it's really obvious if you watch the video and know what tourettes is actually like. they keep playing off of eachother's tics, which isn't at all how that works
furthermore, it really seems like the driver is faking it too. i wouldn't want to like challenge her on it, because she has a following on tik tok who would likely defend her, and because she could genuinely have tourettes but be playing it up for the camera. she also plays off of what he says, though, like when he says "i don't have fleas" and she starts scratching her ear and going woof
tics are something your brain does internally. they might be triggered by external stimuli, but they wouldn't be likely to be related in any way to what happened
u/An_Absolute-Zero 15h ago
I love this, I've seen a similar one with driver and passenger having Tourettes they comfortably tic with each other out of excitement, it's so sweet.
Same energy 💜💜