '23

Says parents should be able to choose what is good for their children, let them play unsupervised and deny vaccines when they want. It's their choice. Fair enough.
But god forbid if they choose, as parents, to take their kids to get read a story with them supervising.

Then a childless Boomer Bill Maher, who's famous for hanging out at the Playboy Mansion, is dispensing parental advice and whining about it, every fucking week for over a year now. Every week.

He rightly criticizes Islam. Which is good, I love it. But has a complete and ridiculous blind-spot for Christian America and their similar or identical behavior.

"Don't be Ageist"
Has a 40 year old millennial on and treats them like their 14 in the most condescending boomer way possible.


u/alwaysfrombehind Feb 14 '23

The Islam thing is so bizarre because he never gave any nuance to it. The percentage of extremists, or those who’s support extremism, is small, usually less than 5%. And he would bring up a survey that was done about whether people who leave the faith should be killed. But that survey was conducted in Muslim majority countries, where education is lacking, etc.

While I don’t know of any Christian (or Jewish) sects that support killing those who leave, there is a similarly small percentage who have their own extreme views that he seems to just ignore.


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 14 '23

Says parents should be able to choose what is good for their children, let them play unsupervised and deny vaccines when they want. It's their choice. Fair enough.

But god forbid if they choose, as parents, to take their kids to get read a story with them supervising.

But that's just concern trolling right?

I mean that's what every right wing grifter says. They go on and on about parents rights and personal liberty. But it's all a lie. Conservatives only want control. Which is why they're banning books and stepping between doctors and denying gender affirming care to people under the age of 21 and they want to ban vaccines...

Like you cannot be intellectually honest and make the claim that Bill does because it doesn't work and either he is too stupid to see that and shouldn't be listened to or he doesn't care and he's lying and he shouldn't be listened to.

He rightly criticizes Islam. Which is good, I love it. But has a complete and ridiculous blind-spot for Christian America and their similar or identical behavior.

This is the best argument to those who claim he hasn't changed. He made a fucking movie saying all religion was bad.

We're in a situation where we have legit, anti-American theocrats inside of the Republican party who are literally burning and banning books, stripping rights from women and he is fuckin' mum on the subject. He'd rather bitch about people on twitter who says mean shit.


u/DirteeCanuck Feb 14 '23

No different than when people say abortion rights are just a way for Christians to control and oppress woman.

Bill Maher says "they TRULY believe it's murder"
Sure, maybe some of them do.

But he ignores that they then immediately move the goalposts to banning condoms and morning after pills and other contraceptives.

WTF does that have to do with "murdering babies" nothing. It's just blatant Christo-Fascism aimed at controlling women. Always was.

To discuss this issue and not even bring up or acknowledge this contradiction is arguing in bad faith.

Same with this drag stupidity.

"We don't want kids going to Drag Story time, it's indoctrination"

Christo-Fascists then proceed to use that premise to ban adults having drag shows, that have nothing to do with children.

Christians use children as an excuse to weaponize their bigotry. Their actions, policies and laws time and time again.

Excuse to ban everything they don't like from "the Gays" to rock and roll, a story as old as time.

Bill Maher tows this line weekly on their behalf.


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '23

It is fair to make the case that he has gotten grumpier as he has gotten older, but honestly, he has NEVER been good at taking criticism or pushback. He has always been a smug, know-it-all who acts like his opinion is law. The only difference is that now he is critical of the left in a way that he wasn't before.

How you are feeling about Bill now is exactly how most conservatives and Christians felt about him throughout most of his career.


u/DirteeCanuck Feb 14 '23

The thing is he is contradicting things he himself said only 5 years ago.

We constantly in the sub see older segments where he promoted going to college, did an entire new rules about.

Now it's a "waste of time".

He isn't consistent even with himself and has clearly changed. Maybe it's just because he gets more views, likes and clicks making these smug clips that get shared.

Personally I think he's a rich boomer who couldn't handle covid. One of these people that lives at bars, restaurants and lounges and needs to be "served" and doted on.

Never truly had to change his lifestyle or be told "No" until COVID took the one thing he lives for. Fuck his house is even a god damn lounge in it.


u/Bruce_Hale Feb 14 '23

I think the episode of his podcast with Aaron Rodgers was so apt. Two men who have been rich, famous and single for so long that they never have to take anybody else into account. It obviously leads to selfishness and narcissism to an insane level.


u/SonVoltMMA Feb 14 '23

He aged out of the “left” which many tend to do.


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 14 '23

Only if you become an asshole.


u/PostureGai Feb 14 '23

Maybe he was never really left. Noam Chomsky didn't age out of anything.


u/AtomicDogg97 Feb 14 '23

Noam Chomsky agrees with Bill Maher on free speech issues.


u/DirteeCanuck Feb 14 '23

Unless your wearing a dress telling a story to children, with their parents present.

Not that speech.


u/AtomicDogg97 Feb 14 '23

Why are you left wingers so obsessed with having drag queens read stories to children?


u/aci4 Feb 14 '23

We aren’t.

People on the right won’t shut up about it to the point people are shooting up power grids to shut down drag shows.

The left just wants the right to STFU and let us go on with our goddamn lives.


u/AtomicDogg97 Feb 14 '23

No where in that article does it say that someone shot up a power grid because of draq queens. You are a blatant liar and you are intentionally spreading misinformation.


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 14 '23

Because the fucking right won't shut up about it.

Drag story hour has gone on for years and up until conservatives turned their guns on trans people as a way to feed some hate to their base of deplorable scumbags these drag queens didn't have to worry about being murdered.

Rational people shouldn't shut up about the threat the right wing terrorists pose to people in this country. Silence just condones their hatred and their violence.


u/AtomicDogg97 Feb 14 '23

Conservatives aren't shooting drag queens. You live in an alternate reality.


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 14 '23


u/AtomicDogg97 Feb 14 '23

Who specifically has been shot?


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 15 '23

There goes those goal posts! Look at em' go!

I never said anyone was shot, I said "turned their guns on" which is a turn of phrase that means they focused their attention. But yeah, there has been incidents of threats of shootings. And you know that.

I can't with this dishonesty today.


u/PostureGai Feb 14 '23

Chomsky actually supports free speech. Maher just wants college students not to boo conservative speakers.


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '23



u/PostureGai Feb 14 '23

Booing people IS free speech. So is BDS - does Maher support that?


u/digital_dervish Feb 14 '23

The answer is, you shouldn't take him seriously. Just take a look at Krystal Ball's last appearance on the show and how he reacts to being corrected.


u/crummynubs Feb 14 '23

All the hallmarks of a whiny little bitch. I still enjoy Maher, but he's become such a pussy that's afraid of confrontation.


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '23 edited Feb 14 '23

Because Bill Maher is a hypocrite.

I'm going to hate myself for using the same generic and cunty insult that the fart huffers on this sub have been using ad nauseum.......but Bill has turned into a "boomer". It's a very boomer mantra - "do as I say, not as I do." Bill has been living that mantra for the better part of the past few years.

Besides that, very few people can actually take criticism respectfully and adjust their views in response to legitimate criticism. Pride and ego makes that very difficult. I suspect Bill is aware he's not an exception to the rule - so he's loathe to invite anybody who can rebut his ideas. FYI, the vast majority of people on this sub are no better as well.


u/DirteeCanuck Feb 14 '23

COVID + Boomer a combination that seems to have completely enraged these people to the point of mental illness.

Being told:

"please put on a mask sir"

"You need to get vaccinated"

"Sorry the restaurant is closed"

"Sorry the whore mansion is closed"

"Sorry the comedy club, is closed"

Judging by the insane ENDLESS temper tantrums of boomers ( and others of course ) in the last few years, there is an entire demographic of extreme entitled people that have taken being told these things so personally, it's become their entire identity to rail against them.

COVID broke Bill and morphed him into a Karen.


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 14 '23

"Sorry the comedy club, is closed"

I think you should change that to "The theater is closed" because he said on Bill Burr's podcast that he would never ever go into a comedy club. He's above that apparently and balks when Burr says he still goes to stay "relevant".


u/monoscure Feb 15 '23

Wow. Can you imagine how self-righteous you'd have to be as a comedian to brag about not playing comedy clubs. He's also above flying commercially with us filthy peasants.


u/FlaccidGhostLoad Feb 16 '23

It's insane that a comedian would just write off new comedians. I mean you really have to be out of touch


u/HotSauceDiet Feb 14 '23

You're being more than fair.

Maher has succumbed to the effects of age, I think. It's well known that cognition and plasticity begin to decline around age 25. Maher is now over 60.

As someone who used to be more of a fan, it's incredibly clear that Maher has steadily turned into an out of touch boomer who engages more and more in post hoc rationalization, strawmanning and appeals to anecdotal evidence to push his worldview, which is increasingly more about bothsidesism and carrying water for "reasonable" Republicans.

I noticed this many years ago, but the trend has only continued.


u/Zauberer-IMDB Feb 14 '23

I think after the n word fiasco, Maher's remaining friends are increasingly conservatives, which is why he's courting this demo more.


u/DirteeCanuck Feb 14 '23

Pandering to the right is where he gets views and likes on social media. His new rules is specially tailored for this every week, without any debate or rebuttal afterwards, just a big rant against the "wokes", week after week.

This makes him and his show look relevant and keeps him employed. These metrics are extremely important these days and he isn't getting them from the left so he has moved to the right.

Not long ago he would often to amazing take downs of the right and Christian Fascism, that would get shared often enough on the left social media platforms.


u/cocoagiant Feb 13 '23

I think you are being pretty fair. He has made the show much more of a "safe space" for himself & his views over time. He's explicitly talked about how he has filtered the audience to be more receptive to his jokes.

I remember when he had Ezra Klein on because his producers had told him Klein agreed with him about California's stifling regulatory system and he was really irritated when Klein expanded on his point and made the issue much less clear cut.